Another one? (SMG4 and SMG3...

By AlexisKindness

33.6K 727 968

So for this one you're a male. (Sorry to the ladies!) You're either gay. Also credit to the person who made t... More

New world
Mario lost his liver?!
The video ends when no one is watching it.
Mario goes Bowling!
All I want for Christmas is for Mario to freakin' behave!
Mario updates his data plan and I get a new phone!
Mario bakes a cake and so do I!
VINES or short stories...
Staying home for the day
Mario goes on a diet!
Mario, SMG4, and I play Slendytubbies 2
Mario goes fishing!
SMG4...Are you okay?
Mario goes to Ohio
Mario steals the..THE WHAT?!
Mar10 day!
Some drawings i did of SMG5's emotions
It's gotta be perfect... Pt.1
Its gotta be perfect... Pt. 2
Waking up...and spending time with SMG3!
Going on a road trip!
Different world!
Our new home!
A very safe and legal SMG4 show!
Every Luigi is personalized...
A dream?
Ginger bread houses
Mario breaks McDonald's ice cream machine...
Finally playing gmod
Going to a carnival!
Mario is fine
The Game Cube
We interrupt this broadcast
Have a picture
School is boring but killing isn't! Also HOME!
Vine sor short stories 2.0
Western Spaghetti...
Im tired. But i aint stopping!
You made Mario do this
Let's go visit Peach!
They're back...
Three's browser history.
Ten...ten thousand+?!?
Watermelon man...
We don't talk about what happened in the elevator...
Mario goes coo-coo crazy
SMG4 kids
Have drawings/doodles I did
The lads play Shrek online
Forced to hold hands and telling the truth...
Trust no one..
(CLOSED) The questions for the WOTFI..
WOTFI: Its time to be spies!
Wonder flower!!...gross


464 10 9
By AlexisKindness

I have a queries you guys on my conversation thing. Please answer if you what to! I would like to see your opinion!


During the week, Four and Three would regularly check on me and my leg. I would say that they visited me more than anyone else in the crew. Well..Four technically 'lives'(more like lived) with me so Three visited me while Four would go up to my room and check on me. Honestly...I was liking the attention... but I had to remind myself that 'They are only being this nice because of my injury...not because they have a crush on me...right??'...right.

Also, no one say anything, but I helped build the gaming room. The workers were going to build what Four told them but I told them I knew what Four would like more. So they went with my idea after I paid them money.

Right now, Four was talking to the viewers as the whole crew stood in front of the covered up building.

Four comes running besides me.

Mario looks at him. "SMG4! YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!! MARIO'S ABOUT TO BUSTA NUT WAITING!" Mario starts tugging at Four.

"Yeah dude!" Three grabs onto Four, "ME WANT NEW CASTLE!"

Mario and Three are tugging Four around.

"BOYS! Give the man some space! I know, we are all excited but man!" I get Three and Mario off of Four by the back of their shirt.

Four gives me a 'thank you' smile, walks towards the castle, and grabs the cover. "Alright guys... Without further ado...Presenting...THE SMG4 CASTLE!!" Four pulls the cloth on the castle, revealing it.

"WOOOAAAHHHH!!  FOUR THIS LOOKS SO COOL!!!" I shout happily. The castle has different shades of blue, some white and some yellow. The roof top looks like Four's hat, it also has eyes on the side of the doors. It's so cute and amazing!!!

"This is our new hangout spot! I can't wait for all the adventures we're gonna have here." Four smiles really wide.

"WAHHHHOOOOO!!!" Mario rushes to the doors, but gets knocked back. The doors then open by themselves, allowing everyone to enter.

"Come, wait 'till you see what's inside!"

We all excitedly rushes in.


After we all get inside....holy moly...what the hell?! The inside of this castle looks so cool!! Even with the luxury star sound effect.

"Welcome to the main lobby!" Four announces.

"It's so big!" Melony looks around the place.

Boopkins also is looking around. "And beautiful!"

"Gotta hand it to you dude, you know how to make an impression."

"Doesn't he?! This so so amazing!!" I agreed with Three. I can hardly contain my excitement. I smile brightly as I look around the place.

Four smiles softly as he looks at Five. He then smiles normally at everyone. "Thanks! And for our rooms...There is a kitchen, the guest room, My room, and gaming room, The storage room, the toilet, The exits, and..." He points to a mysteriously boarded up door. "This... Well... I'm not sure what's behind this door."

"What?" I deadpan. "You literally have a blueprint of this place, you made it, how do you not know?!"

"I don't remember..?" He smiles sheepishly at me.

"DIBS UPSTAIRS!!!" Mario runs to the upstairs area, but the doors are blocked.

"Oh yeah, the upper floors aren't finished just yet, uh... So, it's just here for now!"

"What?! I knew it! We should've paid it with my money! Then this place would be finished!"


I shake my head in disapproval. (I just realized that the upstairs still hasn't been built... what is in there...?)

