The Hellcat Chronicles

By SamThe1AndNate

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Us havin a bit of fun makin our own story with our own Original Characters. 😁 This story is about angels, de... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5

Chapter One

39 2 0
By SamThe1AndNate

Heaven and hell. Good and evil. Its believed that these two things exist to create balance in a world that would otherwise be unbalanced. Disturbing these two balancing forces of good and evil would cause catastrophic events, and reality itself to shift as we know it. Welcome to The Hellcat Chronicles. A story, much like others, that is about balance, and what would happen if this delicate relationship was shattered. The story begins in heaven, where two angels are guarding the front gates. Those two are Samael, a young and impulsive Angel, And Raziel, Samael's best friend, who stood closely next to Samael. Raziel was a loyal and quiet angel. All angels are born with their jobs, these two angels, Samael and Raziel, were born to be guards of heavens pearly gates.

Samael was beautiful, light blue, his pelt shone like the sky in the mid-day. he had large, fluffy, golden wings. one of his eyes were purple, and the other was golden. Raziel was a light red color, similar to the color of roses in a beautiful field. her wings were huge and a light grey color. they glowed ever so slightly. her eyes were a glowing, light green color.

"We guard these stupid gates for hours and nothing ever happens. What's the point?" Samael growled, sheathing and unsheathing his claws. he dug his long, white claws into the soft clouds beneath his paws. Raziel looked at Samael with shock and amusement.

"You don't mean that. our job is important, Sam," Raziel smiled, puffing out her chest proudly. she neatly tucked her fluffy, red wings behind her back. "Without us, demons would get into heaven!"

Samael frowned dramatically, holding back a laugh. "At least something would be happening. nothing ever happens here," Samael grumbled, flicking his tail, causing a puff of cloud to float up a bit.

Raziel gasped dramatically, "You don't mean that," She laughed softly as she gently nudged Samael with her wings. Samael's bright, golden wings opened up, displaying their beauty.

"I could beat any demon who comes my way!" Samael said, fluffing his wings to make them look bigger and scarier. Raziel laughed in amusement.

"Yeah, alright," She smiled, admiring Samael's beautiful, golden wings. Samael tucked his wings away, sitting down and neatly tucking his tail around his paws.

Samael truthfully hated his job and hated heaven. heaven was too perfect, too quiet, too beautiful. but Samael couldn't change his job. he also would never want to leave Raziel all alone.

Samael turned as he saw two Angels flying towards him and Raziel. "Looks like our shifts over," Samael commented. A golden-brown angel landed in front of Samael, the Angel gave a small nod, signaling that Samael and Raziel could leave. Samael offered the angel a small smile before gesturing to Raziel.

Samael opened his wings, and with one strong movement, his paws lifted from the cloud covered ground. he closed his eyes and smiled as he felt himself being lifted up by his wings. Raziel floated softly besides him.

"Where shall we go today?" Raziel asked. Samael thought for a second, his wings flapping softly behind him. Samael and Raziel had practically been everywhere in heaven, the world was still new, there wasn't much heaven to explore yet. New creatures were still being made every day.

"Might as well go bother the archangels again," Samael smirked mischievously. Raziel scoffed softly. "it could be fun! The archangels always have something going on, they get news on whats happening on earth!" Samael smiled innocently. Samael only wanted to talk to Lucifer. Samael admired Lucifer. He was one of the highest up angels you could get, and he was admired by many angels throughout heaven. Lucifer had done many good deeds throughout his life, and he deserved his position. Despite being a higher up, he talked with many lower angels frequently and set up a reputation for himself, being kind, selfless, and just a nice angel to be around.

Raziel sighed in defeat, "alright, let's go." Raziel glided smoothly away, Samael following close behind. Samael smiled feeling the wind against his face and his wings. he loved the feeling of flying, being free, and in his own world.

