The New Student At The Academ...

Od HunniBee45

263 20 0

What if a laid back guy all of a sudden found himself in a completely different universe? What if clothes rul... Více

Honnoji Academy
Tennis Match
A Fight Worth Watching
A Very Interesting Morning
Its My Fault
Sanageyama's Will
Fight Club
A Journey
A Battle Against An Idiot

Ryuko and (Y/N) vs The Elites

21 2 0
Od HunniBee45

Pov Change
"Thought Comminication"
"Y/N Talking in His Transformed Uniform"

Narrator's POV

The couple were now facing Inumata, the computer geek.

Mako: "Wuooahh, will Ryuko and (Y/N) be okay? If I was allowed to be their second, I'd be right there looking after them!"

Omita: "They'll be okay! I can attest to that-"

Ira sat beside the couple making them jump from his weight.

Mako: "G-Gamagoori! And you're half-naked!"

Omita: "He's way bigger up close!"

Omita sweat dropped and put his arm around Mako.

Ira: "Don't be afraid. I am a No-Star. It's only fitting that I should observe this battle from the same bleachers other No-Stars are gathered. Why are you here, Saito?"

Omita: "Hah... I'd rather sit beside Mako, since she is my girlfriend."


Omita jumped slightly as he sweat dropped more.

Omita: "Gamagoori!! Why are you so loud!"

Ira clenched a cloth in his hand.

Ira: "Lady Satsuki, I, Gamagoori Ira, will work my way back up from this shame without fail! I won't allow Akuma's kindness toward me to be in vain!"

Mako: "Oh, I get! You want to fight me right here and now, right?"

Mako got up while holding up her fist.

Omita: "Mako! Even as his is now, you can't take him on..."

Mako: "I'm cheering on Ryuko and (Y/N) with all I've got, so I won't let anyone interfere, not even Gamagoori!"

Ira: "How amusing! Even with your encouragement, Lady Satsuki's stronghold won't budge one iota!"

Mako: "But it did budge! You lost, remember?"

Omita started to laugh, Gamagoori groaned and glared at the stage.

Ira: "Inumata, win! Trounce them thoroughly and utterly!"

Mako: "Ryuko and (Y/N), take him out! You can do it!"

Inumata looked down at his phone and swiped over to cancel the noise.

Inumata: "Time to hit noise canceller. I'm not interested in hearing a beaten dog yap away."

Inumata was scanning (Y/N) and Ryuko with his phone.

Inumata: "That Kamui transformation was the most fascinating, but you overexerted yourself in your fight against Gamagoori, don't you think, Matoi? You're both breathing heavily, and your heart rate is elevated."

Ryuko smirked.

Inumata: "Don't you worry about me."

(Y/N): "Yeah, we don't need your nagging. We hear that enough already."

Ryuko: "Let's get this started!"

Satsuki: "Round Two... Begin."

Inumata: "Understood."

He began his transformation as bright sparkles covered him.

Akuma: "Gosh... I'm gonna be seeing lots of people naked today, aren't I?"

Inumata: "Three-Star Goku Uniform: Probe Regalia."

The crowd cheered loudly.

Ryuko: "Probe Regalia", huh? Seems more subdued than the others."

Inumata: "And yet, it makes me uneasy. It's as though we're being stripped bare."

(Y/N) smirked.

(Y/N): "I see lots of mechanics, and keyboards on your arms... I'm guessing you're a hacker? And the mask is scanning our bodies?"

Inumata's arm twitched slightly. Akuma saw it and smirked.

Akuma: "Dead on..."

Ryuko: "Figures. He is their intel chief. We don't know what his deal is, so let's be careful."

Ryuko/(Y/N): "Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu/Koketsu!"

They transformed and got their blades ready.

Inumata: "So, they're starting off with Stage 1, they're standard combat mode, eh?"

He was repeatedly tapping on his arm that had a keyboard on it. They both charged at Inumata as he just stood there.

(Y/N): "Not moving?"