Meggy looks inside of one of the room. "Uhh, SMG4, all these rooms are still empty?"

"Yeah, that's right! Since this is OUR castle, I was thinking you guys could help me decorate it!"

We all get excited, as everyone gets to design the rooms.

"HELLLL YEAHHHH, FREE REIGN BABY!" Three celebrates, throwing his arms in the air.



Everybody runs off to their room of choice. Meggy and Mario go to the kitchen, Me, Four and Three goes to Four's room, Tari and Luigi go to the storage room, where Marty is, and Boopkins, Melony, and Bob go to the guest room

"Wait!! Wait for me!!" Boopkins calls out to them.


Me and Three were unloading some stuff but Three got confused on where to put some stuff so me and Three peeks inside his bedroom.

"Yo SMG4, anywhere we can unload my-"

Four's room is empty, with him sitting on the floor watching memes on his computer next to a pull out bed. He waves at me and Three, then goes back to his computer.

"...bro you live like this?" We both walk inside.

"Holy hell Four...this is depressing..."

"What? This is all I need!"

"This will NEVER do! What's gonna happen when you bring home a girl? And/or boy?"

"Yea! This is just sad! If I come and see a room like this I would immediately feel bad for the person! What would you do, say, or show the said person?"

"Uhh, show them my cool meme collection?" Four pulls up a boy dancing to cowboy music on a rainbow background and smiles. Three has a bruh moment.

"No!! No one wants to see that! Well..maybe I do but-still! They want to see your cool bed room! Not this sad piece of sh-t!" I shout. I thought he would've like his room like to be at my home but apparently Al he thinks he needs is this! Hell no. Not for my crush, he's gonna get a room he loves.

"Ugh," Three pulls off his hat, revealing a hard hat, my hat changes into a hard hat,

I made drawings! Woo!

"Looks like it's up to US to rizz up this place. Mainly me." He pulls out a hammer and works so fast that a big orange cloud appears on screen. "Alright, how's this? A Tibetan monk themed room! Fit with your own lil monk!"

The monk pops up out of a vase next to the door. "hamburger cheeseburger big mac whopper"

Four shrugs, not seeming to really care. "Yeah, sure this works." He looks back. "Wait- where's my pc?"

"The Tibetan monks don't believe in computer software or Gen Z memory." I explain. "I know. It sucks."

Four did not like that sound of that and glows. "OHHHHHHHHHHH" He evaporates. Three is confused.

"Would you like it if I took your computer or laptop and broken it or took it away?"

"No...I wouldn't..."

"hamburger cheeze- AH!" The monk files  offscreen, Four enters with his pc.

"No way guys! Having my computer in my room is non negotiable!"


Three rolls his eyes. "Ugh, FIIIIINE!" He claps, room turns into a goth like cemetery, "Alrighty, how about this GOTH themed lair of darkness! ...has a PC and everything!"

"A PC!?" Four zips to the computer chair, "Sweet!" The chair squeaks, Four starts typing, hears singing realizes it's a goth pichu.

Pichu sings. "Night I will rule for you."

"Oh look, it's the neighborhood emo's! They've come to frolic in and embrace the gothic architecture!"

"DAFUQ?!" Where in the hell did they come from!?

Emo's everywhere, on the couch on the dresser also singing, "Night I will rule for you."

Four gets triggered by the loudness, it was getting to me too, "GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!" All the emos are thrown out of the room and into the kitchen, where they land behind Mario and Meggy, who are now surrounded by a larger fire.


"Here! Let's me try something!" I clap my hands a few times before the room changes into something more...him!

"Alright, fine... How's this amaaazing office cubicle? It's... It's literally just an office cubicle with a bed."

"And? I think it looks nice. It suits him."

A giddy Four admires his room.

"IT'S EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED AND MORE!!!!!" He flies over and sits down at his desk. "IIIII love it! Thank you Five!!" He proceeds to look up memes, much to Three's annoyance.

"No problem Four! Happy to help!"

"...What a loser."

Eggdog pops up from behind Three, "Woof woof!"

Three picks him up, "Isn't that right, Eggdog? He is a loser, isn't he? Isn't he? Yes, he is!" He begins talking baby-like to Eggdog.

I look back and see this, "Aww~ that's so cute Three! We should set up a play date for Eggcat and eggdog soon."

Three stops what he is doing, "uh...don't they already hang out enough?"

"Well..yea but every time Eggcat sees or hear eggdog is leaving Eggcat gets all sad and depressed. Eggcat really loves hanging out with eggdog! Almost like a sibling relationship!"

Three look at me surprised and at eggdog. "Oh...well..sure we can do it."

Eggdog barks in joy.

"Yay! Thanks Three!" I hug Three.

Three blushes and hugs Five back. "Your welcome...scrub.."

I chuckle lightly.


After a bit of doing whatever , Four calls out for everyone to meet in the main room.

Four is excited for the tour. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE!"

