Hidden Realms Awakening

By SkeeterMorey18

39 7 2

Jamie Rush longs to be loved and accepted by her mother, Cassandra Rush, but it's hard to please someone who'... More

Dawn Star Ranch
The Black Stallion
The Truth
The Archways
The Castle
The Phone Call
The Chance
The Mission
The Dragon Ride
The Meeting
The Memory
The Message
The Miracle
The Revelation
The Crystal
The Fire
The Battle
The Trade
The Execution
The Lost Prince
Kings and Queens
The Drill
Author's Notes

The Alliance

0 0 0
By SkeeterMorey18

That entire time we were in his garage?" I ask, plopping down on the sofa. Turns out Steph doesn't live too far from Glassy, which is probably a good thing with her accident-prone self. However, the most shocking fact was that Dr. Glassy's office was actually in his garage.

Steph nods. "After coming to the human realm, Dr. Glassy opened his office to the elves. We needed to keep a low profile, so he bought a house with a large garage and flipped the inside."

"Like how your barn leads to the Archway portal? Hey, does Darc's store lead anywhere?"

"Most elves have a secret room or passage." Steph yanks down the blinds, pulls the curtains closed, picks up some muddy boots, tosses them down the hall, and swipes the stack of junk mail off the bar and into the sink.

"Is this your version of cleaning?" I tease, picking up old coffee cup and taking it to the sink.

"Hey, I'm still drinking that." She takes the cup from me and takes a sip. "And I had servants growing up, can't expect too much from me. Besides, I got a call to make."

"What are you going to do, Face Time the rebel leaders?" I fluff the couch cushions.

"Basically." She folds a blanket and drapes it over the back of the chair. "I've got a rep to protect."

"I thought your reputation was crazy, lassoing cowgirl that's also elven royalty."

"Exactly, royalty is all about appearances, at least that's what my mother always told me when I'd come back dirty from the woods."

"Speaking of dirty, you might want to freshen up. You've been in bed for the past two days and still hint of smoke."

"Right." She rushes off to her room.

I go grab a book and wait in my room. A shower later, she comes back in a tan leather jacket, green shirt, pants, and hair in a pony tail.

"Is that how Elven royalty dress for important meetings?"

"You sound like your mother." She groans and disappears into her room. A few minutes pass and I hear a thud and a "Blast it!"

"You alright in there?" I call, setting my book down and going to the kitchen.

She comes out in a respectable cream medieval style gown, her blonde wavy hair down, and a small silver tiara. By her grimace, I can tell she's more than uncomfortable.

I bite my lip, resisting a chuckle. "I didn't know you were off to the ball."

She side eyes me. "Laugh and I'll have Anna feed you to the dragon."

I nod, trying my best not to smirk. Sitting in the corner of the kitchen table, I'm out of camera view but can still see into the living room. Steph turns a nob on the old T.V. set and sits on the armchair. Her face is stern, but it's hard to take her seriously in a tiara instead of a cowgirl hat. The T.V. hums and beeps for a few moments. The screen flashes on, revealing five creatures.

A short man, probably a Dwarf, glares through the screen. His narrow eyes and cropped white beard and long mustache remind me of Japanese sensei. Another man's smile radiates the room. His goat-like legs can only belong to a fawn. His gleaming green eyes seem genuinely pleased by the unexpected call. The third is a green woman, strong and ready for battle. Her ears are pointy, like Kio's, but her nose is flat like Voldemort. She must be the Goblin leader. The fourth reminds me of a female version of Odin. Strong and battle-ready, her almond shaped eyes are wide with alert. The last woman resembles a tree, her dark skin coarse and bumpy like bark. Her hair reaches her waist and looks like tiny autumn leaves interwoven. Those big, round brown eyes with flecks of green can only belong to a gnome.

"It is good to see you looking so well after the accident, Duchess," the goblin woman says.

"Captain Vento." Steph bows her head. "It's good to be back in the game."

"With all due respect, what is the reason for this call?" the short man inquires.

