You can't catch me now. (Cato)

De the7thheroine

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"I wont let you die. Promise me you'll get your trident then come find us." He says sternly holding your shou... Mais

A Storm is brewing.
Prove to them your worth every penny.
The first night and the first day.
The second day and the second night.
Show them what you can do.
The interview of a life time.
Let the games begin.
You need to run.
The trap.
The first game comes to an end.
*The interview for the tour*
*district 11*
*The end of the tour, the end of peace*
*im the bet you lost in the reaping*
*the first day of training*
*Just try and stop it*
*find him*
*tick tock goes the clock*
What do we do next?
Why should we be the ones?
Who do you think you are?

*the quell begins*

253 10 50
De the7thheroine

The next morning you were exhausted. Waking up late meant less time to eat, to try and calm your rising nerves.

In the little time you had, you spent at the dinning table sat opposite Finnick, Foie at your side eyeing you cautiously.

As you picked through your food, the plate stacked high, only then did Foie speak up.

"How are you both feeling about today?" She asked, attempting a calm facade and yet, failing miserably.

"Like shit." Finnick stated simply, leaning across the table stabbing a piece of bacon.

"We're fighting for our lives, again." He spat out, leaning over, dumping the bacon onto his plate.

You only furrow your brows, a large sigh leaving your lips. You could feel your nerves bubbling up, threatening to leave your stomach and out through your mouth.

You wanted to see Katniss, Cato and Peeta before the games begin. Just once. You felt nervous not seeing them yet. Finnick seemed the same way as he loudly munched on his food.

You felt like you could cry as you took another bite of your food unwillingly. Was your mother proud? Was Annie? Were they still really watching?

"You'll both be fine. You both have many sponsors i am sure-"

"But not one hundred percent, right?" You say gloomily, letting out a heavy sigh as you chew your food.

Foie only offers you a pitiful look.

Of course she's not sure. It was weird seeing the change. Normally you could rely on Foie being a confident, put together figure in the Capitol.

But now? Now everyone was beginning to look vulnerable.

You wondered how Cato felt in the moment, how Katniss and Peeta were feeling. Were they worried? Did they feel sick?

A loud knock on the door however silenced any further thoughts, as four peacekeepers strode in.

It was time.


The plane ride must of been your least favourite. It was worse than the first time. You were with Foie, and only Foie.

There were no other tributes. Not a single one arriving with you. You kept your hands enclosed on themselves in your lap, curled into tight balls.

"Arm." A strong voice echoed out. A hand stretched to take your forearm. A large needle in hand.

"Your tracker." They said again, reaching out, grabbing your arm in a tight grip after you could only stared at them. The needle plunged under your skin, forcing the device deep into your arm.

You let out a hiss as the needle pulled out, the peacekeeper leaving towards the far side of the ship. Your eyes meet with Foie, she still had that same look on her face, the same annoying weight of shame.

Of pity.

You force your eyes from her, staring at the ground. You swallow as the plane begins to shake, the sound of jets beginning to shoot out. You shut your eyes tightly, your hands enclosing on themselves.

You wanted Cato. You wanted him to hold your hand, to comfort you. For him fo cradle you close as he had before, whispering words of comfort and closure into your head.
Into your heart.

The ride was longer than you wanted, much longer. You assumed maybe, it was because it was further away. Or maybe it was because you were beginning to really feel fear.

The walk only solidified the fear more, from the plane to another desolate room, with Foie as she stripped you of your clothes, forcing you into a suit. One that was a similar fabric to home.

Black and silver. With intricate sleeves. You assumed to give you warmth, maybe protection.

"I'd assume tropical, nice and sunny." Foie muttered as she adjusted your sleeves, her hands tightly clenching on your shoulders.

"Hard to find water.." you murmur, frowning heavily. Foie only rubbed your shoulders.

"Sixty seconds to launch."

Foie let go of your shoulders, gently stepping away from you. Her hands clasping in front of her.

"I know I'm far from Tigress but, I hope you liked my work thus far this game." She smiled wearily, her nails tapping against each other. You did really miss Tigress. You missed her so much despite the little time you'd known her.

