The Veela Witches

By Revans1998

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Emma is an eleven-year-old witch who received two letters, one to attend Beauxbatons and another for Hogwarts... More

Letter from the Author
The Two Choices
The Old Chest
The Glass Greenhouse
Delphine and the Unbreakable Vow
The Legacy of Rose Gilmore
From Love to Hate
The Orphans Caroline and Armand Gautier
In Search of Answers
The Final Letter
The Delacours and the Gautiers
Another View of History
The Glittering Rosebush
The Choice

The Lovers, Louise and Frederico

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By Revans1998

It was around nine-fifteen in the evening when my mother concluded the narrative about the fate of Madame Delphine's daughters after the death of Rose Gilmore. The significant loss of the witch had profound effects on the Gautier sisters' relationship, separating them. Madeline still resides in Gautier Hills to this day, leading a solitary and content life with a few employees. However, she never established close family ties, gaining a reputation as a cantankerous lady with prejudices against half-Veela hybrids. Francine, on the other hand, retired and moved to an island in the Greek seas with Monsieur Lambert. The couple had three twin daughters, who remained in France, holding important positions. One of them became a renowned writer for the French newspaper, and this successful trajectory was passed down to her descendants in subsequent generations, contributing to the history of French magic.

Clemence carried the weight of guilt for Rose Gilmore's death until the last breath of her existence. She married a British Lord and adopted his surname. Rose was present at the wedding ceremony, but at the height of the celebrations, she was struck by a severe illness and passed away the following day. The perpetual vow was not fulfilled when Clemence chose to adopt the Lord's surname. After this episode and the revelation of the vow made in the diaries by Rose, the three sisters blamed Clemence, resulting in a gradual estrangement between them. Despite everything, the Lord acquired lands in France to establish a vineyard and made every effort to ensure Clemence's happiness. She gave birth to Bernard, Laurent, and Apolline, the latter later marrying Monsieur Delacour.

Louise, the youngest and, as expected, my great-grandmother, piqued my curiosity. I longed to know the story that led her to my grandmother and, consequently, to my mother. With each new member introduced, my fascination grew, and the desire to unravel more details became irresistible.

My mother waved her wand, casting a spell that made one of the boxes brought down from the attic vibrate intensely. From it emerged a small black leather notebook with the initials "L. D. G." (Louise Delphine Gautier) engraved in gold. Simultaneously, a stack of letters jumped into my mother's lap, organizing themselves automatically in chronological order.

That was my great-grandmother's diary, and the letters contained within it were exchanged between her and her lover, Frederico. I yearned to read every detail of the correspondence, but my mother, taking only a few of them, stated that even with brief readings, it would be possible to comprehend the entire plot behind these pages. Moreover, she emphasized that these letters would provide me with a broader understanding of what it meant to attend Beauxbatons. The story of Louise and Frederico, as revealed in the letters and my great-grandmother's diary, spanned from 1938 to 1955, covering her childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Beauxbatons, September 13, 1938

To my best friend, Rose Gilmore
I hope this letter reaches you quickly. When Agatha delivers it, prepare a nice fresh fish for her. She doesn't like Mr. Rupert, who is a friendly little mouse from my roommate.

I hope everything is going well there. Here in Beauxbatons, everything is so beautiful; I don't even know where to begin to tell you how amazing this place is! I know you studied at Hogwarts and are very curious about Beauxbatons. My sisters don't talk much about it, but I was going to tell you anyway.

I have no idea where we are, but I know it's somewhere in the French mountain range, further south. I thought it would be a bit difficult to breathe because we are at a relatively high altitude. The view from outside is a mix of a castle and a palace, right on top of a mountain. But when we're inside, it feels like we're at sea level. Everything is very magical, clear, and elegant. In some rooms, it reminds me a lot of the Palace of Versailles, but in many shades of blue.

My headmistress is an extremely young and very, very tall woman. She is very elegant, just like everyone here. There is a magical fountain somewhere in the palace, and it helps with the healing and beauty of people. I thought that was amazing, but I don't know if first-year students can visit it.

The food is very refined and light. During dinners, we hear enchanted nymphs, fairies, and coral singing, which makes the atmosphere very peaceful. In some parts of the palace, it seems like it never gets dark, only a very beautiful sunset. The view from my tower dormitory is breathtaking.

