His Highness Of Hell

By Wandering_Alma5

295 2 823

Going through life without a lover, Aubrey gets to the end of her life...with nothing. Frustrated and alone... More

ð– ‹Aesthetics + Tattoosð– ‹
Chapter 1: Where am I? ~ edited
Chapter 2: Abby ~ edited
Chaper 3: Aspen Tree ~ edited
Chapter 4: Ivan ~ edited
Chapter 5: Orchids ~ edited
Chapter 6: Home
Chaptwr 7: Castle
Chapter 8: Wake Up
Chapter 9: Devils Of Sin
Chapter 10: Balance
Chapter 11: Turn Around
Chapter 12: Unknown
Chapter 13: Ferb
Chapter 14: â™›
Chapter 15: Her Laugh
Chapter 16: Across The Gate
Chapter 17: Love Nothing More

Chapter 6: Goodbye

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By Wandering_Alma5

Aubrey's POV-

I woke up from a nightmare. A nightmare of my death, and of course I remembered every detail down to how the pain felt when the knife hit my skin.

Scared and alone I stumbled my way through my morning routine, throwing on a casual outfit that was just black sweats and a faded light pink crop top.

I didn't always like wearing crop tops because it felt like my stomach shown as if I was fat, but in the moment I didn't care.

Quickly I made it outside and into the summer sun, atleast I thought it was summer. I wasn't sure how seasons worked in heaven.

I still had so many questions and those of which could only be answered by the one and only man himself. God, or Tony as Abby called him.

I still had to ask why she called him that which I later found out was for an absolutely adorable reason.

I didn't know how meeting with god worked so I made my way to Marabella's house for guidance.

Once I stepped up to her front door I knocked and without a doubt she opened it with a smile.

"Good morning Aubrey. How are you?" She asked happily while she invited me in but I politely declined.

"Sorry Bella—" I had a nickname for her that I was still getting her use to it "But I have a question" I asked hurriedly and she nodded while she closed the door behind her, stepping out with me.

"What is it? Is something the matter?" She asked in a worry but I smiled to calm her nerves.

"No it's just—I want to meet him but I don't know how. I just still have to many questions" I responded as she pursed her lips in thought.

"Well it works in many ways. We usually go to the top of the hill in the center of the city—" she pointed behind me to the more moderated part of the city which all had three or more stories high.

"—and meet him. But there is another way in which you pray and he will to come. He doesn't always answer that way as the speech or as he called it through it is a little jumbled up. You can try the second way first sweetheart" she explained with reassurance and I smiled with a nod.

"Ok thanks Bella! See you in a few, tell Abby I'll be back later" I winked at her in goodbye and she chucked before waving goodbye as she closed the door.

With the new information I walked my way back to my house, still not being comfortable enough to call it home.

Not taking long at all I finally made it to my bedroom. I decided on which one to do, I just kneeled down on my kneels on the side of my bed, clasped my hands together and mumbled stuff under my breath.

"Dear God—heavenly father, I am hopeful to speak to you as I still have many questions in regards to my stay in heaven. Marabella told me about this way to—talk?—to you so I'm trying this out"

I was very nervous.

Will he answer me? Is he hearing me right now?

"I hope we can meet soon" I finished off before saying 'amen' and getting up from the floor with a groan, my knees hurt from the cold wooden floor.

"I was surprised you did not contact me sooner, Aubrey" a voice said with a light tone and I jumped. I spun around to see him standing at my bedroom doorway with a wrinkled smile.

"Why dose everyone scare me half to death?" I mumbled to myself.

He laughed loudly and I follow with an awkward giggle of my own.

"Oh dear I apologize for my rude entrance. I was just excited to explain your questions. How are you settling in?" He asked kindly while walking in.

He pulled me into a lovely hug which I hugged him back as if we were old friends which didn't feel as weird as I thought it would be.

"I am doing ok, I did have a nightmare but it's ok" my voice trailed off uncertainly at the end as he frowned.

"They will go away in time. You are just adapting" he simplified and I nodded.

"So I heard you have many questions? As to be expected" he sat down at the edge of the bed as I nodded once more,

"Yes" I rubbed my hands together nervously.

"Well after the nightmare I was thinking..." I nervously toyed with my fingers. "I—I never got to say goodbye to my parents and...it felt to suddenly. I just was wondering if I could say goodbye? If that was possible" I had began to ramble towards the end in embarrassment.

He sighed sadly and stand up to tower over me in his natural height.

"I am sorry to Aubrey but you or no one is allowed to visit the living after they die. It is a rule" he said in guilt and remorse as I bowed my head

I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes so I quickly changed the conversation. I hated crying in front of people.

"S-speaking of rules, what are they?" I asked horsely as the tears caught in my throat.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

With a sad smile he answered me, "There are a few rules. The one I just said along with no one is to cross the gates of heaven. I'm sure Marabella mentioned it?" He asked and I nodded.

"Good and that's about it" he concluded and I hummed in both surprise and conformation.

That's is? Only two rules? What about stealing? Killing?—Can you be killed in heaven? Well everyone here in heaven is good so I don't think crimes is a problem at all...

"What about the first rule? Where no one dead can contact the living. What about ghosts?" I asked curiously as he rubbed at his chin.

"Well they are more flexible to deal with. Spirits have unfinished business or things they have held onto through out their life so strongly they stayed even though dead"

I frowned, "but I too have unfinished business. I have to say goodbye to my parents" I stressed my words, trying to get him to understand how desperate I was.

He sighed before he slouched his shoulders, "I am sorry Aubrey but I can't allow you do."  Silence followed.

"But also, you are here because perhaps saying goodbye isn't as important as you may think it is? Maybe something is more important you need to accomplish here in heaven than say goodbye" he countered with a heavy gaze.

I thought it over for a few seconds before nodding slowly.

Was it about the tree?

"I have another question" I asked and he raised a hand as if saying 'go ahead'.

"What's with the huge Aspen tree at the edge of the field?" I asks curiously as he frowned with a serious look.

"How do you know of that?"

I scuff my feet against the wood. "Well when I first came here I woke up under it. Remember?" I hinted and he nodded while staring off into the distance.

"It's strange. Normally people wake up in the field— but no where near that tree. But you were right next to it" he mumbled while a deep look caused his wrinkles to sprout more.

He shook his head as if shaking the thoughts off.

"Anyways that tree is there as a kind of protection. People from hell can cross the gates if you wanted to—"

That information caused me to stiffen in shock.

"...But they can not touch or pass the tree. So it's useless crossing the gate to only come a few yards" he explained further.

I wonder if that's the same for in hell? I've never tried going farther into hell than the dead tree...I wonder if I could?

Should I try?

"Is that all your questions?" He asks as I slowly nod, sorting through my brain to see I missed anything.

"No. That it. Thank you." I responded as he smiled brightly.

"Good. I'm glad to had help and I'm sorry about the nightmares. Just remember you are safe and happy here" he reassured before he tipped his imaginary hat with a goodbye and quickly disappeared.

And I was left alone again with thoughts surrounding me. One longed against my mind more than others though. Which prompted me to feel that spacific itch under my skin.

Can I pass the dead tree?

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