Broken Souls

By mystormythoughts

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Dive into the intriguing world of "Broken Souls," where the city wears mysterious midnight colors, hiding a c... More

Broken Souls | Introduction
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1: The Rooftop Encounter
Chapter-3: The Best Friend
Chapter 4: Sparks in the Air

Chapter 2: Lost and Found

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By mystormythoughts

Ethan opened his eyes and woke up slowly from his nice afternoon nap. The sun was still shining super bright outside, making his room all warm and cozy. He stretched his arms wide and let out a big yawn, feeling super comfy in his own bed. The day today was really peaceful, and he liked how the sun made everything feel so nice and happy. It was just one of those moments when you don't want to get out of bed because it's so comfy and nice.

"Ah, that was a good nap," Ethan mumbled to himself, looking at the clock on his little table next to his bed. "No work at the studio today, so I can just chill at home."

He woke up, swung his legs out of bed, and stood up. Then he did a big stretch that felt really nice. When he walked to the kitchen, a yummy smell filled the air – it was the coffee! Ethan had set a timer for his coffee maker before, so now there was a fresh cup just for him. Today was a perfect day to relax at home! The sun was shining, and everything felt just right. So, he decided to take it easy and enjoy the day.

"Perfect timing," he said with a smile, pouring himself a steaming cup. He took a sip and sighed in contentment. "A good cup of coffee is perfect for starting the day, or in this case, the evening."

He thought it would be nice to have his coffee on the balcony. So, he went out and felt the warm wind on his face. The neighborhood was pretty quiet, except for the sounds of kids playing far away. It was a simple and peaceful day, perfect for sipping coffee and enjoying the calm atmosphere.

Ethan took a final sip of his coffee, feeling the energy from the caffeine starting to buzz through him. He put the empty mug on the table and thought, "Why not enjoy some music now?" With a happy bounce in his step, he went to the living room. There, his guitar was waiting in its case, ready to play some tunes.

The sun cast a warm glow on the room as he reached for the guitar case. "Ah, my friend," he mumbled, a small smile forming on his face. He made his way towards the guitar case and eagerly opened it. The familiar scent of wood and strings greeted him, and he felt a sense of comfort. But as he reached in to grab his guitar, he realized something was off.

His fingers traced the neck of the guitar, anticipation building. But as he reached in to grab it, a sudden realization struck him like a lightning bolt. His eyes widened in disbelief.

"Where's my black pick?" Ethan said quietly to himself, looking a bit puzzled. He searched through the pick in the case, thinking maybe it slid to the bottom or something. But nope, it wasn't there.

Ethan thought, "Hmm, where did I put that pick?" He mumbled to himself, looking a bit puzzled. He searched in the pockets of his jacket from yesterday and even peeked under the couch cushions, trying to find it.

Panic started to set in as he desperately searched through the case, lifting the spare strings and peeking under the capo. "Come on, it must be here somewhere," he muttered, his heart racing.

He was looking everywhere, getting more and more worked up. His fingers were like super speedy, turning everything in the case upside down. "No way," he said, sounding a bit worried. "This can't be happening,"

He sat down on the floor in the living room, looking at the open case, kind of hoping the lost pick would just pop back like magic. "I've had that pick forever. It's been with me during all the music sessions and performances," he said with a sigh, running his hand through his hair.

He really wanted to find that missing pick, so he started looking around his home. He checked under the sofa, in the kitchen drawers, and even behind the TV. He looked everywhere, but that pick was nowhere to be found. Ethan was determined, though, not giving up easily on the search for the pick.

Ethan wandered through his apartment, furrowing his brow in frustration. "Where could it be?" he muttered to himself, thinking about the missing guitar pick.

He looked everywhere, you know, like the usual spots – the couch, his pockets, and even the kitchen. But guess what? No luck. It was like a game of hide and seek with his pick. So, he started going back where he'd been, trying to remember stuff. And that's when it hit him– the last time he used the pick was during a guitar session on the rooftop. Maybe, just maybe, it was still up there.