I think Mom would like to know that the Sorting Mirror chose me to be in Loyallicorne. Now each daughter is in a different house, forming a complete team of Veelas.

Many kisses, and I'm dying to see you,

The Youngest Sheep.

After hearing my great-grandmother's first-year letter from school, I was immensely intrigued about how the academy worked. My father used to mention the magnificence of Hogwarts, describing the castle, the personalities of each house, and fascinating stories with friends. I always marveled at him talking about the Whomping Willow, the astronomy tower, Gryffindor common room, the village of Hogsmeade, and, above all, the famous Quidditch. However, my mother never mentioned anything about Beauxbatons. She only guided me, saying that when the right time came, I would know.

She wasn't entirely ready, but when my curiosity about Loyallicorne blossomed, she explained to me that, just like at Hogwarts, students were sorted by a magical mirror. This mirror had the ability to reflect the true essence of each student, and each house had a unique characteristic. Sireneblesse was the house of the most beautiful, both inside and out, composed of noble and loyal hearts, and its emblem was a mermaid. Couragetaure was the house of the brave, independent, and ambitious, represented by a centaur. Griffeligence, the house of the intelligent, sensitive, and forward-thinking, had a hippogriff as its symbol. Finally, Loyallicorne was the house of lovers, pure, affectionate, and friendly individuals. Each of my great-grandmother's sisters was sorted into a different house: Madeline in Coutagetaure, Francine in Griffeligence, Clemence in Sireneblesse, and, finally, Louise in Loyallicorne. This made a lot of sense, considering their history and personalities in relation to the characteristics of the houses.

Next, she searched for a lilac envelope and told us that the previous information was just an introduction to show how Louise was the most loving among her sisters. In the Gautier family trunk, numerous letters with mundane details from Louise were plentiful, and Rose kept them all with great care.

Gautier Hills, December 30, 1943

Dear Diary,

There are things beyond our control, and love is one of them. Since I met Frederico, my life has gained vibrant colors; I can appreciate even the small wonders around me. Even when I'm not by his side, longing doesn't dim my view of the world, and the colors remain vivid in my eyes.

After a long period without writing, I found a moment of tranquility in the Gautier Hills before returning to Beauxbatons. Writing helps me organize my thoughts, as if I were talking to an old friend capable of understanding my concerns and keeping my secrets.

Frederico... how can I begin to describe him? The mere mention of his name brings to mind his brown eyes, sun-kissed skin, his strong hands around my neck, and his fresh breath whispering my name with that captivating and melodious accent. I vividly recall the day I first saw him at the Palace, accompanied by two beautiful girls, radiant and smiling.

Frederico Castro was his name. When he entered the Great Hall on that first day, our gazes met so intensely that I felt my body tremble. An inner force compelled me to fight in every way to reach him. His seductive gaze, thick eyebrows, and unique charm left an indelible mark on me. I found out we would share the same classes, news that ignited hope within me.

Unlike other schools, Brazilian students completed their studies in eight years; the last year at CasteloBruxo was dedicated to specializations, advice, and decisions about the future in the wizarding world.

During classes, I adopted strategies to get Frederico's attention. Rose Gilmore encouraged us to study even during vacations, and upon returning to classes, I sought to attract attention with my intelligence. After finishing exams quickly, I would pass by him with a smile, wishing him good luck. I knew it had some effect, and my Veela blood left no doubt that it enhanced my power of attraction.

The only shadow on my path was Consuela Castro, Frederico's adoptive sister. She was always around him, and it was challenging to decipher whether her expression was one of jealousy, love, or envy. Consuela, a beautiful and slender woman with a mischievous smile, dark eyes, and very dark hair, became a barrier between us. The three CasteloBruxo students were inseparable, and I couldn't find a way to approach them beyond my attempts.

Headmistress Madame Maxime suggested a winter ball before the end-of-year holidays, and, as usual, several boys approached me. However, Frederico, my dream partner, showed no signs of approaching. It was Herminia Coelho, a CasteloBruxo exchange student and now my great friend, who proposed a solution. She expressed the desire to see me with Frederico at the winter ball because Consuela had already noticed my interest and was annoying her.

