Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [REWR...

By SimplyUnst4ble

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[REWRITE IN PROGRESS] I was walking back home one night from work, when I unexpectedly got caught in the cros... More

- Information Board -
1. - So.. I was reborn as a Snake? [REWRITTEN]
2. - Exploring the Forest. [REWRITTEN]
3. - The Abyssal Being inside the Ruins. [REWRITTEN]
4. - A Promise to the Abyss. [REWRITTEN]
5. - Beginning of Exploration. [REWRITTEN]
6. - Life as a Snake.
7. - Finally, Something New!
8. - Overcoming the Dungeon.
9. - My First Evolution?
10. - Conquering my First Dungeon!
11. - Back to a Boring life... Or Not.
12. - I'm Done. I'm Off to Explore further on!
13. - Well... Guess I have a Stalker now.
14. - Snake VS Kitsune.
15. - Yet Another Vow.
[Special Chapter] 1. - A Primal Dragon & A Kitsune.
16. - Time to Move On.
17. - Time for My Second Evolution.
18. - POV from Humans.
19. - Second Dungeon Down!.. What next?
20. - Improvement & Tests.
21. - Visiting the Town of Ordial
22. - Beginning As an Adventurer.
23. - My First Quest.
24. - Again, a Classic Isekai Troupe..
25. - First Issue of The Promise.
26. - Trio of Adventurers.
27. - New Friends? I Guess?
28. - Back to The Forest.
29. - Snake VS an.. Assassin?
30. - Are You my Friend or Foe?
31. - Conquering an Infestation
32. - Guardian of The Monster Heart.
[Special Chapter] 2. - Origin of The Serpent.
33. - Again... Evolution? Ugh..
34. - Meeting with a Heavenly Knight.
35. - Harcone.
36. - Trail of a Suspicious Convict.
37. - A Lair Hidden in Plain Sight.
38. - The Gorgan Child.
[Special Chapter] 3. - Eve of a Christmas Night
39. - A Village in The Woods.
40. - Talk with The Gorgan Elder
41. - Adventuring Guilds, Dungeon Raid.
42. - Raiding the Fire Princes Domain.
43. - A Hidden Flame.
44. - A Trial Hidden in The Domain.
45. - Ancient Fire and The Fire Prince.
46. - Battle Against the Fire Prince.
47. - Faofa & The Fire Prince.
48. - Land Forgotten in the Blazes of History.
[Special Chapter] 4. - The Dragon, The Kitsune and The Prince.
49. - End of The Raid & The Guildmasters Suspicion.
50. - Meeting With the Guildmaster.
51. - The Journey Resumes.
52. - An Infestation? Great..
53. - Here we go Again.. Evolution.
54. - A Journey, that is Too Long.
55. - The Noble Girls Determination.
56. - The Deadmans Graveyard.
57. - The Lair of the Ancient One.
59. - Meeting with The Guildmasters Friend.
60. - A Demonoid in the Graveyard.
61. - Meanwhile, in Ordial.
62. - Meeting of 24.
63. - Return to Ordial.
64. - So.. I was Wisked to a Hidden Dungeon?
65. - A Man Laid with a Curse.
66. - Reunion with Jio.
67. - A Secret to Keep.
[Special Chapter] 5. - Mind Dimension Observation.
68. - A Snake among Humans.
69. - My First Night Out.
70. - Journey to the Mountains.
71. - Village Uphigh in the Mountains.
72. - So... THIS is an Alchemist..?
73. - A Dungeon in the Mountains.
74. - The One who Calls Blizzards.
75. - The Darkness clashes with the Blizzard
76. - The Day, the Blizzards Disappeared.
77. - Of course... It's the Hand Sons again..
78. - Well, We're raiding!
79. - Busting down a Lair.
80. - Duel Against the Void Lord.
81. - Case Closed, Back to Ordial.
82. - Talk with Nobility & The Preparation for Departure.
83. - Farewell Ordial.
84. - Thanatos Del Death.
[World History #1]. - Tale of Blessings & Catastrophes.
85. - Village of Embers.
86. - A Scorching Path.
87. - Evolution & The Primordial Volcano.
88. - Continued Ascendance.
89. - Clash Against a Primal Dragon.... Or Not?
90. - The Spring of Mists.
91. - Forest of Spirits Pt.1
[World History #2]. - The Corruption & The Light.
92. - Forest of Spirits Pt.2
93. - Finally, the Corruption is Gone.
94. - The Snake of Abyss.
95. - The Abyss Disappeared.
96. - Faofa - The One who Devoured the Abyss.
97. - Farewell to the Spirits.
[Special Chapter] 6. - Heroes Summoning.
98. - Faofa VS The Heroes.
99. - A Happy Reunion...Or I hoped..
100. - Adventurers & Heroes.
101. - The Schemers.
102. - A Brewing Storm.
103. - So I DIDN'T kill that Kitsune After all?!?
104. - A Fox in Cats Clothing.
105. - Entering the Finish Line.
106. - Olhade the Terror Storm.
107. - Karma.
108. - Battle Against the Cursed Paladin.
109. - So... it's the 'Final' Battle?
110. - This is Only the Beginning.
[Special Chapter] 7. - Story of Faofa.

