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By The_Bakudeku_King

26K 1.1K 1.9K

When Izuku wasn't outside snapping millions of photos on his camera, he was enjoying other hobbies he had an... More

• Introduction •
🌺 • Chapter 1 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 2 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 3 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 4 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 5 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 6 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter • 7 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 8 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 9 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 10 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 11 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 12 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 14 • 🌺
🌺 • Chapter 15 • 🌺
🌺 • Epilogue • 🌺

🌺 • Chapter 13 • 🌺

1.1K 46 76
By The_Bakudeku_King


It didn't take long for autumn to arrive, making summer inevitably end for the season, meaning it was time for all the musicians and crew to get ready for the upcoming Fall Music Festival in Musutafu to begin serious preparations.

Luckily for the Dynamights, not much work had to be done on the band's end, as they were using the concert as their platform to release their brand-new album. All that was left was for the backstage crew to work on making sure their set looked good for their upcoming performances.

They pretty much killed two birds with one stone. That's what happens when you have a good manager, at least that's how Ashido put it.

Izuku had been fairly excited about the concert as well, especially since he had never had the chance to go, and now he basically would be given the best view at the festival as due to his contract, Aizawa managed to pull some strings and got him a spot where he would be hidden above the crowd and given a good view of the stage as to get nice shots for photos.

It was a dream come true for him.

And the day of the concert had finally arrived.

Izuku entered the makeup studio where the bandmates were getting their final touches done before leaving on the tour bus.

Everyone was doing their makeup, with guidance from professionals, aside from Kirishima who was having Ashido do his makeup for him.

It was nothing crazy, simply touch-ups that highlighted their best features.

Izuku never thought of wearing makeup before but watching Ashido and Kirishima gave Izuku a bit of an idea. He headed right for Katsuki, making sure not to spook or interrupt him to mess up his makeup, and waited for Katsuki to address that he was there.

"What's up, babe? You ready to go?"

Izuku blushed, still not used to the nickname, "Um, n-not quite. I was wondering if you could do my makeup for me? You're really good at it."

Katsuki straightened his posture, "Ha? What do you need makeup for? You're gonna be hidden the whole time."

"I can't look pretty for you?" Izuku pouted.

"You're already fucking beautiful. No amount of makeup is needed for that." Katsuki smirked.

"But you're wearing makeup and you're already really handsome!" Izuku argued.

"Because it's required. Hell, I don't even know what I'm doing, I'm just doing what they told me to do."

"That's not true! You've always been good at using makeup! I remember a few years ago when you did a photo shoot for your mom's makeup line, you said she taught you how to use makeup when you were younger because you always got into fights and wanted to hide all the bruises on your face!" Izuku smiled at his knowledge but quickly covered his mouth when he realized he had spoken too much.

"Heh, stalker much? I should enter you into one of those fan trivia games, we could make you a ton of money." Katsuki joked.

"It was all over social media at the time..." Izuku mumbled...

"Alright, alright, look, I really didn't do too much on myself since I don't wear a lot of makeup, and frankly, you really don't need it either. I'll just highlight your features, how's that?"

"Yes! I'm perfectly fine with that!" Izuku agreed.

"I would've also suggested putting blush on your cheeks but you already get super red around me so, that really isn't necessary..." Katsuki teased.



Katsuki applied highlight powder onto a brush and carefully held Izuku's head still with his hand placed under his chin.

"I've never done someone else's makeup before so if it ends up looking like shit, you won't hurt my feelings if you wash it off."

Izuku softly laughed, "I'm sure it'll look fine, Kacchan."

He first brushed the powder on the tops of Izuku's cheekbones, just above where his adorable, little freckles were that Katsuki one day wished to kiss each one when the greenette was finally more comfortable receiving unconditional affection.

After daydreaming of Izuku's freckles, he put a touch of highlight beneath Izuku's eyebrows, the bridge of his nose, above his upper lip, and finally, the corners of his eyes. All the key areas his mother taught him.

And of course, finishing it off with a good blend for a more natural look.

But, Izuku was suddenly nervous by the look Katsuki gave him, the blonde squinting his eyes at him as though something didn't go as planned.

"I-Is something wrong, Kacchan?"

