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By KenjiSikichi

2.5K 99 156

"๐”ธ๐•๐• ๐•’๐•ฃ๐•– ๐•–๐•ข๐•ฆ๐•’๐• ๐•š๐•Ÿ ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•– ๐•˜๐•ฃ๐•’๐•ง๐•–." โ•ฐษชษด แดกสœษชแด„สœ สแด‡ส€ แด€ส€แด‡ แด€ แดกษชแดขแด€ส€แด…, ส/ษด! ๐˜๐„๐€๐‘ ๐Ÿ-๐Ÿ• ๐™ฑ๐š˜๐š๐š‘ ๏ฟฝ... More



174 10 7
By KenjiSikichi

IT'ᔕ ᒍᑌᔕT ᗩ TᕼᖇEE ᕼEᗩᗪEᗪ ᗪOG.
TᖇEE ᗷEᗪᗪEᗪ ᒪOG.




(Y/n) hopped on one foot in pain, holding her other one. She wasn't wearing her shoes, only her socks, and she'd just stubbed her toe. Ezekiel was laughing like a maniac while she muttered curses his way.

Another boy who she had only heard of during the Sorting Ceremony, Nirvikar Chevalier, was also laughing. At least, that's how it looked, but when (Y/n) looked up it seemed that he was simply smiling in amusement.

Nirvikar Chevalier had sandy blonde hair as well as light skin. His eyes were blue, although upon meeting him, he shrugged and for some reason told you that one was actually green and that he was simply wearing a muggle thing called contact lenses.

It was weird to think a pureblood family like the Chevalier's would allow their son to wear muggle items, they're not exactly known for their fondness of non-magical folk.

Ezekiel managed to calm down, steadying himself using Nirvikar's shoulder. "Shit, I'm so sorry..." He wheezed.

"Weren't you just telling me off for my language?" (Y/n) muttered bitterly. Her toe no longer hurt and she considered skimming through a library book for a spell that could cause damage to walls. Yes, you were petty, even if the cause of your anger was a wall.

"Hey, I'm older, so I can use it." He made himself stand straight. For a moment, waves of bright yellow shimmered through his hair. What curious things metamorphmagus's were, she couldn't help but stare. "Oh, where's Draco? Aren't you two like, friends?"

"Don't know, don't care." (Y/n) shrugged. "He's upset that Potter didn't get expelled (Y/n shuddered at the mention of Harry, recalling the monstrous dog she'd seen a week or so prior to today) Anyway, I'm going to go get my shoes, Merlin knows how I forgot to put them on..."

Ezekiel stared after her as she dashed away towards the girls dormitories, frowning. He never did like Draco much, he was far too arrogant and blatantly just rude for his tastes. When you grow up with Makani for a mother like he did, you fit into a bit of the nicer side when it comes to personalities.

Or that would be the case, but he was still just the teeniest bit like a classic Slytherin nowadays.

"She your sister?" Nirvikar inquired after a moment and Ezekiel kicked the back of his leg lightly.

"Nah, I wish. I only get to see her like once a month outside of school lately, but we used to be together all the time, our parents would often visit. She's my cousin and also my best friend." He explained. "My father is her fathers brother, you see, so we have the same last name."

"I thought I was your best friend?" Nirvikar raised an eyebrow, turning to look at Ezekiel who only laughed.

"You're a close second, Nirvikar. Me and her, we have that sibling type of friendship, you know?"

"Meanwhile, all my siblings do is bully me on the daily. I feel so loved, honestly." Nirvikar said that last part sarcastically, rolling his eyes at the thought of his family. "Sadly, my elder brother is still at Hogwarts... In his 5th year. I hate him."

"Ain't that Draco right there?" Ezekiel wondered out loud, not listening to a word Nirvikar was saying in the slightest and completely dismissing him, instead focusing his attention on the platinum blonde who had just left the common room.

Nirvikar noticed this but was used to being dismissed. Middle child issues, honestly. "Oh, here she comes." 

"OI, UGLY!" Ezekiel called out.

(Y/n) kicked Ezekiel's knee harshly once she was in front of him. "That's for being rude."

"It was a joke! I feel like Draco, gosh..." Ezekiel was crouched over, rubbing his aching knee gingerly while Nirvikar smirked once more.

"Speaking of Draco, seen him?" (Y/n) glanced over at her schedule for today.

"Oh he just left, you could catch up with him I guess." Nirvikar replied helpfully and (Y/n) thanked him, patting his hair to which he shied away. "Don't touch me, that's gross."

"You're all the same, you Slytherin boys, how disappointing." (Y/n) sighed, pretending to be upset. "None of you like to be touched, none of you like to be happy and prefer to be edgy little rascals... I could go on but I gotta catch up with my favorite Slytherin boy before he gets to eat breakfast."

She waved goodbye and Nirvikar turned to Ezekiel when she was gone.

"She touched me."

"Yeaaaah... And?"

"She ruined my hair. Do you know how long this process takes?"

