Faking it -Jude Bellingham

By Melsxoxx

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Jude Bellingham and Elena Sainz do not get along but they have to pretend to be in love. Will it bring them c... More



3.5K 82 49
By Melsxoxx


"Hey guys" Jobe says, I wave and say hi back.

"Thanks again for opening the door" I say.

"It's fine don't worry about it " he says.

"Jude make sure your not loud, your mum and dad are sleeping I don't want to wake them" I tell him. He nods

I pull him into the house, still holding him up. Jobe helps and now we're both holding him up taking him up the stairs. He falls a bit on the stairs, he begins laughing loud.

"Jude stop shush" I tell him worrying he's going to wake Denise and Mark up. I put my hand over his mouth to make him stop.

He licks my hand, I squeal. "Ew Jude you freak stop" I whisper shout at him. And wipe my hand on him.

This makes him laugh even more even Jobe joins in.
We finally get him in his room.

"Do you want me to stay and help get him into bed" Jobe asks me, I want to say yes but i already feel bad for waking him up .

"No I'll be fine, you go back to bed" I tell him nods and leaves.

I turn around and see Jude on the floor, I'm tempted to call Jobe back but I feel to bad to.

I crouch down to him and keep nudging him but he doesn't move. All of a sudden he jumps up and shouts boo, I scream and fall back, I swear I almost had a heart attack.

Jude begins laughing loads, while I'm still on the floor, catching my breath. I kick him.

"That wasn't funny, you almost gave me a heart attack" I tell him. He just carries on laughing.

"You should have seen your face oh my days" he giggles. I can't help but smile he looks cute. Ew I did not just think that. He's not cute he's a demon.

"Get up and get to bed" I tell him.

"Oo bossy I like it" he grins, getting up of the floor. I roll my eyes.

"Take your clothes off and get changed" I tell him. He begins smirking, oh god why did I say that.

"I always knew you wanted to see me naked sainz" he says and pulls his shirt and pants off with no warning. I just stand there, I can't help but stare at him. I realise what I'm doing and quickly turn around.

"Jude what are you doing, put some clothes on" I tell him. He just laughs.

"You can turn around now" he says I turn and see him stood there shirtless and he's wearing some pyjama pants.

"can you not put a shirt on" I ask, he grins

"Nah, don't act like your not drooling right now" he says, I roll my eyes he's so obsessed with himself.

"I'm not" I reply back, he comes closer and rubs his finger near my lips, my eyes widen at how close he is.

"You sure about that" he whispers against my lips. I realise our close position and push him back.

"Ugh shut up Jude, go to bed" I tell him, he just laughs.

He jumps into his bed, thank god. I can finally leave as he's going to bed. He starts singing I groan why is he so difficult.

"Jude stop it, just go to sleep" I'm practically begging.

This only makes him louder, shit he's going to wake the whole house up. I go closer to the bed and crouch down near him.

"Jude please be quiet" I say he looks at me and smirks.

"Ok, if you say Jude's the hottest guy ever and I'm so in love with him" he says and laughs like a child.

I just stare at him, he's so childish.

"No I would never say that" I say to him, he begins singing again ever louder. I roll my eyes I can't deal with drunk Jude ever again.

I kneel on the bed and put my hand over his mouth to shut him up, finally some silence. He looks up at me. I have a feeling he's up-to something by the way he's looking at me but before I can get of the bed he flips us so I'm under him and starts tickling me like crazy.

I can't help but laugh and scream a bit, I'm really ticklish.

"Jude stoppp" I let out. He just laughs at me, he stops for a second.

"That's what you get for interrupting my amazing singing" he says and goes back to tickling me, I swear I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"I'm sorry, your the hottest guy ever and I'm so in love with you " I manage to get out without being sick. He stops and smirks at me. He leans his head down and his eyes flicker towards my lips. I stop breathing for a second.

"I knew you'd admit how you felt one day" he says laughing. I push him of me. Am I going crazy or did we almost kiss.

"Shut up, I only said that for my life" I tell him, getting off the bed.

"Go to bed now, I'm going" I tell him grabbing my things.

"How you getting home" he asks.

"I'm gonna get an Uber" i say, he shakes his head

"No your not" he says I roll my eyes.

"Ok I'll walk then" I say sarcastically

"what the hell, no what's wrong with you" he says all serious. I just laugh

"How else do you want me to get home" I say.

