The Veela Witches

By Revans1998

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Emma is an eleven-year-old witch who received two letters, one to attend Beauxbatons and another for Hogwarts... More

Letter from the Author
The Two Choices
The Old Chest
The Glass Greenhouse
Delphine and the Unbreakable Vow
The Legacy of Rose Gilmore
The Lovers, Louise and Frederico
From Love to Hate
The Orphans Caroline and Armand Gautier
In Search of Answers
The Final Letter
The Delacours and the Gautiers
The Glittering Rosebush
The Choice

Another View of History

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By Revans1998

Being Fleur's best friend, it became my responsibility to be her faithful confidante. Fleur expressed nervousness, an unsettling feeling that she was about to face some kind of risk. From that moment on, as if acting on maternal instinct, she began treating Gabrielle, her younger sister, as if she were her own daughter.

Even before the draw that would determine which champion would represent Beauxbatons in the Triwizard Tournament, students were already speculating on some names. Fleur was one of the main contenders, along with Pierre Davian, a sixth-year boy known for his striking presence, and Joseph Leclair, a tall and dark-haired student, and one of the smartest after Fleur. The buzz and expectations filled the hallways of Beauxbatons as the day of the journey approached.

I knew Fleur like the back of my hand. She was a very sweet girl, with a big heart. In addition to being loyal, Fleur was a great listener, and when she made friends with someone, she did everything to make the person feel happy. However, people often judged her based on her appearance. The fear of approaching her was evident, influenced both by her stunning beauty and the facial expression that, wrongly, was interpreted as conceitedness. This stigma was common among half-Veela people and became even more noticeable when the carriage arrived at Hogwarts. In the days that followed, Fleur was misunderstood by many because the only subject she didn't excel in at Beauxbatons was foreign languages and magic. When she arrived at Hogwarts, her limited knowledge of English further fueled her reputation for being snobbish and arrogant, although most of the time, she couldn't respond appropriately without being embarrassed by her distinctive accent and short words.

The carriage glided through the skies, moving away from the Alps and leaving Beauxbatons increasingly distant. As we reached the clouds' height, the mountains and cities below became invisible. Surprisingly, the carriage remained motionless, without the slightest sign of sway. That place seemed to be a piece of Beauxbatons suspended in the sky.

Everyone on board was amazed by the luxurious accommodations and the promise of delicacies awaiting us in the main hall. Eager for an impeccable breakfast, we waited for Madame Maxime to sit before positioning ourselves, observing with some fascination the etiquette that would later prove somewhat peculiar in the hallways of Hogwarts Castle.

As we approached Scotland, the temperature gradually dropped. Interestingly, we noticed that the cold added an extra charm to the students, further enhancing their beauty. At a certain point, the horses began to neigh, and at this point, we felt the carriage beginning to tilt for landing. Everyone on board approached the windows with enthusiasm, eager to observe the landscape. However, all we saw were breathtaking mountain valleys, winding lakes, and no visible sign of Hogwarts.

The carriage sped towards a picturesque valley, where a charming lake reflected the sunlight. The horses crossed an invisible dome that protected Hogwarts from the gaze of both Muggles and curious wizards. Like Beauxbatons, the exact location of the school remained a mystery, hidden from those who didn't know the magical secrets that surrounded it. As the horses descended, the castle revealed itself imposingly. Unlike Beauxbatons, Hogwarts had an aura of antiquity, with a evident Gothic style in its various towers and turrets. Although the students from Beauxbatons were enchanted, the castle instilled a certain apprehension in us. Its grandeur seemed devoid of the refinement we were accustomed to.

When the carriage finally stopped, everyone on board was overcome with a mix of nervousness and cold. As we disembarked, we were greeted by a series of curious looks, and to our surprise, welcomed by none other than Albus Dumbledore. At that time, we were not yet familiar with the golden trio, but from the moment we arrived, we noticed a red-haired boy and another with glasses who directed glances towards the girls in our group, blending an air of enchantment with a slight apprehension in our presence.

The other school, arriving impressively on a ship, seemed to have come straight from Sweden, exhibiting a notable paleness and wearing red coats. From the beginning, these students struck me as strange. Among them, I identified only one familiar face: Viktor Krum. Frederique couldn't stop mentioning his Quidditch exploits, emphasizing that despite his slim and peculiar appearance, Krum was skillful and strong.

Durmstrang, unlike the other schools, carried a dark reputation in the wizarding community. This was due to its emphasis on dark arts subjects and the policy of admitting only pure-blood wizards, without non-magical ancestry. It was no surprise when the Durmstrang representation joined Slytherin House during the dinner ceremony. The school, with its darker tradition, seemed to find a natural affinity with the house known for its ambition and determination. In contrast, our school quickly established a warm connection with Ravenclaw House. We were warmly welcomed at the table during meals and announcements, reflecting the instant affinity we shared with the values and aspirations of that house.

