Flame To Fire : A Journey Of...

By AksharaRajashekhar

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A Prince. A Princess. The Prince falls for the Princess after some mishaps, overcome problems together, and t... More

Chapter 1: The Prince
Chapter 2: The Crown
Chapter 3: Whispered Promises
Chapter 5: The Encounter
Chapter 6: Soft Feelings
Chapter 7: Wishes
Chapter 8 : Fire
Chapter 9 : Temple Trouble
Chapter 10 : Negotiations
Chapter 11: Tied Together
Chapter 12: Leaving to Hastinapur
Chapter 13: Hastinapur
Chapter 14 : Hastinapur Family
Chapter 15 : New Life
Chapter 16 : Responsibility
Chapter 17 : Guilt
Chapter 18 : Broken Promises
Chapter 19 : Krishnasakhi Krishnaa
Chapter 20 : Confidants
Chapter 21 : Post-Wedding Rituals

Chapter 4: Visiting Panchal

216 17 5
By AksharaRajashekhar

A/N: A few in-line comments would be very much appreciated. It keeps me going ahead.

Hastinapur and Panchal had always been in each other's bad books. The enmity had been ages old, and for reasons untold. And it only transpired to the generations with time.

Arjun wasn't someone to follow on the path of his ancestors blindly, no matter how much he respects them. But sometimes, he is so bound by duties and responsibilities towards his motherland that he has to forsake his own thoughts to keep everyone around him happy.

One such time is now, when he was being asked a suggestion to mend the rift between Hastinapur and Panchal, over an issue in which Arjun personally finds their kingdom is at fault.

Hastinapur Sabha had always been a drama of its own kind. Anything discussed here would be the result of an irresponsible action done by a member of the very Sabha.

The Chief Minister Vidur knew this already, but this was only proved with certification when they received a letter of threat from Panchal's King Satyajit stating that Panchal is breaking the political peace alliance between them due to Hastinapur blocking the through-route to Matsya used by Panchal traders, all thanks to the so-called next king Duryodhan and his reckless actions, and thus, cutting off the trading between Hastinapur and Panchal.

"Maharaj, since Panchal is holding Rajkumar Duryodhan responsible for this mishappening, don't you think things would end more simply if he just apologizes in person?"

Duryodhan stood up at the outrageous suggestion, only to be held back by the Gandharan King Shakuni, who whispered words of coaxing in his ears.

"Princes of Hastinapur are answerable to none from outside. I am sure there will be some better solution to reduce the political strain between the two kingdoms." Dhritarashtr said blankly, somehow not wanting his son to apologize.

Arjun could read through his words, Princes of Hastinapur here exclusively referred to the King's sons.

King Dhritarashtr didn't want any kind of bad spotlight on his sons, let alkne his eldest son. His decision of covering up for his son was obvious when he decided to send the Prince Arjun along with a few wise ministers to solve the issue with a direct conversation with Panchal Royals.

"The sabotaged trade relation poses a threat the stability of our kingdom, your Highness. We must act wisely. We need someone to approach Panchal from our side to negotiate peace. They would find it a blatant disrespect if we just send a messenger or minister. We can't afford to worsen the situation." Vidur stated, as a matter of fact.

The King seemed to process the words for a few minutes, seemingly thinking of who to send.

"Rajkumar Arjun, you are our most capable diplomat right now. I command you to visit Panchal and mend the rift."

Arjun was alarmed with the mention of his name, and nodded respectfully, internally wondering why he of all people was chosen for this task. He was sure any of his two younger brothers would do it just fine.

"But Maharaj, Rajkumar Arjun had played a crucial role in defeating Panchal in a previous war, they might hold animosities against him. I request you to reconsider the decision, your Highness." Yudhisthir requested.

"I find this the wisest decision right now. Besides, I've heard words here and there about how the royals of Panchal are quite impressed with Rajkumar Arjun. They might act more favorable with him. This might even be our chance to make an alliance with Panchal." King Dhritarashtr said.

At that moment, Arjun couldn't quite get the internal meaning of the term alliance.


Shaktiprasth had everything a kingdom would need. Blessed by Shree with everything, peace prevailed in the kingdom of Shaktiprasth. But peace was the only thing that the Queen of Shaktiprasth lacked.

This had become a common occurrence in the Palace of Shaktiprasth. When the Queen's temperament is not good, everybody stays restless with each moment around her.

The Fire Born Princess had always preferred being in authority, and power is the synonym of her aura. It was quite evident with the way she exuded herself in royalty, even when she chose absolute simplicity.

She was dressed in her signature red nauvari, and moderate embellishments which increased her glow.

Vishakha walked into the resting chamber, wondering why everything is unusually so silent today, no maids were sharing internal jokes, no soldiers had moved an inch from their place. This was an unusual sight.