"Stay here" he says I laugh.

"Very Funny Jude " I say.

"I'm being serious, it's like 2am no way am I letting you get an Uber or walk by yourself" he says. I just look at him confused.

"I'll be fine don't worry"I tell him and begin to leave.

"Take my car" he calls out. I stop and turn around shocked.

"You'll let me take your car" I ask him double checking.

"Yeah if it means you getting home safe" he says. I can't help but smile at him, my ex would never let me touch his car and he would be fine with me walking home late at night.

"Thanks Jude, I'll bring your car back tomorrow" i tell him. He nods.

"Hey thanks for bringing me home" he says.

"No worries. But don't get used to this" I tell him, he laughs.

I leave his room and head downstairs I find some paracetamol and a bottle of water I go back to his room and he's already sleeping I laugh at his little snores, I leave the water and medicine on his bedside table. I pull the blanket up his body and leave.

The next morning

I pull into Jude's driveway. I can't help but still think about last night we didn't argue for once and we kind of got along, I knock on the door even though I have his key it's still rude to open the door.

The door opens I see Denise she smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"Hi darling I didn't know you were coming, come in"she says pulling me in.

"Sorry to just turn up, I came to see Jude and return his car" I tell her as we walk to the kitchen.

"Don't say sorry your always welcome here, I'm happy to see you" she says I smile at her.

"I was just making a cup of tea do you want one" she asks. I nod my head.

"If you wouldn't mind thank you" I say. She begins making the tea and we just fall into conversation.

We hear footsteps and i turn to look at the door to see a man who I recognise as Jude's dad mark. I smile at him.

"Oo mark you finally get to meet Elena" Denise cheers. He comes towards me and gives me a hug which I return.

"It's so nice to finally meet you" I tell him,

"Likewise my Denise loves you she can't stop talking about you" he tells me I smile and give her a side hug.

"The feelings mutual" I tell her she smiles hugging me back.

It's been about an hour, me Mark and Denise are still sat here in the kitchen talking. I actually forget about Jude. Mark leaves saying he's going to take Jobe to training.

I hear footsteps and all of a sudden feel someone wrap there arms around me I slightly jump. I turn around seeing Jude smiling down at me, I smile at him back but a bit confused what he's doing.

"Morning love" he says with a slight morning voice which sounds hot. Ew. He kisses the side of my head before saying hello to Denise.

"Morning, took your time to wake babe" I say, gagging inside having to call him babe but his mums here so got to play the part.

"My heads killing" he groans while hugging me again from behind and resting his head in my neck. I can't help but get butterflies in my stomach what's wrong with me recently.

"Well who told you to drink so much" Denise says to him. I laugh.

"Tell me about it, I was stuck to look after him" I say.

"Poor you, Jude you better be thankful to her" Denise says while leaving the room.

"Oh I'm very grateful for my girlfriend" he mutters. That feeling comes back into my stomach, I need to create some space between us. I spin around in the chair to make him move back.

"Looks like someone woke up on the right side of the bed today" I say to him.

"What's that suppose to mean" he asks.

"Your not being your usual self which is a dick" I tell him. He lets out a laugh.

"Thanks for last night" he says to me, i shrug.

"No worries, do you remember anything from last night" I ask him. He pauses for a second before shaking his head.

"No, why did something happen" he asks. I don't know why it annoys me that he doesn't remember that we kind of got along last night and nearly kissed.

"Oh, nope nothing happened you were just being annoying" I tell him, he nods his head and keeps staring at me.

"right, well thanks for leaving me water and medicine it was a real life saver this morning" he says to me.

"Erm that wasn't me must have been Jobe" I lie, I don't know why but I felt embarrassed. I don't know what's wrong with me today.

"Oh" is all Jude says he looks a bit disappointed I don't know why though.

"Well here is your keys I'm gonna head out" I say while getting of the chair.

"Wait, what are you doing today" he asks I turn around to face him.

"Nothing how come" I ask confused.

"let's go grab some lunch" he says.

"Why" I ask, not understanding why he wants to spend time with me.

"why not, it can be a thank you for last night" he says. I don't reply for a minute debating whether I should go with him or not.

"Ok fine, let's go" I say.

Authors note:
Giving you guys a bit of a longer chapter cause I disappeared. Let me know what you thought, don't be silent readers guys otherwise I'll disappear again🫢.

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