I decided to act immediately and sent an invitation to Frederico through Agatha. In no time, I received a positive response, written on an orange parchment: "Miss Gautier, it would be an honor. I had the invitation in my hands, but I thought I would never have the chance to take you with me. I apologize!"

The Winter Ball was the magical setting where I discovered that Frederico was the love of my life. That moment, illuminated by the moon, seemed taken from a fairy tale, and the kiss we shared awakened deep feelings. The night was too short to share everything we had to tell each other, and my heart overflowed with happiness.

Now, I am thinking of going to our family's country house in Toulouse, where Frederico is staying with the other exchange students in an inn near the center, before we return to Beauxbatons.

I promise to share more details soon.

Louise Castro, doesn't it sound wonderful?

Santos Beach, São Paulo, January 1, 1944

Dear Louise,

Happy New Year, my beloved. Since I arrived in Brazil for the year-end holidays, my thoughts have been constantly turning to you. The heat here is intense, a noticeable contrast to the harsh winter in France. I spent the night of the 31st with my family on the beach, staying at an indigenous wizarding inn. Despite the Muggle war raging in the world, the Brazilian people maintain a smile on their faces. I can't wait to bring you here and share this infectious joy. As I gaze at the sea, I see the blue of your eyes reflected in the waves, and the sun's glow evokes the memory of the golden hue of your hair.

Tomorrow, I'll be back in the capital, and after that, my sister, Herminia, and I will head to Rio de Janeiro, where we have a meeting at the Ministry of Magic with Minister Vicência Santos before returning to France.

By the 5th, we'll be back at Beauxbatons, for your final year and my penultimate one.

During my stay, I met a shaman wizard at the inn. He shared with me the knowledge of creating two amulets using coconut shells, for protection against envy and evil spirits. I crafted one for myself and another especially for you. They are stored in a linen pouch tied to the leg of my owl, Margot.

I miss being in your arms, and I can't help but think of your kisses, which make me feel more alive and eager to live. I want to be close to you, doing everything in my power to make your world happier. By wearing this amulet during my absence, I feel that we will be connected in some way. I am sure there are those who try to hinder our love, especially Consuela. This amulet should ward off any negativity, allowing us to follow our path together.

I will be by your side soon,

Frederico Antonio Castro

Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, February 2, 1944

Miss Gautier,

I wish you a prosperous New Year, although the content of this letter is not to convey happiness. It is with deep concern that I find myself compelled to express my apprehensions regarding my brother's involvement with you.

I have observed your interactions, and I cannot ignore the use of your veela power to attract and, seemingly, drain the vitality of my dear brother. I have thoroughly investigated your family history and discovered details that have left me uneasy. I am not naive about the complexities of life, Miss Gautier. I know that your origins are not purely wizarding, and I cannot help but question the integrity of your intentions.

Your mother deceived your father, leading him to his death alongside her. I do not wish for a similar tragedy to befall my brother, who seems to be enchanted by your beauty since he met you. He does not eat, does not drink, does not dedicate himself to studies properly, and his only concerns revolve around you.

With all due kindness, I ask that you step away. This is the last year for both of you in your country, a valuable opportunity that I am grateful for every day. Our family does not have the same financial condition as yours, and this exchange program is our chance to complete our studies, specialize, and ensure a dignified future in Brazil.

Do not waste your time misleading him. The conduct rules for exchange students are clear: we cannot form emotional bonds, especially romantic ones, with individuals from other continents without a stable foundation. Your influence is diverting his focus, potentially jeopardizing his scholarship at this crucial stage.

I apologize for any harshness in the words, but this letter stems from the desperation of a sister concerned about her brother's future and our family's.


Consuela Maria Castro

Country House Gautier, Toulouse, January 3, 1944

Dear diary,

Today I came across a letter that left me completely shocked and saddened. It was a message from Consuela Castro, Frederico's sister. The letter reveals a prejudiced tone, but at the same time, I can understand her lack of knowledge about veelas, something not so common in the Americas. I am torn between the desire to stay by Frederico's side and the feeling that perhaps it is the right path to follow a different course. I do not wish to harm the lives of the Castros, much less Frederico's. I plan to return soon to Beauxbatons to meet Hermínia, my friend, who will surely have wise advice to offer me.