You only could shake your head. Giving her a small smile back. "No, you did amazing.. Cheer for me?" You whisper out looking to the glass tube, open ready for you to step into.

She nods, her smile slightly dropping.

"I'll see you on the other side Y/n."

You slowly stepped into the tube, it automatically shutting you in, locking swiftly behind you. You turn to look at Foie, one more time only to see her looking away, slightly misty eyed.

Suddenly the tribute began to move, shaking slightly as it began to creek, sending you upwards. You kept your eyes on her as you arose, trying your best to keep from tears yourself.

The further up you got, the less you could see her, the more you had to look up at what was coming.

You felt your eyes squint, as something sparkled in your eyes.


You were in a water based start. Large green trees, much different from the trees in the last year's game. You were on some kind of rock pattern leading to the centre, the games cornucopia.

"Let the seventy-fifth hunger games, begin."

Your eyes begun to scan the tributes. God where was Cato? You couldn't find him. 

"May the odds be ever in your favour."

You could see Peeta who looked terrified. Katniss who looked shaken, her hands desperately trying to force hair behind her ears. Her eyes were wet, emotion slipping through.


Instantly, not a second later, your eyes met Catos. He looked shaken.


His eyes also seemingly searching for you. Once they found yours, he relaxed slightly, nodding towards the Cornucopia.


Meet him there. That's where you needed to get. You nod slowly, keeping your eyes on him. He took a deep breath, an intense look took over his face as he eye'd the cornucopia again.


You could see Finnick also had his eyes on the Cornucopia, nodding towards you as you met eyes. As you began to search the cornucopia with your eyes you felt yourself tense up.


two tridents.

Perfect. They were so close too, not far from your position. If you could get them you were set.


You felt yourself begin to get ready to swim. You'd be faster in water, compared to running on slippy rocks? It was the perfect advantage.


You swallow. You needed to get to Cato, and get a trident. Make sure you all stuck together.


You could feel yourself become sick as you checked your sides. Left or right, who the fuck cared, as long as you swam.


Go. Just go, get to them, get to him.


The cannon boomed and before you knew it, you were in the water, it was freezing. Shocking your system awake as you begin to swim, get to the Cornucopia. Keep moving.

You could feel your arms cutting through the water, occasionally your head coming up to the side to take a breath as you kept a fast pace, eventually you felt the stone on your finger tips.


You begun to hall yourself up, dragging your now heavier body from the water up the stones, desperately trying to get on the Cornucopia.

But someone grabbed your ankle, forcing you back down.

You didn't know her.

You assumed she was from district nine. She had a tight grip on your ankle, eventually managing to get an arm around your neck, squeezing tightly.

Fuck. You desperately clawed at her arm, trying to slam your body into the stone to get her off. It wasn't working. You could feel yourself begin to run out of air.

You needed to get her off, now. Bubbles begin to leave your mouth as more oxygen was forced out of you by the ladies tight grip. She rose to the surface still forcing you under, taking gulps of breaths.

Suddenly she was thrown from you, her body slamming into one of the walk ways of stones.


He had moved instantaneously, throwing her off you and shoving you upwards, allowing you to get onto the stone.

"Peeta!" You cried out, watching as the two begun to slam into each other, violently slamming back and forth into the now forming waves.

"Finnick! Cato! Katniss! Somebody!" You tried desperately as you attempted to follow where Peeta and the woman were thrashing too, forcing themselves back up, then back down.

Suddenly just as Katniss rounded the corner, just as Peeta managed to clamber up wards,

he fall back under.

The waves were lowered coming to a stop. Not a move.

Finnick was in the water before you could blink, desperately swimming towards where the two had been.

A canon.

You took a deep breath, a hand tightly clasping onto Katniss's shoulder. Before Finnick could reach him, a head bobbed upwards.


Katniss relaxed almost instantly. Her body releasing any built up air.

"We need to go." Finnick snapped climbing with ease up the rocks, followed closely by Peeta. You felt Katniss grab your wrist beginning to pull you.

"Cato, where's Cato?!" You cry out desperately trying to look behind you. You could see Enobaria, Gloss and Cashmere all on the cornucopia.

