Book 1: I Always Come Back, I...

By Tyler_The_Writer700

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Upon learning who Mike is, William offers him some coffee. Which Mike accepts. Mike didn't expect his coffee... More

Given A New Role
Baiting The Bad Boy
The Reveal
Say You're Sorry
Where Are You?
Bad Girl
Breaking In
Waking Up
The End

Never Ending Cycle

58 2 0
By Tyler_The_Writer700

Abby was thankful to be given a second chance to re-enter the dream. Despite her teacher calling dream theory bogus, it worked.

Miked visited her in the tent, then welcomed Max into the house, telling her the information Abby needed to know.

Abby walked closer to the both of them.

"Getting a job interview?" Max asked.

"Almost, I'm visiting a career counselor to help me find a job." Mike replied.

"You think this guy can actually help?" Max asked.

"Hopefully, I heard this specific counselor doesn't discriminate against people with bad track records, but it will still be difficult to find a job." Mike said.

"Who's the guy?" Max asked.

"Steve Raglan is his name." Mike replied.

"Well, I hope he's able to help." Max said.

"Thanks." Mike said.

The dream was so vivid, as if Abby was actually there. Abby wanted to hug Mike, but knew she sadly couldn't. But that was ok, she had a name, a name that could lead her right to her brother.

Once again, Abby woke up. She felt hotter than before, stuck in the stuffy room, and her tummy started hurting, she was really hungry.

Abby pounded on the door again, hoping to get a response, there was none. Abby screamed to be let out, but was met with the same outcome.

This sucked. It felt like hours had passed before the closet door was finally opened. Her aunt was wearing different clothes then before, she looked abby.

"Did you learn your lesson?" Jane asked. Abby quickly pushed past her aunt. And ran to the front door, running out with no second thought. It was almost past sunset, had she spent all night and day in that closet.

She continued running, she had a name, she needed to find this Steve Raglan.

After a few minutes of running aimlessly Abby had realized her mistake. She didn't know where Steve Raglan lived, and she didn't know where his office was. She was just so anxious to get out of that closet and find her brother that she didn't even stop and thank.

She couldn't do this on her own, she was only ten, she needed help. Maybe she could call 911 and ask for Vanessa, but that would mean she would have to go back to her aunt, and she didn't want that.

So Abby decided that she would walk along the road, maybe she would find a town and ask to borrow some coins for a pay phone. And maybe borrow a stool to reach the dials.

She continued to walk along the road until a car stopped next to her.

She didn't recognize the man in the driver's seat, but she recognized the person in the passenger seat, it was Max.

"Hey sweetheart, what are you doing out here?" the man asked.

"Abby?" Max asked, getting out of the car and walking over to Abby.

Max noticed the bruise on Abby's face, and her disheveled look.

"What happened, why are you out here by yourself?" Max asked with great worry.

"I need to find my brother." Abby answered.

"We are too, but what happened?" Max asked, referring to Abby's physical appearance. Abby looked down at herself.

"My Aunt hit me, and locked me in the closet." Abby said.

"She did what?" Jeff spoke up, Max also looked surprised.

"She was mad that I hit a boy who was being mean to me, then I threw something at her when she said Mike was dead." Abby said.

"Your Aunt sucks." Jeff said, angry at the thought of anybody hurting a child.

Then Abby's stomach growled.

"Did she not feed you either?" Max asked. Abby shook her head. Max looked angry.

"I knew your aunt was stuck up and careless, but I never thought she would act abusive." Max said.

"Are you hungry?" Jeff asked. Abby nodded.

"Lucky for us, our search efforts are done for today, we can go to dinner and get you some food." Jeff said, Max nodding in agreement.

"Yes please." Abby said quietly. Max helped Abby into the truck, and they drove to Sparkys.

Abby ordered a large burger, with some water. She scarfed down the food.

"Why were you looking for Mike all on your own?" Max said.

"Because I had a dream, I think Mike was kidnapped, and I think Steve Raglan had something to do with it." Abby said.

