
By ahokarmaa

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The sequel๏ฟผ to Lycoris Radiata! Dahlia is about Karma's recovery and healing from his husbands passing. It's... More

Easy Love
Teen Dad
The Letter


29 0 0
By ahokarmaa

Zack's POV

I moved to America when I was in 8th Grade. I knew no English, let alone Japanese. Mitsuki Miyamura was my first friend in America because she was like me. New from another country and knew nothing. It was like destiny that her and I met. Out of the whole world, we became friends. We couldn't communicate with each other at all, since all she knew was Japanese and all I knew was Swedish, but we understood each other at the same time. I called her beautiful by pointing at her and then waving my hand slowly around my face, and then I did a thumbs up. She laughed and did the same, basically saying I was good looking as well. We ended up going to her house one day. She moved to America with her aunt and sister because her mom wanted them to get a good education here. Her mom visited 3 times a year!

I had learned how to speak some English by then, since my parents made me practice intensely so I could do good in school. Our visa for America was going to be up my senior year, so we were only there for 5 years before we all moved back. They wanted me to make the best of it before we had to leave.

Her aunt spoke English! So her and I could finally communicate through her aunt!

"Zack? What a sweet name. You're Swedish?" She asked me as Mitsu ran into the bathroom.

"Ya, hi!" I replied.

"Mitsu doesn't speak a lick of English, how do you two manage?" She laughed.

"Not sure, we just do somehow." I laughed back.

"You two dating?" She asked.

"Uh, no! But maybe in future." I replied. My English was really bad.

"Be careful, her mom, my sister, is scary. She is sorta racist toward non-Asian people." She told me. I just nervously smiled as Mitsuki finally came back out. They conversed in Japanese for a while, and then we just went to hang out in her and her sisters room. Her sister wasn't there though.

"Mitsu, daisuki." I slowly said. That means I love you.

"Suki da!" She replied as she hugged me.

After about knowing each other for a year, and she had finally learned some English, we decided to start dating in high school. I loved her a lot, I honestly wish we could've worked out, but my visa ran out right when college searching was coming around.

Anyway, her and I were deeply in love. Her and I would go to my house and kiss like nothing else mattered, until junior year, we had sex for the first time. We had gotten comfortable with each other, and I had already seen her naked before, but we hadn't done anything sexual yet, well, I did touch her tits once, but that was it! Until then. We did it for the first time.

It was a Saturday night. My parents were gone, and we decided it was finally time for us to take a step in our relationship. Anyway, we went to Japan that year as a geography and history trip! It was a lot of money, but we did it! Mitsuki was able to just go because her mom literally lives there, but everyone else had to get a million things sorted out, and luckily, I was already dating her! So I didn't have to worry about knowing the language, since she was there to guide me. That's also when we both met Adam, her current husband and the father to her kids. He was in my group! Mistu's family owns an Inn, and that's where we stayed, mainly since her aunt was also partial owner, and she loved us non-Asians. But her mother, she hated it. Mitsu just stayed with her mom, as long as she was able to get to the inn in time in the morning.

One night in Japan, her and I snuck out in the night and sat on a bridge and looked out at the city. But you already know how that ended up. The next day, I had to spend the day with our group. Our group was 2 boys and 2 girls. Mitsu and a girl named Tonya, and then me and Adam. Adam used to be a huge metal head. He didn't have the long hair, but it was shaggy and he wore the band shirts and skater jeans with headphones and a Sony Walkman with CD's of his favorite albums. He wasn't exactly mean, but he was a little rude. Him and I got along, but he was kinda mean to teachers and some students.

Her and I went to prom together. We had an absolute blast. But once we graduated, we made the mature decision to break things off since I had to move back to Sweden. We were keeping in touch, but it slowly deteriorated as we started getting busier. I met Emi, she met Adam, again. She accidentally got pregnant with Harry when she was 18. While I, did the same exact thing. But I was 19, and it was Ampora. Some years later, we did it again, and had Karma, still in Sweden. Ampora was our darling little girl who we loved dearly, and she was only 6 years old when Karma came. She was so happy! She loved Karma so much. But the problem is, after a few weeks of having Karma, Emi and I had sex again, and accidentally got her pregnant once again. She hated me for it. I think that's what got us to start arguing. That's why she didn't pay attention to Nabi that much. Ampora and Nabi were miracles in my eyes. Two unexpected, but beautiful pregnancies that turned into the joys of my life. Emi began to not see it that way. She started resenting both of them, other than Karma.