There was No Cato.

"We didn't see him, he'll be ok! If you want to even have a chance of seeing him again we need to go." Katniss snapped still dragging you to the edge of the forest, forcing you through the tree line.

You could still feel your body trying to fight here. You needed to find Cato. Where ever the hell he was, you needed to find him.

After a good five minutes, finally Katniss dropped your wrist coming to a halt.

You could feel breathing slow as Peeta knelt down. "God it's hot." He muttered wiping sweat from his head.

"We need to find fresh water." He added on, looking around at the group.

You could barely see the sun through the waxy leaves. You hated the heat. You hadn't been here an hour and you already were getting sick of it.

The noises frightened you. You could hear animals you hadn't ever heard and chirping of crickets, or some kind of bug.

You nod, watching as Katniss pushed her hair off her face. Another canon boomed then. You could feel your nerves still spike.

The another, and another.

"I guess they're not holding hands anymore." Finnick joked, scoffing slightly as he knelt down. Katniss glared at him for a moment, unblinking.

"You think that's funny?" She spits out, her grip tight on her bow and arrow.

"Every time that canon goes off? Music to my ears. I don't care about any of them." Finnick smiles at that, almost cruelly. You couldn't help but shiver slightly. What if one of those canon shots was Cato?

"She's right it's not funny." You snap at him. He only stares at you for a minute before looking away.

"Good to hear you don't care." Katniss says pulling an arrow, carefully putting it onto the bow, preparing to fire.

"Wanna face the career pack alone?" Finnick squints at her. "What would Haymitch say-"

"Haymitch isn't here." Katniss cuts in, eyeing Finnick again. You exchange a solemn look with Peeta for a moment.

"Let's keeping moving." Peeta suddenly speaks up, halting any further fights. You and Peeta begin to walk ahead, you turn to him as you all continue to move for a long while in silence.

"Thank you." You murmur, he turns his head to you. "For saving me." You say slowly. He only smiles nudging you.

"What are friends for?" Peeta smiles, continuing his walk.

Before long you find yourself surrounded in greenery. It was becoming difficult to move, especially without a weapon to get through.

Finnick did his best with his trident but, relied on Peeta to cut through the greens as the only one with a a type of knife.

"Should've bought one for me too." You couldn't help but tease as Finnick almost tripped over the trident.

"You were too busy drowning." He scoffed back, offering you a small, joking glare.

Katniss seemed to freeze however, her eyes on the sky. You follow her gaze. Shimmering. Just as Wirees and Beedee had said before.

"Peeta no!" She screamed out, just as he slammed the knife through. A loud boom went off, sparks flying everywhere as Peeta was forced backwards, slamming to the ground.

You felt your eyes widen as he stayed unmoving. You watched the force field refit itself as you moved to Katniss's side.

Finnick sprung into action, shoving her away from him, beginning to perform CPR on the boy.

You quickly grabbed Katniss's arm hauling her from the sight, desperately trying to keep her far enough for Finnick to work.

"Come on Peeta! Come on!" Finnick repeated over, and over. His hands slamming into Finnicks chest.

God what if he didn't make it, what if he died?

Peetas body suddenly took in a deep breath, his shoulders rising tightly. His eyes opened slowly, taking in Katniss as she leaned over him, her hands cupping his head.

You felt like you were intruding, carefully as you rose to your feet, watching Katniss stroke Peetas hair, you both exchange a look.

"Careful. There's a forcefield." peeta manages to splutter out, leaning into Katniss's touch.

"yeah." katniss choked out in-between sobs as she leaned down, her lips then landed unceremoniously onto Peetas.

Not bad at all.

You felt a small smile come to your face as you crossed your arms. Finnick seemed pleased with himself too, watching as Katniss hauled Peeta to his feet.

You felt it slip as fast as it came, you needed to find Cato. Fast.

Once they were on their feet, the pair tightly embraced, Finnick gently reached out squeezing your shoulder, nodding towards another direction.

Time to go.


You lost Cato you silly Billy 😪😪 cannot believe it... ALSO PEETA SAVED YOU BLESS...

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