"I wonder how you have managed being the finance minister for so long when your assistant makes silly calculation mistakes! Is this how you run the treasury!"

Vishakha immediately understood what caused the silence. After arguing with herself if she should intervene or not, she finally chose to enter the scene.

"Forgive him for once, Yuvrani. Handling finance is a tough job, and one making some mistakes is natural." She said softly.

A sharp look of reprimand, and she was immediately quiet.

"In that case, how about I make you the finance minister? You seem to know more about the difficulties in handling finance!"

Becoming the finance minister seemed quite nice to Vishakha if not for the part that her calculations are quite weak. It took her some time to understand the sarcasm, and she bit her tongue apologetically.

Draupadi sighed, and inhaled a deep breathe to calm down.

"Please leave, and do not make such mistakes next time. You are wise and experienced, this would only hamper your reputation if you make silly mistakes at this age." She said to the finance minister, not wanting to disrespect him for his age.

Draupadi seemed quite lost in thoughts, and her closest aide, the Naag Princess Vishakha, couldn't understand the reason behind the prevailing silence around her.

She found herself surrounded by the glitterings of royalty, yet an unsettling emptiness resided in her heart. She thought her life had always been in control, indeed it was, but not in her control.

Vishakha, her trusted aide, noticed the restlessness in the atmosphere.

"Yuvrani, is there anything bothering you?"

Draupadi looked up at her for a moment, before nodding a casual no.

"I feel you need to be in a more peaceful atmosphere for a few days, Yuvrani, somewhere away from the chaos of this palace." She said.

Draupadi leaned back on the Diwan, musing at the familiarity of these words.

"For the first time, Vishakha, your words do make some sense. I feel like I am not supposed to be here at this moment, as if my purpose is to be somewhere else." She said.

"Yuvrani, What happened that you started talking philosophically all of a sudden?" Vishakha asked, scrunching her nose in confusion.

As usual, her questions went unanswered.

"Honestly, the burdens of the throne are really heavy. Perhaps an outing to somewhere might bring solace to you, your Highness."


Arjun's journey to Panchal was met with mixed reactions. As he entered Panchal's court, a tense silence enveloped the room.

King Satyajit, with a cold gaze, welcomed him. Despite the feelings of hatred for his Kuru Origins, he did admire the Kuru Prince for his bravery.

"Rajkumar Arjun, the famed prince of Hastinapur. What brings you here personally?"

"Greetings, King Dhritarashtr seeks to mend the strained relations between our kingdoms. I am here to discuss the recent disturbances in our trade routes." Arjun said, choosing formal words carefully.

Satyajit scoffed at the statement.

"Disturbances? More like calculated attacks. Our traders have suffered, and your kingdom is responsible."

"Our kingdoms share a history of conflict, every move from our side would be viewed with negativity. But, your highness, we must focus on the future. I agree, we are not completely faultless, but with a little cooperation between both the kingdoms, we can form a better relation, if not, atleast a better trade relation." Arjun explained.

"Your words are empty, Rajkumar Arjun. You are a highly valued individual in our territory and we present ypu as an ideal to our younger generation. But that doesn't mean the same applies to your kingdom."


Draupadi stood in front of the Kampilya's famous Shiva Temple, looking at the sacred architecture and its massive structure with glistening eyes.

Vishakha had no idea why, of all places, Draupadi chose to come here, spending four prahar. But the moment she caught a glimpse of the temple, she could already feel its divinity. Temples dedicated to Lord Shiva become automatically special for her as she comes from a Naaga Clan that worships the Mahadev as their deity, but this temple was even more special. The air here was so pure, and filled with devotion, that it swells the heart of anyone who comes here with peace

As Draupadi stepped inside, the air seemed to change. The serenity of the sacred space enveloped her, offering a momentary escape from her hectic days.

'If there is any hope for life, it starts here.' Draupadi thought, this temple had a serene atmosphere that soothes the wounded hearts.

"Maharani, even the mightiest rivers find peace in the embrace of the ocean. Perhaps, by spending some time in the temple, you might find the peace you seek." Vishakha said.

Draupadi was not paying any attention to her words. She humbly removed her golden shoes before the entrance steps, and slowly stepped up.

"I guess I'll need sometime in solitude. There aren't much people here, as it is in the outskirts of the main city. I'll give you the permission, soend your day looking around how is Panchal, and return to our palace with our guards. Raja is here with me. In case anything goes wrong, he is trained and knows what to do. I'll be back." She said to Vishakha.

Vishakha tried to object, but silently stepped back, as she knew that the Queen rarely spends time with herself for peace.