"Oh, come on Oki, lighten up some. She almost died for the cause. You can at least welcome her back," the fawn deflects.

"Steph is always almost dying," Oki the dwarf grumbles.

The centaur woman speaks up. "I'm sure Oki simply as surprised as the rest of us to hear from the Duchess on the emergency channel."

"We think Raygor is building a teleporting weapon to destroy the Realms," Steph announces, charging headfirst.

"That's quite an accusation, Duchess," breaths Captain Vento, the goblin.

"I know, but we have the blueprints, and they resemble that of a weapon," Steph replies.

"It cannot be done. There have always been ten realms, balancing each other. If he serves that connection, he will destroy his own realm in the process," the gnomish lady explains.

The centaur shakes her head, hair reminding me of a main. "We mustn't allow this weapon to be completed. There must be a weakness of some sort."

"I'll send the blueprints over to Hager. If there's anyone who can crack a mechanical puzzle, it's him," Steph informs.

The fawn grins. "I'll make sure he puts this project on top priority."

Steph nods her thanks. "Are there any updates you have for me to report back to the queen?"

"No updates on the crystal samples you gave us. They're different from any mineral I've worked with," Oki replies.

"The Howlers have been making frequent visits so it's been hard to send out our regular patrols and work on weapons," the centaur adds.

The fawn reports the only good news. "Our cadets have take well with the new combat training program."

The gnome frowns slightly. "The capital is demanding more food and has sent some troops in to make sure we meet our quota."

"I think Emperor Duro suspects I'm aiding you," Vento growls, eyes darting like she is expecting someone to jump out of the shadows.

Steph sighs, shaking her head. "Proceed with caution, Vento. I have faith in you, but when we you on the inside."

"Of course, Duchess. I won't let you down." Vento holds her head up high, determination twinkling in her eyes.

The centaur woman "Duchess, I must ask if the rumors are true. Odin tells me of the girl who visited my Realm while I was on a mission. Has the princess returned?"

I practically hear Steph smile. She turns around, motioning me to come here. I shake my head and mouth "no." I'm in jeans, a t-shirt, and my hair is a mess. There's no way I'm going over there.

Steph gets up and whispers in my ear. "Come kid, it's the kind of good news they need."

Sighing, I get up, smoothing out my t-shirt and fingering through my hair. I shoot Steph a "you ow me" look and walk into camera view.

"Alliance, meet Princess Jamie of the Elven Realm," Steph announces proudly.

The fawn and gnome smile. Oki's eyes burn into me, searching for a weakness. The centaur's eye pop wide open. Vento simply raises a curious eyebrow.

"Welcome back your majesty. We've been awaiting this day for many moons," the gnome greets. "I am Chief Vind Sang, keeper of the Gnomish Realm."

I smile. "It is an honor to meet all of you."

"Tell me child, how do you like the Realms?" Oki inquires.

I hesitate. Everything has been an amazing adventure, but then I remember why there's an Alliance. The fallen Elven castle comes to mind. "I would like them more if Raygor wasn't in control."

Vento smirks. "A spirit of a fighter. Now that's something we can work with."

The fawn chuckles. "You're always looking for another warrior, aren't you?"

She frowns at his light-hearted comment. "It's my job, Agite. Not all of us can dance and throw parties all day."

"Excuse us, princess. We haven't even introduced ourselves properly," the fawn looks to me, "I'm Chief Agite Vent of Fawn Forest. The uptight one is Captain Leste Vento from Goblin's Gorge."

Vento just rolls her eyes. It's the centaur who speaks next. "I am Chieftain Chari of Defteros. You have already met my second in command, Odin of Ora. He told me about you, but I had to see for myself."

"I hope I don't disappoint you too much. I'm not much of a warrior really," I say quietly.

"From what I hear, you are share your mother's swordsmanship," Chari replies.

"She's got her determined spirit as well," Steph grins.

"Both good qualities for a warrior," Vento adds.