"But the police already checked his place of work, and didn't find anything." Max said. Jeff huffed.

"You can't trust cop's these days, if you wanna find evidence, then you have to find yourself." Jeff stated.

"What do you mean?" Max asked.

"You told me Mike was into that dream theory stuff, and if Abby has that same skill of dreaming up new information, then I say we gotta trust it." Jeff said.

"So you think Steve Raglan has something to do with Mike being missing?" Max asked.

"If the girl says Steve has something to do with it, then Steve has something to do with it." Jeff said. Abby smiled, no one beside Mike had shown so much confidence in her before.

"So what will we do?" Max asked.

"We'll visit Steve's place of employment tomorrow and confront him." Jeff stated.

"Right." Max said, with confidence.

"What should I do?" Abby asked. Max and Jeff looked at Abby, they didn't know what to do with her. They didn't want to give her back to her aunt, she was an abusive piece of crap, but they didn't want to take her home with them either, that would make them kidnappers by law.

But before they could come up with a conclusion, the answer was about to walk through the diner's door.


Vanessa had spent a little bit of time with Mike after William left, simply talking.

Mike didn't talk too much, but he enjoyed listening to her talk about her day, what troublemakers she had arrested, and so forth.

Vanessa knew that it wasn't easy for Mike, being trapped in the basement, especially without much social interaction. She could tell he was lonely, but it was clear he preferred being alone then having to deal with her father.

That's why she tried spending as much time as she could with him when allowed. Trying to make him feel some sort of normalcy by just talking to him as if he was a person.

When Mike did feel like talking, he wanted to talk about his sister, but refused to do so due to the fear that William would somehow hear.

He really missed her, and wondered if she missed him too. He had his doubts, but he chose to ignore that thought altogether.

He wondered if his aunt already had custody over Abby, most likely, it's been long enough. Despite his aunt being an idiot, Mike hoped Abby was happy.

She would finally be able to eat 3 meals a day without worry. Abby most likely started school and made many new friends already, Mike didn't doubt it, his sister may be quiet, but she was an amazing girl.

Mike loved his sister dearly, but then a sad thought crossed his mind.

She was probably happier, not that this made Mike sad, he wanted Abby to be happy. But this showed that Abby was better off without him. He had fought so hard to keep custody of her, when in reality he was just holding her back from a happier life.

William had unknowingly done Mike a favor, by taking him away from Abby, he had given her a better life.

Vanessa noticed that Mike was spacing out, she gently tapped his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" Vanessa asked.

"Yeah." Mike simply answered.

Vanessa was worried, but was scared to ask what Mike was thinking. She didn't want to invade his privacy more than her father already had. She at least owed him that much.

"Are you ok?' Mike surprisingly asked.

"Don't worry about me." Vanessa said.

"Can't help it, you're basically my only friend at this point." Mike said, trying to lighten the mood.

"I don't deserved to be called your friend." Vanessa stated.

"I don't blame you for any of this, I told you already." Mike said. Vanessa looked away from Mike.

"I know, I just, I hate seeing you hurt." Vanessa said.

"I'll be ok, I survived this long." Mike said, but he didn't entirely believe his words. The questions William had asked him, the way William was looking at him. It had Mike feel sick, he was glad Vanessa came when she did but he knew this false sense of security wouldn't last forever, Vanessa wasn't allowed to stay for long periods of time, and not only that she had work.

Speaking of the devil, the door to the basement opened, and in walked William.

"I just got a call from the police station, they need you." William stated.

"What for?" Vanessa asked.

"They're still on the phone if you want to ask." William said.

Vanessa grimaced, she didn't want to leave Mike alone with her father, but she knew she had no choice. She just hoped that If her father was going to hurt him, it wouldn't be anything too painful. She still had nightmares of Mike's back being torn to shreds by her fathers belt.

Vanessa exited the basement, and walked to where the landline was, she picked up the phone, letting whoever was on the other side that she was there.

Apparently a little girl named Abby Schmidt had run away from home.

