The White Dragon God Emperor

By NotLaxr

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Jake Nicholson our protagonist finds himself a girlfriend and he goes on a date with her, however it turns in... More

Chapter One: Last Day With Humanity
Chapter Two: Longinus
Chapter Three: Divine Dividing
Chapter Four: Training Partner
Chapter Five: Feelings
Chapter Six: The Fated Encounter
Chapter Seven: OverBooster
Chapter Eight: Confession
Chapter Nine: The Favor
Chapter Ten: Training
Chapter Eleven: Raiding Game
Chapter Twelve: Party Crasher
Season One End
Season Two Start
Chapter Thirteen: Visitors
Chapter Fourteen: Excalibur
Chapter Fifteen: Holy Sword Project
Chapter Sixteen: The Proposal
Chapter Seventeen: Sword Of Betrayer
Chapter Eighteen: Blue Light
Chapter Nineteen: Hidden Past
Chapter Twenty: Help
Chapter Twenty One: Fight For Freedom
Season Two End
Season Three Start
Chapter Twenty Two: The Blight
Chapter Twenty Three: The Ritual
Chapter Twenty Four: Regained Power
Chapter Twenty Five: Team Vali
Chapter Twenty Six: Back To Her
Chapter Twenty Seven: Party
Chapter Twenty Eight: Loki's Mistake
Chapter Twenty Nine: Juggernaut Drive
Chapter Thirty: Summer Is Over
Chapter Thirty Two: The Curse Of The Drive
Chapter Thirty Three: To Lose Someone
Chapter Thirty Four: To Reclaim Someone
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Chapter Thiry One: Eric's Past

67 4 0
By NotLaxr

This is the intro I have for this fanfic I hope you enjoy roll it. Disclaimer I do not own Divide Music

     Asia opens the door and says, "We're home." "Oh hello Asia and..." A cup fell to the floor "Jake's is that you?" We see that it's Jake's mom Liz. Liz runs over to Jake and leans over to get a closer look at him. Liz looks over to Asia and says, "What happened to him and who are these people." Asia responded with, "We'll tell you just let's sit down." They all walk over to the couch except for Bikou, Arthur, and Le Fey. Ophis however joined by sitting on the couch eating chocolate. Liz looks at the girls and says with a serious voice and says, "What happened to Jake." Ophis says, "Jake here let his power go out of control." "What do you mean by "out of control" and also where is Akeno?" Ophis says, "We're getting to that. Akeno was in a fight against The Norse God Loki. One thing led to another; he takes Akeno and waits for Jake to get to the battlefield since he couldn't be there for political reasons. Loki killed Akeno in front of Jake. This caused something odd to come out of Jake in the form of pure rage. The Juggernaut Drive if he performed the move correctly Jake wouldn't be like this but he did an incomplete transformation. Leading to what you see now. Jake absolutely torched Loki and killed him in the most horrific ways possible." Jake's door opens and Fenrir comes out in his puppy size form. It jumps on Jake's lap and lies down on him. Liz says in shock, "Why is there a dog in the house?" Kuroka says, "That's not a dog that's Fenrir." Liz says, "Then why is Loki's Son here?" Ophis says, "I guess during the time in his incomplete transformation Jake tamed him. I don't know the small details." Asia then finishes, "When Jake came out of that state with the help of Eric, Rossweisse, and Sirzechs he turned into that. White hair, golden eyes and looked really old. The doctor says his ego was deactivated and he lost 24,000 years of life with 1,000 remaining thankfully." Kuroka picks up where Asia left off, "I have the ability to restore his life force with senjutsu magic. So far I've gotten him back 500 years it'll take a long time to get all those years back but he'll get them back." Liz was stuck there in shock and began to break down crying. Between the muffle of her crying she asks, "Does.. Barkiel know." Asia shakes her head no. "I should ask him to come here." Asia opens up a communication magic circle. "Hello is this Barkiel?" "Yes this is and who might you be." "I'm one of Jake's friends and I need you to come to Jake house." "Sounds important if he didn't call me himself I'll be right there." A green magic circle appears on the ground near the entrance and Barkiel appears out of it. "What seems to be the problem." Asia walks in front of him and says, "Come to the couch it's bad news and I mean really really bad news." "Now you scaring me." Barkiel follows Asia but he then sees Liz crying and he runs over to her and says, "Are you okay Liz?" Liz raises her hand and points a finger at Jake. She can't even speak she's that much in shock. Barkiel did know who she was talking about. Until he feels the signature from the white haired main in the wheelchair. Barkiel's eyes widened and says, "Is that you Jake." "..." Kuroka says, "Yes it is." Barkiel then saw something that will turn into a complete nightmare. "Ih... ih is that A-Akeno's ribbon." Kuroka looks down and says, "Yes that is that the only part of her we recovered." Barkiel says in shock, "What is that supposed to mean my baby girl is alright isn't she? Isn't she?!" Ophis says, "I'm sorry to say but Akeno passed away." Barkiel starts thinking, 'No. No. no no no no it can't be true, first my wife and now my daughter.' Barkiel begins to tear up as he began to start weeping. Albion speaks up as a orb in Jake's hand [Im sorry for both of your losses believe me I'm still grieving and I was there for it I felt it. But what Jake needs right now is the right person to wake him up. Liz, you're his mother, you have a special place in his heart. Barkiel you were like another father to Jake so you also had a special place in his heart. If you keep interacting with him you might be able to help him way more than you realize] Liz says, "Thank you Albion I needed to hear that." Barkiel instead said, "I'll take your words to heart but can I please leave so I can grieve in peace. All of a sudden we hear a bark. Everyone looks at Fenrir and he points with his paw at Jake. Tears are currently running down his face but he still wears that stoic look. Everyone didn't know what to say when they saw that but they all thought they might get Jake back sooner than expected.