With each outing to events and announcements, the looks were inevitable. Dumbledore made a triumphant presentation of the famous magical artifact: the Goblet of Fire. It was imposing, and everyone who placed their names in that bright flame for the draw seemed to be participating in a grand ceremony. On the confirmation day, as expected, Fleur was Beauxbatons' champion, chosen by the Goblet. Cedric Diggory, a very handsome boy from Hufflepuff House, was Hogwarts' chosen one. Viktor Krum, the strange but famous representative of Durmstrang, was also selected. And, surprisingly, Harry Potter was the last selected for the tournament, which, as the story goes, left everyone shocked and anxious.

Fleur participated in interviews, and her presence at Hogwarts caused a stir among the boys and sparked jealousy among the girls. One day, near the castle, a Ravenclaw boy named Roger Davies courted her so charmingly that she was deeply impressed by his unique approach. Unlike other boys who seemed to get dizzy and dazzled, Davies, who was also the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and played as a chaser, treated her friendly and as an equal, establishing a genuine connection from the start. Roger could communicate fluently in French, adding a special touch to his charm. Fleur was excited about the boy's personality.

However, it wasn't all rosy for Fleur, as during the Triwizard Tournament, the sensationalist journalist Rita Skeeter exploited sensationalism and exaggeration when writing about the four champions. In a controversial article, Skeeter portrayed Fleur as an "exotic flower" who supposedly used seduction spells to attract attention from men at Hogwarts. Skeeter's manipulative approach was known for distorting the truth and creating dramatic stories to sell newspapers, often damaging the reputation of various wizards and witches. This further fueled her fame as eccentric, but it didn't shake her.

A few days before the first task, Fleur spent most of her time in the champions' room, receiving instructions and refining some useful spell techniques. During a brief break, my brother Frederique, Gabrielle, and I decided to take a stroll around the extensive grounds of the school. Hogwarts was as vast as Beauxbatons, full of secret passages and mysterious rooms.

In the midst of this exploration, an incident occurred. Distracted, I ended up getting lost in one of the unknown corridors. I shouldn't have been there, and some students looked at me with certain judgment. However, Frederique and Gabrielle's curiosity led me to that place. I tried to maintain an appearance of confidence, pretending all the time that I knew exactly where I was going.

However, there was an exception: your father, who was in his sixth year at the time. He was part of a popular group from Gryffindor and was recognized as one of the best students of that year. Alone, he felt entitled to approach me. The encounter was marked by a brief moment of discomfort, as I was lost and he, perhaps driven by his own pride, decided to come closer.

"You, the famous Fleur Delacour, what are you doing lost here?" The group of friends laughed in the background. He knew I wasn't Fleur, but despite the resemblance, he wanted to know who I was. That day, he wore a mocking badge with the name Harry Potter, mocking the fact that he was among the champions.

On an impulse of anger, I replied, "Harry Potter defeated You-Know-Who. If you were smart, you wouldn't wear such a mocking badge, you'd recognize the name Harry Potter, and you'd understand that I'm not Fleur Delacour just because I wear the same uniform!" I turned and tried to go back the way I came. Richard's group of friends mocked him and booed, as I had retaliated with that response. The voice of one of the girls from the group reached me, saying only, "He needed that. I know you're lost. Continue down the left corridors, and when you see a winter garden, you'll be close to the main hall."

Later, in the evening, after leaving Hogwarts' main hall with the last warnings, Richard approached me subtly and extremely politely. He apologized for his earlier behavior and expressed the desire for me to give us another chance to start on the right foot. I decided to accept the proposal and allowed him to escort me to the carriage.

At that moment, I was taken aback by your father's chivalrous gestures. He removed the mocking Harry Potter badge right in front of me, revealing that, unlike his friends who were enchanted by Fleur Delacour, he had fallen in love with me from the day I arrived in the carriage. Due to his inflated ego, he preferred to pretend he didn't know me when he initially approached me. The sincerity of his words brought a new perspective to our encounter, and I realized that there might be more between us than initially seemed.

I noticed we had many common interests, and I found out that he had also put his name into the Goblet of Fire. We spent a few hours around the carriage, enjoying each other's company until curfew. However, I noticed that Madame Maxime was not in the carriage. Richard had a habit of breaking some rules and always getting involved in some adventure. He suggested taking me to the forests to show me a surprise. I accepted the invitation, and as we reached a clearing, we came across some cages containing large dragons. Several men were trying to tame these majestic creatures. Although we didn't get too close, I spotted Madame Maxime and Hagrid on the other side of the clearing, at a distance.