Everyone peeks out of their rooms. Meggy and Mario are nervous. Boopkins and Melony are excited, with Bob being neutral. Luigi and Tari are shook.

"I think it's time for a castle tour. Why don't we start off with the Kitchen?"

Mario and Meggy get extremely nervous when hearing this.

The still up in flames.

Mario points at Meggy. "she did it"

Meggy smiles nervously at us, "Uh... it's a work in progress..."

"THE HELL DID YOU GUYS DO TO THIS ROOM?!?" I shout as I look at the fire. Yes I may like burning stuff but this place haven't even been built for a fucking day and it already has fire in it.

Four just smiles sheepishly. "Alright... Next room!"

Guest room.

The left side is cute themed, looking like an ACNH home. The right side has a red Minecraft shulker box flooring, pound sign wallpapers, a bed and just any casino stuff you can find.

"The f—k is this mess..." I mutter.

Melony, Boopkins and Bob all smile, "Do you like it?"

Four looks surprised and weirded out before saying, "Oh, I guess... it has 'a little' something for everyone!"

The three reach in for a high five, Boopkins, however, can't reach and falls.

The bathroom.

An eerie room with a toilet in the middle, with a spotlight shining on it.

Four smiles, "Amazing, isn't it? Jubjub designed this one."

Jubjub pops out of the toilet and waves.

"Holy f—k that's terrifying."

Storage closet

"Here's the storage room!" Four opens the door. Depresso and Marty are playing chess. He notices that the door is open.


Four quickly closes it. "Uhh next room!"

"Yea...that's a room I will rarely go in..." I muttered as we leave.

Four's room.

"Oh yeah! SMG3 and Five pimped this office out for me!"

Eveyone looks at us, I just smile nervously, my cheeks heating up a bit while Three just tries to make it not a big deal. "Don't put my name on this! I had a ton of beautiful, tasteful styles before this cold, boring office core bullsh-t! If it were up to me, I would've got some venetian curtains, draped them across some handmade windows"

As he goes on and on, Four gestures the rest of the crew to get out. We back away, and Four follows. "and then put up a few shelves, with my books on them! And some Minecraft figurines and my Fortnite robux? and stuff."

I peek my head back in, "Never knew you were a fan of redecorating Three. Maybe you can redecorate my bedroom some time soon~" I smile and leave as Three cheeks heat up. I can faintly hear 'BAKA!' through the sound proof door. I sound proofed the room so when Four does videos he doesn't bother anyone hanging out in here.


"Alright guys, there's one more room to show you. One room that's already been decorated. You all ready?"

Luigi points to the boarded room. "Wait, what about that room?"

Four frowns. "uh... we don't talk about that room."

We don't talk about Bruno, no no no no~

"Alright, check this out!" Four opens the door.

The room is decked out with games, arcade machines and an SMG4 Crew flooring. Everyone is surprised. Four gets a bit confused this is...different..who changed the set up? Becuase whoever did made it so much better then my original plan.

Three appears from behind us, "HEY! Don't forget about me- woahh"

Four picks up Beeg SMG4.

"Yep, this is the new gaming room. Mario, whenever we record or when you react to memes or play games it'll be in here!"

"OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAA" Mario gets a button out that says 'nut' and presses it a bunch of times.

"Hey SMG4, what's that you're holding?" Boopkins ask.

"Oh, this? This is my lil pet, Beeg SMG4. He lives here now and will be looking after the room!"

Beeg does the 'Fish eating a carrot meme' noise.

Tari jumps on the couch, "WHO WANTS TO PLAY!!"

Meggy raises her hand, "OH, ME!"

Boopkins smiles, "YAYYY!"


They all rush to the couch.

"Yep, I guess that's the last surprise for you guys." He points at the viewers.

The Mario Does Things playlist shows up.

"The Mario Does Things series officially has its own brand now." He launches Beeg SMG4 in the air, "Introducing... the SMG4 Crew!"

The logo pops up.


Outside the castle. Shroomy walks by the entrance.

"hehe they forgot to invite me again hehe"


Dear Journal,

Today the castle has been done and revealed! It's looks so cool! I helped Four with decorating his room, so did Three. I'm thinking of made moving closer to the crew since Four...moved out...It feels lonely here with out him..even with my kids..I don't know when but...soon I might confess...but..I didn't really see any signs of loving me so...maybe I don't have a chance...

But if I never tell them then I might lose my chance with Four and Three and I don't want that happening. Not much to say other wise today but I wonder what adventures awaits for us in the new castle..



Setting my journal down, I reach over for my phone and texted Four and Three goodnight before plugging my phone in and laying down on my bed. Mini me and eggcat are sleeping in their own beds since I'm not injured anymore.

They did not want to leave my side for the whole last week. They thought that one day I would kneel over and die even though that won't happened. I'm glad to know that everyone cares about me so much...especially Four and Three...maybe they do like me back...

Closing my eyes....

Sleep welcomes me...


Words: 2534

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