how beomgyu broke bro code

By reidswheeze

53 6 0

this is sort of a transgender love story :) Beomgyu, deeply rooted in fragile masculinity and bro code breaks... More

beomgyu done fucked up again part 2
not hueningkai... 3
dumb dumb 4
install 5

how beomgyu broke bro code.

18 1 0
By reidswheeze

Beomgyu the troublemaker has to go to school once again and he is pissed off. His parents have to literally force him into the car and drive him to there he's so pissed. As Beomgyu heads over to school he decides to wreak havoc on the campus.

"Hey Beomgyu it's me the school interviewer come over here!!" 

Beomgyu glares at the woman calling for him to come over to her. Did she seriously not see the pure malice in his eyes that was currently taking over him? Beomgyu decided it would be in his best interest to ignore the woman calling for him. He just kept on walking towards the school, pretending he didn't hear a thing.

"Ayo come over here we got important questions to ask you you'll be on ....~Tiktok~....and you could go viral!!"

Beomgyu froze upon hearing those two words. The mere thought of going viral almost immediately got his attention. Beomgyu hesitantly made his way towards the woman calling for him with a pout on his face, he really wanted to ignore her but the thought of going viral intrigued him.

"Okay hello say your name before we interview you! 🎤"

Beomgyu rolls his eyes.

"My name is Beomgyu, don't really see the point in mentioning that but whatever."

He answers the woman, hoping they'd get on with the interview since he was getting annoyed from the fact that it was taking her so long to get to the point.

"Alright so what's your favorite thing about our school?🎤"

Beomgyu sighed in annoyance. What could he possibly say that wouldn't result in his suspension as this interview would definitely be getting broadcasted on the school's announcements. Beomgyu thought long and hard about a plausible answer to the woman's question before responding.


Was he being honest? Perhaps, he most definitely did not like the school whatsoever but he wouldn't be caught dead admitting that out loud on an interview with everyone in the school watching.

"Awesome! Are there any students that you like here or that you want to shoutout?🎤"

Now that was something Beomgyu could answer truthfully without getting in trouble, though he probably would get a few glares but it didn't matter to him. Beomgyu gave the woman a genuine smile as he responded to her question with great enthusiasm.

"My best friend Taehyun is in this school! I love that guy he's the best!"

And that was the truth. Beomgyu had no idea how he got lucky enough to meet Taehyun but he was truly grateful for it.

"Aww that is so sweet that you love that guy is there anything else you want to say about our school?🎤"

Beomgyu thought to himself as he pondered whether or not he should tell the woman interviewing him what he really thought of the, he probably shouldn't. The last thing Beomgyu wanted was to get himself in trouble. He decided to just stick to answering her questions in a way that would not have people questioning that he was lying. So he decided to just answer her question simply.

"Not really no."

"Okay great!! I'll see ya then if we get more questions to ask!!" That wraps up the interview lmao.

Beomgyu sighed in relief as the woman wrapped up the interview and decided to just return to causing mayhem on the campus as his thoughts wandered off to thinking how viral he was definitely going to be after this interview aired. He just couldn't wait for all the other students to fawn over him and start treating him like a celebrity.

As Beomgyu walks around campus he sees Taehyun crossing his arms, and it's a sign that he might've done f'ed up something. Beomgyu just gulped as he approached Taehyun and Taehyun finally said what he wanted to say. "Beomgyu why were you talking to a-...a....a....g-g-g-girl...."

Beomgyu's blood immediately ran cold in his veins as he froze in place upon realizing exactly that the woman who had interviewed him was in fact, a woman! He turned back to face Taehyun, his mind now flooding with a thousand thoughts as to what Taehyun must be thinking.

"T-Taehyun relax! It's not like I was asking the woman out."

Beomgyu tried to explain himself, hoping Taehyun wouldn't yell at him for talking to a woman.

"I thought that you abide by bro code and don't talk to women at all!! What was so important that you had to talk to her and not me about anything??" Taehyun was extremely annoyed with Beomgyu for breaking bro code, he couldn't stand Beomgyu sometimes and his dumbass but he just had no choice and had to be by Beomgyu's side anyway.

Beomgyu's mood instantly soured the minute Taehyun started bringing up the bro code. He knew he had no way to counter it since he had in fact broken one of the greatest rules in life, never talk to a woman. He looked down in defeat as he tried to think of an excuse to get out of this predicament but came to the realization that no matter what he said, his ass was getting yelled at.

"I was just following what she asked me to do alright!? Is that such a crime?"

"Um, yes it is, you know that is #1 on the bro code! I can't believe you actually interacted with a woman!" Taehyun cries out, very much disappointed in Beomgyu's behavior.

