Alvin's Hidden Life

By Investor132

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After finding out that Brittany was never attacked by a body snatcher, and that she had other motives for bei... More

Chapter 2: Brittany: The Date
Chapter 3: Alvin: The Action
Chapter 4: Alvin: Covering Up
Chapter 5: Brittany: Beginning the Act
Chapter 6: Simon: Defying Logic
Chapter 7: Jeanette: Doctor's Visit
Chapter 8: Alvin: Back-Up Plan
Chapter 9: Eleanor: Baking Cookies
Chapter 10: Brittany: Target -Dave-
Chapter 11: Alvin: 100% Sure
Chapter 12: Brittany: Reputation Lost
Chapter 13: Alvin: Love Will Make Ya Do Some Crazy Things
Chapter 14: Simon: Unsolvable Puzzle
Chapter 15: Dave: Another Failed Lecture
Chapter 16: Alvin: The Essentials

Chapter 1: Alvin: The Body Snatcher Catcher

289 4 1
By Investor132

"Okay, listen Alvin, Kevin has no idea what he is talking about! There is no such thing as a body snatcher!"

"Yes, I know that, okay! But what if they do! Kevin said they are so powerful only because nobody believes in them. Their story is just so unbelievable that nobody with any brains would think they exist. Well, obviously except for me, which is why it is my job to take them down!"

"Seriously, Alvin? This is completely ridiculous! Body snatcher aliens did not come down to earth in order to take over Brittany's body and show kindness to you okay! She is probably just playing some joke on you or something, and before you ask, no I am not helping you capture it."

"But Simon, think about it! With this discovery we could become rich, and we could even end up saving the world!"

"No, Alvin, just leave me alone! I have to get to science class!"

"Fine, but you are going to be missing out on the discovery of the century."

I had to catch that body snatcher who had taken over control of Brittany's body, and had to do it quickly, but first, I think I owe a bit of an explanation. My name is Alvin Seville, the coolest talking chipmunk in the world. Way cooler than my brothers Simon and Theodore. Simon is known as the nerdy one who is perfect at pretty much everything that requires using your brain. Theodore could best be described as the baby of the family. He's super kind, but also extremely gullible, and it is totally noticeable that he's the youngest. We all lived with Dave on 1958 Liberty Lane. Dave is our dad, the guy who keeps us all in check, not that we really need him to.

On another note there's the Chipettes. Jeanette, the oldest, is very similar to Simon. She knows almost as much as he does and she's super passionate about saving the planet and all of that stuff. Then there's Eleanor. She's almost as good at sports as I am, and she's very straightforward. If there's anyone to go to to get the truth, other than me of course, it's Eleanor. Brittany, the last of the Chipettes, is the complete opposite of me. She is self-centered, obsessed with popularity, rude, and so many other things that I definitely am not. I rarely ever helped Brittany for any reason, but this was different because she had been turned into an alien. Brittany and I were pretty much enemies, but she had been acting super nice for no reason. The only reasonable explanation was that she was not in control of herself because an alien had taken over.

Though I would never admit it to anyone, I cared about Brittany. I knew it was my responsibility to rescue her, because nobody else would even realize the danger she was in. My plan was to run to class early and get Ms. Smith to help out. The smooth approach was always best with Ms. Smith. She didn't always show it, but I could almost always win her over with my charm. Almost immediately after I started talking, I could tell she wanted me to stop, but I wasn't going to give in to her complaints.

"Hey Ms. Smith, can I talk to you for a second? You've always been a great teacher and—"

"What do you want Alvin!"

"Well it's complicated, but I think Brittany has been taken over by an alien and—"

"Alvin, that is ridiculous! No, I'm not helping you save the world from aliens! They don't exist! We've already been through this!"

"But Ms. Smith! Listen to me for just a second. I've really thought through this here."

"No, I don't think so. I—"

"No, but what if all you did was assign a big project to two random students and it happened to be me and Brittany? Then I could do the project with her and investigate the situation!"

"Wait a second Alvin. Are you asking me for extra work?"

"Yes! That's exactly what I'm asking! Please Ms. Smith! I need more practice before the big test."

"Alvin, we don't have any big tests coming up. You aren't fooling me at all."


"I'll assign it at the end of class, Alvin, but you better do it! I'm taking it for a grade!"

"I promise I'll do it, Ms. Smith! Thank you, thank you! When I catch this body snatcher and save the world, I might even mention you during the acceptance speech for the award in order to show my appreciation to you for giving me this opportunity."
"Just get off the top of my desk Alvin and go sit in your seat. Class is about to start."

I did just as she said because for once she had actually given me what I wanted. As I sat down furthering my planning process for catching her over the weekend, kids started trickling in to class.


"Alright, that was the bell, so everyone better be paying attention! We're going to be starting off with some more history. It's important for ALL of you to know this and understand what I am talking about. Now, Thomas Edison was the first... but Abraham Lincoln... had to understand the basic concept of how the pyramids... baseball... soccer... football... Alvin is the best... my favorite student... school doesn't matter... blah... blah... blah... I said listen up! ALVINNN!!!! You'd better not be sleeping through my lesson! I'm about to assign a huge project to two very unlucky people in this classroom. I have all of your names in this bucket, and the two that I pull out have an extremely important project to complete over the weekend, and if you don't do it, you'll fail the class!"

