Untitled Part 1

By Lotuslovex

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Part 1: Plans
Part 2: Repetitive
Part 3: Exhaustion
Part 4: Annoyance
Part 4: Part 2
Part 5: Good Ol' sunny England
Part 6: Gadzooks
Part 7: Wowzee
Part 8: A long night
Part 9: The shakes
Part 10~ Nopenopenopenope
Part 12~ Back to the regular schedule. Oh.
Part 13~ Maturity and brainlossity.
Part:14 Pancakes

Part 11~ Every little thing, is gonna be alright.

164 4 5
By Lotuslovex

It was just like in a cliche film, everything was fuzzy when i woke up. But all the previous events rushing back to me all of a sudden managed to fully wake me up. I sat up and realised i was still in my hotel room. Looking around i noticed that the curtains were closed and the room was pretty dark, it must still be night. I felt a cold shiver run down my spine and reached down the side of my bed out of habit, do grab a discarded hoodie i usually leave next to my bed for getting up in the cold mornings. Surprisingly there was one there so i picked itup and shrugged it on my sleepy shoulders.

I new Lia was in here before i even looked for her, i could hear her little baby snores next to me. And by next to me i mean in the same bed. What. Before i could wake her up i heard a soft 'hey' and almost jumped out of my bed. 

''Hey, hey calm down. It's only me. '' A scottish voice whispered in the darkness.

''Nilesy?'' I said reaching out for the bedside light. 

''Dont turn the light on, you'll wake Lia'' He replied sitting on the chair next to my bed. I felt almost as if i was in a hospital room. 

''Oh. Is it you Nilesy?'' 

''No, its Liam. Aha'' He said chuckling and leaning forward a bit so i could just make out his cute grin.

''Oh haha. What are you doing here? In our hotel room? Watching us sleep?'' I said a little serious at the end.

''Well, when we finished eating and went to leave our table i noticed you had left your keys on the table. So picked them up and was going to give them to you i forgot. So i came here, only to find you weren't. So i decided to wait until you got back. Then you passed out.'' He said chuckling.

''Wow..urm thanks. Sorry about that aha. Wait, how did you get in?''

''Keys'' He said shaking them slightly so they made little clinking sounds. He then placed them on the bedside table and got up.

''You leaving?''

''Well..it's super late. 5:23am to be exact. And i only stayed to make sure you were okay. Lia fell alseep straight away when you dumped her on the bed then you fainted so i tried putting you in the other bed but Lia wanted to 'cuddle my Ree''' He said laughing a little more.

''Oh god..i must of looked a mess..'' Suddenly my eyes got watery and i shivered again.

''Ree what happened?'' Nilesy asked suddenly sounding concerned.

''I..i dont think..i can say.'' I said hugging my knees to my chest. ''It was a big night. I'd rather tell you some other time im not half asleep.'' I said yawning a little.

''Okay. Well you have my number right? Call me anytime.'' 


''What do you mean really? aha of course. I want us to hang out more.''

I think i died a little inside.

''Oh urm..cool..well i guess you should be going.'' I let go of my knees and pulled the hoodie round me more. Why was it so cold in here?

''Yeah. But urm..you have my hoodie..'' He said trailing off. ''Actually, keep it. I dont need it anyway, i already have to jackets on''

''This is your hoodie?'' I quickly pulled it off. 

''Ree, keep it on. You looked freezing. I'll grab it another time.'' Nilesy said pulling it back round my shoulders, then giving me a quick hug for an extra boost of warmth. If i wasnt so  sleepy i wouldve held onto him. I didnt wanna be alone.. i couldnt look after Lia, she will be amazingly grumpy in the morning. We'll probably argue again. 

''Cya Ree. Take care of yourself. Call me okay? Otherwise i will find you somehow.'' He said in a jokey tone.

''Bye Nilesy. Thanks for the keys..'' I said sleepily getting up and opening the door for him. I remember Lia saying, even if i was a zombie, i would still be too polite and open doors for people.


''Reeee wake up sugarcube!'' I hugged the pillow and snuggled my mascara and grease smudged face into it. ''Ree com'on! You've been sleeping all day!'' I yawned and turned over, pulling the duvet around my shoulders. ''REE! ITS 3:30PM WAKE UP ALREADY!!'' I groaned and lifted my sleepy arm and tried to bat away the annoying creature. All of a sudden i felt a big thud on my face which made me spring up and give me a mini blackout.

''Ugh Lia..im so sleepy.. just a little more..''

''No Ree! Ive let you sleep in long enough and i had to use my emergency money to buy more train tickets for us as we missed our early trains.'' She huffed a little annoyed. ''Please get up, the sooner we get on the train the sooner we can get home and sleep in. Ive called Brian and he said he'd give us a couple days off as business is running slow at the moment.''

''Business is running slow? What happened?''

''Something about a customer getting food poisoning. Brian said he'd tell us later, now please get up!'' She pleaded wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me up.

''Fine, fine'' I grunted and swung my legs off the bed. ''Do i have time for a shower?''

''Only a 10 minute one, hurry up whilst i pack our stuff.''

She was being very organised today. It's surprising its not me dragging her out of bed from her hangover. She's obviously dealing with it well. I stepped into the steamed bathroom, leftover from when Lia had presumably taken a shower, and started pulling my clothes off. Wait, why was i wearing a hoodie? Once again the evnts came back, and i remembered Nilesy letting me wear it as it was cold. I must've fallen asleep in it.

As i showered and let the hot refreshing water run down me, i thought over the previous nights. Maybe it was all in my imagination. Too dramatic for me. 


I leaned on my arms as i watched out of the window. We had this time managed to get onto a train on time and have time for hot chocolate, but i was still unbelievebly tired. Me and Lia had'nt spoke much apart from ''which platform are we on?'' and ''do you want marshmallows in your hot choccy?'' But now she had started talking to me again. 

''Ree..do you remember what happened last night? I remember storming away from the KFC and then..bumping into some guy with a cap on.'' So thats how she met the douche.

''Well urm..''

''Oh i remember now! Me and him went to some club..he was so sweet, calling me a lost cinderella. I wonder what happened to him.''

''Lia you..i..''

''Oh and then i told him i got a headache from the music. So he gave me a pill and then-''

''Lia, he got you drunk and was touching you in so many bad ways.. i found you and i took you home..and..you were giggling and i was so scared.'' I starting hiccuping, no Ree dont cry,

''Ree i didnt get drunk..he probably gave me a drug. But im all better now..Oh yeah and, Ree, about last night. Im so sorry i left you. I didnt realise how scared you would be untill i woke up this morning. You have no idea how happy i am that you came saved me..i love ya Ree!'' ..so thats why she didnt have a hangover.

''Its okay Lia..at least were bothj safe. What a weekend..know what i mean jellybean?'' I said trying o change the subject.

''Aha totally. But i will have to repay you, i am forver in your debt Reera'' I smiled and closed my eyes.   But i didnt sleep.


''Were hooooooooooooomeeeeeeeeee!'' Lia shouted throwing her suitcase into the hallway. Only for it to whack Kirsten in the face. AHA.

''FOR GODS SAKE WHAT THE HEL!!'' she yelled whilst running up the stairs, well, something along those lines. Too much swearing to write down.

Me and Lia giggled, as we crawled up the stairs to bed. Good to be home.

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