Fight Club

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Pov Change
"Thought Comminication"
"Y/N Talking in His Transformed Uniform"

(Y/N) Pov

The next day after fighting Sanageyama I just laid in my bed. I decided to sleep in, but I wanted to have a conversation with Koketsu.

(Y/N): "Oi, Koketsu?"

Koketsu: "Hm?"

(Y/N): "Why did the way you looked change?"

Koketsu: "We've become one, you are no longer ashamed of wearing me."

(Y/N): "But nothing shows except my hair, mouth and eyes. My voice even becomes different. Besides, I stopped being ashamed of you when it was No-Late Day."

Koketsu: "It's just my transformation.. about the eyes, mouth and voice changing, I don't know anything about that."

I turned over on my bed and looked out the window, I saw the slums in the distance. I began to drift off to sleep, but I heard a knock on my door.

(Y/N): "Come in."

I turned over at the door to see who it is, when the door finally opened I saw it was Ryuko.

Ryuko: "Hey, (Y/N)."

I sat up and patted my bed, motioning her to sit beside me. She came and laid beside me, I laid back down and looked at her.

(Y/N): "What did you need? I know you didn't come over for nothing."

She snuggled closer to me, it started to drizzle then thunder as we sat in silence for a few seconds.

Ryuko: "How did you know Sanageyama sewed his eyes shut... even I didn't know."

(Y/N): "To atone for a mistake, you must get rid of what you did to cause it to happen, in his case, his eyes were his downfall. He was too dependent on his eyes so he got rid of them. When I realized I knew he was using sound, but I completely forgot you can depend on smell, and that was almost my downfall."

The whole time I was explaining, I was looking at the ceiling. I remembered a long time ago I was fighting someone that did the same thing as Sanageyama, but he was more careful.


(Y/N): "Y-you're eyes... their gone!"

I started to sweat, I was scared...

Kagutsuchi: "Are you scared, (Y/N), the God of-"

(Y/N): "I'm not scared! It's just... how could you take out your eyes just for a rematch?!"

Kagutsuchi: "Well, I want to defeat you and claim your title!"

(Y/N): "You're already the God of Fire! Why would you want my title?!"

Kogutsuchi: "I want power! Now get ready to die!"


(Y/N): "At that time I didn't have the amount of power I had now... I was scared... if he won he would have all my power."

Ryuko: "Wow... well you obviously won since you're here today."

(Y/N): "I did, but I had to kill him, upon succession I also got the title, God of Fire."

I made a small fire ball in my hand. I clenched my fist, making it disperse.

I began to drift off to sleep again, I laid on Ryuko's chest and pulled her close to me.

The New Student At The Academy (Kill La Kill x Op! M! Reader x Oc's)Where stories live. Discover now