Oki frowns. "Depends on who you ask. Determination can also lead to disobedience. The last thing we need is our troops following some disobedient child into battle. I won't have everything we've built handed over to some half-elf, Duchess."

"Half-elf?" I breath. How can he say that when I'm literally the Elven heir?

"You've grown up amongst the humans. I couldn't tell you apart from them, wearing their ridiculous attire. You're practically one of them," he growls.

"Oh, Oki, you're making her shake like a leaf. It's not the girl's fault she grew up in their Realm. It was for their own protection," Chief Sang deflects.

It's true. My legs wobble and my fists shake. The nerve of this guy though! I'm as Elven as he is Dwarven. The only thing holding me back from yelling at him is Steph's firm hand on my shoulder. Plus, the fact he is an Alliance member and I would prove his "disobedient" point right.

He scoffs at Sang's remark and looks at Steph. "How is her education coming along?"

"Slow due to recent events. However, that will change now that she is fully recovered," Steph answers.

"Recovered from what?" Vento inquires.

Steph eyes me. She let that one slip alright. "She had an incident involving portal jumping and another accident with her ability."

"Untrained and reckless it sounds like." I want to smack Oki's smug look, but Steph shoots Oki's snide remark down.

"Actually, she's the reason why we have the blueprints and Raygor's agenda. She healed Oliva." Steph grins and a flicker of pride glows in her eyes.

Chari and Agite gasp. Vento's eyes pop. Oki narrows his eyes and brushes his bread. Sang just smiles.

"So she does posses her mother's gift?" Chari questions.

I nod. "She'll be training me once she is better."

"Well then," Oki says, "We'll be looking forward to seeing how you progress."

The way he says it makes my blood run cold. I'm not used to this many people expecting things from me. All I've ever worried about is meeting mom's standards, and those are hard enough alone.

"You okay, kiddo?" Steph asks.

I nod, remembering air is a necessity. The T.V. is dark, meeting over.

"You sure? You zoned out there for a moment. Thought I was gonna have to call Dr. Glassy over." She eyes me, as if she waiting for me to drop to the ground.

I shake my head. "I'm fine. I just expecting to meet the rebel leaders in my converse."

"At least you didn't have to wear this get-up." Someone knocks. Steph sighs and swings the door open. "Why can't a girl just change into a pair of boots before having to talk to anyone?"

"I can wait a moment if you'd like," a man offers.

"Wedge?" she pauses, staring at him for a moment before asking, "What brings you here?"

He shakes out of a daze and explains, "I stopped by Dr. Glassy's, but he said you and Jamie went home. So, I came by to see if Jamie wanted to have her first lesson."

"Ah, I see. Are you feeling up to it, kid?" she asks.

Lessons! Finally! "Yeah, I'm feeling great. Let's do this."

He grins and turns. I look at Steph, making sure it's okay for me to follow. She nods and I race to catch up with him.

"Where are we going?" I ask, keeping in step with his fast pace.

He raises an eyebrow but doesn't answer. We walk behind the barn, through a forest, hop over an old wooden fence, and finally stop it to a large concrete building covered in moss and ivy. Oaks trees surround us, hiding the building's existence from the outside world. Wedge bursts open a metal door and claps his hands. Pristine white walls and floor greet me. No furniture lives here. The only thing that breaks up the bright white is a wall of weapons.

"Welcome to the training center." He smiles at my curious look.

"How do you train with hardly any equipment?" I ask.

He walks to the center of the room. "N.E.D. wake up."

The walls buzz. A blob appears on the right wall. Blue lines race back and forth between ten dots. Then it talks. "Good afternoon, Headmaster. Would you like to resume your latest session?"

"No, pull up the Princess' profile, please," Wedge requests.

The blob, N.E.D. I guess, shrinks into a corner and a giant picture of me pull up. My age, height, and ability are listed to the left of my face while lessons are labeled below.

"Commence lesson one?" inquires N.E.D.

Wedge stands next to me. "Yes."

