The Soulmate Touch

By okheregoesnothing

10K 330 162

When a person turns 21, they are at mercy of the soulmate touch. Meaning, if they touch someone who had touch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 14

390 12 3
By okheregoesnothing

I suddenly woke up and heard Olive crying. I looked over and saw Julie changing her diaper. She was quietly humming a familiar song.

"Is that the lullaby that dad would sing us when we were kids?" I asked.

She nodded. "The very one. I heard him sing it to you countless times, and it always got you to calm down. I think Ollie here likes it, too."


"Yeah. Olive is too formal. I think Ollie fits her perfectly."


"How was your nap? I heard you talking again. Soulmate dream?" She asked.

"Yep. I told him to wait for me and he said he would. I might be in love with him."

She laughed and picked up Ollie. "You will be one day. Here, hold her while I make a bottle."

I took Ollie from Jules and laid her in my arms. I made faces at her and she smiled a couple times. She's adorable.

Julie brought over a bottle and I started feeding her. Then my phone started ringing, Florence was calling.

I picked it up. "Hey girl. What's up?"

"Yo! When are we starting up this adventure?? I'm eager to go to South Korea! I've heard it's beautiful."

"We're going to have to put that on hold indefinitely."

"WHAT? WHY?" She screamed through the phone.

"Just come over." I hung up when Ollie started fussing.

I readjusted the bottle and she settled down again.

2 minutes later, Florence and Andrew showed up at my door.

"WHAT THE HECK?? A BABY??" Florence screamed again.

"Shut up, Flo!" I said. Ollie just looked up at me and smiled.


"Julie, will you take her to the other room while I chat with Florence?"

"You got it, momma." She winked at me and took Ollie. 

"How did this happen?"

"Long story short, my mom came with a baby, and left without one. Ollie is my little sister. And now I'm her mother. I'm on her birth certificate and everything."

Florence gasped and her jaw opened. Andrew pushed it closed and smiled at me.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "As good as I can. It's nice to have Julie here. And I've been babysitting my whole life, so I'm pretty good with kids. They're pretty fun."

"How long do you think we'll have to postpone?"

"I have no idea. Until Ollie is older, for sure. I don't want her to go crazy with all this change. I  want her to get used to me, and I want to get used to her before adding a man into our lives. Maybe a year? Once she can crawl, probably."

"Ugh that's going to be forever." Florence laid on the couch.

I laughed. "Deal with it, dude. You have your soulmate, so calm down. You'll be fine."

She looked at Andrew and cuddled into him. "You're right. I'll be okay. We're here to help however you might need, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks, guys." I gave them hugs and they left.

I went into Julie's room and found her asleep on the bed with Ollie wide awake.

"Come here, Olls." I picked her up and took her to my room. Then I laid on my bed and held her right next to me. After a few minutes, I heard her snoring. Cute.

---Hyunjin POV---

I woke up from my sleep and sighed. "I guess I won't meet you for a bit. That's okay, I'll wait as long as it takes."

I went into the kitchen and grabbed some breakfast.

"Dude, what were you dreaming about?? I heard you mumbling in your sleep." Han said.

"I had another soulmate dream."


"Just life. She said that she won't be here for a while. But she has a good excuse."

"Oh. I'm sorry bro."

"It's fine. Life happens, I get it."

Suddenly my chest lit up and I pressed it.

Your soulmate has paused her journey indefinitely. You will be notified when she restarts.

Chan walked in the room and saw it. "Aww man, I'm sorry Jinnie." He patted my head and walked more into the kitchen.

"I'll survive." I smiled sadly at them and went back to my breakfast.

I'll survive, but it's going to be hard. I've never really met Handsy, but I already miss her so much. My heart longs to touch the one that was made for me.

---Y/N POV---

I woke up to some baby sounds and went into the kitchen. Julie was feeding Ollie while eating some cereal. 

Suddenly Florence and Andrew walked in the front door with bags of things.

"What is happening?" I asked.

"I called her. We need more stuff to raise this kid, dude." Julie looked at me.

Florence leafed through the bags and showed me what they got. 

A bunch of clothes, formula, diapers, wipes, bottles, a bassinet, a bigger diaper bag, toys, burp rags, bibs, pacifiers, a high chair, baby monitors, swaddles, a white noise machine, a changing pad, changing table, diaper trash, chest carrier, stroller, first aid kits, teething toys, baby shampoo, baby oil, baby powder, rash cream, baby bathtub, towels, baby books, a play pen, booster seat, a swing, baby lotion, and a giant stuffed animal.

"Holy crap. Do we really need all this?"

Florence shrugged. "Probably not. But it's good to be prepared! Me and Andrew will set everything up, so go ahead and go as you were. Shower, get ready for the day, whatevs you were gonna do. Can we move things around in your room?"

I nodded and watched as they took everything into my room.

"Gosh. Why did I have to make a friend who cared so much? And who has so much money?"

Julie laughed. "Be grateful! We're set for life haha."

I smiled and went over to look at Ollie.

"Good morning, my love." I made faces at her and she laughed. "She laughed!"

Julie smiled and nodded. "She did! All for her mama."

My heart warmed and I melted at the sight of my cute baby. I'm already getting so attached and she isn't even my biological child. But she'll be treated like it.

"Are you going to work today?" I asked Julie.

She nodded. "Yep. I'll be there all day, but it's just down the street so text me if you need anything. And I'm sure Andrew and Florence will be here all day."

"They will, I'm sure of it. But me and Ollie will be fine. We've got this."

2 hours later, I was regretting my words. Ollie was crying and I could not figure out why. She wasn't drinking her bottle, her diaper was freshly changed, and she cried every time I tried to sit down. Florence was googling things but nothing seemed to help.

"I'm calling the expert."

I pulled my phone out and dialed a number I never thought I would.

"Hello?" He answered.

"I need your help. My baby sister won't stop crying and I have no idea what to do. You're like the only person I know with kids. Can you help me?"

"Of course. What's going on?"

"Thank you so much, Hugh." 

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