
Da IamTheRealAlterEgo

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>An Oc Creepypasta story! If you like this then I wouldn't mind making an X Reader The town was relative... Altro


I See the Shadows On My Face

2 0 0
Da IamTheRealAlterEgo

Alright I'll mention a mask in this chapter, the mask in question is one I'll try to describe but if I can't get it then it's the picture up at top ()


It's been 9 years since the incident everyone has deemed the "Windside Stabbing" and it seems everyone has made amends and moved on from that point in history. Even Odette has seemly moved on, her father gifted her millions of dollars as an apology for ripping their family apart and killing her mother which she finds a shitty ass apology gift. He couldn't even bother to say sorry while she was right there in front of him then again she was screaming her heart out about how much she hates him. To this day she still hates him, she can't look in mirrors anymore because of the nasty scary that envelops most of her face, all the way from the right top part of her forehead, down over her eye then it takes a left turn and cuts her lips open it stops at her chin but picks up again at her collarbone then it sends on her arm.
           Her lip is split open and where it is split it pulls up which shows her teeth and gums a bit. The worst part of the injury is the fact that her left eye was sliced open which left a bad gash in it and caused it to go blind. It's been turning a white color ever since the incident. While her left eye went completely blind her right eye did the exact opposite as it now is the only operating visual indicator. Her vision in her right eye is at an astonishing 20/10 which is beyond average and extremely rare. It could be a genetic thing as both her mother and her father had 20/15 vision which is also above average.

          It's almost like her body put all her vision into a single eye which got her to 20/10 vision. While her doctors try to comfort her with the fact that she may have lost an eye but this one eye is an equivalent of two. The comforting words don't stop her from cringing and quickly looking away from her reflection.

           Odette sighed as she stepped into her bathroom. The sheet over her mirror kept her from looking at herself and she was happy she was so smart to think about it. The first thing to come off was the mask, it was a full face mask with the upper part of the mask having a gold color with pattern designs. The lips of the mask were the same golden color and the eyes were covered with a black mesh so no one would be able to see her eyes behind the mask with the rest of her face. She'd receive it as a gift from her 5th grade class, it wasn't meant to be a hurtful reminder of how ugly she was it was meant as an easier way to make herself feel better.
       Back then she'd always use bandages to cover her face up but with the mask it was much easier to take off and on. It was a gift, although by her fifth grade class, it was from one of her teachers. Probably her art teacher. She remembers the kids giving it to her on her birthday that they celebrated in the class.

          She turned the temperature of her shower and stepped in, her body instantly relaxed which caused her to let out a long breath. She began by washing her hair, it was extremely short so she didn't need a lot of shampoo and conditioner to clean it. Her hair, when wet, only reached about mid neck however when it's dry it doesn't even touch her neck. It's a bit curly and usually sticks up in many different ways because of how short it is buts it's fine to her— makes it easier to manage. The background music playing on her phone shuffled through her playlist, she didn't like when she showered with no music. The shower was fast, she put the shampoo in, rinse, put conditioner in, wash her body, rinse conditioner, and get out.

            She got out and paused her music, her home was eerily silent but that's how it is. She lives alone and it's 12:47 at night the rain outside was the only sound she could hear as she dried herself off and changed into her pajamas. Just a pair of sweat pants and a dark purple tank top shielded her from the unusual coldness of her house so she grabbed a jacket with half a skull on each side of the zipper. She scurried out of her bathroom and into her bedroom so she could put on her black cat slippers and grab a jacket, the unusual cold house put her on edge. She grabbed her teddybear and hugged him tight to her chest, the teddybear was about 20 inches in height and 13 inches from arm to arm. Odette was a bit scared, she put on her mask and slowly tiptoed out of the comfort of her room.

          She let her eye adjust to the darkness of her home, moving towards the stairs and slowly walking down to the first floor. She didn't know why she was so on edge maybe it was the uneasiness of her cold home mostly because her home was never cold. She always had her home on a quite warm setting because of her dislike for cold places. Getting down the stairs she looked over at her thermostat, her staircase was a spiraling one which went down into her living room. It was boxed in by three walls from the right, left, and back. To the right was the thermostat at the end of the stairs but the thing is..her thermostat is at 70. It was warm- well- supposed to be warm maybe it her heater was broke? It was winter outside so maybe pair that with a broken heater and that's probably why her house was so cold.
        She sighed, she'd call in the morning about it but while she's down there she'll just grab something to drink. Moving towards the fridge she then noticed a figure, it's small but human in front of her big window. What illuminated the figure was the assumed full moon outside, looking at the figure Odette could see the shuttering of its body and could hear small cries.

          "Hello..?" Odette asked, she didn't feel the need to be silent as she didn't see the small figure as a threat. Although she stood at only 5'4 she could tell the person was much- much- much smaller than her own. She slowly walked towards the figure. "Hello..? Are you...okay," she asked again, as she got closer she could hear the cries and whimpers of the girl. The little figure quickly spun around, the little girl started screaming mostly due to seeing an tall masked figure and the tall masked figure also started screaming due to the little girl being covered in blood and her moving quickly. They both let out fearful shrieks and stumbled back, the little girl crawled back while the older girl stumbled back. Odette ended up tripping over her coffee table and hit her head on the floor, she stopped her screaming to groan and rub her head.