Vanessa cursed to herself, she knew this might have happened. Vanessa was aware that Abby was feeling restless with Mike still being missing, but she hadn't expected her to actually run away.


Vanessa spent a while driving around town looking for the little girl with no luck, Vanessa prayed that Abby didn't get herself hurt or worse killed.

After a little while longer Vanessa decided to stop by the local diner, just to see if there was a possibility that the troubled girl was there.

And with great surprise, she was. Sitting with Max and a man Vanessa didn't recognize.

Vanessa walked up to the booth where the three were sitting. Abby noticed Vanesa instantly

"What are you doing here, did you find my brother?" Abby asked. Of course that would be the first thing Abby had asked.

"No, not yet. I'm sorry." Vanessa responded.

Abby looked sad, but sadly not surprised by the news.

"Makes sense, it doesn't seem like your force is looking for him at all." Jeff sneered.

"They are, I assure you." Vanessa replied, looking guilty. Max huffed.

Vanessa turned to Abby.

"What are you doing here?" Vanessa asked.

"I was looking for my brother, then they got me something to eat." Abby replied.

"Why would you do that on your own?" Vanessa asked.

"Ask her abusive aunt." Jeff spoke up.

"What?" Vanessa asked in shock.

"My aunt was being mean, she said Mike was dead, I know he's not." Abby said. Vanessa's heart broke at this.

"Do you mind if we speak outside alone?" Vanessa asked. Abby nodded. Jeff looked suspicious of Vanessa, but Max trusted her enough.

They both walked outside.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened?" Vanessa asked.

"I threw something at my aunt, she locked me in a closet. But it gave me a dream." Abby answered. Vanessa was taken aback, no one should ever do that to a child.

"What was the dream?" Vanessa asked.

"It was where Mike was going before he went missing, he was going to meet a guy named Steve Raglan. He kidnapped my brother." Abby said. Vanessa stood there shocked.

"How do you know?" Vanessa asked.

"I just know, he was the one who took my brother. He's keeping him trapped somewhere." Abby said. Vanessa didn't know what to say, Abby was far too clever for her age.

"We need to save him." Abby said, desperation in his voice.

"His place of work was already searched, we can't check again." Vanessa said. This made Abby tear up.

"Where does he work? If you can't find him, I will." Abby said.

" I can't tell you." Vanessa said. She hated this, she hated doing this to Abby. Abby started to tear up.

"Why won't you help me?" Abby asked, tears falling down her face. Vanessa wanted to cry too, but she knew she couldn't.

"I just can't." Vanessa responded. Abby's sadness turned to anger.

"I'm going to find my brother, no matter what, I will find the man who did this, and I will save Mike!" Abby yelled.

Vanessa couldn't believe it. It was happening again, first with Mike and Garret, and now with Abby and Mike.

It was a never ending cycle for the Schmidt siblings. Vanessa knew that Abby would not stop looking for her brother, she knew that Abby will dedicate years of her life just as Mike had done, searching for their lost sibling.

Except unlike last time, Vanessa was contributing to this despair. She was hurting both Mike and Abby, and Vanessa hated herself for that.

There was a moment of silence that went by.

"Are you going to take me to my aunt?" Abby asked.

"I'm afraid I have no choice." Vanessa admitted.

"Can I at least say goodbye to my friends?" Abby asked, referring to Max and her brother.

"Sure." Vanessa said.

Abby ran into the diner, hugging both Max and Jeff goodbye. Vanessa watched sadly.

"You're just going to send her back, no investigation or anything?" Jeff asked.

Vanessa didn't want to lose hope that Mike would be found, which is why she was allowing herself to do what she is currently doing.

"If I call CPS, then they could take Abby away from her aunt and send her to a random family to live with. If Mike is found, he won't be able to get custody of her even after he recovers." Vanessa explained.

"So you're saying we should all play the waiting game, with hopes that Jane won't kill Abby before then?" Max asked.

Vanessa nodded. Jeff huffed.

"We'll find Mike before that happens, since you cops been acting so useless." Jeff stated.