The lights dim. Millions of tiny lights twinkle around me. Ten portal arches appear. They're fake I know, but they resemble the Archway portals so well it feels like I'm there.

"I know you struggled with portal jumping in the past, and given current events, it is a skill you need to acquire quickly," Wedge explains, walking to each portal. "Portals are the key transportation for our Realms. They're made of light and bent by special energy crystals that form the vortex. It bends not only your body, but your mind.

"This being said, portal jumping takes extreme concentration or you can drift away. You have already experienced a few side effects of drifting. Had someone not wrapped they're conscience around yours, it would've been fatal. So, to prevent another drifting scare, we're going to test your concentration levels by having you jump through these virtual portals. Joyeux!"

The portal door creeks open. A green and yellow portal whirls in front of me. I hesitate. "What should I focus on?"

"Ball your fists. Focus only on that feeling as you jump through."

I nod, digging my fingernails into my palms. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves, I walk through. Five seconds later the portal closes behind me. A red 40 glows above the portal door.

Wedge frowns and rubs his chin. "You need to at least have a 90 if you are to properly jump. Let's go again. Chronos!"

A golden door across the room activates. The white and orangey portal looks inviting. Another deep breath and I zoom in on my fingernails searing into my sweaty palms.

"Better," Wedge says when a 56 appears. "Now, I want you to imagine Castle Highcliff, the elven castle. Close your eyes and picture the grand stained glass, the twisted towers, the rocky mountain edges, and seashore below."

I do as he says and recall the castle, shutting out the "How is this going to help?" thoughts. I can see the lifeless village below and spoiled castle. The air turns salty, and waves crash on the rocks below.

"Ready?" Wedge whispers. I nod and he shouts, "Enlighten!"

I don't even realize I jumped until Wedge let's out a pleased whistle. An orange 77 beams above my head.

"Good, now, I want you to imagine the Centaur Camp," he instructs.

I nod when I have the dark, busy camp pictured. He says the cue word and I jump through. 82 was the outcome this time.

"You seem to do well with places you've been, but let's try a place you've never seen. I'll show you a photo and try to picture yourself there, alright?" he says. "N.E.D. pull up a picture of Hang Village in the Dwarven Realm."

My profile disappears. The wall is now a life size image of a village built off the side of a mountain. Short huts are carved out of the tan rock. Rope bridges and ladders connect the houses. An endless black below the houses make my stomach churns. Anyone climbing those ladders must have a death wish with that drop.

"Do you think you can picture it well enough to jump?" Wedge questions.

"I think so." I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and wait for the cue word.

A hop, skip, and a jump later, 85 glows above me. I grin at the result. Maybe I can do this after all.

"That's good. Now," he walks away and grabs a bow from the weapon wall, "I want you to go jump through the Elven portal."

He loads an arrow and draws the string back.

I run to the portal, picture the castle and shout the cue word. A millisecond later, an arrow whistles through the air and I'm engulfed in a portal. The arrow melts into thousands of squares, never reaching it's target. A 68 is the result from this stress test.

"Could use some improvements. Let's repeat that, expect go to the Dwarven Realm," he directs.

"Onaji!" I call and the portal activates.

Wedge sets the bow down and presses a button on his wrist band. An alarm screeches. I close my eyes and focus on the hanging huts. 79 this time.

He turns off the alarm and smiles. "Better. Again. You choose the portal this time."

I pick the centaur realm this time, picturing the warming camp fire. A battle cry rings out, but I'm already through the portal. Wedge rests his sword on shoulder, smiling at the 90 beaming above the door.

"Does that mean I can really portal jump now?" I ask.

"After a few more practices, yes. Let's try another."

He shows me a picture of a round castle at the bottom of the ocean. I jump and receive a 91. Another photo. Another jump. Another grade. Repeat. We probably did this for an hour or more. Once my concentration began to dwindle, I took a break and he sent me home with a question for me to answer in the morning- What's the best way to defeat an enemy? I honestly don't know, but I have a feeling I'll find out tomorrow.

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