They slashed at him, but he just ducked and dodged- or at least thought he did. They faked him out and hit him dead on. He flew back and landed in his feet.

Inumata: "Crap! They're even faster than I predicted."

He scanned them again and started typing on the keyboards on his body as he did weird poses.

Ryuko: "I know your type. You guys are always spouting crap like "I've analyzed all of your capabilities" or "I can anticipate every one of your moves!"

Akuma, Omita and (Y/N) started to laugh.

Akuma: "I've scanned your fatigue! You will pass out in 3 milliseconds!"

Akuma started to laugh harder.

Omita: "You will try to strike me, but sike me out!"

(Y/N): "LeT thE haCkiNg BegIn."

The three boys laughed until they started to wheeze as they fell on to the floor.

Ryuko: "There's only one way to beat someone like him: by being reckless!"

The couple started to run in all directions at fast speeds.

Inumata: "I see. That's why you exerted yourself right away and boosted your reaction speed higher than I predicted. Boosting your Life Fiber link through force of will, eh? It's the same general principle as the Goku Uniforms, but given that yours is 100% Life Fiber, its effect is much greater."

(Y/N): "You yap a lot! How about I-"

(Y/N) hit him with his blade, sending him flying back.

(Y/N): "-shut you up!"

They kept running around him at fast speeds.

Inumata: "I wonder how long can your bodies keep this up."

Ryuko: "It's not about if we can or not. We will make it happen."

The both of them ran towards Inumata again with their blades ready.

Inumata: "I expect nothing less! How can a human body move like that when it's clad in nothing but Life Fibers?"

As they got closer to Inumata he just stood there and kept talking.

Inumata: "Show me with your actions!"

But when they finally got within hitting distance, he disappeared.

Ryuko: "What the-"

(Y/N): "Hm?!"

Ryuko: "He vanished!"

Mako: "He disappeared!"

Ira: "When Inumata Houka's Goku Uniform shines, white butterflies flutter and come to rest on a snowman. He did not vanish! This is optical camouflage."

Omita: "Interesting. I can still see him though."

Akuma: "He's right there- you know what... I'm pretty sure (Y/N) figured it out already."

(Y/N) and Ryuko stood on the platform, Inumata was nowhere to be seen.

(Y/N): "So, it's camouflage... it can't be invisibility cause I doubt any human in this universe has that power."

Inumata: "When it comes to haphazard attacks, the most effective countermeasure is to dodge them."

Inumata walked all around them as they looked for where the source of the sound was coming from.

(Y/N): "This reminds me of that time I was in the woods."


(Y/N) was well over 1,000 when this happened. He was in the woods following a figure that looked like him. She had a buxom figure, glowing red eyes and silky black hair that reached to her knees. She always kept it in a bun so it would be out of the way.

She was wearing a sun dress that hugged her curves perfectly.

???: "Now, (Y/N), we must be very careful in these woods. We don't know who could be watching us because of their invisibility."

This woman had no magic affinity except for healing power. She was a weak person, but she didn't let that stop her from going on dangerous adventures.

???: "Higher your listening skills to the max, incase anything happens."

(Y/N): "Ughh... this is so boring. What are we even doing out here."

???: "I told you, we need to find the forbidden lake. That way you can prosper, child."

(Y/N) rolled his eyes as he smacked away a bug that was on his cheek.

(Y/N): "How many times do I have to say it: "I don't have any blood in me?! That ended long ago, you stupid bugs!"

They kept walking further into the woods, but the lady stepped on something and it made a loud noise. She stopped as she looked at (Y/N) with fear in her eyes.

???: "Son... I want you to run to the forbidden lake... don't stop for anything and don't look back."

(Y/N) looked shocked and scared when he heard this.

(Y/N): "Mom! Why?! Why should I-"

Something fast, faster than the eye can see... faster than (Y/N) could comprehend... shot her in the head.

(Y/N): "Mom? Mom... MOM!"