"I'm sorry." Vanessa said.

"Sure you are." Jeff said.

On the drive back to Jane's house, Abby stared out the window.

"Do you think you'll be ok?" Vanessa asked.

"I don't care what aunt Jane does, I just want my brother." Abby said.

"I know." Vanessa said.

She regretfully dropped Abby off.


Mike's heart dropped when William entered the basement, sending Vanessa away. William closed the basement door behind him, ensuring that the both of them were alone

"Hello Mike." William said, staring intently at him.

Mike didn't respond. WIlliam clearly didn't mind.

He sat himself down in front of Mike once again.

Mike was afraid to move away from him this time, scared that it would prompt William to move closer. He dared not say a word.

"Why do you look so afraid? I brought no weapon down here, yet you're still uneasy." William said.

Mike still did not respond.

"Is this about what I said earlier? If so then there's no need to be afraid, everyone is afraid their first time." William said.

"What are you talking about?" Mike asked.

WIlliam didn't answer at first, he was looking over Mike's body. Once again Mike was uncomfortable, but still didn't move.

"When I first brought you down here, I had more plans for you than to just be a punching bag." WIlliam stated.

"No." MIke said.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice." William said.

"No!" Mike shouted again."

"We can either do this the easy way or the hard way, I promise to be gentle." William said with a snicker.

Mike backed up, doing his best to stand up and distance himself from William.

"Always the fighter, should have known that you would choose the hard way." William stated.

William lunged at Mike, Mike did his best to avoid him, but he wasn't fast enough and was knocked to the ground.

William was on top of him,

But Mike wasn't simply going to give up, he tried pushing William off, and kicking him.

This was clearly making William mad, so he grabbed one of Mike's legs, twisting it in a way causing it to snap, breaking it. Mike stopped, crying out in pain.

William huffed, tears were appearing in Mike's eyes. He was scared.

"Perhaps I was rushing into this too fast. I'm sorry." William said, removing his hands from Mike's body.

Mike was confused, he stayed where he laid.

"You know I wasn't lying when I called you a fighter." William said.

"I know." Mike quietly replied.

"I know all about you and your eagerness to protect, I don't doubt that Abby looks up to you." William said. Mike did a double take, he knew about Abby.

"You know I killed a lot of kids in my time." William stated.

"Don't" Mike said.

"I wasn't saying this to try and threaten your baby sister, but as a mere fact." William said. Mike didn't respond.

"Many kids went missing throughout the years, thanks to me, several every month if I had to guess." William said. Mike was unsure where he was getting at.

"But if you haven't noticed Mike, during your stay here, not a single kid went missing or gotten killed. They have you to thank for that." William said.

"What?" Mike asked in confusion.

"That's right, you're living up to the name you deserve, a protector. By you being here right now, taking all this punishment, experiencing all this pain. There are children out there who are alive, you are happy, and they have you to thank for it." William said.

Mike was surprised that William was complimenting him like this. All he ever wanted to do was protect, he never realized that was what he was doing.

"You're a hero Mike. All this pain you've been experiencing has been worth it, what's about to happen will be worth it." William said.

Was it worth it? Were the happiness of the children worth it? He couldn't imagine them being stuck down here like this, it was torture for him, he wouldnt want a child to ever experience this.

Maybe it was a good thing that he was down here, at least it was him going through this, and not them.

"Think about how much your protecting you sister by being here." William said. Mike nodded.

"Think of the good you're about to do. Don't struggle, and don't fight me." William said.

Even after being told all this, Mike still struggled, he wanted William off of him, he hated this, it hurt and he didn't like it.

It felt like forever before William was finally done, gently caressing his cheek and whispering into his ear such disgusting words.

William left, and Mike couldn't move. Everything hurt, and he felt so dirty.

But it was fine, it was ok. Because as long as he was down here, the kids up there were safe, the kids up there are happy. His sister is safe and his sister was happy.

He didn't care what would happen next, he would act like the perfect toy if it meant that William wouldn't hurt those children.


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