"No... There's just... Something missing..." Katsuki brought a hand to his chin as he thought for a moment, even tilting his head to get a better look at Izuku.

He then reached for a lip gloss that he'd never used before, "Here, this might do the trick. Do me a favor and pucker your lips."

Izuku did as he was asked, not thinking anything of it. For some reason, puckering his lips caused his eyes to close on their own, which was why he couldn't have seen Katsuki leaning in instead of applying the lip gloss.

But, his eyes quickly widened back open when he realized Katsuki had kissed him, being met with the blonde widely grinning in front of him while he was left flustered.

"See? I told you the blush wasn't needed." He teased.

"Kacchan, why would you do that!?"

"What? Kiss my boyfriend? I'd do it more often if he wasn't so shy. Or you know... He could try kissing me more without me having to lead all the time." He teased again.

"I-I-" Before Izuku could even think of a reply to give to that, he was interrupted by someone he didn't expect to see at the studio.

"Hey, Bakugo! I got those gloves you wanted!" Ochaco called out as she approached the blonde, handing him off black gloves, which he happily took.

"Sweet, thanks, cheeks." He said as he stuffed them in his pockets.


"Ochaco? What are you doing here?" Izuku asked, making Ochaco realize that she and Bakugo weren't alone.

"O-Oh! Izuku! Hey! I-I didn't see you there! I-I'm just um-"

"Your friend wanted backstage passes to the fall festival but we were all sold out. Despite that, she was begging me that she'd do anything to get tickets so I promised her V.I.P. access under the condition that she does whatever the hell I tell her to do. So, she's basically my assistant at the moment, isn't that right?" Katsuki smirked.

Ochaco didn't like the on-the-fly excuse Katsuki had made up for her but she was a terrible liar so she had no choice but to go along with it, "Y-Yeah, I'm Bakugo's assistant, alright!" She gave a fake smile as she slyly elbowed Katsuki in the chest.

"So, are the gloves for the outfit you'll be wearing on stage?" Izuku said with excitement. He hadn't seen the dress rehearsal as he wanted to see it for the first time during the performance.

Katsuki and Ochaco looked at one another before the blonde answered, "Something like that..."

"I'm so excited to see your outfit! It's been super difficult keeping myself from peeking inside your dress rehearsals to get a sneak peek of what you're going to look like but I don't want to spoil myself!" Izuku fanboyed, quickly realizing how awkward he was probably acting and endlessly apologizing right after, with Katsuki thinking his face couldn't have gotten any redder, and yet Izuku kept proving him wrong.

"Quit apologizing. You're cute when you're nerdy."

"Please stop. I'm glad you're both dating but I can't handle this. It's so sweet I feel like I'm going to get a cavity. And seeing Bakugo genuinely act nice feels wrong." Ochaco joked.

"See? I told you he could be nice when he wants to be!" Izuku boasted.

"Only to people who deserve it. Now get back to work, cheeks." Katsuki nudged Ochaco in the back, to get her for what she did to him earlier, which she didn't appreciate.

"Yeah, yeah."

"So she's really going to be your assistant while we're at the festival?" Izuku raised a brow, to which Katsuki shrugged.

"More or less."

"Well, it'll be nice having someone I know there. I'm a little nervous. Excited, but nervous." He scratched his chin.

"Hey, what about me!?" Katsuki sounded offended.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I meant as in backstage! You're mostly going to be busy being on stage, with fans, you know, doing all the festival festivities while I'll be hidden so we really won't be together."

"Oh yeah... I didn't think about it that way... Well, I mean, no one knows who you are so maybe we could work something out?"

"With all the paparazzi that have their eyes on you? Not likely. Even if I wore a disguise, I still wouldn't like all those eyes on me."

"Right. Well, after I'm done on stage, I'll just head backstage with you. I don't need to do any of the other shit, they can't make me."

"No, I don't wanna make you do that. I want you to have fun. The fall festival is every musician's dream. You should be able to fully enjoy the experience... I don't think our relationship is going to work like this..."

"Izuku, I hope you're not suggesting what I think you are."

"No! Not that, of course not! But... I am thinking of something else, maybe... If you're willing to make it work." Izuku suggested an idea, and as long as it didn't mean they were going to split, Katsuki was all ears for it.


