Chapter 15

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15 minutes later, Ollie was peacefully asleep in her bassinet that Andrew so gracefully put together for me.

Hugh told me that she was probably really tired, and it's okay for her to cry. It would hurt your heart, but she'd be grateful. And he was right. She fell asleep a couple minutes later.

I thanked Hugh with my life and Julie fangirled when I texted her. She immediately called me.

"I can't believe Hugh Jackman just helped you with your child."

"Me either. Isn't he awesome??"

She nodded. "So cool."

A few hours later, I was watching Ollie sleep in her car seat in the living room.

"That should be everything!" Andrew came out of my room and threw some things away.

"Thank you so much, Andrew. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. You are amazing."

I gave him a hug and he squeezed me. "Anytime. You're important to Flo, which means you're important to me."

I smiled at him and then stepped back. Florence walked in a couple seconds later.

"Not done yet!" She held out a package and had me open it.

It was a wooden sign to put on the wall.

Olive May Walters
March 7, 2023

I started tearing up and gave her a big hug.

"I love it, Flo. Thank you so much. You are the best."

She hugged me tightly. "Of course. I love you, girl."

"I love you more."

I hung it up above Ollie's bed and it looked perfect. Like it was made for our room.

They eventually left to go back to their apartments in LA, which was 1 hour away. It felt like I was finally on my own. Weird.

Julie got back from work 4 hours later and we had some dinner. Then played with Ollie for a bit, and explored kids shows. My favorites were Bluey, Strawberry Shortcake, and Miss Rachel. That woman is smart. Ollie seemed to like the baby simulation videos the best, though.

It was mesmerizing, so I don't blame her.

---Hyunjin POV---

A knock sounded on my bedroom door and I opened it to see Changbin standing there. "Someone is here to see you." He said, and then walked away.

I went into the kitchen and saw Jake standing in the living room.

"Jake!" I gave him a hug. "What are you doing here?" 

"Turns out I'm the next stop on your soulmates adventure! And then I bet it's you! Do you know when she'll be here?" He asked.

"How do you know it's you?"

"Well, Chan told me that your soulmate is on her adventure. And what are the chances that I'm in someone's adventure and it's not yours? Very small. So when will she be here?"

I sighed. "She had to pause it for a while. I'm not sure when she'll be back, but I'm sure you'll be made fully aware of it. How did you know she's coming here next?"

"My little cousin Sebastian texted me. He was the one right before me. He said she was really nice, and took a StrayKids sticker with her. He said she liked the band and that their music was cool."

"Really?" I smiled. "So she knows of me. That's awesome."

He laughed. "He also said that he'd seen a video of her online somewhere. So you probably know of her, too."

"WHAT VIDEO?" I asked.

"Woah, calm down. He wouldn't tell me, or else I'd be showing it to you right now. Maybe just keep an eye out? She's out there somewhere, bro."


"No problem. I'll see you later, buddy."

"Bye, Jake."

So she's really close. That's a good sign. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long for her.

---Y/N POV - 1 month later---

"Jules, will you make a bottle? Skin temperature friendly please. I'm going to give her a bath and then it's bed time."

"Got it." She yelled.

"Anything I can do?" Damon asked from the living room.

"Turn on the white noise machine and the monitor please. Also order some food, I'm starving."

"Will do!" He yelled back. He and Julie were officially dating, and he was over all the time. They were so in love. I ran the water over Ollie's cute body and she giggled, splashing some water on me in the process, but it's whatever. Her cute giggles made up for it. I lightly scrubbed her head with a washrag and some shampoo.

Then I had to very gently scrub her arm with some cream. She had a weird rash and the doctor gave me this cream to put on it. Ollie hated it, but it was looking better. So she was dealing with it.

Once I had her wrapped up in a towel, we went into our room. I set her on the changing table and dried her off. I started singing her lullaby. It was a song called "Youtiful." I had found it on the internet one day, and it spoke to me. It was also by StrayKids, which made me think of Bash. We facetimed often and he loved to say hi to Ollie. He wished that I could go see Jake soon, but understood that Ollie came first.

I put a diaper on her and laid her in her crib. She had upgraded to a crib and it fit perfectly right next to my bed. We were roommates. If only my roommate didn't still wake up 2 times a night. That would be perfect. But you can't win every battle.

Ollie made some noises and I laughed.

"You just keep talking, girl. You'll be singing in no time." She had started making noises about a week ago, and it was the cutest thing. Florence and Andrew came and visited every weekend. They loved seeing Ollie, especially since she'd been getting more vocal lately. Flo was trying to get her to say Flo, but Ollie wasn't having any of it. She'll get there one day. But she better say mama first.

Julie brought in the bottle and I handed it to Ollie. She grabbed it quickly out of my hands and started drinking it.

"Goodnight, love." I kissed her on the head and went into the living room with Julie and Damon. We ate food and then watched a movie. I was so grateful for their companionship, but it was lonely. They had each other as soulmates, in fact, lucky them. Damon quit one day and then it was confirmed. Good thing he hadn't waited any longer. I didn't have anyone. Sure, I talked to Chocolate Milk occasionally in dreams, but it was only for a minute or so. And then we'd wake up. He kept asking me how long I was going to be, but I couldn't give him a definite answer. Ollie was just getting used to life, and I was just getting used to her. She started teething, so I didn't want to take her on the plane. And she didn't seem old enough to have her ears go through that, yet.

So meeting my soulmate was going to have to wait longer.

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