Evolve -LuhTyler

By iluvyuriii

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Evolve: develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form. More



137 2 0
By iluvyuriii


Tallahassee Florida

"Why yo momma ain't ever at home"
Lyric said laying down on her stomach on my bed

"My mother is a hard working woman that's why but when I start making money money from YouTube she won't have to work anymore" journey express how she planed on taking care of her mother

"Girl you trying to take care of her you need somebody to take care of you get a trick" lyric carelessly ignored what journey said

"I don't want a trick lyric I can make my own money"journey rolled her eyes not liking the fact she was trying to push something she didn't want on her

"Ok but let me get the chance"lyric shrugged her shoulders and got on her phone journeys phone started to ring she picked it up and answered makayla's FaceTime call

"Helloooo journey" Kayla dragged and smiled at the phone

"Hey hey what you doing girl"journey smiled back at Kayla her emery made journey happy

"I'm wit my cousins per usual Tyler just got done with his first interview"lyrics head raised up when she heard the name Tyler

"Who is thatttt"lyric tapped on journey leg getting her attention

"Hm"she said reverting her eyes to lyric

"Who you on the phone with"lyric attempted to whisper but makayla heard her in the back

"You wit somebody journey ? I can call you back"

"Yeah my other friend is at my house it's good tho we can still talk"

"Well do you wanna pop out to this block party tomorrow it's gonna be fun I promise and Tyler shooting his music video"

"Mmm I can make some content so I guess is food included"journey put some thought into her answers before saying yes she hadn't posted on YouTube in a while so this would give her the opportunity

"Okkk these out ass boys bout to get in the car so imma talk to you later bye bookie"she didn't even give her a chance to say goodbye back before hanging up on journey

"Um excuse me??? I know she wasn't taking about the Tyler I think she's talking about"lyric sat up with a big cheesy smile

"Depends what Tyler are you talking about"

"Girl light-skin, curly hair, skinny, and he's a new rapper" she described him in a duh tone because she was positive it was the same boy

"Oh yeah that's my friends cousin"

"And you ain't think to tell me when we was at the drive bitch we could've went home with them"

"First of all at the time I was unaware of the fact he was the rapper you were geeking over and secondly I don't know why you getting so hostile is he really that big of a deal"

"Sorry it's just I could've had more time with him if I knew ask her if I can come too"journeys eyebrows raised her friend couldn't be serious the boy was a regular person why was she acting as if he was royalty

"I'll see what I can do"

"Ahhhh yay ok I'm finna go home and pick out an outfit" lyric jumped outta the bed and quickly grabbed her stuff as if she was in a rush

"It's not until tomorrow lyric why are you leaving"

"Yeah but I have to prepare I'll call you laterrr"


Tallahassee Florida

"Aye bruh It's hot as hell"Tyler laughed watching the guy's he was with try to fan themselves off

"Tyler yo ass over here smiling and shit you need to get yo ass up so we can hurry up wit dis video"mj Tyler's producer said trying to get him to move from the bench

"Say dat Nigga stay laughing and smiling been since we was jhits"grimey said laughing with Tyler

"Nah nah we ain't gotta finish dis shit today do we"one of his eyebrows raised as he looked up at mj who was standing

"Tyler Tyler !!"a female's voice shouted and he turned to look and see who it was

"Oh my im outta breath" she said taking deep breath's once she got up to me

The girl was about 5'1 light skin she had a nice lil body and a face tat

"Wassup"Tyler greeted her looking at her attire she wore a black Bikini with a white cover-up they weren't around any body of water but he didn't mind the view she gave him

"You remember me we meet like 2 weeks ago at the drive"

"Awe shit Yeah I remember you"Tyler chuckled thinking back on how she was practically knocking the little kids over trynna get to him


"Over here" she shouted back to the voice "anyways can I get a picture and maybe a follow back?" Lyric batted her lashes at the boy and smiled

The guys started laughing when she said the last part which made Tyler laugh as well

"Come on lyric Why you walk off like dat you not no lil kid"a female's voice said she walked closer to the group and it was revealed to be journey talking and she had Kayla righ beside her

"Girl I told you I was gonna go look for him"she twisted her head at the girl speaking in a defensive tone