——————Time Skip The Next Day——————

     The group is currently heading to school and people were still talking about Jake but another rumor spread that Akeno left him and he turned into that. Close to the truth but she was taken by force. But once we got in homeroom no one talked about it but we did see something on the board "Summer Festival''. Our homeroom teacher Mrs. Hosher came in and said, "Settle down settle down. Even though it's our second day of school we are doing our spring festival early for reasons I don't know. Honestly I don't get this school board but that's okay. We have a new schedule for today. We are determining what we are doing for the summer festival. We also have no classes for the rest of the week but you should stay to practice on your respective contests however you won't be forced to practice. You can stay in class and chill out and play on your phone hell you can bring a console and hook it up to the projector and play games on there." Kuroka thought, 'How is she a teacher?' The Mrs. Hosher continues, "So here is what we got. The bread eating race, relay, 100 meter dash, 300 meter dash, pole vaulting, horse riding, dodgeball, tennis, 3 legged race, tower topple, longest jump, and the scavenger hunt." After we all picked I was stuck in the 100 meter dash and of course Jake can't compete. Mrs. Hosher says, "Now that we all picked you are free go practice or stay here or go socialize." I got up and started to leave with Jake and Mrs. Hosher says, "Hey Miss Toujou." "Just Kuroka is fine." "Alright Kuroka. I wanted to ask is he getting better?" "Even though it's been just one day I would say yes, he's improved since yesterday." Mrs. Hosher says, "That's a relief. Well cya Kuroka." "Cya Mrs. Hosher." We proceeded out of the classroom and went to the track field. I see Eric and Asia together. I walked up to them and said, "What's up guys." Asia says, "Hey Kuroka." Eric says, "Goodmorning Kuroka how is Jake today." "Good no seizing anyway what contest did you two get put in." "Me and Asia are in the same contest we're in the three legged race. What are you in?" "100 meter dash." Asia says, "Sounds tiring." I looked to the right a little and saw Xenovia and Irina running almost at the same pace. I pointed at them and said, "What do they get put in?" Asia says, "Oddly enough they got the scavenger hunt." All of a sudden we hear, "Hey what's good guys?" Eric saw who it was and said, "Sachi sup." Sachi said, "So what are you guys doin." "Me and Asia were about to get started with the three legged race." "Well ain't you the luckiest son of bitch I got stuck in the bread eating race." "Sachi, seeing as you are part of the student council, I expect the best out of you, get to work." Sachi looked like he nearly shit himself, "Sorry Sona I- I was getting hungry." Sachi ran off to somewhere. I said, "Weird." I turned back to the group and said, "I'll be in the club room healing Jake if you need me call, cya." Both Asia and Eric said, "Cya later." Jake and I were on our way to the club room until a strong breeze flew by and Akeno's ribbon flew out of Jake's hand. Jake began to move and fell out of the wheelchair trying to get the ribbon. He couldn't move his legs so all he could do was reach out his arms to potentially grasp it. I ran over and picked it up and helped Jake back onto his wheelchair. "Jake please next time something like this happens don't worry I'll get it you don't need to fall out of the wheelchair." Jake spoke, "Zu'u Nis Griv Daar Aus Nid Lingrah." I felt bad when he spoke again because I couldn't do anything but vaguely remember it. "Let's get to the club room Jake." We both continued our way towards the club room and in 3 minutes we finally reached our destination. When we got to the club room there were two people in there, Rias and Barkiel. I know why Rias would be here but not Barkiel. 'Didn't he say he needed to grieve.' Rias spoke up and said, "I bet right now you're confused about why Barkiel is here but let him speak for himself." Barkiel walked up towards Jake and said, "I research this all night Jake. I want to ask you to not give up and especially don't give up on Akeno. You can save her, I know it. If it's someone like you. I know you can save her. When you come back to your senses you know where to find me." Barkiel then left in his magic circle. I said, "Well wasn't that interesting a complete 180° degrees from what I saw last night." Rias says, "You can't blame him grief gave him a new desire and apparently a new drive to save Akeno from death? I don't get where he got this determination from but it's good if it gets Akeno resurrected." "Alright cool I'm going to heal Jake until the end of the day I'll be back I got to change. Please watch Jake." I left and walked towards the shower and took off my uniform. I then folded them up nicely then used my magic to conjure my signature kimono. I opened the door and said, "Done." Rias got up and said, "I'll be off. I have to oversee some of the activities for the student council." "Okay Rias." I picked up Jake and laid him down on the couch and made sure he was comfortable. I started concentrating on using my senjutsu to start the healing process. This went on for a couple of hours.