Realizing this, he rushed to the rooftop. Going up the stairs, he felt a bunch of different feelings, like being excited and wanting to know more. The sun was going down, making everything look warm and pretty.

As he got to the rooftop, he saw a girl, and it was a big surprise! She was standing there, really into her canvas. An easel held the canvas in place, and there were lots of colorful paints and brushes all around. Ethan didn't expect to see this, and it kind of made him stop and look.

He cleared his throat to make his presence known, and when she turned around, a bright smile lit up both of their faces. It was none other than Olivia, a familiar friend from their rooftop sessions. They exchanged warm greetings, and Ethan, forgetting why he had come up there in the first place, made his way towards her.

"Olivia?" Ethan exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face.

Olivia's eyes widened in surprise, and then a radiant smile mirrored Ethan's. "Ethan! I didn't expect to see you here."

Ethan chuckled, "I could say the same! What are you doing up here?"

Olivia returned the smile, "Just working on a new painting" she said pointing at the canvas she was working on

(Painting Olivia was working on)

Ethan nodded, "That sounds nice. Mind if I join you?"

"Of course not! The more people, the more fun!" she said, making room for him to sit next to her. It's like when we have more friends on a regular day, it becomes even better!

As Olivia and Ethan sat down, Olivia kept on painting on her canvas. The paintbrush moved in her hand like a dance. Ethan looked and liked the way she made the canvas alive with every stroke. It was like a regular day, but special because of the art happening. He felt happy just watching her create.

"So, what made you come up here today?" she asked wondering, her eyes filled with curiosity

Ethan laughed, "I can't find my guitar pick. I thought maybe I left it here when we played music together last time." He looked around, hoping to spot the missing pick.

Olivia looked curious, like she was up for some fun. "Missing pick? Let's find it! It's might be really hard considering it small size."

As they started searching, the rooftop became a canvas of possibilities. Paintbrushes were moved aside, and canvases shifted, revealing glimpses of unfinished artworks and creative endeavors. The sun, on the verge of setting, cast a warm glow over the scene, creating a serene atmosphere.

Olivia, her paintbrush momentarily abandoned, joined Ethan in the search. "So, tell me, how did you manage to lose something as precious as your pick?" she asked. They searched around, chatting about everyday stuff while trying to find the missing pick. Olivia was curious to hear Ethan's story and hoped they will find pick soon.

Ethan chuckled and said, "Well, you know me. I'm a bit absent-minded sometimes. I was probably too into the music during our last session. It happens to me often. I get so lost in the tunes that I forget everything else around me."

Olivia grinned, "Ah, the price of passion. Let's retrace your steps and find that elusive pick."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they combed through the art supplies. Olivia shared her thoughts on art, explaining the stories behind some of her paintings.

"These colors represent emotions, you see. Each stroke is a feeling," she said, holding up a canvas with a mix of vibrant hues.

Ethan observed, "That's fascinating. I never thought about it that way. It's like you're translating emotions into colors."

Nodding her head, she continued, "You know, art has this way of expressing things that's just so unique."

As Ethan looked around, he saw lots of little canvas of paintings on the rooftop. They were there to get dry after being made. Each painting had its own cool story, and when you looked at all of them together, it made the place feel magical. The art was awesome! It made the rooftop a really nice and interesting spot. Ethan really liked it a lot!

(Her other paintings that were scattered on the rooftop)

"Have you painted all of them recently?" Ethan asked, curious about Olivia's artistic endeavors.

Olivia grinned, "Yep, I'm making something inspired by how the sky changes colors when the sun goes down. It's kind of hard, but I really enjoy catching the quick beauty of nature every day."

Ethan smiled and said, "Sunsets are like magic. I think your painting will show that magic really well." He liked it a lot. "It's just like how today is, you know? The way the sky changes colors is so special."

