Backstage love ♮ Park Jisung

By markscult

453K 30.9K 38.3K

♮Idol au ♮"I don't think I can do it." "Of course you can, I believe in you. Don't worry, okay... More



10.7K 683 729
By markscult

You can't spell lonesome without me
and there's no hope in misery

Andy 😨

Happy new year!!

happy new year 😄

Time to figure out who's the real ones

😭 im starting to think you actually believe in these

They're fun to look att
Lemme see mine

Okay maybe it is inaccurate lmaooo

😭😭 i told u

One day it will be accurate and then I'll prove u wrong
The performances are finally overr im so tired 😴

its been a busy day today lol

Still I hope 2024 is a busy year for me

Jeno loves Jisung


Eunhye: omg happy new year ❤️❤️ it's not midnight over here for me yet

Mei: Eunhye I miss u girllllll come back to Korea
Happy new year 💓💓💓💓

Wooyung: another year with me guys ur so blessed

Hyunjae: 🫤
Hello??????? Ru done w ur performances yet

Jaemin: HAPPY NEW YEAR 😆😍😍🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘🥹💖💖💖💗💗🩷❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹💗💞💞💕❣️❣️💖💖💘🩷🩷❤️🩷🩷❤️🩷

Mark: yoooooo happy new year 🥳

Happy new year guysss

Chenle: I can't believe another year has gone

Jeno: 😊 happy new year

Haeri: happy new year 💖

Renjun: happy new year 🥳🎉🎉

Andy 😨: happy new year 😄

Haechan: happy new year 🥰


Seola: 2024!!
I'm sensing great things this year
I can feel it in my bones
Let's place a bet for the new year, I know what will happen ***** *** ******

Mark: can you guys stop speaking in code 😣

Hyunjae: 😋😋😋😋

Liked by Seolasystem, Akaricore, Hanadulset, _Yinsuuu, DoYeonhee__and 829k others

Hayuniverse 2024 🎉
Tap to view all comments

The cafeteria hummed with the gentle buzz of conversation and the clinking of cutlery against plates. As Hayun entered, her senses were immediately greeted by the warm aroma of food and the soft murmurs of fellow idols and staff members.

Her gaze swept across the room, and amidst the sea of occupied tables, she spotted Jisung sitting alone in a quiet corner. The soft glow of the overhead lights cast a warm ambiance around him, creating a blanket of solitude despite the bustling cafeteria.

Jisung, engrossed in his meal, appeared lost in his own world. The gentle curve of his profile was highlighted by the soft cafeteria lighting, casting a subtle glow on his features.

As she reached his table, Jisung glanced up, his eyes momentarily meeting hers. There was a flicker of surprise, followed by a warm recognition that painted his features.

The scrape of the chair against the floor resonated as Hayun took a seat. The cafeteria sounds melded into a gentle symphony.

A comfortable silence settled between them and Hayun's gaze shifted from the surrounding activity to Jisung, appreciating this unhurried moment.

"Aren't you going to eat?" he inquired, a touch of concern softening his features.

Hayun, caught in a moment of contemplation, looked down at the empty table space in front of her. A gentle smile graced her lips as she shook her head.
"I'm not that hungry, but I enjoy the company."

Hayun was quick to change the topic of conversation and Jisung listened her as she did. He didn't add much to it but his expressions were refreshing to see, the way his eyes widened in surprise, hand coming to cover his mouth as he laughed in bewilderment.

Their conversation carried, weaving through topics both lighthearted and philosophical. Laughter punctuated the air, creating a shared space where the nuances of their personalities unfolded.

Jisung, usually reserved, found himself starting to talk more, feeling comfortable the more he spoke to her due to her easygoing nature.

He didn't make eye contact much, it was something she got used to.

Her gaze shifted, momentarily transcending the present scene and fixating on the world beyond the window.

Jisung, sensing the shift in her focus, looked up and across at her. The soft glow of natural light painted a subtle warmth on her features, emphasizing the gentleness of her demeanour.

She must've felt his eyes because her own flickered back towards him. As his eyes met hers, he couldn't decipher the meaning  behind Hayun's expression, however it was paired with a small smile that had began to form.

Jisung looked away instinctively, feeling nervous under her eyes.

Hayun, noticing Jisung's moment of self-consciousness, couldn't help but find his instinctive shyness endearing. A playful glint danced in her eyes as she decided to tease him gently.