I will admit, Karma was planned. 100% planned. That's why she ran back to him once he allowed her to. I love my kids all equally, and I'm so glad they were all born. I just didn't get how Emi couldn't love them like that. Before Nabi was born, we moved back to America with our renewed Visas. Nabi is a citizen of the United States, so he doesn't need a visa. But Karma and Ampora needed one, but after 5 years, they were citizens. Same for Emi and I!

As for Mitsu, she married Adam when she was 24, and had Jared and Farid at 25. The twins and Erin were planned. I'm honestly so happy her and I reconnected again. Because I'm sure that if her and I hadn't dated in high school, Adam would've sued us for what Karma did to Farid, and Karma wouldn't have had that life full of love with Jared.

But I'm glad everything ended up the way it did. Karma was the happiest I've ever seen him with Jared. I got to reconnect with Mitsu and Adam, and I gained the best son-in-law I ever could've asked for. And it's horrible that he's gone.

And my new wife, Maya, is honestly the best woman I've ever fallen in love with. I know our relationship stated off late, but I'm glad I met her and her kids. She is perfect. She's 48 and I'm 54. I know it's a little bit of an age difference, but when you get to my age, it doesn't really matter haha. My only problem is that...uh...I got her pregnant. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT COULD HAPPEN! I thought we were too old by this age, but I guess not. We haven't told anyone yet, mainly because we are terrified to.

I don't know how Karma will react. I don't know how Nabi and Ampora will react. Should we uh...abort it? Or should we just try and parent it? I'm not sure.

Anyway. Mitsu and Adam met again in college. Her roommate was dating his roommate and they kinda just met again. They realized they knew each other and started talking. Once they started dating, they decided to uh...breed while their roommates were out. And that led to her being pregnant with Harry. But Adam even stopped one of his classes to learn Japanese for her. To impress her mother and try to be on her good side.

"Hey, what are you studying here?" Mitsu asked him.

"Finance. I'm getting my dads multimillion business. Him and I aren't close but he's dying sooo..." he replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." She replied.

"Don't be sorry. I've only met him twice. I have no feelings toward him." He said. That's when they cuddled up close.

"Hey, what happened to that lanky blond guy with the funny accent?" He asked.

"Zack? His visa ran out and had to go back to Sweden. But he's there doing college! He said he'll be back but he didn't know when, and he didn't want me to miss out on things waiting for him, so yeah." She told him.

"What do you mean lanky blond guy! And his accent was adorable!!!" She quickly turned and looked at him, laughing a bit.

"He was skinny and tall! Taller than me! And his accent was funny. I never could take him seriously." He replied.

"That is so mean. I have an accent too! I can barely speak English!" Mitsu laughed.

"But yours is cute!" He said as he lifted her on top of him. They kissed a little.

"Don't ever make fun of Zack. He was the sweetest." She told him with a smile. We obviously got back and connected when Karma met the twins. I still remember our conversation. After Karma got expelled, we sat outside and talked as the kids were in the playground.

"Zack, you're back!" Mitsu told me as we sat down at the benches. Adam sat next to her and my wife, Emi, sat next to me.

"Yeah! I actually came back like 7 years ago." I laughed a little.

"Now here we are, your son bullying my son." She replied, not so happy this time. Emi got up and rolled her eyes as she walked away.

"Karmas just... uh... He has some issues. And sadly, it's my marriage that's causing it. All he hears is his parents arguing and screaming at each other, you know? He gets scared, and I guess um... we are teaching him that, on accident. He's truly a good kid. The best." I explained.

"Why would he push another kid, though?" Adam asked.

"He used to get bullied. For his accent, at least. Violent bullying, that's why we had him switch schools, but now he got swooped into the wrong crowd. Those boys showed him kindness, even if those boys were mean to others. He's definitely going to learn from this, and I won't let him be friends with kids like that anymore. But, guys, I'm sorry this happened. If you need me to pay any medical bills, I will." I explained.