He wanted to go back and help his mom, but he also wanted to abide by her wishes.

"(Y/N), you will become strong... stronger than me, your father... anyone you come across will perish. I want you to use your power for good. Never harm anyone, if someone provoked you, I want you to handle it accordingly."

"Yes, mom! I will! For you!"

He reached the forbidden lake as the water seemed to glisten under the moonlight. He pulled out the mug his mom gave him, scooped up the water into the mug and drunk it in one big gulp. The water was cool, but he noticed something wrong when he finished with the cup of water. The lake began to disappear as a bright light appeared.

A woman showed up as she looked at (Y/N), she looked like a ghost. Her white hair flowed from the wind, her eyelashes were white and she has the face of an Angel, she was a beauty.

???: "Are you... the one that summoned me?"

(Y/N) thought about his mother as he shook his head.

(Y/N): "Yes, yes I am. Who are you?"

???: "I am Seraphina. I live to serve you, my lord."

She got on one knee as she bowed her head slightly.

(Y/N): "Seraphina, i like that. I hope we get along well."

Then (Y/N) heard noises in the forest. Lots of sounds from all directions caught his attention. He saw people that looked like ghost. One of them made him cry... the person looked exactly like his mother. She smiled warmly and all of the ghost-looking people disappeared.

(Y/N) said one more thing before he looked at Seraphina: "I will always come back to see you, mom."


This made him remember something.

(Y/N): "Seraphina, are you free?"

Seraphina: "Yes, my lord."

(Y/N): "I need a bit of help finding this person."

Seraphina: "Hm. I understand. He's walking around you. South east, approximately 3 steps away."

(Y/N) quickly followed what she said and slashed his sword at him, although he got very close, Inumata blocked and began to hit both of them.

Inumata: "I'm surprised you were able to see through my camouflage, but can you keep up with my speed?!"

Seraphina: "My lord! Left attack in 0.3 seconds!"

(Y/N) blocked quickly, which must have surprised Inumata because he stopped his onslaught.

Seraphina: "He's walking around again, my lord."

(Y/N): "Stop being a coward and show yourself!"

Inumata: "Hm."

He began his onslaught again, pushing them all the way to the edge of the stage.

Seraphina: "My lord, you are more powerful than this. Why are you allowing this to happen?"

(Y/N): "Akuma has most of my power locked. I would win this fight in a second if it wasn't, I wanted a bit of a challenge."

Seraphina: "I'm sorry, my lord. I had no idea."

Inumata: "Theres nowhere left to run! If all I can gather is obvious data like this, I'll be very disappointed!"

Ryuko: "Senketsu, time for Plan B: Get Really Reckless!"

Senketsu: "Understood!"

(Y/N): "What's your plan, GearEyes?"

Ryuko: "You'll see!"

Ryuko made Senketsu's eye form a giant shadow on Inumata.

(Y/N): "Smart!"

Inumata: "That eye is totally huge!"

Ryuko: "If we can't see where you are, we'll have to attack the whole field at once!"

As the eye grew larger, Ryuko's uniform only got smaller.

Inumata: "E-evasion."

She slapped the eye down on Inumata, he didn't know what to do.

Inumata: "...impossible!"

When she made the eye go back to its smaller form, Inumata's head was burrowed into the ground and he was there for all eyes to see.

Seraphina: "I now understand why she is your significant other, my lord."

(Y/N) smiled to himself and looked at Ryuko as he twirled his scissor blade in his hand.

(Y/N): "Let's finish this?"

Ryuko: "Hai! Let's!"

They both walked up to Inumata and pointed their blades at him.

Ryuko: "See that? Make a crazy attack even crazier, and it'll hit."

(Y/N): "I won't lie, you surprised me, Inumata. But you were reckless. Your power would have been better and more harder to track had we not been on this stage. I respect that."

Akuma and Omita went wide eyed at his words.

(Y/N): "Seraphina!"

Seraphina showed up, shocking everyone there.

Akuma: "Interesting."