"Should we have a staring contest?" She asked Jisung, his expression shifting from surprise to a mix of embarrassment, eyes widening a fraction.
"Uh, a staring contest?"

Hayun, maintaining her playful demeanor, grinned at his reaction.
"Come on, it'll be fun! Unless you're afraid you'll lose." She tilted her head.

"I probably will." He muttered, wanting to change the topic before she genuinely forced him to look into her eyes- which he could never do. That was weird.

She laughed, leaning back in her seat saving him the panic of a staring contest.
"I think I'm going to go see my family soon, when I get a little break." Hayun said, Jisung humming.
"That would be nice. You must...miss them"

She nodded, a glint of sadness passing through her gaze.
"It's weird not living at home anymore. Never thought I'd say I miss the kids screaming in the morning. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration," she paused, shaking her head. Both her and Jisung shared a laugh, his deep chuckle contrasting her airy giggle.

"But...yeah. I miss them"
Before their conversation could continue, someone had approached, making Hayun look over.
"Hey...practice starts in five." Akari said, the younger girl glancing at the time in surprise.

"Oh- I didn't realise the time." She started to get up and looked at Jisung. "I'll talk to you later? Have fun with your schedules."
Jisung nodded, feeling shy under the gaze of her member. Akari hadn't actually seen Hayun and Jisung together properly, but they were cute.

In the practice room, the vibrant energy of Everlast filled the space as they prepared for their upcoming performances. Seola, known for her infectious laughter and boundless enthusiasm, led the group through the intricate dance routines.

As the music played, Hayun seamlessly blended focused choreography with moments of spontaneous dance as the mood was still light.

Suyin and Hana mirrored Hayun's infectious energy, their laughter creating a symphony of shared joy. Akari and Seola, immersed in the dance, were off to the side going over details.

Hayun's laughter echoed through the room as she twirled Hana.
The atmosphere was filled with moments of laughter and light-hearted banter between dance sequences.

The vibrant atmosphere in the practice room shifted as Hwan, the strict and demanding choreographer, entered with an air of authority. Hayun and her members, in the midst of their joyous practice, immediately felt the room's energy morph into tension.

Hwan's sharp gaze swept across the room, dissecting every movement with a critical eye. The contagious laughter that had filled the space moments ago now seemed to dissolve under his stern presence.

Hayun, who had been leading the dance with enthusiasm, felt a knot form in her stomach as Hwan's disapproving gaze settled on her. His critiques, delivered with a sharp edge, cut through the previous lightheartedness, leaving a somber air in their wake.

"Stop, stop, stop," Hwan commanded, his tone devoid of the earlier camaraderie. "This is not the standard I expect. Hayun, your form is sloppy, and your timing is off. Everyone, pay attention!"

The mood in the room sank as Hwan dissected each movement, leaving little room for the vibrancy and spontaneity that had characterised their practice. The laughter was replaced by strained expressions as the members adjusted to the sudden shift in dynamics.

Hayun, despite her usually resilient spirit, found herself tense under Hwan's scrutiny. The once joyous dance session had transformed into a rigid, disciplined rehearsal under his watchful eye.

As Hwan continued to drill them with his sharp criticisms, the room lost its earlier warmth. The shared laughter was replaced by a collective effort to meet Hwan's strict standards, leaving tension hanging in the air.

As the practice session came to a close, Hwan motioned for Hayun to stay behind.

The members began exchanging concerned glances and were hesitant to leave Hayun by herself but as Seola started to speak, she was dismissed harshly.

The other members hesitantly left the practice room. The door closed, leaving them in an uneasy silence.

Hwan wasted no time launching into a speech of criticism. His voice, laced with disdain, cut through the air as he berated her.
"Hayun, do you even realize how bad your performances have been lately? The viewers are noticing, and they're not holding back."

With a calculated intensity, he pulled up a screen showing hate comments and critiques about Hayun's recent performances. The words on the screen were a harsh reflection of the online scrutiny she had been under.

"They're calling your dance messy, lacking precision. Your execution has been below average from the start, and it's affecting the entire group's image. You can't even dance well in front of thousands of people...but what did I expect from you honestly." Hwan continued, each word a verbal blow.

Hayun, standing there, felt the weight of his words like a heavy burden. Hwan, relentless in his critique, pointed out specific moments from their recent performances, dissecting her every move with a ruthless precision.
"This is not the standard Everlast should be setting. Your lack of discipline is dragging the whole group down."