"No need for that, Zack. Farid is okay. But, look at Jared! He's getting along with Karma!" Mitsu giggled as she pointed, "Karma seems like a sweet boy. I know what he did was wrong, but he's a kid." She continued. That's when Emi got on a call, and out of no where started speaking very loudly in Russian.

"How did you find her?" Mitsu asked quietly, "Tell me about her."

"Uh, we met in college. Her and her friend were fresh from Russia and were there for something new. We kinda just...hooked up. But then she kept ringing me and talking to me. I honestly fell for her right away." I replied with a small laugh.

"She's definitely a piece of work. Very hot headed and gets angry easily." I replied.

"She seems mad." Adam said.

"She probably is. Let's just say, she likes to pick favorites. Karma is her favorite and here he is, getting in trouble. Plus, I'm talking to my ex girlfriend." I laughed a bit, they did too.

"She seriously...favorites Karma?" Mitsu asked.

"Yeah, she even admitted it to me. Ampora was a happy accident, and at first, she was okay with it and loved Ampora. But then, we wanted another, so we had Karma. But then, not even two weeks after he was born, we thought it was a bright idea to have sex again, and she got pregnant again. That's when she started getting very rude and treats our kids unfairly. That's why her and I are separating." I ranted.

"I'm so sorry you're going through that." She added. That's when Karma ran over to us and asked if he could spend the night with them.

"Dad please!! Please!!!!!" Karma begged as bounced up and down.

"Hey, calm down. No. You're in trouble still, did you forget what happened?" I replied. He instantly looked sad.

"I-i mean, i don't mind if you guys maybe just came over for dinner?" Mitsu explained.

"Oh dad please! I want to play with Jared more!" He begged once again.

"O-okay. We will go to their house for dinner, but that's it. You're still grounded, and I don't want you interacting with their son at all. I know your friends with Jared now, but you're grounded, indefinitely." I replied. Karma did tear up a little.

"Hon, my son is just, shook up. He's scared of you. He's also very light headed from the staples he got in his head. He's probably going to be eating in his room anyway." Mitsu said to Karma.

"Can I tell him I'm sorry?" Karma whimpered.

"Give it a while, alright? He is pretty scared of you. But thank you sweetheart, ugh, you're so cute!" Mitsu said. She pat his back as he still cried.

"Why are you crying!? You have no reason." I asked him.

"I don't know." He cried as he hugged me tightly.

"You don't like being in trouble, hm? Doesn't feel good." I quietly told him as he cried in my arms.

"I feel bad..." he continued. Karma then hid his face into my chest as he held onto me.

"I know you do." I told him. The dinner went well. Farid fell asleep on the way there and ended up sleeping throughout it. Karma scarfed his food down and ran to go play with Jared.

I could honestly see the sparks between them. I knew Karma liked Jared. I never told him but, Karma told me once. He was 13, a mess, and was awake in the middle of the night. He walked into my room.

This was when Brooke was pregnant, and he was dating Ozzy. I honestly think Karma was drunk, but I didn't question him. He just laid in my arms and ranted about how he doesn't really like Ozzy and how much he loved and adored Jared. He told me every single thing and detail about why and what he loves about Jared. The next morning, it's almost as if he didn't know it happened, because he didn't. He had no memory.

"Hey kid, what's up?" I asked as I was in bed. Karma, barely awake and stumbling toward me, lays down next to me.

"I fucking hate Ozzy." He cried.

"Hey, language! What happened? Did he do something to you? Are you okay?" I panicked.

"He's just... forceful. I don't even think he likes me." He whimpered as he slurred his words a bit.

"Want me to beat his ass?" I joked.

"No...he's nice...he's just got problems. Ugh, but, I feel like I'm stuck in that relationship. I wish I didn't have to be in it..." he replied.

"I'm sorry kid."

"I love Jared. I wish I could be with him instead. I just wish Jared liked me like...that. He's so pretty, his fashion sense is marvelous, he always smells good... I'm genuinely so in love with him to where it hurts." He ranted. I was blown away.

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