Book 1: I Always Come Back, I...

By Tyler_The_Writer700

849 29 9

Upon learning who Mike is, William offers him some coffee. Which Mike accepts. Mike didn't expect his coffee... More

Given A New Role
Baiting The Bad Boy
The Reveal
Where Are You?
Bad Girl
Never Ending Cycle
Breaking In
Waking Up
The End

Say You're Sorry

81 2 0
By Tyler_The_Writer700

Vanessa was scared of what she was about to see when she walked down into the basement. It was still early in Mike's captivity, so hopefully her father didn't do too much damage.

She opened the door to see the young man, no older than her leaned up against the wall. Despite the bandage around his arm, it was bleeding profusely. He looked dazed, almost out of it. Thanks to Vanessa's police training, she knew that he'd been drugged and was in a lot of pain.

Before she could approach him, Mike moved slightly, which caused him to fall over onto the floor. Vanessa quickly went to Mike, looking at him with great worry.

Mike looked up at her, then passed out. Vanessa felt bad for him, she didn't know the man, but she knew enough about him to know that he didn't deserve this.

She kneeled down next to Mike, and inspected the poorly bandaged arm. She carefully removed the bandage, only to reveal the almost mangled look of the deep cuts on his arm. It was gross to look at, but sadly it wasn't the worst thing she ever saw.

Vanessa was glad Mike was asleep, because cleaning the blood off his arm, disinfecting the arm, then bandaging it would've hurt. But she assumed Mike already knew this, seeing that her father already crappily bandaged his arm, obviously without any care whether it hurt Mike or not.

After completing the cleaning process, Vanessa finally bandaged his arm. Carefully laying it down on the ground when she was done.

She looked at Mike's face, with hope that he found comfort in sleep, but looking at his face, he was obviously having a nightmare. About what? She didn't know.

Vanessa didn't know whether she was allowed to stay or not, but she didn't want to leave Mike all alone. After a few seconds, Vanessa decided she would stay with Mike until he woke up.


Mike was in those woods again, running after that car and screaming for his brother. He didn't know why he still screamed for Garret, he was dead, and Mike had found the man who killed him. More like the man found him. Now Mike was stuck in his basement.

William Afton was his name, might as well be the name of the Devil.

Mike woke up to see the angel again, but this time he saw that the person in front of him wasn't an angel at all, but a normal girl.

Mike was confused, why was this random woman here? Was she trapped too?

Mike looked at his arm, seeing that it was no longer bloody and professionally rewrapped with fresh bandages. William had told him that his daughter was a certified EMT.

Was this his daughter, was she also an enemy?

Mike sat up, moving so that his back was against the wall, he looked at her.

"Who are you?" Mike asked.

"My name is Vanessa." She answered.

"You the certified EMT?" Mike asked. Vanessa regretfully nodded.

"You're his daughter then, are you going to hurt me too?" Mike asked.

"Goodness no, I would never do such a thing." Vanessa said.

"Ok." Mike stated. Vanessa stared at him sadly.

"Are you going to help me out of here?" Mike asked.

"I can't." Vanessa said.

"Why not?" Mike asked.

"My father is a cruel man, I may not be physically stuck here like you. But I'm still trapped." Vanessa said.

"But you're an EMT, you're supposed to help people." Mike said. Vanessa didn't want to tell him that she was also a police officer.

"I'm sorry." Vanessa said. It was quiet for a moment before Mike spoke up.

"I can't stay here. I have a sister out there who needs me." Mike said.

"I really can't help you, if I could I would. Don't you have any other family members that can take care of her in the meantime?" Vanessa asked.

"A crappy Aunt who just wants her for the monthly paycheck." Mike said, with great annoyance. Vanessa didn't know how to respond.

"Abby won't be happy living with our Aunt. I promised Abby I would do anything to make sure she is happy, I promised to take her to Nebraska." Mike said. Vanessa didn't say anything.

"I can't break that promise, you need to help me get out." Mike said.

"I can't." Vanessa said.

"Please." Mike said, but upon trying to move closer to Vanessa, he aggravated his broken arm, which caused him to wince.

"What's wrong?" Vanessa asked, generally confused, she didn't see any cuts on that arm.