"Aren't you 11... WHY SO WORRIED ABOUT THAT?!"

"Shut up, Ezekiel."


(Y/n) knew Draco would be heading off to the Great Hall, so she simply ran in that direction and soon enough she saw him. Hearing her loud footsteps, Draco turned boredly, saw who it was, and, suddenly not looking quite so bored, sped up his walking speed, urging his usual lackeys to do so as well.

So (Y/n) sped up the pace even more.

She was soon walking right alongside him, we say walking since Draco had given up trying to run.

"That was pretty rude." (Y/n) commented, stifling a yawn.

"Shut up." Draco snapped. He looked at her, noticing her yawn. "Didn't you sleep?"

"Couldn't." The sole reason for her lack of sleep these days was that thoughts of the three headed dog kept popping into her head at night and she spent incredible amounts of times just thinking about it, but not being able to come up with a conclusion for why it was there to begin with.

Potter, Weasley, Granger and Longbottom had also been there, so perhaps she could talk to them about it. The whole thing just bothered her. Maybe it was just a Hogwarts thing though, keeping dangerous, potentially child-consuming creatures near and in the castle for reasons to be untold.

"Well, you look bad, like seriously ugly. Get sleep. Well... it's not like there's much difference from how you usually look anyway." Draco drawled boredly and (Y/n) gasped, feigning hurt.

"How mean... Most hurtful comment of the year, how ever will I go on?"

"Please shut up." Draco grumbled, closing his eyes and sighing in exasperation.

"Fine, but because you asked so nicely with a please and everything." She grinned, remembering Peeves as she spoke. He was a funny one, that Poltergeist, yet as much as she liked him after he didn't give them away she also hated his guts for the fright he gave her.

They soon reached the Great Hall, sitting down with other Slytherin's. There were no familiar friendly faces that (Y/n) could see. She looked around and saw a few first years that she only recognized from either the train or the sorting ceremony, all chatting with friends.

"Hey, look, why can't we be like them?" She pointed to all the happy friends, talking cheerfully to one another.

"I dunno, maybe we could if you weren't so annoying?" Draco responded dryly, barely having touched his food yet.

"We're more like those guys." (Y/n) pointed once more, this time to a bickering duo, one of whom just slapped the other, they looked like sixth years. Draco stared for a moment.

"Seems accurate enough." He shrugged, taking a bite of his food.

"You're strangely calm, it's scaring me."

"I'm always calm." He murmured.

"Well, you're usually bragging, to be honest."

"I will murder you."

"Try me you gardening tool."


Not responding, you turned to eat your own food of choice. After either finishing your food or NOT finishing your food, whichever you'd prefer, you let your head rest on the table for a moment with your eyelids drooping sleepily.

When the owls came along, (Y/n) remembered the wonderous day yesterday had been.

Potter had gotten a broomstick and Draco had been rather annoyed, to put it lightly.


(Y/n), Draco and his lackeys had run into Potter and Weasley trying to take a package up to their common room no doubt to open it, yet Draco, being the little prick he was, had snatched it away from Harry and felt it for a moment.

"That's a broomstick," he said, throwing it back to Potter. "You'll be in for it this time, Potter, first years aren't allowed them."

"It's not any old broomstick," Weasley said joyously and (Y/n) found the look of glee on his face endearing, "it's a Nimbus Two Thousand. What did you say you've got at home, Malfoy, a Comet Two Sixty? Comets look flashy but they're not in the same league as the Nimbus."

"What would you know about it, Weasley, you couldn't afford half the handle." Draco snapped back, while (Y/n) hastily looked away to hide the smile that she'd been working so hard to fight against during this encounter as her friend continued. "I suppose you and your brothers have to save up twig by twig."

Before Weasley could answer, Professor Flitwick had appeared. He was so tiny that (Y/n) hadn't noticed him at all until he spoke.

"Not arguing, I hope, boys?" He squeaked.

"Potter's been sent a broomstick." Draco said quickly, a little too quickly in his eagerness to get Potter in trouble.

"Yes, yes, that's right," said Professor Flitwick, turning to Potter with a big bright smile. "Professor McGonagall told me all about the special circumstances. And what model is it?"

"A Nimbus Two Thousand, it is." Potter replied. (Y/n) saw the look on his face, it was all too familiar to her, the look of one struggling desperately to not laugh out loud. "And it's really thanks to Malfoy here that I got it."

After they'd gone upstairs, (Y/n) turned back towards her friend, a bit worried that he might snap at her.

"Quit looking." He snapped. Typical.


"Draco, I came across something called the Bat-Bogey Hex... Can you be my test subject?" (Y/n) asked sleepily, her head rested on her arms on the table. She turned just her head slightly to look at him, who'd also finished his food.

"No, (Y/n), you can't. I've told you this before, you're not allowed to Hex me, so NO Horn-Growing Hex, NO Horn Tongue Hex and NO Bat-Bogey Hex." He sighed in exasperation once more.

"How boring. Can't a girl get a little excitement around here?" She sighed, her eyelids drooping dangerously and her vision blurring.