————Eric's POV————

     "Man how are those two so fast they're not normal." Asia says, "You realize they aren't normal they are a Devil and an Angel. They are not human anymore and you're not human anymore too." "Yea you're right." Ddraig spoke up [He's also not just a normal devil either he's a dragon too and I personally think he should have turned into one] Eric then looked at his hand in confusion, "Wait I was able to do that why didn't you tell me." [I did but you blew me off thinking I was joking] "Shit." [Dragons are much better than Devils no offense Asia] "It's okay." Eric says, "So Asia should we get back to training?" "Yea we should, we need to win." Eric pulls out his bandanna and tied it around their legs. "Alright Asia let's work on our footwork since we both have different height. We should try to get on level footing so we don't trip." "That's a good idea we should start with walking for now. Should we add a tempo later so we keep in sync." "Good idea Asia." Eric said this while patting Asia's head." Xenovia walks over and said, "You guys going to start training I finished with my race against Irina." Eric says, "Yea we were about to get started." "Need any help?" "If one of use falls can you catch us so we don't fall down." "Sure that's not a problem." I then look at Asia and said, "You ready?" Asia nodded her head and said, "Yes." Eric and Asia start walking but they moved really slow so they don't trip from Eric going to far since he's taller.

————Time Skip Few Hours Later———

     It's a few hours later and me and Asia are done with our practice and we made some good progress. We aren't falling over as much. However I just got a call from Rias and apparently it's urgent. I used my teleportation magic and got to the Clubroom. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. "Come in." I then thought in my head, 'Why did Koneko invite me.' I open the door and I see Rias not here. I look at Koneko and ask, "Where is Rias?" Kiba answered instead, "She handling some business really quick she should be here soon." "Alright we'll sit down on the couch. Hey Asia you mind me sitting next to you?" "No I don't mind go ahead." After a few minutes Rias appears and says, "Alright time to tell you guys where we are going." I tilt my head in slight confusion. "We are going on a stray devil hunt. A devil named Veigorth has been discovered and we need to handle it before the end of the night. Any questions?" I raise my hand and ask, "Where are we going?" "To an old warehouse near the harbor." I nodded and Rias asked again, "Anymore questions?" No one spoke up. "Good we should be off then." Rias generated a decent size magic circle and we all stepped into it. In a flashed of red light we teleport.