They flew over small buildings and through clouds. Heaven was beautiful but simple. it was mostly just clouds and blue sky. A few small buildings here and there, but the buildings were nothing special. it was hard not to go insane in this simple and boring world.

Raziel came to a slow stop, softly landing on the fluffy clouds. She neatly tucked her wings behind her back. Samael inelegantly landed next to her, he shook his wings before tucking them, sloppily, away.

Samael looked up ahead of them, smiling as he saw Lucifer. Lucifer was beautiful, he had 6 pure white wings that seemed to glow faintly. He was mostly pure white with some red markings along his back. Micheal and Gabriel sat close by Lucifer, they talking to each other. Another archangel, Vance, sat next to an angel that Samael did not know the name of. "Hi Lucifer!" said Samael. "Oh! Hey kids!" Lucifer exclaimed. "Im having a meeting right now, so i'll be with you in a couple minutes, ok?" "Alright, we'll just wait outside the door." Lucifer had spent time with Samael and Raziel since they were children, which is mostly why Samael has such a big admiration of him. After a few minutes go by, Lucifer flies over to the door, saying "See you later" to the other archangels. "There you are!" said Raziel. "So, what do you kids need this time?" Lucifer smirked, looking down at Samael and Raziel."We just got off of our gate guarding shift, and I had nothing else to do, so i dragged Raziel to come see you." Samael explained, walking over to stand in front of Lucifer."Y'know, guarding the gate is a very important job. I know you dont like it and it's boring, but if something got in, who knows what would happen." Lucifer lightly scolded, Lucifer practically raised Samael, he knew that Samael despised his job. "Yeeeaahhh, i know..." Samael whined, "But it's just, theres nothing that will come in! I don't see even another angel flying by!" Samael sat down, letting his wings droop slightly as complained. "Hey, you never know kid. That boring time you spend is helping every angel out there. Your doing a good job" Lucifer wraps his wings around Samael, essentially giving him a hug. "Thank you, Uncle Lucifer." Samael said, appreciatively. "Uncle Lucifer? You haven't called me that in a hot minute!" Lucifer laughed softly, nudging Samael gently with his wings.  "Well, i just thought it would be nice to bring it back for once, yknow?" Said Samael. "Yeah, it was nice. Ok, you know how it is. I have to go now, ill see you kids tomorrow ok?" Lucifer said, unfolding his wings, "Gotta go back to Archangel business." Lucifer rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Yep, we know!" Both Samael and Raziel said. "Goodbye Lucy!" Raziel shouts. "HEY, i told you not to call me Lucy!!" Lucy shouts back as he began to fly away. "Hahaha! I just thought id bring another name back!" Raziel continues shouting as both her and Samael start to fly back to their homes. Heaven is a very vast plane of existence. Imagine if you took a city, but each building was on its own cloud, and you could travel hundreds of miles and still be finding plenty of things. Heaven was seemingly limitless, and not entirely explored. After all, when things die, they want to be with other spirits, so there are huge groups of angels throughout parts of heaven. Although some do like living "off the grid" as much as they did when they were alive. Samael could see everything from high up. All the puffy, soft clouds beneath, next to, above, and in front of him. Samael and Raziel lived in an area of heaven called "The living space". It doesn't have a fancy name because, well, It didn't need one. The living space is the largest habited area of heaven. Its where angels live when they aren't doing their jobs. There are multiple living spaces throughout heaven, each with a different name. The angels like to call them "clans", although they aren't really clans, and everyone gets along. "Well, I'll see you later Samael!" Raziel called as she started to turn towards her home "You too Raziel!" Samael waved as he turned to head towards his home. They only live a few "houses" apart, so Samael and Raziel pretty much spend all their time together.