Draco flicked her forehead harshly and she groaned.

"Sleep, breakfast isn't over just yet so you'll have a few minutes. Don't expect me to wake you up though, because I'm not..." He said simply, not meeting her gaze.

"Yeah, yeah, okay..." (Y/n) buried her face in her arms as comfortably as one could while sitting at the table, eventually falling into a light sleep. Now, give her a pillow maybe, just a pillow, and she'll sleep through a zombie apocalypse.


Draco lied, he did wake her up in time for class.

Well, it WOULD be on time, if he hadn't delayed waking you up just so you could get at least a few more minutes of sleep. So now, the two of you had to run to class. Great.

"You should've just woken me, I wouldn't have minded!" She yelled as they ran, ran, ran. This was one of the first and hopefully only times she was late for a class in Hogwarts.

"Well when you came over and fell asleep one time, you almost killed me for doing that!" He retorted, not liking what he was experiencing... he was seriously being late for a class.



Raising her voice more, she replied with, "IT IS YOUR FAULT, DINGUS!"





They eventually made it. All was well.


(Y/n) had a very boring day.

New day is upon us... Ezekiel, how do you ACCIDENTALLY turn your beetle into a raccoon?

Wow, would you look at that? Time is going by so slowly. (Y/n) got in trouble for oversleeping... at least she got a good sleep for once.

Another day passes by. Who is Percy?

A few weeks pass...

It's nearly Halloween.

Another day gone, it's Halloween... Same old, same old, nothing interesting, boring Halloween, Holiday's are du... what the fuck, a troll got in? Draco, stop screaming you dumbass. Finally something excit- oh, we're just going to our common rooms. Yawn.

Few more days by... (Y/n) used to have an Exceeds Expectations in Potions, now she had Outstanding, meaning she was one of the best in the class, including Hermione Granger.

Another day... (Y/n) hated life, why was it so boring?

More days gone, November was here, Harry got in trouble in potions.

Oh, a new day again and (Y/n) still couldn't get her mind off of the dog.

(Y/n) was boredly fiddling with a quill while staring blankly at a piece of parchment. This was for Potions, she was meant to be writing an essay yet she'd already finished it.

"It's just a three headed dog, who eats people probably, and... most likely tears children apart." She thought in her mind, because where else would she think if not in her mind?

"Tree bedded log? Haha, tree. Hm... Cerberus? Maybe he's actually a real sweetheart."

She didn't notice when a girl— wait, is that a boy?

"Heyo, you're a first year, right?" He/she smiled warmly.

(AI generated because why the fuck not.)

"Uhm... what are you?" (Y/n) asked tentatively, smiling awkwardly.

"Ah, another one..." He/she returned the smile but it was far less awkward. "Clarify? I'm a third year if that's what you mean.

"No, like... are you a boy? Are you a girl? Agh I'm too sleepy for this..."

"Oh! I'm a boy." He smiled once more. What a smiley person... wasn't he Slytherin? Stupid, of course he was, this is the Slytherin common room. "I'm Kalag Corvidae. I know, weird last name... And you are?"

"(Y/n) Kloet." She smiled back, before pausing for a moment. "Corvidae?"

"Corvidae." He looked solemn all of a sudden and she wondered if he disliked his last name.

"I think my father knows a Corvidae." She thought for a moment. Wasn't there a Corvidae working at the Ministry with her father?

"Ah... Well, you can call me Kalag." Kalag smiled warmly once more. Woah, how did this guy smile so much? "Can I call you (Y/n)?"

"Mhm." She looked at him thoughtfully, before turning to her Potions essay to continue writing. Oh, she'd finished. "So, erm... whats up, Kalag?"

"Well, you're a first year right?"


"How's school going for you?" He sat down near her but still at a proper distance.

"It's alright." She shrugged. "Bit boring but I'm getting alone fine."

"Favorite class?" He asked.



"Oh, so is your favorite teacher McGonagall then?" She asked but didn't really care much for the answer. Wait, she was actually holding a proper conversation with a stranger for once? How was this guy so easy to talk to?

"I guess, but I have to say I like Trelawney a bit better." He scratched the back of his head. "She's kind of funny."

"I'm sorry, who?" She asked, completely lost.

"Ah, Divination teacher... first years don't take that class, I forgot. Sorry." He chuckled quietly, closing his eyes for a moment as if to regain composure or something.

"Hey, wanna be friends? I think I met your brother already, too, he was chill. Mostly." He offered and she thought for a moment.

Having a friend two years above WOULD be advantageous... he'd probably be able to help in classes, so why not?

"Mhm. Also, that's my cousin, not brother..." (Y/n) turned to her paper once more, glancing at the piled-up ink on the bottom right corner and doodling absentmindedly on one of the top corners instead.

"Great!" He beamed.

"Kalag, you got a letter." Some rando called.

"Ah, gotta go... sorry." 

So he left. Today you made a new friend, a nice change from all the other days.


haha big funny

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