It was at that moment that we decided to run away. Richard revealed that he knew about the first task of the Triwizard Tournament a few days ago and, as a proof of loyalty, showed me the scene so that I could warn Fleur. He said that, no matter where I was or whom I cheered for, he would be there, cheering with me. However, as I had seen Madame Maxime, I let her handle this task.

The first task, indeed involving facing dragons, took place on November 24, 1994, and even though nervous, Fleur exuded remarkable confidence. In the stadium, I was on the north side, and your father was on the other side, but he made sure to come closer to watch the championship by my side. The goal was to retrieve a golden egg from a dragon's nest, which would serve as a clue for the next task. Fleur showed great insight in charming the dragon, putting it to sleep. However, while grabbing the egg, the sleeping dragon released flames that burned her skirt. Despite her skill in executing the task, she ended up in last place, losing points due to the burned skirt. The justification was that the other champions were faster, although in terms of execution, Fleur stood out as the best.

Meanwhile, Harry's strategy, summoning his broomstick, created a memorable spectacle. In the days that followed, this feat significantly contributed to the increase in his fan base. Even I, in addition to cheering for my cousin, developed a certain compassion for the young wizard. After the second task, Beauxbatons began to root for Harry Potter.

Before the second task, Fleur attempted to decipher the messages from the golden egg, with the help of the boy from Ravenclaw, who collaborated in every possible way. However, we did not achieve conclusive results. Before the second task, everyone's anxiety turned to the approaching Yule Ball. Everyone was already preparing to dance a waltz, choosing formal attire, and finding potential dance partners. Your father and I became very close, causing a certain jealousy in Frederique, who didn't particularly like Richard's personality.

It was certain that Davies would invite Fleur as his partner, but that didn't stop many other boys from inviting her to the ball. Additionally, my brother's jealousy regarding Richard's proximity was evident. Richard, in turn, began to show jealousy when other boys, including some from Durmstrang, came to invite me to the ball.

Fleur and I never declined so many invitations in our lives as during that time. I left it in the air for your father that maybe I wouldn't accept his invitation, but it was just a tease. On a specific occasion, my brother and Richard were so jealous that Fleur, some friends, and I got closer, talking only about boys around Hogwarts. One day, a red-haired and quite freckled boy approached Fleur, visibly nervous, and invited her to the ball. She declined subtly, mentioning that she already had a partner. It seemed like he wanted to cry with the response. Later, I found out that it was Ronald Weasley, the same red-haired boy I saw with Harry when I arrived.

How curious it is to think that I witnessed the growth of Harry and his friends. I saw them in 1994 and, later, at Fleur's wedding to Bill Weasley - an event I will share details about later, as it was one of the most memorable and emotional weddings of my life.

Anyway, the night of the ball arrived. Frederique took a very friendly girl from Hufflepuff as his date, while Gabrielle was accompanied by a chubby and playful boy from Slytherin's first year. Your father welcomed me with a charming bouquet of flowers, and Fleur attended the ball with Roger. The night was truly special; we danced and were enchanted by the music of an English band that came exclusively for the event at Hogwarts. At the end of the ball, Richard and I shared our first kiss under the twinkling winter mistletoe. It was a magical moment that sealed the memory of that night.

There were only a few days left until the second task, scheduled for February 24, 1995. Maxime, Gabrielle, and I were summoned by Professor McGonagall to attend a crucial meeting in Albus Dumbledore's office. Upon arriving, we noticed that Albus was not present at the moment. Instead, we found Igor Karkaroff, the Headmaster of Durmstrang Institute, and Severus Snape, one of Dumbledore's right-hand men, engaged in a conversation in one corner of the room. Alastor Moody remained near the entrance door.

Soon after, a girl with distinct Asian features from Ravenclaw entered, whom we quickly identified as Cho Chang. Within minutes, Albus entered the room accompanied by Mr. Weasley, who, upon seeing me, blushed intensely, avoiding eye contact. Next to him was Miss Hermione Granger, whose gaze reflected apprehension but also a serious determination.

After a few minutes, Dumbledore instructed us on the details of the second task, scheduled to take place within a week. The task would unfold at the Black Lake, an impressive stretch located on the Hogwarts grounds. This lake was inhabited by merpeople, a giant squid, and the fearsome grindylows.

The champions' mission was to rescue victims from the lake within an hour. These victims were special individuals for each participant, all under the effect of a petrification that would persist until they reached the lake's surface. Cho would be supervised by the merpeople until Cedric Diggory's arrival, Hermione Granger for Viktor Krum, Ronald Weasley for Harry Potter, and Madame Maxime had to choose between Gabrielle and me. Albus gave her this choice knowing about the closeness between Fleur and me, while Gabrielle was the younger sister.

