MLP MYM Chapter 7 Episode 2 M...

By K0smicgr4pe

804 1 0

The Mane 6 and Sparky wandered into the Bridlewood forest after a fun day at the beach and found the fountain... More

Bridlewood Fountain of youth mystery
Zipp Storm's's mystery/1st victim: Sunny Starscout
1st Morning/2nd Victim: Izzy Moonbow
Baby Mane 2's playtime/2nd bedtime
2nd morning/3rd victim: Hitch Trailblazer
Baby Mane 3 and Sparky's playtime/3rd bedtime
3rd morning/4th victim: Pipp Petals
The Baby Mane 4 and Sparky's playtime
Opaline's tree escape/The search for the Mane 6/4th Bedtime
4th morning/5th victim: Zipp Storm
Baby Mane 5 and Sparky's playtime/5th bedtime
5th morning/6th and final victim: Misty Brightdawn
Baby Mane 6, and Sparky's playtime/Opaline and the others arrival/6th bedtime
6th and final morning/Family photo/Equestrian promise/Back to normal

Zipp Storm's research/Baby Sunny Starscout's playtime/1st Bedtime

153 0 0
By K0smicgr4pe

It makes the Mane 6 into the Mane 5.

"How did this happen to me?" Asked Baby Sunny Starscout.

Zipp Storm started to think just like Jimmy Neutron.

"Come on, Zipp. Think. Think! Think!"

The camera goes into her ear and then her brain and she got all 3 clues together: The fountain, the drink, and Baby Sunny Starscout. And then, a lightbulb appears over her head.

"Brain blast!" Said Zipp Storm.

"What is it, Zipp?" Asked Pipp Petals.

"I figured it out, Pipp! Come on, everypony! To the secret lab!" Said Zipp Storm. Everypony went to the secret lab including Baby Sunny Starscout.

"Here it is!" Said Zipp Storm.

"What'd you find, Zipp?" Asked Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

"According to my knowledge, and the glitter and water, the fountain of youth is what caused Sunny Starscout to turn into a little baby." Said Zipp Storm.

"Oh, so that's what happened to me!" Said Baby Sunny Starscout.

"Is there a cure?" Asked Izzy Moonbow.

"Not normally, no." Said Zipp Storm.

"And do the effects wear off?" Asked Pipp Petals.

"Uh, so far, no. No, they don't." Said Zipp Storm.

"So, does that mean that I'm gonna be stuck as a baby forever?" Asked Baby Sunny Starscout.

"Uh, very probably. So, uh, yeah." Zipp Storm replied.

"So, uh, what do we do now?" Asked Baby Sunny Starscout.

"Hmm... Let's see. (Gasps) I know! Let's play some games, Sunny." Said Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

"Yeah. (Cooing/Baby voice and singing) You're gonna like your favorite games, my wittle baby Sunny Starscout." Cooed Pipp Petals.

They went up to the living room. They played Hide and seek, and "Where's the Baby?".

Baby Sunny Starscout started laughing because she found those games funny.

"So, Sunny, are you ready to wear a diaper?" Asked Izzy Moonbow.

"Sure, Izzy, why not?" Replied Baby Sunny Starscout.

Izzy Moonbow carried her upstairs to her room and she found some baby diapers for Sunny and Izzy taped a diaper around Baby Sunny Starscout's waist so Baby Sunny Starscout won't make a mess, and Baby Sunny Starscout gave Izzy Moonbow, her bag and she placed it in her drawer.

"There. All done, my wittle Baby Sunny Starscout." Said Izzy Moonbow.

"Wow, thanks, Izzy!" Said Baby Sunny Starscout.

"You're welcome, Sunny." Replied Izzy Moonbow. She carried her downstairs.

"Wow, Izzy! You gave Sunny a baby diaper." Said Pipp Petals.

"I sure did." Said Izzy Moonbow.

"Ready to play more games, my wittle Baby Sunny Starscout?" Cooed Hitch Trailblazer.

"Yeah, I sure can, Hitch Trailblazer." Laughed Baby Sunny Starscout.

"I'll cue the Baby Einstein Music." Said Zipp Storm as she pulled out the radio.

They played more games: Sparky and Hitch played more of Hide and Seek.

"Ok, Baby Sunny. Where are you, you cutie? (Singing) Come out, come out, wherever you are." Said Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

Sparky Sparkeroni pointed where Baby Sunny Starscout hiding. She's hiding under a tablecloth where her tail is sticking out.

"I found you!" Said Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

Baby Sunny Starscout laughed and clapped her hooves. "Well done, Sheriff Hitch!" Cheered Baby Sunny Starscout.

"Thanks, Baby Sunny." Thanked Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

"Ok, Izzy. Your turn!" Said Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer to Izzy Moonbow, while she's carrying Baby Sunny Starscout on her back.

Izzy Moonbow starts to make funny faces just like what she did in Starlight Ridge.

(Start at 0:51)

Baby Sunny Starscout found it so funny and she started laughing.

Zipp Storm played a game of "Where's the baby?". She covers her face with her hooves.

"(Gasps) Where's the baby? (Gasps) Where's the baby?" She uncovers her face. "There she is."

She laughed again at her game.

Pipp Petals started tickling Baby Sunny Starscout's tummy.

"Coochie Coochie Coo." Said Pipp Petals while tickling Baby Sunny Starscout's tummy.

She laughed once again.

At night, The Mane 5 (Izzy Moonbow, Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm, and Misty Brightdawn), Sparky Sparkeroni, and Baby Sunny Starscout were laughing altogether.

"That was so much fun!" Said Baby Sunny Starscout. She rubbed her eyes and stretched and yawned.

"You feeling sleepy, Baby Sunny?" Asked Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer.

"Yeah. (Yawns) I'm tired." Said Baby Sunny Starscout as she yawned again.

The Mane 5 (Izzy Moonbow, Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm, and Misty Brightdawn), and Sparky Sparkeroni picked her up and went upstairs and carried her to the bathroom and gave her a bath so she can be clean tomorrow and they dried her up and brought her in bed in her room. Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer gave her a good night kiss and tucked her in her blanket, and Pipp Petals sang a lullaby.

Pipp Petals (sings):
Hush now, my baby
Be still love, don't cry
Sleep as your rocked by the stream

Sleep and remember
my last lullaby
So I'll be with you when you dream

Baby Sunny Starscout yawned and went to sleep and listened to Brahms' Lullaby thanks to Zipp Storm's radio for babies.

"Good night, Baby Sunny. We'll see you in the morning." Said the Mane 5 (Izzy Moonbow, Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm, and Misty Brightdawn), and Sparky Sparkeroni, whispering softly as they close the door.

"Good night, my friends. (Yawns)" Baby Sunny Starscout said, sleepily.

She finally went to sleep and listened to lullaby music.

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