Beomgyu couldn't help but roll his eyes as Taehyun continued to yell at him. Was Taehyun really getting that annoyed over him talking to a woman for the few minutes that he did for a silly interview about school?

"Jeez Taehyun, stop getting so pissed off over nothing! All I did was talk to the woman for a few minutes, it's not like I kissed her or anything."

"Fine, then answer these questions to prove you're not a sl*tty hoe that would betray their best boy bros." Taehyun takes Beomgyu to a more secluded area to give him questions that every bro code 'traitor' needs to answer.

Beomgu's face turned red once he heard what questions he had to answer. The bro code is not something he took lightly at all and it was something he followed religiously. He wasn't going to hesitate to answer these questions to prove that he was a loyal bro to the bros with no hoes at all.

"Ask away my guy, I'll answer all the questions no problem."

"Okay, what the hell did she smell like!?" Taehyun asked, very much passionate about these questions.

Beomgyu froze. He hadn't really smelled her, but he couldn't admit to that now since it would make him look like a traitor and like he had absolutely no loyalty to the bros. So he had to play by Taehyun's rules here.


"False! She smelled like icky wicky girl smell ewwwwwwwww!! Okay next question, did you touch her at all!?" Taehyun basically screams out.

Beomgyu flinched a bit when he heard Taehyun screaming out. The dude was making his best friend answer some pretty crazy, bro-code violating questions. But Beomgyu had to just answer him as if it was nothing since he couldn't risk Taehyun thinking he was some hoe. So he answered with honesty.

"I might have touched her hand yes."

 "Disgusting Beomgyu, you can't interact with the boys for a week if you answer this question wrong. You might aswell be sitting with the girls and BEING a girl because you're such a girl oh my gosh." Taehyun prepares his last deck of question.

Beomgyu was ready to kill Taehyun at this point if he had to hear him call him an girl one more time. The audacity of this man. Beomgyu was now contemplating if he should just answer the question truthfully or just lie and make his life harder by not being allowed to talk to the bros for a week.

"So are you gonna ask the damn question or no?"

Beomgyu was now starting to get annoyed with the fact that Taehyun was just stalling and not just asking the damn question. The look of annoyance was evident on his face as he waited for Taehyun to ask the question and get this over with.

"Alright alright Beomgyu...last question....did you look her in the eyes and stared at any of her prominent features that only GIRLS have!?"

Beomgyu froze when he heard the last question, this was the most dreaded question in the world. Just the thought of it made him shiver with fear of having betrayed the bro code once again. Beomgyu's eyes widened as he answered the question with a lot of hesitation.

"I might have uh....stared a...a little bit...."

"ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGEOUS BEOMGYU. You deserve a punishment for your terrible deeds." Taehyun rips up those questions and looks at Beomgyu with seriousness. "Want to know what your punishment is you girly boy?"

Beomgyu looked up at Taehyun with the most apologetic expression on his face. He was fully aware that his punishment was going to be something very, very bad. Which is why he just nodded his head in hopes that Taehyun would have mercy on him and not give him too terrible of a punishment.

"No more Saturday for the boys for one day! No more hanging out with us at lunch for a whole week! No more dressing up in my sister's closet for a week too!" The last sentence Taehyun said made Beomgyu want to cry.

Beomgyu's heart immediately fell to the floor as he heard his punishment. The punishment itself was pretty damn bad don't get him wrong but it was the last sentence Taehyun added that just made things 200% worse. Not being able to wear girl clothes for not just a week but a whole god damn week? Beomgyu didn't think such a punishment actually existed.

"Taehyun please, it won't happen again I promise I swear! I'll never talk to another woman again I promise!"

"No Beomgyu you done f'ed up you can't talk to us anymore until you are cleansed of your dirty sins that you call interacting with woman. I am so gravely disappointed in you." Taehyun says, crossing his arms as Beomgyu is literally so sad now.

Beomgyu was beyond sad, that fact that he genuinely had to go an entire week without getting to see Taehyun and the bros just killed him. Not only that but he also had to live with the fact that he can no longer wear girl clothes even though he secretly wanted to.

"Please Taehyun don't do this to me I beg of you! Anything but this!"

"Cleanse yourself of your sins after a week and then you can talk to us and dress up in my sister's closet." Taehyun rolls his eyes as he leaves Beomgyu alone.

Beomgyu watched with tear filled eyes as Taehyun walked away and left him all alone. No matter how hard Beomgyu begged him to change his mind, the man just would not budge on his decision. Beomgyu immediately broke down crying once he realized that he would not see the bros for at least a week.

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