Whenever she said stuff like that, I always took it with a grain of salt. She couldn't possibly fail me for skipping one project.

"The two of you have to work together to document the amount of calories your partner eats at every meal. You cannot document your own calories because I DON'T TRUST ANY OF YOU! Now, our two lucky students are... Alvin... and Brittany!

"Wait, Ms. Smith! You're joking right?! I can't be partner's with Brittany! She will make me eat, like, only broccoli or something!"

"No complaining Alvin! Brittany... do you have anything to say?"

"No not at all Ms. Smith, I would love to spend— I mean, I would love to do the project Ms. Smith."

WHAT! She wants to spend more time with me! That body snatcher has really left no trace of Brittany behind! I have to save Brittany before it is too late! I can't believe I'm thinking this, but I really miss the real Brittany.

"Well okay then, here are the sheets you have to document the calories on. Monday morning I am expecting a five minute speech on any information about calories that you learned over the weekend."

"But Ms. Smith!"

"Alvin, I am doing this for you, remember!"

"What does that—what does that even mean! This is torture!"


"See you on Monday everyone."

"Brittany! You aren't going to make me eat only broccoli and brussels sprouts are you?"

"No Alvin, you can eat whatever you want. How about you come over to my place tonight around 6:30 and I'll make us dinner."

"Wait, you don't mean that you are cooking, right? You mean Eleanor will cook while you are doing your hair or something?"

"No! Of course I'm cooking, that's what I just said!"

"Sure... Okay then, I'll see you at 6:30."

Yeah right, Brittany cooking? She never cooks! This body snatcher has gained full control! My only chance was to act tonight at dinner, which was exactly my plan. I just had to make sure Jeanette and Eleanor aren't in the house. Then the perfect opportunity popped up. I saw Jeanette!

"Hey Jeanette! I'm sorry to ask you this but I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

"I don't know Alvin I—"

"But, Jeanette, it's for Simon! He's been acting really weird lately because he can't figure out his newest invention-thingy. I was wondering if around 6:30 you could maybe help him figure out what keeps going wrong."

"Of course I will help Simon! I'm sorry Alvin, I thought you were going to drag me into one of your crazy plans or something, but it's a refresher to know that I can trust you every once in a while."

"Jeanette! I'm not that untrustworthy! Just please don't tell him that I said he needed help though because I don't want him to think I don't believe in him."

I didn't really care if he thought that or not, but I just didn't want my plan discovered.

"Of course Alvin! We wouldn't want him to know you actually cared. Thanks for coming to me for help, I will always be there for you guys if you need something."

"Thank you Jeanette. I won't be home but I'm sure Simon will be in his lab. Thanks!"

"Bye Alvin."

Boom! Then I hopped on my skateboard and headed off to find Eleanor. She was probably at the treehouse making some cookies or something. Then I started thinking. Hmmm... what should I come up with for Eleanor to do? It should probably have something to do with Theodore. Oh! I got it! I can give them money to go buy cupcakes and then I'll give Theo two tickets to a movie he wants to go watch. Eleanor won't be able to say no if he says he bought them for her! Bingo! I smelled cookies, which meant she was inside cooking. I headed up the steps to preparing my speech in my head. Then I knocked.

"Alvin? Sorry, not interested."

"Seriously Ellie! I was just trying to be a good brother! I promised Theodore I would take him to get cupcakes today, and because of this class project I can't go! I was wondering if you were able to take him to get some if I gave you some money?

"Well, I would say yes, but I'm going to need that money right now... before I agree, because you never pay me back."

"Yes I do! Name one time when I didn't pay you back!"

"Literally today Alvin, you needed money for the vending machine, I gave some to you and you said, 'Oh I just remembered, I didn't leave my wallet in my locker, it is all the way back at my house. Whoops. Sorry Ellie, I guess I won't be able to pay you back right now after all. See ya!'"

"That does not count! That was like two cents!"

"It was two and a half dollars!"

"Fine! I'll give you the money for the cupcakes now."


"Okay, and the $2.50 for the snack."


"And the $5 for the bake sale cookies."

"Deal. I'll take him to get those cupcakes Alvin."

"I told him I would take him at 6:30, so would you mind not switching up the time so he doesn't start rolling around on the floor because he is 'soooo hungry'?"

"Sure Alvin, but you still have to give me that money before you go."

"Let me just—"

"No Alvin! Right now!"

"Alright, here is $15. That should cover it."

"Alvin! You think I would fall for this! A 15 dollar bill does not exist! This doesn't even look real!"

"Fine, take this then, do these 10 and 5 dollar bills look real to you?"

"Yes Alvin, now get off of my porch before I change my mind!"

"Just so you know I am NOT happy about this!"

I still can't believe she actually made me pay her back for all of that stuff! She just needs to accept that when she lends me money she is never going to get it back! In the long run though, I guess $15 is a small price to pay for saving the world. I just needed to go and buy a heavy duty Brittany trap so I can communicate with that body snatcher and force it to leave us Chipmunks, as well as all of planet Earth alone!

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