Sadness envelops me, and my heart seems to break at the thought that this may be our last year together.


Upon concluding the reading of this last passage from Louise's diary, my mother took a brief pause, took another sip of her tea, and began a detailed narrative, revealing everything she knew up to the point where Consuela sent the arrogant letter. Louise, who was eagerly awaiting her lover in Toulouse, was surprised to learn that they had gone directly to Beauxbatons. It became evident that someone was aware that Louise planned to wait for her beloved before the return to classes and shared this information with Consuela.

Frederico and Louise embarked on a forbidden romance, facing various challenges. Frederico's sister initiated a persistent pursuit, making the affair known throughout the school. Several people began reporting the couple's meetings to Consuela. In a fit of rage, Consuela scheduled a meeting with Madame Maxime, highlighting her brother's inappropriate behavior and poor grades, blaming Louise. Consuela's sharp argumentation was so convincing that Louise received a warning for romantic involvement with an exchange student. As a result, Frederico was transferred to other classes, and the two were magically separated; he could only access parts of the palace where Louise was not, and vice versa.

Despite the physical separation during the remaining school year, Louise and Frederico never gave up on each other. During this time, the owls Agatha and Margarida played a vital role, transporting letters, gifts, and pieces of paper with the most beautiful love declarations between the lovers. Louise's loyal friend, Hermínia, played a crucial role, allowing the two to talk for hours through a magical mirror. Additionally, a special charm was placed on their amulet by Hermínia, providing the feeling of each other's presence when they touched the amulet.

Louise's graduation took place in May 1945, marking the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of winter in the southern hemisphere. The Brazilian exchange students left in March of that year, before graduation, following the different school calendar of CasteloBruxo compared to the European one, to start their final year of graduation. Even with the considerably increased distance, Louise and Frederico continued to exchange letters; the owls made longer trips, staying three days at Louise's house and three days at Frederico's house before flying again, carrying more correspondence and gifts.

CateloBruxo, Brazil, May 25, 1945

Dear Louise,

I apologize for the delay in responding, as I am quite busy with the final exams before the winter break, which will begin on June 1. I can't wait for us to meet again. Congratulations on your graduation! As a gift, I would love for you to come to Brazil and enjoy the winter holidays here with me. Don't worry, the Brazilian winter is quite different from the European one. In the region where I was born, most Muggles and wizards don't know what it's like to touch snow. I showed the spell to make it snow at home, which you taught me, to my siblings. It was our way of having a brief illusion of what real snow is like.

I would like you to come before you start your professional life in France so that my parents and siblings can get to know you. Frederico and I have become great friends since our return. He misses you a lot, and I always hoped that you two would end up together. However, Consuela can't hear your name without speaking ill of your exchange with the wizards here in Brazil. She seems to do nothing but spread false information and cause intrigue, in addition to trying to arrange various suitors for her brother, afraid that you will come back.

I plan to surprise my great friend by bringing you to the Brazilian lands. I can't wait to see Consuela's reaction when she finds out that the "French girl" will spend the winter with us here. Before that, we will tour some incredible spots in Brazil.

With affection,

Herminia Coelho

Salvador - Bahia, Brazil, July 6, 1945

Dear Diary,

As I write these words, I contemplate the stunning coastline of Salvador. It's curious how the temperature in the southern hemisphere is different; some would say it's a cool climate, but my friend Herminia insists it's cold. It doesn't surprise me to hear from her that many Brazilians are unfamiliar with snow, as winter here is unique. I observe some Muggles having fun on the beaches. Herminia explained to me that winter in the state where she lives is not as harsh as in the southern part of the country.

I am absolutely enchanted to explore Brazil, the homeland of my best friend and my beloved Frederico. It was my first time traveling so far alone and in a magical submarine, and I confess I'm a bit queasy, but it was the fastest way to cross the ocean without attracting Muggle attention; the journey lasted just under 3 hours. Rose accompanied me to Brest to catch the submarine. She couldn't stop crying, but I assured her that I would be back soon. So far, only Francine knows about Frederico; Rose is still unaware.