Draupadi was dressed in a red dhoti, a matching blouse, and angavastra of a similar shade with golden embellishments was wrapped behind her waist and above her left shoulder, while she folded her hands at her waist with the end of the angavastra hanging around her forearm. She didn't have any of the royal ornaments, except an armlet on her upper arms, and a single golden bangle on both her hands, a gold thin waistchain.

Vishakha took a last look at Draupadi, who calls this a concealed look, when nothing seemed to conceal her beauty. Smiling softly and praying for herself, she silently slipped away.

In commoner clothes, Draupadi walked amidst the serenity of the temple, hoping the divine atmosphere would provide her with the peace she seeks. With folded hands, she approached the Shiva Linga, offering her silent prayers.

"Hey Mahadev, life is tough and I feel I have no purpose to live here. I am simply existing to fulfill my duties. I do not know what I want, and I am completely entrusting myself to you. I accept anything you offer me, hardships, happiness anything. But please grant me the strength to navigate through the storms that rage within and outside me." She said, closing her eyes tearfully.


Arjun had his own way of getting things done, even the one that would seem impossible to others. It was quite surprising for him that he was treated so honourably till the King called the trade ministers for a meeting in the evening-session of court.

Arjun chose direct words instead of strategies as a medium to complete the delicate task of peace negotiation the kingdoms that have been rivala for centuries. The atmosphere in Panchal's court was tense, and the history between the two kingdoms hung heavily in the air.

The King's stern expression softened slightly as he considered Arjun's proposal.

"A joint committee, you say? To ensure our traders' grievances are addressed in a fair and transparent manner?"

Arjun nodded.

"Yes, Your Highness. This committee will comprise representatives from both our kingdoms, working together to ensure the prosperity of our people. Let us set aside the animosities of the past to build a better future."

The words lingered in the air, creating a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The sincerity in Arjun's eyes and the practicality of the proposal did make much sense to everybody.

"Very well, Rajkumar Arjun. Let this joint committee mark the beginning of a new chapter between Hastinapur and Panchal. May our kingdoms find common ground for the prosperity of our people. But remember, this would be the last time any misdoings from your kingdom would be treated leniently. I trust you, not the tricksters in your family."

Arjun nodded respectfully, and the King gave him a soft smile.

"So since it is a done-deal, why don't you take a visit around to see our Panchal?"


For some untold reasons, Draupadi felt peace envoeloping all her senses, as she sat down leaning against a pillar of the temple. This temple was special, for it indeed soothe her heart. Though it was late evening, she didn't get the heart to leave the temple.

Her eyes caught the sight of an ascetic, long beard, ash smeared over himself, she wondered what bothered him so much that he kept himself immersed in asceticism to seek peace.

"Peace is internal, you don't seek it. Devotion is just a way to find the peace from within. It is not necessary that one must be troubled to be devoted to God." The sage said with closed eyes.

Draupadi was startled that she had to support herself on the pillar to not fall. She stood up and walked upto him, and slowly, hesitantly, waved her hands in front of his eyes.

The saint opened his eyes slowly.

"What is it that you seek?" He asked.

"Don’t tell me it is peace, because it is within yourself." He interrupted, before she could say anything.

"Who are you?" She asked as a counter-question.

"I am how you view me as. For some, I am a wise sage. For some, I am a medium to know their future. For some, I am a knowledged advisor. For myself, I am the Paramananda's humble servant."

She looked at him blatantly, thinking to herself as to what she seeks.

"I seek to come in terms with my destiny. It is cruel and merciless, but I am nothing less. I am just like my destiny, I have shaped myself like it. Then why can't I accept my destiny?"

"Because you haven't reached your destiny, the destination where fate wants to lead you to."

She didn't understand his philosophical words, and he smiled.

"Whatever troubled you yesterday will end today. What you seek today, will reach you tomorrow. That is the way of life, and that is your destiny."

"Hara Hara Mahadev!" He said, before disappearing.


Each moment at Panchal Palace felt made Arjun feel a stranger there. But the moment he stepped outside the main city of Panchal, he felt the desire to explore the city.

As Arjun was navigating through the city of Kampilya at the early night, he unexpectedly felt a shift in the air, an indescribable feeling that something significant was about to change, a wave of peace surged through his heart.

Draupadi, who sat in front of the idol of Lord Shiva in silent meditation, felt a flower drop down on her lap. Broken frorm the divine trance, she took the flower in her hands, and felt a similar feeling of peace. First time since months, a soft smile spread through her rose petal lips.

As moon took its place in the sky, Draupadi and Arjun found themselves standing in different parts of Kampilya, both touched by an unsaid feeling. The winds of change had begun to blow, and the destinies of these two individuals, unknown to each other, were subtly entwining.

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