"Hey! Kafziel! I'm home!" Raziel shouted from the entrance. "Big sis! Welcome home!" Kafziel ran up to Raziel and wraps his wings around Raziel tightly. Raziel does the same to him. Kafziel is Raziel's younger brother. He is a vibrant and colorful angel, with mainly green fur with red and blue circles all over his body. He has a mark on his neck that looks like a bowtie, and his wings are bright pink, with the feathers being a glowing, but dark colored yellow. "So, what side you do today? Guard the gate again with Sammy?" Kafziel curiously asked. "Yep, and like always, he pretty much complained the whole time." Raziel scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I want to try guarding the gate someday. Just to see if he's right." Kafziel excitedly said. "Well, I don't fully disagree with him. It is kind of boring. But him complaining kind of entertains me, so it's better." Raziel said, shrugging softly. "Do you want a snack? I can make a little thing for you if you want." Raziel offeered, gesturing towards the small kitchen with her wings. "No thank you, Raz, I'm good." Kafziel politely declined. Kafziel walked over to a small room and sat down, Raziel followed closely, sitting down next to him. "Did you hear what happened today?" Kafziel asked. "No, i didn't. What happened?" "Apparently some angel proposed the idea of eating competitively. Like imagine having a bunch of food on a table, with a bunch of other angels, and you all try to eat it all and beat everyone else?" Kafziel excitedly explained. Raziel cocked her head to the side in confusion and amusement. "Well that just sounds dumb." Raziel scoffed. "I know right? The angel said that they do it on earth, but i really doubt it." Kafziel frowned, "The angel i heard from was a low-ranking angel, he doesn't even have access to info of earth, and from what I've learned of humans, i don't think they're dumb enough to do something like THAT." Kafziel chuckled. Raziel laughed softly.

As Samael entered the door to his house, he sighed. He didn't really know what to do with himself. Recently, he had been thinking. "Who is god? Why does HE get to be in charge? He never even shows himself to angels lower than arch! Why doesn't someone like Uncle Lucifer get to lead?" Samael had almost always doubted the higher ups, except Lucifer, of course. He thought God was strange. Not good at his job. He's supposed to be pure good, all forgiving, and stop evil. And yet, it still existed. Why did it still exist if God could get rid of it? Why is there a hell? Why cant god just make people redeem themselves? Samael laid down in his bed, thinking of all this. Raziel knew that Samael didn't really like the higher ups, and she tries to convince samael otherwise often, but it ends up never working. Samael knew Lucifer very well, and he thought that heaven and earth would be better off with someone like him leading. Although Lucifer was a bit of a prankster. He was known to be a very nice angel, but when it was just him and the other archangels, he liked to pull pranks on them. Sometimes he would let Samael and Raziel into these tricks, which they all thought were very funny. Raziel was a little hesitant at first though. She didn't want to know what happens when you mess with the archangels. Samael knew that this was the reason that Lucifer wasn't in Gods place yet, but he still questioned it. After all this routinely thinking, Samael got bored. He left his house and just started flying around heaven. He thought about visiting Lucifer again, but the archangels are busy. He knew he wouldn't be able to. As he was flying around, he saw a bunch of other angels that greeted him. He was kinda well known around town because he was so close to an archangel. Samael picked up some speed. He was circling around buildings, doing loops, running, whatever he wanted to do to get his energy out. He flew in all directions for an hour, and almost got lost. But when he was flying, he was still thinking. He can't help but think of Lucifer and God when he's not occupied with Raziel. Lucifer was a father figure to Samael. Angels don't have real parents because they are born from god. Samael kinda knew about the concept of parents, and he thought that if he had one, it would be Lucifer. He practically raised them anyway. Taught Samael and Raziel how to be good angels, how to do their work properly, and any other things that angels do.

Lucifer stared out the small window. He was in a small room, Micheal and Gabriel sat across from him, rambling on about Gods plans and how to sustain heaven. Which bores Lucifer to death. he watched as Samael flew around the buildings outside, and got a little jealous. he yearned to join Samael. Lucifer hated being cooped up all day. he knew his job was important, but he wished it wasnt. Lucifer was the type of angel to party, have fun, and all that stuff.