As they continued searching for the elusive guitar pick, the rooftop, now bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, seemed to be keeping their secret really well. They checked every nook and cranny, and just when they thought they might not find it, Ethan's eyes spotted a little glimmer near the bench.

"Wait a moment," he said, bending down to look. With a happy smile, he picked up the shiny thing. "I found it! I found what I was looking for!"

Olivia clapped happily, saying, "Good job, Ethan! The missing guitar pick is not lost anymore. We found it!"

Ethan chuckled, "Well, it seems all's well that ends well. Thanks for your help, Olivia. I wouldn't have found it without you."

Olivia grinned, "No problem at all. It was fun turning the rooftop into a detective scene. But hey, look at the sky. It's stunning right now."

They both sat on the rooftop, taking in the breathtaking view. The sun had almost set, leaving behind a canvas of colors – hues of orange, pink, and purple painted across the sky. The city lights below began to twinkle as the night settled in.

Ethan smiled happily, "You know, Olivia, this sight always makes me feel good. It never gets old."

Olivia nodded, "Nature has a way of making everything feel peaceful. It's like a painting that changes every day."

They were having a calm and peaceful time together when suddenly Ethan's phone made a little buzzing sound. He quickly looked at the screen and saw an important work call coming in. He said sorry to Olivia, "I have to answer this. It's about my job."

Olivia said, "No problem, Ethan. Work is important. We can talk more later, like we always do." She waved her hand, smiling.

He picked up the phone and moved away from the table to talk in private. Olivia looked at the city below and listened to the sounds of the night. The noises of the night were starting to be heard in the air around them. It was like an everyday thing happening.

Ethan had a serious talk on the phone about a project. He talked about what needs to be done and when. He took some notes and told his work friends that he will get things done quickly. After a short but serious talk, he ended the call and went back to where Olivia was sitting.

He smiled a little and said, "Work doesn't stop, does it? It keeps going every day."

Olivia shrugged, "It's the way of the world, Ethan. But don't let it steal the beauty of the moment. We still have this amazing view."

He nodded, appreciating her perspective. They continued chatting, the conversation shifting to lighter topics.

Olivia asked, "So, any exciting plans for the weekend, Ethan?"

He grinned, "Not really. Probably just some relaxation and maybe a bit of music. How about you?"

Olivia just said, "I don't really have specific plans. I'll just follow my brushes and see what happens. Going with the flow can be nice, you know?" She made a little shrug.

Ethan smiled, "Absolutely. Spontaneity adds a certain charm to life."

While they chatted, the lights in the city got brighter, and the night sky turned into a beautiful show of stars. It was like a regular day, but the lights in the city and the stars in the sky made it extra special.

Ethan looked at his watch and saw it was late. "I need to go back, Olivia. Tomorrow, I have to wake up early to start the day."

Olivia said, "No problem, Ethan. Thanks for the unexpected fun. And don't forget, the rooftop is always here if you want a break, anytime you feel like taking a pause from your day."

Ethan stood up, "I appreciate that, Olivia. Let's catch up soon."

They gave each other a nice hug before saying bye. Ethan went down the stairs, and the bright city lights showed him the way. When he left the roof, he felt happy about how the night went – from looking for a guitar pick to enjoying a peaceful time under the stars. Today turned out to be full of surprising and good things.


Author's Note

Hey there, wonderful readers! 🌟 I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings about Ethan's day and his rooftop adventure with Olivia.

Have you ever lost something important and had to search for it like Ethan did with his guitar pick? How did you feel during the search?

What do you think about Olivia's approach to art, expressing emotions through colors? Do you have a favorite painting or artwork that resonates with you emotionally?

How do you usually unwind after a busy day? Any special rituals or activities that bring you peace and joy?

Feel free to share your thoughts, and if you have any suggestions or ideas for the next chapters, I'm all ears! Your feedback means the world to me.

Thanks for being awesome readers! 📖💖

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