"What yall doing Tyler ain't y'all supposed to be shooting the video"at this point some of the guys Tyler was with walked off and started their own conversation amongst themselves

"Been telling him get his ass up"mj shook his head at the fact they'd wasted 10 minutes already

"It's hot as fuck let a nigga cool down"

"5 more minutes Tyler Ian playing"mj said then turned around walking over to the camera crew

"Well um can I still get a picture?"lyric asked again and all eyes reverted to her

"Aw fasho"Tyler stood up and pulled his pants up while doing so he didn't completely understand why she was so excited to get a picture with him he'd barely went viral his song law&order 2 had about 200k views that was it

"Ok here journey take it"she passed the phone to journey then practically ran into Tyler's arms

"Girl..."Kayla gave her a mug lyric was doing too much in her eyes

"Make sure to get my good side !!"

"I got it lyric"journey said uninterested in what she was doing

"Y'all funny as hell what yall got going on"grimey laughed looking at Kayla and journey

"Not shit"Kayla answered

"You got em"Tyler asked wanting the girl to get off of him she was squeezing him too hard he was already skinny

"Yup"once she said that Tyler pulled away holding his rib cage thinking she might've fractured one

"Damn"he mumbled

"Aye let's just go"Justin said standing and chuckling he thought the whole interaction was funny between the girl being overly excited and the looks Kayla gave her

Yeah come on"Tyler sped walked away holding his side

"Bye tylerrrr!"

"Something wrong wit shawty"Tyler laughed as soon he they got far enough away

"Hell yeah she bad doe might burn yo shit up one day but bad"

"Hell nah ain't no excuses for dat ain't no hoe gon burn my shit"

"Don't fuck wit her den"

"I'm fasho coo on dat one you know I'm still trynna fuck with da friend ion give a fuck bout her nigga"he smirked at the idea

"You crazy as hell jhit"


"You not gon get me another plate ney ney"Tyler wrapped his arm around his grandmother smiling hoping she would say yes

"No Tyler you can make it yourself you not a baby anymore"

"Ok ney ney i see you don't love me no more"he got up from her bed and walked out

"Boy hush that up"his ney ney shouted which caused a smile to appear on his face

He went to the kitchen to make him another plate of food but seen Kayla and journey recording on a camera

"Oh look yall it's my cousin Tyler" Kayla turned the camera putting him in it "or LuhTyler whatever go listen to law&order 2 the music video is coming soonnnnn"

"Wassup yall heard her man go stream my shit"

"Untun no cussing allowed"journey added while looking up from her phone

"Awe shit my bad"

"Now Tyler you know what you doing"Kayla rolled her eyes walking out the kitchen with the camera

He shrugged and went over to the counter to grab him a plate

"Oh sorry you need me to move"journey stepped back thinking she was in his way

"Nah you good but when Kayla start dat YouTube shit Ian ever seen her wit a camera"

"That's mine"

"Awe shit you do YouTube how many subscribers you got"

"Bout 60k I've had the channel since I was 14"

"Damn you think they gon go play my shit"

"Yeah some of them will they are interactive"

"Shitttt we need to collab on sum"

"Boyy no"journey laughed

"Why not yo man ain't gon like dat"

"No what is the video even gonna be about what do we have in common"she placed her hand on her hip looking up at the boy Tyler was around 5'10 and journey was 5'5 the height difference was there

"No cus yo nigga is gon get in his feelings"he raised his eyebrow at her he was hoping he got a reaction out of her

"That's not the case I don't even have a boyfriend Kayla was just talking"

Tyler tried to hide his smile when journey said that it was go time for him

"So why can't we make a video when I get big imma make sure you one of the first people I shout out imma be there for everybody that was there for me"

Journey rolled her eyes giving in

"What kind video you wanna make Tyler"

"Since you said we don't got anything in common let's do one of the question videos cus youn know what we got in common" Tyler licked over his lips while talking to her he liked the way his name rolled off of her tongue

"Fine we can do that"

"Bet now you gotta gimme yo number"

"Ehh my phone not on"

"Man stop playing"the two laughed and journey passed him her phone

"Put in your instagram ion like giving out my number"




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Journeyswrld some say the blacker the berry,the sweeter the juice 🍫

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