"Lucifer!" Gabriel snapped, getting Lucifers attention. "What?" Lucifer stuttered, looking at Gabriel and straightening himself up. "Are you even listening, Luce?" Micheal growled. Lucifer narrowed his eyes at his twin. "Yes, of course, brother," Lucifer muttered. Micheal gave Lucifer a stern look. "Then what did i just say?" Micheal grumbled. Lucifer sighed, rolling his eyes, "something stupid," Lucifer said, giggling softly at Micheals angry look. Micheal scoffed and turned to Gabriel, whispering something to him. Gabriel chuckled softly and Micheal gave Lucifer a small smirk. Lucifer narrowed his eyes suspiciously, gritting his teeth.

Lucifer angrily stood up and left without another word. he heard Gabriel and Micheal calling for him but he just ignored them. He unfurled his 6 huge wings, and with one swift flap of his wings, he was lifted from the ground. Lucifer quickly flew away, ignoring the other archangels as they tried to catch up with him and talk to him. Lucifer closed his eyes as he flew, feeling the wind against his face, breathing in the soft air. he loved his brothers, but sometimes they were quite annoying. He enjoyed playing pranks on his brothers, specifically Micheal. Micheal would always talk shit about Lucifer behind his back, and Lucifer knew it.

"I know exactly what I'm going to do..." Lucifer opened his eyes, smirking evilly. Lucifer pulled himself to a stop, landing gracefully. He sat down on the soft clouds and clasped his front paws together. "i will summon a little imp to go say hello to my dear brother" Lucifer whispered to himself as he opened his wings all the way. they glowed a faint red color as he whispered the spell to summon a devil to heaven.

"Lucifer!" Lucifer snapped his head around as he heard a familiar voice, stopping his spell monetarily. "Ah, Samael!" Lucifer smiled kindly at the young angel. Samael smiled in excitement. "What are you doing out here, Uncle Luce?" Samael asked curiously. Lucifer smirked, he knew Samael was a strong angel and could help him summon a devil. "Im summoning a devil to go scare my brother," Lucifer explained, his eyes glowing a faint red. Samael jumped up excitedly. "Really? Oh, Michael definitely won't see that coming! Can I help!?" Samael exclaimed, softly flapping his wings like an overjoyed child. Lucifer smiled, "of course, my little demon, sit," Lucifer gestured to the spot across from him with his wings. Samael leaped over and sat down in front of Lucifer.

Lucifer opened his wings, whispering a Latin spell. Samael copied him. Lucifers wings and eyes faintly glowed red, while Samaels had a more purple-ish glow. A small red pentagram apeared in front of Samael and Lucifer. A red smoke puffed up from the pentagram, Samael coughed as he breathed in the smoke. A small demon appeared from the smoke. it looked at Lucifer and Samael in confusion and fear. "So, what exactly are we going to have this guy do?" Samael asked. "Today at the archangel meeting, Micheal was being an ass. so im gonna send this little Imp to destroy his house," Lucifer explained, grinning evilly. "heehee, remember that one time you summoned and imp to go and curl up all of Michaels hair? He couldn't brush it for weeks! Hahaha!" Samael laughed at the memory. "I definitely do remember that, although curly hair doesn't really fit my dear old brother" Lucifer chuckled. "Okay, little imp. I want you to go to the quarters of Michael the archangel and make a little mess, ok?" Lucifer ordered, gesturing with his wing for the imp to go. This imp was different from the other ones Lucifer had summoned before. This one was more cautious. The thought of messing up an archangel's room? He couldn't do that! He would be smited! After a bit of convincing, Samael and Lucifer got the little imp to start heading to Michael's place. Since Lucifer left, he was sure that they ended the meeting there, and michael was already in his room doing whatever he does. "Oh, and little imp, do the destroying tomorrow while the Archangels are having the meeting," Lucifer called to the imp. the imp hesitantly nodded as he trotted away.

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