Seraphina: "Yes, my lord?"

Random One-Star: "Did she just call him... lord?"

(Y/N): "Would you mind telling him what he did wrong?"

Seraphina: "Yes, my lord."

Seraphina looked at Inumata.

Seraphina: "Your camouflage is very good, but not good enough. You used it often and it was easy to figure out, you're nothing but a coward using borrowed power. What a disgrace..."

She disappeared in a cloud of smoke as Inumata just looked down. The couple slashed their swords at Inumata, but before they could make contact, he de-transformed. Inumata stood there with his hands up in surrender.

Inumata: "Inumata Houka hereby forfeits this battle!"

The crowd erupted in sounds of wonder.

Ryuko and (Y/N) retracted their blades and de-transformed.

Ryuko: "What are you up to?"

Inumata: "If I continue fighting, the data I've gathered so far will be damaged."

Ryuko: "Say what?"

(Y/N): "Basically he was recording all of our movements and capabilities."

Inumata: "Exactly. All I want is data. I care not for victory."

(Y/N): "What exactly is this data being used for..."

Satsuki: "Jakuzure. Prepare for battle."

Nonon looked up at Satsuki in bewilderment.

Sanageyama: "What's wrong? What are you so flustered about? I thought you two went back further than any of us."

Nonon: "Oh, shut up!"

Sanageyama started to get up.

Nonon: "Hey! I'm the one who's up next!"

Sanageyama: "I know that. But I need to prepare my Three-Star Goku Uniform: Blade Regalia Mk 2."

Sanageyama started to walk away.

Nonon: "What are you saying?! You're just assuming I'm gonna lose?! Nobody mocks me!"

She stomped her foot like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Mako was sleeping on Omita's lap when Inumata came and sat down next to them with his computer so she woke up.

Mako: "You're here too, Inumata?!"

Inumata: "I'm just like you. I'm going to observe the fight from here."

Omita: "Ha... Inumata you're a No-Star too now? What a shame."

Inumata groaned.

Inumata: "Do say it like that!"

Ira: "I won't bring up the fact that you forfeit. The way each man fights is his own path to choose. But, Inumata, why are you wearing a tracksuit?! Have you no shame?!"

Omita: "Oi! Speak for yourself, you boulder! You're literally half naked!"

Inumata: "Agreed! And besides, the loser is stripped of his Goku Uniform. I don't recall there being a rule about having to go naked, though."

Ira and Inumata were both glaring at each other as they were scooting closer and closer to each other, crushing the couple that was in the middle of it all.

Inumata: "Surely it's more important to know the rules than it is to know shame, Mr. Disciplinary Bureau Chairman. Oh- my apologies! Former Disciplinary Bureau Chairman!"

Ira: "Thank you for your kind service. Former Intelligence and Tactics Officer."

Mako: "What's with all this tension?"

Omita sighed and punched the both of them- slightly harder than what he anticipated causing them both to go flying.

Omita: "Would you two stop arguing?! The next match is up soon and I would like to watch it."

The meat head and geek both held their heads as a knot began to form. They took their seats and sighed.

Inumata: "I suppose you're correct."

Ira: "But this isn't over!"

Mako got up and started to wave a flag with her name on it.

Mako: "Fine! I'm not gonna lose either! Go for it, Mako!"

She was cheering for herself... then Omita jumped in and started to cheer too.

Omita: "Go, Mako-Chan!! You can win!"

Mako: "Stand strong, Mankanshoko Mako! Hooray! Hooray!"

Omita: "Mako! Mako! You can do it!!"

The couple that were on the stage looked down at them.

Senketsu: "Your friend has finally started cheering for herself."

Koketsu: "Your brother has decided to cheer for her too."

Ryuko: "It sure looks that way. Still, that's classic Mako."

(Y/N): "Yeah, Omita is no different."

Senketsu/Koketsu: "Your pulse and respiration have returned to normal. So they're the key to getting you two to relax?"

A whistle blew and the both of them looked over and saw Nonon.