58. - The Ancient One & Faofa.

752 33 4
By SimplyUnst4ble

       As I continued my descent down the stairs, I began to slightly feel a slight shiver run down my spine. Once again, it felt like the atmosphere changed.
I couldn't for the life of me explain how or what it felt like before compared to now, but all I could say, was that it most definitely changed.

If I had to describe it, then I'd probably say that it felt... Almost grim. It felt like that feeling you get, when something bad was about to happen.

I suppose that is the best was to try and describe it.

Eventually, I reached the bottom of the spiral staircase, before looking around the room I was now in.
It was just one room, that was rather long and seemingly empty.

As I took one step forward into it, a bunch of torches lit up, all the way up to what looked like a second throne, only this time, it looked more fancy and less... Stone built.
Basically, it wasn't just some random rock with carvings, no, the throne at the end of this room, was more like a proper throne.

And unlike the one at the top that I had sat in before, this time, there was something on the throne seat.
An item or something.

'Sages' Wisdom.'

Analysis suggests no traps around or near the throne, however it is recommended to still take careful steps.

Since a powerful Magical Energy presence is detected nearby.

Figured as much. No traps, but something else that could be worse.
Much worse.

After a moment of hesitation, I began to carefully move towards the throne at the end of the room, taking light, careful and considerate steps, making sure to not rush or be too rapid with my movements.

As I slowly approached, I kept my
[Overworld Detection] skill at its absolute maximum output, to ensure that even the slightest of movement is instantly detected.
I was being safe rather than sorry okay?

Eventually, I reached the throne and was met with what looked like just a plain old talisman or totem, sitting in its seat.
Gotta say, the strangeness of this sight, definitely was enough to cause me to raise an eyebrow at it.

'Say Sages' Wisdom, where is the Magical Energy presence detected from?'

Unable to pinpoint the location of the presence.
A perception jammer has been detected.

Perception jammer?
Must be messing with the 'signal' or whatever of the magical energy presence to ensure no detection skills can find its exact location.
However, even without clear confirmation, I had a feeling that this talisman or totem, or whatever it is- was indeed the source of the presence.

However, despite my suspicion, the totem seemed quite...static.
It had no life, as you'd expect from a lifeless object. Maybe if I touched it or moved it, something would happen?

I hesitantly lifted up my right arm, before pushing it a bit closer to the small totem on the throne. However, my arm didn't manage to reach it, as I pulled back a couple moments later.
I then snapped my left hands fingers, activating and setting up a [Magic Nullification Barrier] just incase some kind of magical spell was cast or something onto this thing that could potentially hurt me.

I then, once again, moved my arm closer to the totem and before long, my hand made contact with the small totem, however nothing happened.

An intruding Soul has been detected.

Taking immediate precautions for prote—

The voice of [Sages' Wisdom] cut off suddenly. I immediately pulled my arm away from the totem, before attempting to activate my skill again.

'Sages' Wisdom? Sages' Wisdom, are you okay?'

I asked in my thoughts, panicking a bit.
I knew something was up with that freaking totem - an intruding soul? It must have been inside the totem and the moment I made contact with it, it must have immediately entered my body.

For a couple of moments, it was completely silent. There was no voice, my [Sages' Wisdom] skill wasn't activating and overall I felt like I had fucked up.

Until.... I suddenly heard a strange announcement.

Fusion with the Individual Skill
[Sages' Wisdom]
Has been permitted.

Commencing evolution immediately..


[Sages' Wisdom] has successfully evolved into the Arc Skill
[Ancient One {Harbinger of Knowledge}]

This completes the fusion evolution.

Excuse me, the what in the what now?!
My skill evolved?! But how in the living hell?!

That would be my blame to take.