"He broke it." Mike said, hovering the bandaged arm over the broken arm, scared that the smallest touch would hurt it.

"I need to get back to my sister, you don't have to get me out, but at least tell someone where I am."  Mike pleaded.

"I'm sorry, I just can't." Vanessa said.

"He won't even know you did it, don't they know I'm missing?" Mike asked.

"They do. But he'll know, he always knows." Vanessa said.

"If he asks then tell him I forced you, I don't care how much pain I need to go through, I need to get back to my sister!" Mike yelled.

"Did your parents not teach you not to yell at ladies?" A third voice asked. It was William, standing in front of the metal door.

"Dad, I, I rebandaged his arm." Vanessa stuttered.

"I can see that, and yet after you went through all that hard work to fix up our guest, he repays you by disrespectfully screaming at you." William said.

"It wasn't like that, he was just upset." Vanessa said.

"That's still no excuse, there's no need to try to excuse his actions." William said, walking towards Mike.

Mike pushed up against the wall, despite this action causing pain to both of his hands. 

"What do you say to Vanessa?" WIliam asked.

"If you're expecting me to apologize to her, I won't." Mike said.

"You will apologize for disrespecting my daughter." William said.

"Dad, it's ok. I forgive him." Vanessa said.

"Your forgiveness towards this delinquent won't mean anything until he apologizes." William said. Stepping closer to Mike.

Mike pushed himself against the corner of the wall, he looked scared.

"Apologize Mike." William said.

"No." Mike said. William sighed.

"Ok then." WIliam said, unbuckling his belt, and removing it from his belt loop.

"Dad." Vanessa said fearfully.

"If he's going to act like a disobedient child, then I'm going to treat him like a disobedient child." William said.

He grabbed Mike by his broken arm, dragging away from the wall, and more into the center of the small room.

Then William tried to remove Mike's shirt. Which he tried to prevent William from doing, but ultimately failed, having the shirt ripped over his head and arms, and discarded it to the side.

"Please don't" Vanessa pleaded. She wanted to stop what her father was about to do, but was scared that she would be at the receiving end of the punishment instead.

"I'll stop until he apologizes." William said. Walking around Mike until he was facing his bear back.

Mike knew what was about to happen, and he knew that no matter how much he tried to move away from the man, he wouldn't be able to avoid this punishment. And there was no way Mike was going to apologize. So he closed his eyes and braced himself.

The first strike of the belt hurt like crazy, but Mike still didn't apologize. Then he was struck a second time, and then a third time. Mike tried holding his breath, as to not scream.

But by the fourth strike, he couldn't help it. After the fifth and sixth strike, Mike felt like he couldn't sit up anymore, but when he almost fell over, William grabbed him by his hair and pulled him up so he could sit up again.

Each strike hurt more than the last, and eventually Mike started to lose count. Yet he still wasn't going to apologize, and this made William frustrated, which caused the power behind the strikes to grow much more violent.

Mike continued to scream out in pain, But William made no effort to stop. This had to be the worst type of physical pain Mike had felt up to date. It was unbearable, yet Mike did not apologize.

But upon seeing Vanessa in front of him, looking so distrough, with tears in her eyes. Mike did feel bad.

He wasn't going to apologize for asking for help. But if he had to apologize, it would be for having her witness her father doing something such as this.

"I, I'm, I'm sorry." Mike weakly said through the pain.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you?" WIlliam asked smugly, raising the belt as he said so.

"I'm sorry Vanessa." Mike tried saying as loud as he could. William lowered the belt.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" William asked. Mike couldn't hold himself up anymore. He fell to the floor.

"It's not hard being a good boy, you remember what happened here today for the next time you act out." William said.

Vanessa wanted to run over to Mike, but stopped before doing so. William noticed her hesitation.

"You can clean him up if you like, but don't let him disrespect you like that again." William said.

"I, I won't." Vanessa said.

"Good, I'll leave you be." WIlliam said, exiting through the door and up the stairs.

Vanessa ran to Mike. she wanted to ask him if he was ok, but the answer was clear. He wasn't.

Vanessa could see the faint tears falling from Mike's eyes.

"I'm so sorry." Vanessa said. Mike was in too much pain to be able to respond.


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