Nonon: "Entrance march! Under the Double Eagle!"

A whole bunch of instruments started to play as they came down stairs.

Ryuko: "What the hell?"

Senketsu: "She certainly knows how to make a cheery entrance."

Nonon finally reached the stage, but the music kept playing.

Nonon: "Sorry for the wait, transfer students. This won't be like those boorish fights you've had with the boys. Prepare to be pummeled cheerfully, jauntily, and utterly one-sidedly!"

She started her transformation as bright sparkles covered her no-no parts. All the instruments that were used when going down the stairs flew over to her and formed a giant boom box that she was controlling.

Nonon: "Three-Star Goku Uniform: Symphony Regalia Grave!"

A bunch of the One-Stars cheered with blushes on their faces.

Ryuko: "That's huge! On what planet is that a uniform?!"

(Y/N): "I wouldn't even consider that being a uniform!"

Nonon: "I can get better acoustics this way. Okay, for my first song, Light Cavalry Overture!"

Ryuko: "She's gonna fight while playing music?"

Senketsu: "It's so loud I can barely think."

(Y/N): "Let's make quick work of her because I can't stand loud noises."

Akuma/Omita: "Uh oh I hope she said her prayers..."

Ryuko: "Now's not the time for complaints."

Ryuko/(Y/N): "Life Fiber Synchronize, Kamui Senketsu/Koketsu!"

The both of them charged at Nonon, but she blasted horrid music from her speakers, when the shockwaves hit them, they flew back.

Senketsu: "Her attack sure packs a punch."

Koketsu: "(Y/N), your heart rate is beating more rapidly. Will you be okay."

(Y/N) was crouching on the ground as the loud music blasted in his ears.

(Y/N): "Y-yeah... I'll be alright."

Nonon: "The bass really reverberates, doesn't it? Next up is a really sharp performance!"

As the music kept playing, she shot music notes at them, not being quick enough to dodge some hit them. They quickly jumped back to help dodge more. Nonon laughed maniacally as she held up her baton.

Nonon: "Dance harder!"

Music notes shot at them as they kept running. The music was blaring as (Y/N) started to sweat in his Kamui. When they got within striking distance, she let off another music shockwave.

(Y/N) landed on his knees as he covered his ears.

(Y/N): "Koketsu, can you take off the cloth from my face.."

Koketsu: "Yes."

She made the cloth that covered his face disappear as he kept his ears covered. Ryuko landed next to him.

Ryuko: "(Y/N) are you okay?!"

(Y/N) saw her lips moving, but he didn't hear her. He saw Akuma and Omita speaking to him, but he also didn't hear them.

(Y/N): "The music... it has to be stopped..."

He hated, hated loud noise. He couldn't stand not being heard or not being able to hear. He got up slowly and picked up his scissor blade.

(Y/N): "The music. I can't stand it."

Koketsu: "I would advise you to calm down-"

(Y/N): "Koketsu, I don't need your nagging right now."

His suit let out some steam as he ran quickly towards Nonon, but she let out another shockwave which made him fly all the way off the platform. He stuck his sword into the side to prevent him from falling. He tried to pull himself up, but the music was causing him to slip.

Akuma: "I know you're not losing to the likes of her."

Nonon: "What's that supposed to mean?! Are you underestimating me?!"

Akuma: "Underestimate? No. Call you weak? Yes."

Nonon rolled her eyes. Ryuko ran to help (Y/N) up, when he was back on the platform, he stuck his sword into the ground and leaned on it.

Ryuko: "(Y/N), are you sure you will be okay?"

(Y/N) nodded and looked up at Nonon, she just smirked and blasted the music louder.

Nonon: "The music's lacking a certain something, you know? Oh, I know! It's missing your screams, transfer students!"

The big speakers began to transform into something different.

Nonon: "I'm that case, I'm gonna wring a better performance out of you both!"

Nonon began to fly in the air.

Nonon: "Symphony Regalia Presto!"