After final prepping, packing, and a long tour bus drive, the band and crew made it to the festival.

Everything had already been set up for them, with the stage crew arriving hours beforehand to get the stage ready for the performances.

The band and crew were here early for preparations so there weren't any fans in the fairgrounds yet, meaning Izuku didn't have to go and hide right away. He had time to take in the view and see a few of the sights, as well as the stage set up for the Dynamights, which to be expected, was set with black and orange decor, the band's signature colors.

However, while he wanted Izuku to enjoy the view, Katsuki made sure to keep the greenette's sights away from the right side of the Dynamights stage, as right next to it was where Shindo's stage was.

Thankfully, the stages weren't right next to one another, but it didn't help that the egomaniac next to them decided to have his stupid face plastered all over his stage, Katsuki thought.

He didn't want Izuku to see that and have it suddenly ruin his entire mood or worse, his entire day. Ever since he found out, Izuku had been excited about the Fall Festival as he had never had a chance to go before. Once Katsuki knew that, he knew he had to make it perfect and keep Shindo from ruining it. He didn't even want to warn Izuku that he was there. He figured it would be better not to mention him at all and hoped he could keep him from seeing and sight of him.

Shindo wouldn't be performing until after The Dynamights, so Katsuki figured once that was going on, he and Izuku could get as far from the stage as possible. Where would they go exactly? He hadn't thought that far. But, he did have various other plans thought out for worst-case scenarios, and thankfully, Ashido and Ochaco were right behind him in case they happened.

And speaking of the fucking devil...

"Izuku? Hey, is that you?"

What the fuck...

Katsuki turned around to see Shindo of all people suddenly approaching Izuku while they were working on their preparations, making his heart skip a beat.

"I thought I recognized you! Green hair and all. So you're the photographer for the Dynamights now, huh? I should've guessed it. You've always been a really good photographer, it's no surprise they'd hire you!" Shindo smiled.

Before Izuku could answer, given how shaken up he was from seeing someone he never imagined seeing again, Katsuki quickly rushed in front of him, staring down at Shindo, practically piercing through his soul with his crimson eyes.

"The fuck do you want?"

"O-Oh, Bakugo, right? I'm just saying hi to Izuku. We were friends back in high school." Shindo said, nervously.

"Friends, huh? Is that what you wanna call it?"

Katsuki reached back for Izuku's hand, holding it in his to keep him feeling safe.

"I'm going to assume he's mentioned me and it probably wasn't positive... Which is understandable... B-But, I'm glad I ran into you, Izuku, I've really been wanting to talk about what happened... If you'd let me."

"Well? He can hear you go on."

"I was actually hoping I could speak with him privately if that was okay."

"Ugh, of course you do," Katsuki turned to look over at Izuku, "You wanna hear him out? You don't have to if you don't want to."

Izuku looked over to Shindo, who gave him a sincerely sweet smile, to which he tried to return.

"I-I guess it wouldn't hurt. I'll talk to him."

"Remember, you don't have to."

"I'll be okay, Kacchan."

Katsuki sighed, "Alright..." He then turned back to Shindo, glaring at him again, "On one condition. You'll take him to the building between our stages. That way, I'll know he's somewhere close and safe. Take him anywhere else, and I'll kill you."

"H-He doesn't mean that! The killing part!" Izuku urged.

"P-Point taken. I'll be on my best behavior." Shindo promise.

Izuku and Shindo were about to leave, but before they could, Katsuki pulled Izuku into a kiss, making sure the other male was looking, which surprised both of them.

When Katsuki pulled away, he whispered to Izuku, "If he tries anything, let me know right away."

"I will, but, I can care for myself too, you know. I'm not the same weak kid I was when I was in high school."

Katsuki smiled, "I know. Still, this time, I wanna be there to kick his ass too."


"I'm saying just in case."

Izuku laughed it off, playfully rolling his eyes at Katsuki and leaving with Shindo to hear what he had to say.

Katsuki kept his eyes on the two as they approached the building he asked them to stay in and smiled.

While he was hoping things wouldn't have to come to this, so far, Plan B was working in his favor.


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