As he continued to berate her, Hayun's usual resilience wavered. The barrage of criticism and hate comments felt like an onslaught, tearing down the confidence she had built up through her hard work.

Hwan, seemingly satisfied with his scathing critique, dismissed her with a stern warning. "You need to step up, Hayun. The group can't afford to be held back by you."

As Hayun was left alone in the practice room, the weight of Hwan's words lingered in the air. The room, once filled with the laughter and energy of Everlast, now felt like a cold space where the harsh reality of criticism and expectations loomed heavily.

Alone in the now empty practice room, Hayun's composure began to crumble. The lingering echoes of Hwan's critiques mingled with the weight of self-doubt.

The shadows of negativity crept in as she sank into the online realm, scrolling through hate comments about herself.

She had been keeping away this whole time as Seola told the members again and again to not look.

Each comment felt like a stab, a harsh reminder of the scrutiny she faced not just in the practice room but in the unforgiving realm of online opinions.

As the hateful words seeped into her consciousness, doubts about her abilities and worth began to surface. The happiness she shared with her members felt like a distant memory as the isolation of negativity enveloped her.

Hayun, usually a beacon of happiness, now struggled with the weight of the hate. Stripped of her usual confidence, she found herself entangled in the toxicity of criticisms.

The juxtaposition between the earlier liveliness and the current isolation heightened the emotional turmoil.

As she scrolled through the comments, a mixture of anger, frustration, and hurt swirled within her.

A heavy sadness settled in her chest. The words, like arrows, seemed to pierce through the walls she had build up around her heart. Determined not to show weakness, she fought against the sting of tears threatening to surface.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. The familiar dance mirrors reflected not only her physical form but also the emotional vulnerability that lay beneath the surface.

The corners of her eyes burned with unshed tears, but with a defiant shake of her head, pushed the emotions aside.
As the sadness settled within her, Hayun straightened her posture, determined not to let the tears spill.

I can't cry
Don't cry Hayun

The words of hatred became blurred, the words indistinguishable and in that moment, all of the happiness she had felt had faded.

Returning home, Hayun was met with concerned glances from her members. The girls, noticing the subtle change in her demeanor, exchanged worried looks.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Seola asked with genuine concern, the worry evident in her eyes.

Hayun, trying to muster a reassuring smile, nodded.
"Yeah, just a tough practice. Nothing I can't handle."

As Hayun made her way to her room, the weight of the hate comments and Hwan's critiques seemed to intensify.

Alone in her room, she sank onto her bed, the weariness evident in her posture.
Hana's voice echoed from outside her door, "If you need anything, we're here for you!"

Hayun, though appreciative of the support, chose to isolate herself for a moment. The tears she had held back in the practice room now threatened to spill. The members' concern had touched her, but she needed space right now.

With a heavy heart, Hayun sat at her desk and opened her laptop, pulling up the recent fancam of their performance.

As the video played, Hayun's eyes narrowed, scrutinizing every movement with a meticulous gaze.

Each step, each turn.

The once-familiar routine now carried the weight of Hwan's critiques and the echoes of hateful comments.

Her brow furrowed as she dissected her performance, pausing at moments of perceived imperfection. The dance that had once been a source of joy now became a battleground where she confronted her own doubts.

Hayun, usually a confident performer, found herself caught in a cycle of self-scrutiny.

The room, bathed in the soft glow of the laptop screen, was filled with the rhythmic beats of the music, but the ambiance was different.

She felt like she had gotten ahead of herself since debuting, forgetting how weak she was as a performer, how her members shone so brightly but she didn't.

God, who was she kidding? She would never be enough, not like this.

Since that day, Hayun couldn't shake the weight of her insecurities. On top of that, she had been sucked into a black hole of checking every single comment about her- especially the hate.

Four days had passed since her happiness of debuting had cracked right down the middle. She couldn't get herself to enjoy this time in her career, it was meant to be joyful but instead, Hayun found herself back to her old ways.

She began to spend more and more time in the practice room.

Her members were concerned, very. Especially since Hayun's eating habits had become more alarming.

In the quiet solitude of the bathroom, Hayun stood under the stark lights, her reflection illuminated with an unforgiving clarity. The weight of hateful comments about her body lingered in her mind as she scrutinized herself in the mirror.