Ryuko: "That huge thing can fly?!"

(Y/N): "You're JOKING."

Nonon: "Yes indeed, this huge thing can fly! That's my power!"

(Y/N) looked at Omita and Akuma. Even in a time like this, they all laughed.

Akuma: "Yeahhh, your PoWeR."

Nonon: "The other three Elites could never do this."

Akuma: "Good, she knows where I stand."

Nonon flew all the way up until she reached where Satsuki was.

Nonon: "I'm the one who can best use this Goku Uniform— the power you got your hands on!"

She looked at Satsuki as she said this.

Nonon: "Isn't that right, Satsuki-Chan?!"

And a flashback-

(Y/N): "No."


Nonon: "Now, listen to this! The William Tell Overture finale!"

She shot more music notes at them as they blocked them rapidly.

Ryuko: "Hey! I thought you were disqualified if you left the battle area!"

Nonon: "Not if you leave it; only if you fall out of it."

(Y/N): "Making up rules on the spot as always! I expected nothing less!"

Nonon: "Goodness, it seems like you have time to complain, at least."

(Y/N) hopped right and landed on one knee as he kept blocking the music notes.

(Y/N): "It's time to put an end to this Symphony! With a bit of my own music! Whaddya say, Nonon?!"

Nonon: "Perfectly fine with me! But where will you get your instrum-"

(Y/N) jammed his sword into the ground and created a hole in the air using Shatter Wall, he pulled out a violin and put it in the correct position.

Nonon: "A violin? Yes, they are loud, but will it be loud enough?!"

She started blasting her music louder, but (Y/N) just stood there.

(Y/N): "I won't let your bad, loud music be played anymore!"

He infused the violin with magic to enhance the sound.

(Y/N): "Violin Concerto in D Minor by Sibelius!"

He began to play as the loud song vibrated off of the violin.

Nonon: "No way! That's the hardest song to play!"

She blasted loud music threw her speakers, causing their music to clash.

(Y/N): "For the sake of all of our ear drums, I won't let your loud music play anymore!"

He infused more magic into the violin which caused Nonon's musical soundwave to go back and hit her.

(Y/N): "Ryuko! Now!"

Ryuko wrapped a thread around the handle of her blade and threw it up at Nonon.

Ryuko: "Chew on this!"

It wrapped around the giant speaker and started bringing it down to the ground, but (Y/N) got impatient and used his Flight ability. He did a roundhouse kick and sent it to the ground.

(Y/N): "Get your ass down there!"

Ryuko: "We'll just have to bring you down to our level!"

(Y/N) kept playing loudly as Nonon threw spikes at him.

Nonon: "I'll have to cut those flimsy strings of yours."

(Y/N): "I think not! How about a little vibrato to make the ground shake?!"

He moved his fingers fast over the strings till his reached the E string, he shifted in 3 position as the sheer sound of it caused Nonon to shake violently. As this was going on, Ryuko was blocking all of spikes and music notes Nonon threw at him.

(Y/N): "It's time to end this concert!"

He shifted into 15th position and played the highest note on the violin... A7.

Nonon: "Gahhh!!"

Her speakers started to shake even more, (Y/N) infused more magic into the violin which upped the sound and pressure to the max.

(Y/N): "I'd like to call this one, BURST NONONS' EAR DRUMS!"

Her speaking started to glow, then cracks formed. It soon bursted and she fell to the ground. Ryuko started to walk towards him, but (Y/N) held up his hand.

(Y/N): "Nonon-chan... this battle was unsavory and I didn't like it. How about you go be a no-star and join your buddies, hm?"

He made the violin disappear and unwrapped a thread from his Kamui. He used said thread to get his blade from in the ground. When it reached him, he twirled it slightly and pointed it at Nonon.

(Y/N): "This concert is over."

He gripped the handle of his blade as Nonon backed away.

(Y/N): "Sen-"

He started to run towards her.

(Y/N): "I-"

Then he delivered a hard slice to her uniform.