—Scene Break Somewhere Near The Warehouse—

     We are in an alleyway and Rias says, "We are close we teleported a bit away so it doesn't detect our magic." We all began to walk and I overheard Xenovia and Kiba talking Xenovia started the conversation off with, "Kiba mind lending me a sword?" "Why is there something wrong with Durandal." "No the sword is fine it's that I want to get stronger and the strain Durandal places on me I can't really train with it." "Ah I see your point. Yea no problem. What sword would you like. Holy, Demon, Longsword, Greatsword, or elemental sword?" "A Holy Greatsword would work for me." "Alright." Kiba made a Greatsword that looked silvery and had holy writing inscribed in the blade like his Balance Breaker. Kiba gave the sword to Xenovia and said, "Since my Sacred Gear isn't suited to making holy swords, I've inscribed this one with holy markings so if you channel your aura into the blade it'll give off holy energy otherwise it's a demonic sword." Xenovia looks at the blade and said, "That's neat like your Balance Breaker but a worse version no offense." "None taken I did have to model it after my Balance Breaker in terms of functionality otherwise the sword would become unstable and dissolve." "Thank you very much Kiba." "No problem." And that was the end of their conversation. Rias stopped and said, "We're here." I thought, 'Finally been itching for a fight.' [Thinking like a dragon are we] 'Maybe a little.' Rias divulged her plan to us, "So here's what's gonna happen Koneko, Xenovia, Eric you go on assault Me, Asia will stay back, "Kiba you'll block off escape routes if it tries." Everyone said, "You got it Rias." Eric actives his Boosted Gear, [Boost] Koneko looks at Eric and says, "No Balance Breaker this time?" "Don't think I need to use it wouldn't it be overkill?" "You got a point All we're dealing with is a stray Devil." Xenovia interrupts, "Quiet." They hear what audibly sounds like someone eating meat off the bone. Everyone masks their presence and creeps up on the monster and they see a man with his bottom half in the shape of a bat and he is currently eating a human corpse. Koneko's ears curled down and she pinched her nose from the putrid smell. Eric however just looked down and said, "May you rest in peace." [Boost] The man bat turned around and saw Eric's fist hit his face as soon as he turned around. Eric then blasted the creature as he said, "For the crimes you have committed you must die right here right now." The man bat's face was full of fear until he heard the last words of his life, "Dragon Shot." The man bat screamed until he was but a blood stain on the floor. The two others were concerned about the way Eric handled that, namely Xenovia and Koneko. Koneko walked up and tugged on Eric's shirt and said, "You okay?" Eric noticed Koneko and said, "Sorry I guess I did it again. Every time I get into a stray devil fight I just kill it as soon as possible." Eric had a sad expression on his face like something happened in the past that made him this way. Koneko knew this expression but decided not to pry. Xenovia said, "Well what's done is done we should go see Rias." Koneko and Eric said, "Yea." The three musketeers started their walk outside. Eric made it kinda awkward after he completely annihilated that stray. Rias says, "You guys killed it that fast?" Eric said, "Yea." With a depressed tone." Rias picked up on this and said, "Something wrong Eric?" "Yea there is but it's something I have to sort out I'll be back to normal in a day so don't worry." Rias thought, 'I should ask him why, when he's not in this type of mood.' Rias then said, "Well everyone you can go home." I started walking towards my house when I remembered what happened to them on that day.

————Flashback 10 Years Ago————

     It was a nice day nothing out of the ordinary it was noon. The date haunts me till today and I dread that day it's, September 19th, 2013 that day was my birthday. My parents decided to treat me at the amusement park. It was a fun day. I went on the little kid rides since I was 6 years old. At the end of the day it was almost sundown and my parents decided to go to the park to stare up at the stars when it hit nighttime since it was a clear day to see some stars. My father bought a telescope just cause of my birthday. I still remember what they said while we were star gazing. My father said, "Eric do you see that star that one is a small star but since it's so close we're able to see it." My mother asked my dad, "Well aren't you the space expert." "I have my moments." I said, "Nighttime is so cool." My dad then said, "So are you going to stop using a night light champ." I shook my head, "No it's mine bedtime is scary." My father got up and said, "Well now's a good as time as any." My mother knew what he meant. My dad walked to the car and had a big object wrapped in wrapping paper. I asked, "What's this?" Mom said, "Open it." I opened it and wrapping paper went everywhere. They both said, "Happy Birthday Eric." Mom said, "This is your present." Dad said, "You like stars so we got you this. Happy Birthday Champ we are so proud of you." Dad patted my head and said, "Let's take it for a spin." Mom sat there on the blanket smiling. We got to take a good look at Saturn, Venus, and Mars. We couldn't see any other planet since they were on the other side of the solar system or we couldn't see them. Sadly all things come to an end. My mom said, "It's time to go it's almost 9:30." I said, "Awh mom just for a little longer." Dad said, "Listen to your mother." Dad then put his hand on my head and said, "Tell you what we'll come back to stare at the stars soon." "Promise?" "Promise." I said, "Okay." We then started our walk back to the car. I overheard my mom and dad talking. Dad said, "So when should we bring him back here?" Mom said, "Next week we both have off on Friday so it's perfect." "It's a date then, all three of us." I then ask, "Dad, what's a date?" He responded with, "It's when you spend time with a special someone and you both are special to me." Mom said, "Such a charmer as always." "Runs in the family." We then got into the car and I passed out.