          "Are you okay," the little girl seemed to ask having also stopped screaming. Odette sat up and looked across the coffee table to see the little girl in a crawling position. "I'm- I'm okay. Are you okay? You're bleeding," Odette said worriedly, a little girl covered in blood isn't a really good thing. That's when she actually got a good look at the girl, she had bright green eyes, long curly brown hair, and a cute little pink night gown however for such a cute little dress it had splotches of blood and something brown- dirty maybe. Which sadly matched the blood running down her forehead and from her eyes but never dropped down her face.
       "I'm fine- I- I- I'm just I'm not really alive," the little girl explained, she stood and held out her tiny hand which Odette took. For a dead girl she's rather solid and strong because that little ghost girl pulled Odette up like she was made of paper. "Oh- sorry to hear that," Odette replied not really sure what to say to that, the black haired girl grabbed the fallen table while the child helped her by grabbed all the different objects that dropped off the table. "Ahh I'm sorry for scaring you," the little girl said, her voice trembling like she was going to cry again.

          "No no no it's fine! I'm sorry for scaring you too! Are you- are you with anyone? Like an adult ghost or," Odette asked, the girl couldn't be anymore than 11 or 12 years old and yes, even though she was a ghost, Odette was still worried about her. "Not necessarily a ghost but a man...he's not human either but he takes care of me! He took me in when I died! He's very kind," Odette nodded as they finished setting up her coffee table.
      "I see, why are you here? Not to be rude but it is late and I'm not sure your guardian would appreciate you out so late- dead or not," Odette asked, the girl started whaling once again. It was a cry of sadness and anger and she's not too sure on what to do so she hugs the little girl, she takes her to sit on the couch as they hug. Her teddybear laid against the couch, waiting to be picked up once again by his owner and Odette felt quite guilty for leaving him sitting right there by himself. "We got into an argument," she managed to ramble out in the middle of her cries. The older women managed to catch the younger one's eyes snap to her teddybear multiple times during the crying so in order to stop her cries Odette handed the girl Edward.

        "Hey..what's your name," Odette asked as she let the little girl hug her teddybear, she combed her fingers through the girls hair as a way to calm her down. "Sally," the child mumbled as her face dug into her teddybear, she doesn't know if she'll have to wash Edward when Sally's done crying or not. After a few minutes of their position she noticed the little girl had calmed to a stop. She thought about offering the girl some ice cream as sweets always calmed her down when she was younger but she doesn't even know if the girl eats normal food. She was about to ask the award winning question of if the ghost girl eats normal food but she quickly noticed that the little girl was fast asleep. She thought about leaving the girl here, on the couch, but decided to just bring her up to the spare bedroom. She tucked the girl and her teddybear in and left the room.

        "There is a little ghost girl sleeping in my spare bedroom because she got into a fight with her not ghost not human guardian," Odette told herself as she took off her mask and slipped into her own bed, she bundled up as her home was still cold sadly.



             Odette awoke to the feeling of something nudging at her shoulder, she huffed and pulled her covers up further to get more comfortable but the nudging didn't stop. She opened her only functioning eyeball and her soul came out of her body when she saw a little bleeding girl. Her body didn't react like her soul thankfully. The events of last night came back into her mind which let her soul come back with ease, she sat up and rubbed her eye. She looked at the girl and felt her face, they looked at each other for a second and Odette realized the little girl was eyeing the large scar on her face. She swung her legs over the edge of her bed and gave a long sigh, she grabbed her mask and put it on her face.
       "Good morning Sally...did you want something," Odette asked as she stood up and started stretching, a couple pops later and Sally stated what she needed.

       "Um yeah- do- can- I'm sorry for intruding but do you have food," the little girl asked nervously as she gripped Edward, her little knuckles going white. "Yeah of course what would you like to eat," Odette grabbed her phone off the charger and walked out her room Sally followed in suite with a hum and skipping along behind her. "Ooooooh can we have pancakes and bacon and eggs," Sally's little list and before they could make it to the stairs Odette paused and looked down at Sally.
              "Does the blood on your face come off? If it can then we can go out to eat but if it can't that's fine too and I can just make everything here," Sallys list of foods started to make Odette hungry but she didn't feel like cooking, Sally's rant about normal foods answered Odettes question that she wasn't able to ask last night. "It can," Sally stated jumping up and down.


                She put the little girl in the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt. They aren't too far apart in body sizes only about 4-5 inches apart in height so she just gave Sally her clothes that were too small for her. Sally wore a cute long sleeved white dress shirt with a long pink skirt with connected pink suspenders, small white socks and white converse. She even let Odette put her hair in a braid, the older girl wanted to match the pink with her. So she decided on a pink sweater and white loose pants with matching white converses. She put cat-earred earmuffs on Sally and put a matching one on herself, they even wore matching white gloves. The mask never came off of Odettes face.

           "Hey Odette how did you get that scar on your face," Sally asked as Odette started to pull out her drive way. "From my father- well I was little he hurt me and my mom but he went to jail so it's all ok, I wear the mask so people don't have to see it," Odette explained as she started driving down the road towards their local diner. Sally hummed. "Did it hurt," She asked, these questions weren't new to her so answering them never really made her reminisce as she understood people, especially children, were curious. " hurt a whole lot," she responded as they pulled into the diner, no surprise it was open really, the place is never closed.
            "How ahout you? Did it hurt when you died," Odette asked her as she pulled into a spot and put the car in park. She looked over at Sally who nodded at her question. "Yeah It hurt...he beat my head with a rock," Sally replied as Odette unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled it off of her. "I'm sorry for that- that must've been hard," Odette replied softly to the girl, getting your head bashed in by a rock? That must've been hard for the little girl. "It's fine it's been a long time and I got my revenge," they gave each other a little high five and went inside.

         Watching the girl order food like she's never eaten before made Odette laugh a bit behind her mask. Having the girl here wouldn't be so bad actually.


I know in Sally's original story she's only 8 or 9 but from what Ik it's getting a revision and she's becoming 12?? Idk so that's just what I put her as plus it made it easier for Odette and Sally to share clothes :)

If I make a grammar error let me know

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