jahnnie oneshots !!

By overblownthoughts

17.8K 191 86

i take requests (nothing weird) content warnings are provided ! More

bad idea
let go
left behind
before i forget
"do you want us to die?!"
dance with the dead
harness your hopes
filler :):

at my worst

1.2K 14 15
By overblownthoughts

i just wanted to say thank you so much for 2k reads. i'm currently working on a few drafted stories that have a bit of writers block, so i hope this is fine for now.
anyways enjoy :)

apart of jakes schedule, he always went to workout on mondays. every day of the week was dedicated to some sort of activity, and they were all formatted the same.

1. wake up by 9 (11 on weekends)
2. get ready and say bye to johnnie, even if he's sleeping
3. grab something to eat
4. do said activity or chill on empty days
5. errands (if necessary)
6. go home and spend time with johnnie
7. get ready and sleep

some days of were more complex than others. jake spent every sunday cleaning and preparing himself for the next week, monday's he went on his workout trips, tuesday's he'd go film a video with johnnie, wednesday's were for relaxing, thursday's he'd stream a food review on twitch, on friday's he'd crash someone's party and on saturday he'd do whatever came to mind.

so basically wednesday and saturday were his free days, and any other day he'd find himself doing practically anything. well today was monday and he woke up to his 9 am alarm with one goal in mind, get out the house by 10.

so he'd got up and decided on an outfit before he decided to invite johnnie to come with him. something he usually doesn't do, but sometimes change is kind of good for jake. lately the gym had been boring with no company and he's been getting frequent headaches from blasting his music way too loud. the company of his best friend could solve these issues in a heartbeat.

he knocked on his door, "johnnie. i know it's early, but i have an offer for you" no reply, "johnnie" jake repeated, "mmmfff" he heard a tired mumble coming from the other side of the door and he laughed at his friends tiredness.

he opened his door and sat down on the edge of his bed. "are you willing to join me at the gym today?"

"you know i don't work out" he looked at him curiously, "i know, i know, but it's been boring there lately and it'd be really nice to have someone to talk to"

johnnie was honestly happy with the offer and decided to ignore how tired he was for one day. "okay, now get out so i can get ready" he tossed a pillow at jake jokingly which he laughed and replied, "okay, okay. mama bear says we need to leave by temnnn!" jake hollered as he wandered away.

johnnie groaned looking at the time. 9:12, he can work with that. so he got up putting on an oversized band tee and kept the skinny jeans he slept in from the previous night on. he teased his hair and applied an unhealthy amount of hairspray. then he did basic black eyeshadow and a bit of eyeliner, he felt risky today.

it made him look like a girl but johnnie felt prettier. he would never admit that tho, if confronted he'd blame it on "some emo's have style people just can't understand!"

and johnnie's been emo for his entire life, who's to tell him he's in the wrong? if anything he's more educated than majority of society.

johnnie tied his boots and walked out his room with his phone in his hand. people always get shocked when johnnie tells them he prefers boots over converse and vans, but he just never understood the hype about the two.

afterwards he realized he had some spare time and decided to paint his nails as well, a fresh coat of black that complimented his hand tattoos.

before he knew it jake was ready and it was 9:51. they headed out and johnnie fought the urge to fall asleep in the car.

jake decided to stay quiet incase johnnie did decide to sleep, he wouldn't mind since the drive was 20 minutes.

when they arrived jake went with his usual routine when working out, and johnnie felt a bit awkward.

everyone at the gym seemed at least somewhat bulky, meanwhile he was slim. there was also very pretty girls with firm builds there too. johnnie would be lying if he didn't feel a little self conscious right now.

he just wanted to shrivel up and die, right now.

but instead jake started talking to him. "i'm actually so glad you came with me man, you don't understand how boringgg these past few days have been."

"it's no problem, really" he murmured. jake noticed his tone was off, "are you okay?"

"yeah i'm just tired"

jake shook him off a bit and put down the weights, already a bit sweaty. he took a drink of his water and then just casually stripped off his tank.

johnnie had to advert his eyes, because damn! suddenly the room increased by 20 degrees in temperature. he was incredibly thankful for the amount of foundation he packed onto his face.

jake looked at him, "did you do your eyeliner today?" he was curious and decided to ask. "uh- yeah. is it bad?"

"no, no, you look pretty..." he trailed off before realizing,

"-good, pretty good!" jake tried to save himself there, no way in hell he just admitted he found his best friend pretty. stunning even. fuck did he really think that? no he's just tired.

johnnie laughed a bit, "thank you" he'd be lying if he wasn't completely red by now. he was starting to doubt the powers of his foundation.

but jake turned back to what he was doing, so johnnie was in the clear. that was until some girl approached him.