(Y/N): "Soshitsu!"

Senketsu and Koketsu were silent.

Ryuko: "Oi. What's wrong, Senketsu?"

Senketsu: "She hasn't been truly stripped yet, we were unable to absorb any Life Fibers."

Satsuki: "Underestimate the Five Elites at your peril, Matoi, Saito."

(Y/N): "Hm? I could've sworn I stripped her..."

A One-Star clapped his hands together.

One-Star: "Encore!"

Then more people started to repeat what he said: "encore!" Could be heard throughout the whole stadium.

Ryuko: "What the hell?"

Mako: "Encore! En- wait, what?"

Omita: "Encore? No one wants to hear her music anymore."

A bright light shown down and Nonon appeared on her own little stage.

Nonon: "Symphony Regalia: Da Capo! For our encore, let's go with one of the standards!"

Ryuko/(Y/N): "There's more?"


Nonon: "Quit your whining!"

Ira: "What you are about to witness is the true power of a Three-Star Ultima Uniform!"

Omita stood there looking down at his uniform.

Omita: "Now that I think about it, I've never tried out my uniform."

Inumata: "You do know what to say, right?"

Omita smirked.

Omita: "Of course! It's "Reality Regalia: Illusion Change!"

He began to transform as bright sparkles covered his body. His uniform consisted of a black suit, but the suit jacket was a bit shorter than usual. The white button up was cut short to show off his abs underneath with black slacks and black dress shoes. His hair was slicked back with a few strands falling in front of his face. He also had on a black masquerade mask that hid his identity.

Mako: "Wuoahhh! Nice!"

Ira and Inumata just groaned.

Inumata: "And you're sure you don't want to join the Elites?"

Omita: "I'm sure! I'm happy as I am now!"

He de-transformed and sat back beside mako.

Nonon landed on the completely wrecked stage from the last battle and poined her baton at the couple.

Nonon: "For my finale, a tune known to children everywhere! Beethoven's Symphony No. 5: "Fate"!"

Another large speaker showed up, it shot a blast of loud music at them, but they just ducked.

Ryuko: "The sound on that thing!"

(Y/N): "Yeah... that's ENOUGH! Koketsu: Burst Fiber!"

He ran up to Nonon as his uniform began to change, it now covered his face again, but the whole thing was glowing red. He firmly grasped his blade in his hand as he got closer to Nonon.

Satsuki: "It evolved?! As expected of a Kamui."

Mikisugi: "Both of their uniforms are evolving... albeit at bit too fast."

(Y/N): "This time, I'll make sure you won't get up again!"

Nonon sweat dropped and tried to hit him with the music again.

(Y/N): "This sorry ass song wouldn't even make it on the world's worst music list!"

He used his sword to make the sound completely pass him.

Mako: "How is he doing that?!"

Inumata: "He's turning it into a pure tone!"

Omita: "And that means?!"

Inumata: "He's completely blocking out that noise, with his own sound."

Mako: "But we don't hear anything!"

Inumata: "The pure tone... is the sound of his heart!"

Once he reached Nonon, he got his blade ready.

(Y/N): "Finishing Move: Laijutsu, Non Lethal!"

Omita: "Laijutsu?!"

Ira: "What's that?"

Omita: "One of the most lethal sword styles in our home country. Had he use the lethal version... Nonon would've died."

Nonon was finally no more, (Y/N) smirked and bowed.

(Y/N): "Thank you very much. You've been an amazing audience!"

The crowd erupted into cheers as Ryuko made her way to (Y/N)'s side, she also bowed. The fibers from Nonon's uniform went into the Kamuis.

Satsuki: "Did you see that, Iori?"

Iori: "Hai. I have located the problem areas in the Shackle Regalia and Probe Regalia. Examination of the Symphony Regalia is still underway."

Satsuki: "Very good. See to it."

Iori: "Roger."

(Y/N): "Now, Akuma-Kun! Are you ready?!"

Akuma just smiled cheerfully.