———Scene Break Unknown Location———

I'm suddenly woken up by a loud crash and being jerked forward. I was in my car seat since I'm 6. But I started tearing up as the roof of the car was taken off by this thing. I didn't know what it was at the time but it was definitely a stray devil. My dad screamed, "Get out of the car and run." My mom got out of the car and opened my door and got me out and she said, "We can't leave without you..." Mom didn't even finish her sentence as me and her saw dad's body being crushed under the stray devil's foot. "NOO HENRY!!" She looked at the beast with tearful eyes then she dropped me. I got off the ground terrified and traumatized. My mother was dead. Her head was bitten off by the beast. I look at the beast. My face went from a mix of emotions to emotionless as I then thought. 'I don't wanna go out like mommy and daddy. I want... I want to live. But I'm too weak, I'll die.' As the beast was charging at me for a punch, time itself seemed to slow down until the punch was at my face. It seemed that time had stopped as I heard a voice say. [Is power what you seek child] "Yes I want power." The voice said nothing else but then a green orb appeared on my left hand. [Then power is what you'll receive, you have received the gear of the god, may you be blessed and survive what will happen next] Everything went black after that. A few hours later. I woke up on the road. I got up on my feet and I noticed one thing. The beast was dead. I looked down at my left hand and thought, 'What was that?' Then a revelation hit me, "Wait what about mom and please tell me they're alright." I ran over to where I remember mom was and I found her. She was still headless. I started breaking down crying. About 2 hours later I looked for my dad and I saw his body crushed like someone crushed a can of coke. I cried again until I passed out on the pavement. I was then awoken by a large amount of light and heard a voice that sounded kind and soothing. "Hello young boy." I asked, "Are you god?" "No but I'm close to that. I should introduce myself." She paused and I got a good look at her. She was blonde and had huge knockers. She was also wearing all white with gold trim, but most importantly I noticed she had 10 white wings. "My the Seraph Gabriel I'm an ArchAngel it's a pleasure to meet you. May I know who you are." I was so distracted by her being an Angel I didn't hear the second part of the sentence. "You okay?" I snapped out of it and said, "What." "What's your name? You have one right?" "My name is Eric Heartwell." "Nice to meet you Eric, I'll take care of you from now on."

————Scene Break Location First Heaven————

     Gabriel opened with, "Welcome to Heaven Eric. You're one of the only humans to come here while still alive." I didn't know what to say as I looked around the place it was absolute breathtaking. I said, "Beautiful." Gabriel said, "I know this place is breathtaking but it doesn't compare to the Fourth Heaven." I asked a question that I was wondering, "So if Angel and Heaven are real does that also mean God is real." Gabriel looked a bit sad when I said this but I didn't notice at the time as she said, "Yes he's real and he's on the Ninth Heaven." My ears perked up as I said, "Can I see him." Gabriel was intrigued with the question and asked, "If you do meet him what are you going to say?" Gabriel was genuinely curious she hasn't dealt with kids at all so she was curious about he would say. "I want to ask him if there is a way to bring back my mommy and daddy." This shocked Gabriel as she didn't think he would ask this question she always heard kids didn't really have mature thoughts or had anything serious to say, but this proved that they were wrong or Eric was an outlier. Gabriel answered the question truthfully and said, "I'm sorry but he isn't able to bring people back to life even he has limits." I looked down in sadness as I knew they weren't coming back. Gabriel started speaking again as she says, "Now to get back to the topic this the First Heaven it's where the Brave Saints and low-level Angels mainly live in. It also serves as the front lines of Heaven's defenses. Any questions?" I look at her and say, "What's a Brave Saint?" "They're reincarnated angels. Even though you're just a regular human you'll also live here." I nodded and said, "Okay." "Now we should go to the Second Heaven."