"hey, uh, not to be weird or anything but i noticed you have a huge bottle of water, and i forgot mine at home. do you mind if i waterfall from it?"

okay well, first of all, that sounded extremely wrong from the start. and maybe the end, johnnie doesn't know. all he cares is that this girl is gorgeous and jakes type, acknowledging him, he's shirtless in front of her too, he may add.

"oh, yeah. i don't mind.. thanks for asking" he laughed a bit, "it'd be weird if you didn't"

she laughed as well, "right right, imagine if i came over and just completely snatched it from you without saying a word, you'd probably be extremely confused"

"oh for sure"

the girl drank some of the water, while water-falling of course, and had thanked him. "thank you, it means a lot to me."

"no problem, if you ever need to borrow anything from me just let me know."

fuck, why would jake say that. it made johnnie extremely jealous and he was embarrassed about how much this was bothering him.

"could i borrow that number, too? if you know what i mean"

he laughed, "smooth.. smooth. sure, why not?" they exchanged numbers and at some point johnnie got up from the nearby bench he was on, heading to the washrooms.

the girl headed back, silently wondering what happened to the guys friend but decided to not say anything.

"yo, dude, did you just see my rizz?" he laughed, to be met with no reply.

"johnnie?" he questioned, turning around to see the older male had disappeared.

he'll probably be back in a minute, jake thought. but oh, he wasn't.

johnnie stood in front of the bathroom mirror, mindlessly staring. was his makeup not good enough? was he not good enough? was it because he wasn't a fucking girl.

maybe that would make this easier. maybe jake would consider being with him if he was a girl, but he was comfortable being a man. he just felt more comfortable in his own skin when he was wearing nail polish and makeup whilst he hides behind his long hair.

johnnie didn't know when he started crying but he couldn't bring himself to stop. he regretted coming here. atleast he wouldn't have to come again, he'd be entertained making googoo eyes at that girl, that girl who will always be prettier than him. perfect for jake.

and that just made him cry even more. what would happen when jake wanted to move out? where would he go, who would he live with? would he just be alone for the rest of his life?

and what are his future plans beyond his youtube career? he had none. he couldn't support himself on his own, he wasn't stable, he didn't have a fucking car, not even a license.

but jake deserves someone who isn't as useless as him. he's just a person who takes up a room in jakes place. all the times jake paid for both ends of the rent made him feel useless. the days he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed but jake still treated him normally, made him feel useless.

normal people don't have the issues johnnie has. he's not normal, and someday he won't be able to live with that because jake doesn't love him the way johnnie does.

johnnie ended up curled on the floor in the corner, sobbing with his head up to his knees, knees to his chest. he tried to calm himself down, especially with how long he's been gone. jake must've noticed by now.

it's okay, johnnie. he probably doesn't care enough to look for you. maybe he's still talking to that gi-

his thoughts were cut off by the door opening.

"there you are, i was so worried about you.."

"johnnie, is everything okay?"

"you can't ignore me forever, man."

jake slowly approached the other and crouched in front of him. he reached out to him, putting his hand on his knee.

"can you please put your head up?" he spoke softly.

and hell, who was johnnie to not comply. he lifted his head up from where it rested against his knees, his face red, foundation on his jeans, eyeliner and eyeshadow smeared. his eyes bloodshot red contrasting from his eyeshadow.

"what happened?"

"n-nothing.." he sniffled, "i was just thinking about some things and it got to me."

"i.. i feel helpless. you're always looking out for me and i cant return the same, and the one time you aren't looking out for me i freak out and get completely jealous."

"what do you mean, johnnie.. what made you jealous?" then he realized, "was it really that girl"

and johnnie just curled on himself even more, "...maybe"

"johnnie, i probably won't ever talk to her again-"

"how do you know that! you come here every monday and she probably comes here daily as well."

"this was the first time i've seen her, ever. and just because i mess around and get her number doesn't mean anything serious. i know you're scared of change and i am as well, this would probably mess up my entire schedule."

johnnie nodded, wiping his eyes. "im sorry i got so jealous."

"no, it's fine. besides im interested in someone else anyways"


"don't be looking so down, it's you, idiot! have you not picked up the hints? i enioy having you as my passenger princess, i enjoy your company, and i quite literally called you pretty earlier."

"i thought you didn't mean it like that. do you really mean all of this?"

"of course i do, i only do the things i do for you because it's you."

johnnie blushed, "i'm interested in you, too" he mumbled.

"really?" jake looked hopeful, "yes, really. why else would i be that jealous?" he softly laughed.

"can i kiss you" jake sputtered.


jake leaned in, closing the gap between the two. johnnie's head laid against the wall and jake held his hand, his other hand on his face. the kids was better than the kiss at tara's birthday party, more genuine, more soft. it felt more real, and jake couldn't get over it.

this wouldn't be the last time they kiss.


can you tell i have zero knowledge of how gyms work 😪

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