I accepted to take Gabrielle's place, but my cousin stepped forward, claiming to be Fleur's sister and that she wouldn't allow anything to happen to me. With courage, she declared that she was willing to stay underwater. Madame Maxime, agreeing to Gabrielle's request, accepted, and that would be Fleur's goal in the second task.

At this point, everyone was extremely anxious, and we couldn't share any details. It was imperative that the champions remain unaware of the meeting we organized to stay at the lake's bottom, awaiting rescue. I was especially distraught for Gabrielle, and Frederique was equally concerned after I told him. Until February 23, I tried to persuade Gabrielle to change her mind, but without success. She argued that people didn't trust her potential due to her young age.

The next day, at dawn, Gabrielle had disappeared from the carriage. Both Frederique and I were surprised by how quickly they took Gabrielle. I didn't mention anything to Richard, but he could sense the concern in my eyes.

The champions headed to the Hogwarts Lake, ready to face the second task. They all dived simultaneously, each using unique techniques to breathe underwater: Fleur and Cedric chose the Bubble-Head Charm, Viktor transfigured his head into a shark's, while Harry used Gillyweed, acquiring gills and fins.

Despite being the first to arrive at the location where their friends were, Harry chose to wait before initiating the rescue of Ron, Hermione, Cho Chang, and Gabrielle. Cedric was the first to emerge, cutting the ropes that bound Cho, followed by Krum, who saved Hermione. However, Fleur did not appear. Harry waited until the effects of the Gillyweed began to diminish, feeling responsible for rescuing both Gabrielle and Ron.

During the task, Fleur was captured by the grindylows, forced to withdraw due to injuries. Panic spread among all of Beauxbatons, concerned about how Gabrielle would be rescued. The rescue of Ron and Gabrielle led Harry to the lake's edge well beyond the one-hour deadline set for the task. Seeing that Harry brought Gabrielle along with Ron, she entered a state of euphoria, reflecting the collective feeling of gratitude and relief. Fleur was speechless to express her gratitude to Harry Potter for the courageous and friendly act.

We knew that Fleur was already far from becoming the champion of the tournament. However, she was too proud to give up on the last task. Everyone from Beauxbatons, including Fleur, who had previously referred to Harry Potter as just a little boy, developed a significant appreciation for the wizard. Secretly, even Fleur was rooting for her friend's victory. Gabrielle was enchanted by Harry's heroic attitude to the point that we realized she was even in love with the boy. The third and final task would take place on June 24, and in the meantime, we shared good moments together.

Richard and I, with each passing day spent together, felt more connected. Frederique had established a solid relationship with a Hufflepuff classmate, and I was happy for him. Despite feeling a bit down seeing that both Fleur and I were involved with someone, Frederique was moving on. However, the relationship that Fleur developed with Davies never went beyond a great friendship. The two studied together and became close friends after we bid farewell to Hogwarts.

I had the opportunity to speak with Harry Potter twice in my life. One of these occasions happened when I took the liberty of going to the Hogwarts library during a free period. At the time, he was with Ronald and Hermione, exiting one of the rooms. Upon seeing me in the corridors, Potter came towards me with his friends. Hermione, in turn, walked past me without greeting, leaving just the two lads with me.

Potter asked if I was related to Fleur due to the visible resemblance. Ronald, as always, remained silent and turned red upon seeing me. In addition to inquiring about Gabrielle, Potter showed curiosity about Beauxbatons Castle and my part-veela condition. He mentioned having seen veelas at the Quidditch World Cup, where veelas were mascots for the Bulgarian team. I briefly explained our story and shared my opinion that veelas as mascots for Bulgaria must have been brought there with ill intentions, as they were not in their natural habitat. Despite limited contact, I always quite liked Potter.

Anyway, the outcome of the story became known worldwide. The fourth task involved a maze, at the center of which was the Triwizard Cup, which would determine the tournament's winner. However, the cup was, in reality, a portkey that transported Harry and Cedric to the Dark Lord, resulting in the tragic death of poor Cedric. It was a devastating shock for all of us. Fleur, despite the adversities, had developed an admirable friendship with the three champions, as did the entire teaching staff. This event marked the end of our time at Hogwarts in an indelible way.

Cedric was an exceptional young man, and I later discovered that he had a long-standing friendship with Richard. They lived across from each other and played together even before joining Hogwarts. The experience at Hogwarts provided me with many good things, teaching me lessons that I might not have learned had I stayed at Beauxbatons during that year. Perhaps I would never have met the love of my life, but here I am sharing a fragment of the story from my perspective alongside him.

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