Akuma: "Satsuki-chan! May we?"

Satsuki gripped the handle of her blade as she narrowed her eyes.

Satsuki: "You may."

Akuma made his way to the platform with his hands behind his head.

Akuma: "Oi! No Kamui allowed."

(Y/N): "Yeah, yeah! I know."

He de-transformed.

Akuma: "Now, I will unlock your power."

(Y/N) just nodded as he felt his power go up.

(Y/N): "28%... just like when I was a newborn."

Both of their eyes glowed as they looked at each other. The crowd erupted into cheers as the other Elites watched intently, maybe this would give them more information about these two beings.

(Y/N): "Ryuko, go stand on the pillar. You might get hurt if you stayed here. Oh— take this also."

He handed her his scissor blade, she just nodded and jumped to the pillar they first started out on.

Nonon was now sitting in the No-Star section.

Mako: "You're here too, Jakuzure!"

Nonon: "I didn't know he had that much power, but now I will see Akuma kick his ass."

Omita started to laugh which caught all of their attention.

Omita: "I doubt that. Even as a newborn, (Y/N) was strong. As he grew up Akuma and him would always spar, but one almost led to (Y/N)'s death. You know that scar on his stomach?"

Inumata: "Almost everyone at this school knows about it."

Omita: "Akuma gave him that scar."


(Y/N) was 17 and Omita was 16 at this time. The both of them were like siblings, although they are cousins.

(Y/N): "Akuma-Kun! You're holding out on me! I want you to try harder!"

Akuma was on the ground panting, he groaned and rubbed his head with a mad expression.

Akuma: "I'm trying! You know you're stronger than me!"

(Y/N) just held out his hand with a smile on his face.

(Y/N): "Don't say that. Everyone is strong in their own way, even if you're the weakest of them all."

Akuma started to smile as he grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and pulled himself up. They walked a short distance from each other and got in their stances with their katanas.

Akuma: "Get ready! Here I come!"

Akuma started to run towards (Y/N) with his katana ready, they both agreed to no magic and just using their own strength. Akuma sadly didn't have full control over his power yet, so he used Teleportation and was instantly in front of (Y/N).

Before (Y/N) had enough time to react, he was already stabbed in his stomach, the blade was so sharp that it created a deep wound that looked like a spiral.

(Y/N) dropped to the ground, as his blood spilled out quickly. His body got pale and began to get cold.

Akuma looked at his blood stained hands with horror in his eyes, he began to cry and call for (Y/N)'s mom. She rushed out with a worried look on her face, she immediately got on the ground and started to heal (Y/N).

She spoke in a soft voice as she looked at Akuma with warm eyes.

Mom: "Akuma, I'm not angry. Just tell me what happened."

Akuma explained as his hands trembled.

Mom: "I see, this isn't your fault."

(Y/N) was fully healed and placed on bed rest for a few days. The whole time (Y/N) was out, Akuma sat beside him.

When (Y/N) finally woke up, he looked at his bandaged stomach.

(Y/N): "Akuma-Kun?"

Akuma looked up at (Y/N) and immediately engulfed him in a hug.

Akuma: "I'm sorry! I- I didn't mean too..."

(Y/N) just smiled and hugged Akuma back.

(Y/N): "I know."

(Y/N)'s mom came into the room with her hand on her hip and an unreadable expression.

Mom: "How many times do I have to tell you to stop using REAL KATANAS?!"

(Y/N): "We know mom! We'll stop so you don't have a heart attack."

She sighed and smiled.

Mom: "I'm just glad you're okay."

She walked out and (Y/N) laughed.

(Y/N): "Were totally using real katanas again!"


The Elites all looked at each other.

Inumata: "How old are you guys...?"

Omita: "The age is the only thing you took from that story?! Besides it's none of your business."

Satsuki slammed her sheathed blade into the ground catching everyone's attention.

Satsuki: "Round 4, begin!"

The boys smirked at each other and charged in.

5617 Words

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