
By wellIDK88

988 70 15

Jennie's busy at a business dinner with her dad when she receives a text from a stranger. a very drunk and ho... More

Dinner Time
Midnight Snack
Bar Shots

Early Breakfast

135 11 1
By wellIDK88

You wake up, hearing the sound of cars starting to drive by. The city can be a great place, minus the whole constant traffic during the day thing but you've always kind of liked being able to hear people nearby. It's a nice reminder that you're not alone. Speaking of which, you're not alone right now either. Your eyes are still closed but you can feel some weight on your chest. Oh right, a girl. You take in some air and the sweet smell of coconut shampoo comes along with it. You can feel her warm body against yours and your heart is beating in a weird way. Once you open your eyes you realize who's snuggled up to you. It's that girl you were texting last night. Right, she actually came. You stare down at her, her head resting against your chest and you can see her back rise and fall calmly as she breaths. You move a bit to try and slide out of bed but she wraps an arm around your waist and slightly tugs you close. You settle back into the position you were earlier but lilt your head to watch the girl as she keeps sleeping. You scoff as you smirk and end up just closing your eyes, trying to drift back to sleep. Whatever, maybe you can keep this girl here just for a bit. She can leave later.


You're holding onto something warm and at first you don't question it and nuzzle yourself closer to it, but once you feel it slightly move under you your eyes shoot open. You stay still but your eyes are darting all over the place, trying to take whatever it is you're doing in.

Okay your in a room, that's good. The sun is out, that's bad. There's a person next to you, that's...okay I guess. She's a she (woah a hot she), that's lucky. She is naked... You're also naked... oh no. You're somewhere that isn't your room with a girl you don't really know who is naked while you're naked and it's already day time which means you stayed over and fuck fuck fuck.

You start to slowly and carefully detach from this girl who you now remember is Jisoo, the random hottie who accidentally sexted you last night, and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse she starts waking up. Fuck.


Jisoo grumbles and turns to her side. Your heart starts beating faster when you feel her warm bare body against yours and your face is getting hotter and hotter.

"Umm...I uh, I have to go."


She opens one of her eyes while still having a bunched up sleepy face. Ha, cute.

"You know, I thought you'd want to sleep more, having tired me out last night an all. How are you up so early?"

You blush harder. "Umm sorry, I just--I have to get back before anyone notices I'm gone." You start sliding off of her, covering yourself as best as you can. "I'll uh-i'll just head out. You can keep sleeping." You say with awkward hang gestures as you start putting your underwear back on.

For a second there you think you see Jisoo looking at you (which can she like not do that right now. Jesus.) before she starts getting up herself. She pulls on some underwear and slides on a t-shirt as she walks towards you. You tried your hardest not to look but damn she's just-- wow.

"It's fine, I have to wake up anyway."

You give her an awkward tight smile as you slide on your dress. "Here...Let me."

She gestures to the back of your dress and you turn around, feeling her finger tips on your back (oh god) before she slides the zipper up.


She gives u a small grin before she steps out of the room. You slump forward finally huffing out some air. How could you do this Jennie? Casual sex with a stranger is so not you. But she's a hot stranger, also a very good kisser and strangely very comfortable to sleep with in the nude...Oh god, you slept in the nude, with a stranger, a stranger that left the room like a while ago--shit right. You step out of the room and see her stretching her arms in the most adorable (and kinda sexy) way.


You realize you were staring with a stupid smile on your face and you immediately feel embarrassed.

"Uh-nothing just um-." 

"Don't hurt yourself, cutie."

She smirks at you as she open her fridge and takes out some milk. "I hope you like cereal...I haven't had the time to shop so..."

"What?" Wait she's making you breakfast? Well technically anyway. "No, cereal's fine." 


She hands you a bowl and starts making her own. You start to fidget in place and continue to stare at every move Jisoo makes. It's strange, she's so...normal. You kinda like that. You see her sit in a stool by the kitchen island and she takes a spoonful of cereal as she stares at you. You snap out of it and lean your elbows on the island as you keep eating. It's quiet between the two of you for a while until you finally speak up.



"Last night"


"You know what I mean."

"If what you mean is the best night of your life then yes, I know what you mean." She smirks taking in another spoonful of her cereal.

"Pfff." She sure is confident. She raises and eyebrow at you.

"Ok fine, so it was great. No need to brag about it."

"You had me working all night, I think I have bragging rights." 

"I thought you said you could handle it?"

"I did."

The two of you are staring at each other until Jisoo ducks her head trying to hide her smile. You smile too before ducking your own head and taking another spoonful of cereal.

You try and distract yourself from looking at her and start looking around the place. Last night it was pretty dark and you weren't really paying attention to where you where. The walls are nice old fashion bricks on one side while the other wall has a bunch of instruments hanging. The floor is this polished dark wood and it's not exactly clean but it still looks nice. There's a big window with a nice view of the city. Not bad. At night it may have seemed a bit creepy out but the view looks nice, a few trees and buildings.

"This is a nice place."

"Hm? Oh the apartment? Yeah I have a thing for old buildings. In a way I'm a city girl." 

"Oh, okay."

You see Jisoo fidget with her spoon in her bowl for a few seconds before she speaks up again.

"What about you, where are you from?" 


"You see anybody else here, Babe?" she smirks.

You bunch up your face annoyed but answer anyway. "I'm more of a small town girl." you look down at your bowl. "but I live like 20 minutes out of the city."

"Oh." she pauses. "I still don't get how I've never seen you around before."

You scoff. "I don't really hang out much." You put your bowl down. "Have you seen my phone?"

"It's in the bedroom." 