———Scene Break Location Second Heaven———

     When we went to the Second Heaven the place was filled with darkness. Gabriel started speaking, "This is where the Angels observe the stars and where they confine Angels who have sinned." I ask, "What does that even mean?" "Sorry it might sound confusing but think of it like a prison of sorts." I nodded and asked since my parents were a bit religious and I'd been read the Bible by my mom when I went to bed. "Why don't the Angel's fall if they're bad?" "There's a limit to how bad they can be before they fall; this is where they can possibly make up for their sins. Now we should go to the next floor which is a better place than this."

———Scene Break Location Third Heaven———

     We arrive at a nice space where it seems empty until I see a tree. Gabriel starts explaining what this place is, "This is the home of the souls of the dead who have been taken to Heaven. So it's possible that you're mommy and daddy are here in this very room. This is also the place that Heaven worshippers believe in. It is also connected to Purgatory. It is also the place where the Tree of Life is located." I didn't listen after she said that my mom and dad were here. I ask, "If my mommy and daddy are here, where are they?" "I'm sorry but we can't find them since they're a formless mass and we wouldn't be able to find them. The only way to bring them back and keep this a secret is going to the afterlife and bringing them back through the Well of Souls." I look up at her and with sparkles in my eyes and say, "Then can I get them right now?!" Gabriel shook her head and said, "Sorry but that's highly illegal and also Hades would hunt you down." I look down in disappointment and Gabriel notices and she says, "Well I know the next place might make you a little more happy from its beauty."

———Scene Break Location Fourth Heaven———

     We arrive on the Fourth Heaven and I look around and it looks like a lush green paradise and I see some Angels relaxing on some nice trees that have golden fruit that looks like apples. Gabriel looks at Eric who has an astonished face and says, "Welcome to the Fourth Heaven otherwise known as The Garden Of Eden." I still had an astonished face on and I was in shock by how this place looked and I muttered out the words, "N-No way." I started letting loose the water works I was building up and I started crying. Gabriel comforted me by hugging me and patting my head saying, "It's alright. You're okay." I continued to cry as I then fell asleep in Gabriel's arms and she took me to my room I now had in heaven and she watched over me until I woke up.

——————Time Skip 5 Hours Later——————

     I wake up and I wipe my eyes with my hands as I see Gabriel sleeping with her head on the side of my bed while she is sitting in a chair. I then thought over all that happened to me and I started wondering, 'How did I kill that monster.' I kept on thinking about that until I got my answer. [It's because of me] I looked around and I thought I heard a voice and I looked at Gabriel but she was sound asleep. [Hello young boy I am your partner, and I'm in your head I'm the being living inside your soul. I'm your Sacred Gear] I thought, "Sacred Gear what's that?" [I'm inside your mind all you need to do is talk to me by thinking and a Sacred Gear is a gift given by God so that humans can protect themselves against the supernatural] 'Okay' [I admit I'm surprised you've awakened me at such an early age you're one of the earliest hosts I've had. I should introduce myself now that we're partners. I am Ddraig, The Red Dragon Emperor. Nice to meet you Eric Heartwell]

—————Flashback End Present Time—————

     I began thinking, 'Why am I still remembering this after all that time?' I look up and say, "I should probably visit their tombstone soon." I continued to walk down the road as I heard from my good ol' buddy [Hey partner] "Hey Ddraig what's up you need something?" I said in a bit of a depressed tone. [No I don't need anything I just wanted to check up on you, you're gonna make me start worrying for you] "Well I'll be fine in a few days." [Your parents again?] "Yea." [I see. I still know your pain on the subject and how you hate that you still remember that day] "Of course I hate that I remember how they looked down to the smallest detail. I was traumatized." [I know you were traumatized by you shouldn't let it define you. You can use this even to make that promise you made to me all those years ago. Now what did you say again?] I sigh as I say, "I want to get stronger so I make sure that something like what happened to me never happened to another kid." [That's right, always keep that in mind less you stray from that path] "Thanks Ddraig you always know exactly what to say." [No problem you're my best friend] I laughed a bit hearing this as I said, "Going soft now are we?"


Sorry for the 1 month to 2 months long hiatus I made. I feel like a piece of shit like actually left ya'll hanging for the story and I also had the symptoms of burn out didn't know or feel like writing but I'm back into the game after I started reading Sekiruuyetei: Book Of Conceptual Records. Also other Highschool DxD fanfic like this one. Well that's all I got here's the Outro song. Hope you enjoyed the Chapter.

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