Her gaze moved over every curve, every inch of her body. The once familiar features now became objects of analysis under the harsh illumination. The echoes of criticisms manifested in her thoughts, amplifying the insecurities that lay beneath the surface.

Hayun's fingers traced over the lines and contours of her face, her eyes reflecting the vulnerability that resided within. The harsh lighting seemed to magnify every flaw, every imperfection.

Feeling the weight of the criticisms, Hayun turned away from the unforgiving mirror and reached for the shower handle. The water cascaded in a comforting rush, the sound drowning out the echoes of negativity that clung to her thoughts.

As she stepped into the shower, the warmth of the water enveloped her, offering a momentary relief from the emotional turmoil.

As each droplet that touched her skin, Hayun closed her eyes, yet all she could see were the words that had been embedded into her head.

Jisung, accustomed to the usual interactions with Hayun, began to notice a shift. As he glanced around the cafeteria, he couldn't help but feel a void where Hayun's usual presence should be.

He realized that she hadn't been messaging him or joining him here as he ate. Concern etched across his features, he couldn't shake the bad feeling. The vibrant energy that usually accompanied her was noticeably absent.

Jisung, accustomed to Hayun's lively presence, couldn't help but notice the stark contrast as he saw her walking through the SM building later that day.
Her usual enthusiasm seemed replaced by a quiet demeanour.

Hayun, with her headphones on, walked through the corridors with a seemingly empty expression. Her usual mischievous eyes and coffee cup were absent. The vibrant energy that defined her presence seemed dimmed, leaving Jisung with a sense of unease.

As she moved through the building, lost in her thoughts with a distant look, Jisung hesitated before approaching her. The contrast from her usual lively self left him wondering about the reasons behind the change.

Maybe it was nothing...

With a furrowed brow, he decided to give her some space but couldn't shake the concern that lingered.

Another two days and nothing.

Earlier, Hayun walked into the bustling cafeteria, her movements lacking the usual buoyancy that accompanied her entrance. She grabbed a water bottle, the vibrant energy that usually accompanied her seemed conspicuously absent.

As she made her way towards the exit, she spotted Jisung seated with his members. The usual urge that often drew her towards them seemed replaced by a deliberate distance.

Surrounded by the chatter of the cafeteria, she chose not to join them, leaving without a word or a glance in their direction.

Jisung, noting her departure, couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion and concern. He was half expecting her to walk over with a teasing grin and mischief in her eyes.

Hayun, despite being physically present in the same space, seemed emotionally distant. The decision not to approach Jisung and his members left an unspoken void.

It was so unlike her.

Hayun sat alone in the apartment complex lobby, her figure slouched on the sofa with a distant gaze fixed on her phone. The soft glow of the screen illuminated her features, revealing a weariness that contrasted with her usual vibrancy.

Her head leaned into her hand, fingers absently scrolling through her phone. The ambient hum of the lobby enveloped her in a cocoon of solitude.

As Jisung walked past after being dropped home, his eyes caught the sight of Hayun in the lobby. The usual liveliness in her demeanor was replaced by an air of contemplation.

Concern etched on his face, he slowed his pace, hesitating for a moment as he observed her absorbed in her phone.

The quietness of the lobby seemed to amplify the distance that separated them in that moment. Jisung debated whether to approach her, his steps tentative.

Hayun, unaware of his presence, remained engrossed in her phone, her surroundings fading into the background. Jisung grappled with the decision of whether to intrude on her private moment or respect her space.

Ultimately, he continued to walk with hesitancy. He was still unsure, even if he went over what would he say?

But...something must've happened.

He had stopped a metre or two away from the elevator when he made the impulsive decision to turn around with the intention to go over to her.

Something stopped him in his tracks.
As Jisung considered approaching Hayun to inquire about her unusual demeanor, he hesitated when he noticed Doyun, making his way towards her.

The warmth of their bond was evident as Doyun embraced her in a tight hug, offering a level of comfort that seemed to surpass the typical boundaries of friendship.

Jisung, caught in the moment, paused in his tracks. He observed the interaction from a distance, his initial impulse to approach Hayun momentarily halted by the scene unfolding before him.

Doyun's presence seemed to provide a source of solace for Hayun, her relaxing into his embrace.

Watching the closeness between Hayun and Doyun, Jisung couldn't help but feel a wave of insecurity washing over him as it made him question if he could ever be that type of friend for her or anyone.