Herminia lives in the northern part of the country, and the people here are incredibly welcoming, polite, and love to hug. I noticed some curious looks as I walked through the streets, but Herminia explained that for Brazilians, it's a bit unusual to see a very fair-skinned and blonde woman walking in the sun without turning red, especially accompanied by a black family. For Muggles, this might seem suspicious, and Herminia warned me about their tendency for scrutiny and prejudices related to different skin tones, which I consider utter nonsense.

Herminia's family is lovely, with two older brothers and a 4-year-old sister. Her brothers seem to be in a not-so-friendly competition to win me over, but Herminia always intervenes, reminding them that I already have a romantic partner. Mr. and Mrs. Coelho are extremely sweet and kind. I dared to try speaking Portuguese with them, but it's a challenging language. At the moment, I can only say "obrigada."

Next week, we plan to visit an indigenous village near CateloBruxo in the Amazon. I am excited about this unique experience. Right after, Herminia and I will head to São Paulo. She has already sent a letter to Frederico, informing him about our trip. However, she mentioned that she would come accompanied by her brother, without saying anything about me.

I am looking forward to the big day.


São Paulo, Brazil, July 12, 1945

Dear Diary,

I am overflowing with happiness since I arrived in São Paulo a few days ago. It was an incredible surprise for both me and Frederico. Although I'm not exactly sure which area of the city we're in, I believe it's close to downtown, a calm and tranquil neighborhood. It's much cooler here than in the northeastern part of the country.

Upon arriving at the small but cozy Castro house, Herminia and I knocked on the door. I could hear Consuela's strident voice approaching. She expected to find Herminia and her brother, but when she saw me, her tan skin paled, and her eyes widened. I could see, from my peripheral vision, Herminia holding back laughter. Consuela stood still and staggered backward, unable to articulate a word. Then I heard Frederico's voice approaching the door to greet the guests. When he saw me, he had the same reaction as his sister, but unlike her, he started crying and rushed to kiss me. My body went into ecstasy; it felt like someone had used the petrification spell along with an Obliviate because nothing was going through my mind, and I doubted that this kiss was real.

The parents had the same reaction when they saw me at the door, but both were as receptive as Herminia's parents. I understood only a few words of the Portuguese they spoke to me, but I could tell they were positive words by their smiles. Frederico's mother couldn't stop hugging and kissing me on the cheeks. At that moment, I saw Consuela's angry face going upstairs, speaking loudly in Portuguese, and slamming a wooden door.

These days will be etched in my memory forever. Despite Consuela bothering me, I exchanged many caresses with Frederico. He showed me every corner of the city, and we had nights and nights of love, as if we were on a honeymoon, even without being married. I love him so much; I don't know how it would be to live without him. As we walked along a steep street near the house, we spotted a small white house with a beautiful garden in front. Frederico vowed in front of it that this would be where our children would grow up, and we would spend our entire lives together. It feels like I'm in a never-ending dream.

I'm writing this before going down for dinner that his parents carefully planned. Herminia told me that before dessert, Frederico will propose to me, but she asked me to swear secrecy. I'm excited, I've cried many times with joy today; it's all I want right now: to marry Frederico and live a happy life with a family.

Herminia gifted me a pearl necklace as a sign of our friendship, wishing me good luck for our engagement. I gave her a locket, and she liked it a lot.


My mother closed the black diary with the gleaming initials once again and said,

- I'm sorry for Louise's story. They were a beautiful couple. I have a photo of them somewhere around here. But for today, it's enough; it's getting late. It's almost midnight, and we need to get up early tomorrow to continue arranging things for our visit to London and organize this house.

My father was almost asleep on the sofa next to her when I jumped up and said loudly and firmly,

- MUM NO! I know that when you close this diary and put these things away, you'll change your mind and never finish this story. I want to keep hearing. If you continue, I'll decide today which school I'm going to!

My father woke up with wide eyes, and my mother stared at me, but at the same time, she took the diary back. With it on her crossed legs, she lowered her head slightly to the diary and said quietly,

- Alright, you win. Your father has a day off tomorrow, and I won't do anything major. I guess we can continue until later!

I sat back in the armchair with a victorious smile on my face, but I still hadn't made the decision about which school to attend.

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