What's faith?

By honkstroies

38 3 0

Kryoz x Vanoss your probably thinking to yourself "what the heck is this?" "these two? no-" yes hello I like... More

Part 1

Part 2

11 1 0
By honkstroies

3rd pov

Evan pov

The male had already been up for several hours at the school early along with the rest of the football team. Evan was currently sitting away from his other team mates tired and our of breath due to the stupid activities his coach wanted them to do.

"Yo Evan what you in your head about this morning"

Tyler said tossing over a extra bottle of water he had brought for the other. Evan looked at Tyler and watched as the water didn't make it all the way to him and he chuckled looking at the taller.

"Good try idiot"

Tyler chuckled and smiled as he plopped down beside Evan.

"Might be an idiot but it made you forget whatever the hell you were thinking about"

Tyler stated and Evan rolled his eyes huffing and looking towards the front of the school watching others start arriving at the school. Evan sighed getting up and grabbing his stuff.

"Come on Ty gotta go stand near the people."

Evan started heading over as he listen to some the surprising loud kids. Evan wasn't much of a morning person but he made it through practice perfectly fine. Evan put a ear bud in and started to listen to music while Tyler talked about something that had happened at a party Evan skipped. Evan wasn't the party kind of jock he was more of a jock nerd. He spent most his times studying or spending time with Jonathan well used to spend time with Jonathan. Now Evan spends all his time alone studying and practicing.

A few voice caught the males attention and he spotted them and smile softly. He started at the bleach blonde male yelling at his friends. Evan never talked to the male but he felt like he knew the other.

"I don't see why you don't just go talk to him"

Tyler interrupted Evan mind. Evan looked at Tyler and huff strugging.

"Why would I? He doesn't need a inconvenience in his life"

"You gotta stop letting Dels words get you man.. we both know he was just using you to get close to Luke again"

Tyler crossed his arms. The two stood silently until


Marcel ran over with some sorta of comic in his hand it looked to be home made. Marcel showed the male the cover and there was a owl man kind like Batman drawn on it with bold words saying 'Night owl'. Evan chuckled and looked at Marcel.

"I see your getting better with your art man. Didn't think you'd actually make this it looks so good"

Evan complimented the males work as he looked at the very excited male in front of him.

"You gonna read it?"

Marcel asked and Evan nodded

"Of course can I take it home and read it then?"

"Yeah if course man! Just don't mess it up i worked hard in it."

Marcel warned him. Eventually more there friends showed up chatting. But Evan didn't pay them much attention he just stared off in the distance at the bleach blonde male. When the bell rang they all headed in and Evan kept thinking about what Tyler said.

"Maybe I will try talking to him"

Evan muttered to himself as he followed behind his loud friends. As the day went on Evan hadn't talked the male but mostly cause his only class with the other was history. Which was after lunch. Evan had his head on the empty table he decided to avoid the foot ball team for that day he needed time to think. Though if course his best friend followed him. Tyler plopped in the seat in front of him and lean on his hands looking at the other in front of him.

"Hey Ev whatcha doing alone man?"

Tyler asked as he pulled out his lunch he bring from home. He splits his sandwich and gave it to Evan.

"Trying to figure out what to say to the uh guy"

"'The guy?' oh jeez don't tell me you don't know his name man!"

Tyler exclamated before taking a bite of his food. Evan looked at him and tilted his head.

"Well I don't pay attention he's so pretty I can't help but to stare and space out!"

Evan explained to the other. He took bite of the sandwich given to him.

"Dude you know how Marcel goes in these rants about so guy who's better then him in art?"

"Uh yeah like John or something with the rings"

"That's your bleached blonde boy you idiot!"

Evan sat for a second staring at Tyler. Then he jumped up and quickly ran over to the table Marcel was at. Del blue piercing eyes stared at the male and Evan tensed

"I'm gonna borrow Marcel!"

Evan stated as he dragged the male off

"How come you never told me you knew who the guy I was crushing on!?!"

"Oh uh this exact reason man you get to hyper chill man."

Marcel replied as he patted the taller males head and Evan glared at him.

"Jeez man chill out plus never told you cause I don't talk to him he's just in my class and I thought you knew who he was cause he's in our history class!"

Marcel stated and pointed at the other accusing like. Evan sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Right right Tyler said the same thing"

Evan started fidget looking at Marcel.

"Soo do you know anything about him?"

Evan asked and Marcel rolled his eyes and waved him off walking away.

"Talk to him and find out on your own! Silly lover boy"

Marcel said jokingly insulting Evan as he left. Evan pouted as he went back to his table with Tyler and flopped down.

"Let me guess he said talk to him yourself"

Tyler asked and Evan nodded pouting as he looked at Tyler

"I mean you kinda gotta do it on your own man!"

"Man why can't it be easy like Del he interact with me first"

Evan asked as he started picking his fingers looking at Tyler. Tyler swatted Evan hands making him stop and sighed.

"Dude stop being so antisocial your captain of the football team come on man!"

Tyler said trying to brighten Evan mood which failed due to the other not even listening to him and staring at John again.

"Your a creep"

Tyler said jokingly and Evan looked at him glaring

"Am not!"

Evan said offended. He huffed crossing his arms as Tyler started blabbering about something he didn't really have interest in and he started spacing out.


Aahhh my creativity is not here and it's showing
Anyways enjoy my slow uploads ;-;

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