Ultimately, Jisung turned around and left. He was still concerned about her but right now, it looked like what she needed was not Jisung, but him.

Many had noticed the shift in Hayun, especially her members.

In the dorm, during a casual evening, the members of Everlast gathered, the atmosphere shifting from lighthearted chatter to a more serious tone.

Concern etched on their faces, they hesitated before addressing the topic.

Seola, breaking the uneasy silence, carefully broached the subject.
"Hayun, we've noticed that you haven't been eating as much lately. Is everything okay?"

Hana and Suyin exchanged worried glances, their concern mirroring the sentiments in the room. Akari, more direct, added.
"You've been skipping meals, and we're all worried about you."

Hayun, caught off guard by their observations, attempted to downplay the situation with a forced smile.
"Oh, it's nothing. I've just been busy with practices."

But the genuine worry in her members' eyes prompted Seola to press further. "Hayun, we're a team, and your well-being is important to all of us. If there's anything going on, you can talk to us."

Hayun sighed, nodding.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry for worrying you. It's just one of those days you know?"

Andy 😨


His text message that morning went unopened by Hayun. It felt weird not having her texting him repeatedly.

Jisung observed Hayun's increasing distance and the subtle changes in her behavior, a sense of unease settled within him. The usual interactions they shared seemed disrupted, and he couldn't help but feel bothered by the emotional gap that had emerged between them.

During practices and casual encounters, he noticed her distraction, the mischievous glint in her eyes replaced by a certain pensiveness.

The laughter they once shared felt like a distant memory, leaving Jisung grappling with the uncertainty of what might be troubling her.

Despite his attempts to reach out, Hayun remained distant, and the corridors of the SM building echoed with the subtle disconnection between them.

Jisung paused outside the Everlast practice room, drawn by the sound of music. As he hesitantly peered inside, his eyes fell on Hayun, immersed in a rigorous practice session.

A moment of hesitation gripped Jisung. While the desire to be there for her was strong, he recognized the importance of her focused practice. The reluctance to interrupt her in the midst of such dedication held him back.

Jisung, with a lingering gaze, decided to leave quietly, acknowledging the dedication to practices. He didn't want to disturb her as of that moment, telling himself that he would see her after she was finished.

And that's what he planned to do, well...his plan wasn't so great. He only got up to the part in his head where he goes to her practice room.

Which is where he was right now, a few hours after.

Jisung's footsteps faltered as he stood outside the practice room, inadvertently overhearing a conversation that stirred a mix of concern and apprehension. Inside, Seola's voice carried a weight of worry as she worriedly spoke the topic of Hayun's eating habits.

"Really, you've barely been eating at all. I'm so worried. I'm really worried, you need to eat Hayun."
"I'm fine, I have been eating." He heard Hayun say.

Under the weight of Seola's well-intentioned yet probing questions about her eating habits, Hayun felt a suffocating pressure building within her. The concerned interrogation, while coming from a place of care, triggered a wave of discomfort, and the room seemed to close in on her.

Feeling a sudden dizziness and the need for fresh air, Hayun beelined to the door, her movements quick and determined. The persistence left her feeling exposed and vulnerable.

The urgent desire to escape the intensity of the conversation fueled her need for space. Hayun felt not just emotionally drained but physically overwhelmed. A sudden wave of dizziness washed over her, making the room spin.

As Hayun opened the door, expecting a breath of fresh air, she was met with the unexpected sight of Jisung standing in her path. Their gazes, once warm and familiar, now clashed with an unfamiliar tension. Hayun's expression, usually open and inviting, took on a hardness and coldness.

Without exchanging words, she walked past Jisung, the air heavy as the walls closed in on her. The dizziness caused her to wobble slightly as she moved forward, unstable on her feel as she wavered.

Jisung couldn't ignore the immediate concern that flickered in his eyes as he noticed Hayun wobbling. Instinctively, he reached out, offering a steadying hand to support her. His eyes were wide with surprise.

"Woah- wait, are you okay?" His voice laced with concern but she had lightly shrugged it off with a nod of her head even though her eyes screwed shut tightly as if her head pained agonisingly.

"I'm fine." She managed to say, her lungs burning for air as she didn't so much even look in his direction but instead continued to walk as fast as she could away.

Jisung, conflicted by concern and his lack of ability to comfort her, hesitated but ultimately decided not to follow.

Girlie is not okay


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