You go get your phone and curse when you realize it's dead. Fuck I hope dad hasn't called. Hell I hope he hasn't waken up yet. He's totally gonna freak out if he-

"Something wrong?"

You turn to see Jisoo's leaning on the doorway with a worried face. "What? No-I just...ran out of battery."

"You can use mine if you have to." 

"No it's fine. I should go."

You walk up to where Jisoo's standing and face her under the door frame.

"I um..."

She hums in question with an amused face as you struggle to put words together. "Thanks for not being an old man."

Jisoo chuckles. "No problem. Thanks for not being...uh...Jenna was it?"

"You seriously can't remember her name?"

"I'm not very good with names and all that."

"So I'm guessing you don't even know mine." Yup total player.

Jisoo seems deep in thought for a moment and you're not sure why she's looking at you with no expression but her eyes look kind of...gentle?



"Your name. It's Jennie."

You open your mouth but you're speechless. She does remember your name. Jisoo actually remembered your name. She's got the biggest smirk you've seen on her so far and you can't believe you can't come up with words to tell her off or anything. A car honks in the distance and you automatically look to the window where you spot a clock.


"Oh crap."


"I have to go."

You brush past her and skip to the door putting your boots on. "I uh- it was nice meeting you."

Jisoo leans on her bedroom door frame and crosses her arms over her chest as she smiles. Damn she's gorgeous. You smile back and quickly turn to open the door and dart out. You exit the building and hail a cab. Dad's gonna kill me if he finds out I snuck out.


Once Jennie closed the door you walked up to it and opened it, leaning your head out to the hall. She's gone. Wait, what the hell? Why did I even check? Maybe you didn't want her to leave. At least not yet. It's not your fault you find this girl so interesting. She's...different. She's cute. A dork who get's embarrassed after sex and starts to ramble a lot. You chuckle to yourself and start walking towards your bedroom but stop and stare at the window. Ehh what the hell, I'll just check to see she got out okay. You head to the same window from last night and see her talking to a cab driver through the window before nodding and skipping two steps to the back door, getting in.

"God what a dork."

You smile wide and head back to your room, flopping on your bed with a long sigh. You totally lied earlier about having to get up.

Thank god for working afternoons.


"Thanks for the ride, Sir!"

You slam the door closed and dart to your front door. Dad's car is still in the drive way, good. You quickly look through your keys and open the door as quietly as you can looking around to an empty house. Phew, safe. You close the door gently and hang your keys as you slide your shoes off. You start to walk up the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible.



"Heeey daaaad."

"Glad to see you're up already!" He stares at your outfit confused. "Did you fall asleep without changing again?"

"What? Uh...yeah...totally. I was so tired, I completely forgot."

"Hmm al righty then, just get changed and come back down. I'm making pancakes!" You smile wide. "Really?? Great! I'll be right down."

You rush up the stairs. Your dad hasn't made you his pancakes in so long. It's the first time in weeks since he's actually given you this much time in the morning. You head inside your room and start to undress. You struggle at first to un zip your dress and you remember how Jisoo helped you zip it up moments ago. You bite your lip and finish undressing as you put your phone to charge. You head inside the bathroom to shower. Can't face dad smelling like sex.

Once you're done you head back down in some sweatpants and a tank top. "Took you long enough."

"Sorry I wanted to shower first."

"Well here you go. Hope I haven't lost my magic touch."

You dig into the pancakes and smile once the taste starts to seep in. "Mmm that's impossible dad."

Mr. Kim laughs and starts to wash the dishes. He doesn't let anyone else clean up if he's the one who was cooking. It's another one of his weird rules, just like being the one who drives. Once you're done he takes your plate and wipes his finger over the syrup and sucks his fingers with a pop.

"Can't let anything go to waste."

You laugh as your dad washes your dish. Yeah, you miss having him around the house like this.



You wake up again to your alarm going off. Ugh. Work.

You roll out of your bed and into the bathroom where you start the shower as you start to undress with your eyes practically still closed. You step in under the water.

"Fuck that's cold." you say under your breath as you start to tie up your hair in a messy bun. You splash your face trying to wake up. You hate mornings (even though technically it's already like 1pm.) You finish up and dry yourself before picking out some clothes. Black tight jeans, a sleeveless shirt and your usual boots. You head to the kitchen and drink some milk out of the carton as you sit down on a stool by the kitchen island. You're still pretty early, why not mope around for a bit? You rest the milk carton on the island and furrow your brow when you notice what's behind it. A smirk slowly grows on your face.

"That dork."


"Jennie!" your dad yells out from his room. "Remember you're going with me to a meeting today! It's very important!"

"Yeah dad, I know!"

You hate meetings, but your dad insists on making you go almost every damn day. So what can a girl do? At least you get to spend some time with him out of the house, even though you wish it was going out for ice cream or something. You sigh and start getting ready.

"Sweetie! Don't forget to bring your coat! News said it'd be raining today. Gotta keep warm!"


You button up your jeans and sit on your bed to start and tie your shoes. Once you bend down and have your shoelaces between your fingers you stare at your phone on the night stand.

Right, I should turn that on already. You reach for your phone and turn it on, putting it back where it was as you go to tie your shoelaces again.

Your phone dings.

Must be Lisa. It dings again. O..kay?

Then again.

"God, calm down I'm coming already!"

You reach for your phone furrowing your brow curious to see what Lisa wants when you read your text messages.

Jisoo(2:15pm): Don't mean to bother you

Jisoo(2:15pm): but I think you forgot something. 

Jisoo(2:15pm): -download image-

You press the download button and your eyes open wide. "Jennie! You almost done? It's time to go!"

You stare at the picture of Jisoo pointing at your coat on her kitchen island where you threw it last night before things got heated.


posting this out of impulse again :D


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