AHH- WhatTheActualFuckery?!

Please, I'd like you to be a bit more humble if you can.

...Oookay, some strange shit was happening right now. I am pretty sure, that there is currently a male voice speaking to me in my head..

I must be going insane.
That's it - I've finally lost it.

You are indeed NOT going insane.
I am your newly evolved Skill.

My skill..? Oh wait, that's right - [Sages' Wisdom] literally just evolved infront of my eyes.
Right.. right.

But wait- Why the hell do you feel like an actual person now? You don't seem to be just some basic guide or whatever.

That may be because I actually was—

'You're this aforementioned 'Ancient One'.. aren't you?'

The voice went silent as I looked down at the totem with a more serious expression now.
The silence was loud enough of a 'yes' for me to know that I had successfully landed the bullseye with that guess.

..You catch on quite quickly my new Master.

'Well, despite a miserable life, I suppose there was one good thing about working the way I did in my past life... I had a knack for catching onto plans and ideas quite fast.'

I thought, before sighing.

"Then tell me - How in the hell are you even talking to me right now. I mean, I think I have a rough idea of how, but an explanation would be helpful."

I already told you - it is simple.
I am now your newly evolved skill.

Newly evolved skill huh...
Wait, does that mean—

I was the 'Intruding Soul' that your previous skill [Sages' Wisdom] was trying to warn you about.

My apologies for entering your body without permission and then proceeding to fuse with your skill.

'It's fine.. I just wish I had more a warning. I thought I got possessed or something...'

I thought, sighing again before rubbing the back of my head.

'So, do you have a name? Calling you 'Ancient One' seems a bit counter intuitive.'

I do not possess a name anymore - After all, I am now technically your skill, not a living being.

I see...
Well, do you remember your name before this whole spheal?

Many of my memories that are directly linked to me and myself are very much missing or a blur.

Well, that sucks..
But guess it can't be helped.

I exhaled, before looking at the totem one more time and then proceeding to pick it up, before throwing it into my small bag on my waist.

May I ask why you are taking it with you..?

'Just a souvenir.'

I replied in my thoughts, before looking around.

'Tell me, is there anything else I should know about this place?'

No, not that I can think of.
If you've already explored my old lair in its entirety, there should be nothing left for you to know or see.

Huh, well that's convenient either way. That means I can get back to wherever I was headed....

...Right, I have no clue where to head - I have no idea where the Guildmasters friend even lives in this wretched forest.
And I should probably first find a way out of this 'lair' of the Ancient One.

Exiting my old lair is the easiest part.
Your [Shadow Manipulation] should allow you for an easy way to quickly leave.

Normally, it would - but I've got to have a clear path to use it effectively.
I have no idea where to head to exit this place, so it's not going to be very helpful—

I can help you leave the lair using my own knowledge of how I mapped my lair.

'Well, then be my guest!'

I thought, sighing in slight annoyance. However, literally immediately after I said that, my
[Shadow Manipulation] skill activated as I sunk into my own shadow.

     Then, after a couple of moments, I came out of a shadow located right beneath a dead tree, back in the forest. I looked around, slightly confused and impressed at the same time.

'I'll give you this - that was a bit impressive.'

Your praise is unnecessary but welcome.

If you're gonna develop an attitude like Raphael did for Rimuru, I swear to fucking christ, I'll never speak to you.

My apologies..
I was simply reading through some of you memories and—




I sighed a couple moments afterwards. Looks like my life just became 50 THOUSAND times harder since now I had to deal with a constant second voice in my head...

Absolutely fantastic - it's just what I wanted.

I then threw another look around, before deciding to switch over to my 'special' heat sight that I had a snake, in order to try and spot any infrared signals.
I looked and looked, and looked... Until - bingo.

I had successfully picked up a large area that was actively generating and giving off heat that my vision was able to pick up.

You couldn't ask for a clearer sign even if you wanted to.
That was 100% the place where the Guildmasters friend lived.

After that, I quickly switched back to my regular sight before beginning to march onwards towards the area I saw the heat coming from, preparing myself for anything that I may encounter on the way.

And in a worst case scenario - preparing myself for a potential battle against this 'friend'.

Hey hey!
It's the end of the chapter!
Hope this was an enjoyable read.

How do you feel like about Faofa now having technically a companion to accompany him at all times?

Well, whatever way you feel, The Ancient One is here to stay!

See y'all in the Next Chapter:
59. -
"Meeting with The Guildmasters Friend."

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