Part 1

21 1 0

3rd pov

Kryoz house

It was early morning and the sound of an alarm was screaming at the male to get up. Tired and annoyed John got up hair a mess as he tossed his blankets to the floor.


A high pitched voice screamed from down stairs and John groaned leaning his head back opening his room door.

"Yeah mom!"

He replied. He closed his door back heading over to his closet to get his sweater black jeans and converses. After getting dressed he looked around on his desk for his rings clearly having misplaced them.

'fucking hell?'

He thought confused looking around more for his rings. His phone began ringing as he was looking for his rings he groans looking at it reading the caller ID

'Milk bag's

John sighed as he answered going back to look for his rings.

"Yo I'm outside where you at?"

Jaren's voice came through the phone on speaker as John kept looking.

"I missed place my rings man I can't find em!"

John said in frustration as he sighed giving up grabbing his bag and heading out the room and downstairs.

"That sucks but we gotta go"

"Yeah I know I know coming!"

John hung the phone up pocketing it as he waved bye to his mom and ran out the door. He made it to Jaren car and hoped in the back after noticing a idiot in the passenger seat.

"Since when do you pick Puffer up?"

John ask tossing his bag to the side buckling.

"Since he became obsessed with idiots I give ride to"

Jaren replied. Chris hit Jaren on the shoulder before huffing and looking out the window. Jaren and John started laughing at the other reaction as Jaren started driving again. Eventually they picked Nelson and Jaime up.

They arrived at the school alittle early. John glared at Jaren as they got out the car. John crossed his arms staring at Jaren.

"You rushed me cause you said we be late! I could have taken the time to find me rings!"

John exclaimed staring at Jaren. Jaren started laughing a bit.

"You'll live with out your rings for the day John!"

Jaren said as he kept laughing. Their loudness had cause a few the other students who had gotten there early to stare along with the football team that had already been there early.

John sighed noticing the eyes and quiet down swatting at Jaren to get him to be quiet.


Ah sorry took awhile guys I wasn't having brain working and being creative but my motivation is back!

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