His Highness Of Hell

By Wandering_Alma5

200 0 822

Going through life without a lover, Aubrey gets to the end of her life...with nothing. Frustrated and alone... More

ð– ‹Aesthetics + Tattoosð– ‹
Chapter 1: Where am I?
Chapter 2: Abby
Chapter 4: Ivan
Chapter 5: Orchids
Chapter 6: Goodbye
Chapter 6: Home
Chaptwr 7: Castle
Chapter 8: Wake Up
Chapter 9: Devils Of Sin
Chapter 10: Balance
Chapter 11: Turn Around
Chapter 12: Unknown
Chapter 13: Ferb
Chapter 14: â™›
Chapter 15: Her Laugh
Chapter 16: Across The Gate
Chapter 17: Love Nothing More

Chaper 3: Aspen Tree

17 0 126
By Wandering_Alma5

Aubrey's POV-

The tree was huge, as were most aspren trees when they have been alive for years, but that one was HUGE.

It stood atleast four stories tall with bright green leaves with flowers surrounding every inch around the ground.it looked magical.

I didn't want to disturb the flowers so I simply kept my distance, feeling as the area around the tree was too sentimental to touch the area around it.

Quickly though my thoughts drifted towards the tall sliver gate that stood yards away from the tree, almost like it was hiding behind it.

I glanced back and saw Abby in a small field of poppies.

I was at a split.

Everything in me was saying go back, turn around, danger.

Of course I didn't listen to it though.

With heavy footsteps and my heart echoing in my ears I made the decision to make my way to the gate.

As I got closer though everything in me turned. Told me to get closer.

So I did.

A few feet I stood infront of it. It was about two stories high and had soft but jagged edges.

The gate was open though.

It was welcoming. To welcoming.

With shallow breaths I took my first step out. My first step outside the grounds of heaven, and everything went still.

All the air, the magic in the sky, the cool aroma of the summer sun all stood still. As if time had frozen even though it already was.

What is happening?

I was both stupid yet grateful I stepped outside the gate.

I took in my surroundings and realized there was a tree on this side as well. There was a tree that was in the center or a field right infront of me.

I stood on dirt but ahead of me was a field of yellowing dead grass.

The tree was dying, the wood was old and cracked and it was darker than the wood was meant to be. I had no idea what kind of tree it was because it looked like it wasn't a tree at all. It looked to dead, it was probably.

Feeling another pull but stronger I don't hesitate to head to the dead tree and as I got closer the more it felt like I was heading to something dangerous.

Just like that morning it felt like somone was watching me. The same eyes and again like that morning I didn't feel fear.

I was stupid but I'm glad I was.

My footsteps haulted when I came to stand a few feet away from the tree, as that one had felt tainted by something not meant to be touched.

Entering here felt tainted.

Tainted by what, I had not idea.

"You shouldn't be here" A voice warned behind me. Scared, I yelped and spun around to see a man standing a large distance away from me.

Even though he was no where near me it felt like his voice was right next to me ear, touching my skin like a whisper in the wind.

Confused, I stuttered out, "Who are you?" The man only tilted his head at me.

From the distance we were kept at from him and I not moving I could only see in detail his cloths. His face was blurry, likely from my bad vision.

He had on a dark purple suit, almost on the edge of black with a bracelet and rings on along with black slacks. He had a gem necklace around his neck which I later learned that he never under any circumstances took it off.

His outfit:

"Who are you?" I asked more firmly.

This time in response he took a few steps forward, they were slow and planned out. In reaction I stepped back but as he only grew closer until my back hit the dead tree behind me and anxiety bubbled in my stomach.

"Why are you here?" He demanded instead of answering me.

I swallowed hard as he tucked his hands into his front pockets.

Instinctively fear came to me, imaging a knife in his pocket, but when he pulled out his hand all there was, was a lighter and a cigarette.

"I can practically smell your fear, darling. I mean no harm" He hinted a promise in a deep breathy tone which made me stomach swirl.

He lit the cigarette and put it in his mouth, taking a deep inhale before blowing it to the side away from me.

"Why are you here?" He asked me this time and I glanced at my shoes.

"I was curious what was outside the gate" I mumbled before I felt a finger under my chin, he ringed finger directed me to look into his eyes-his grey eyes.

It's him. The man that I saw before I died.

"It's you" I stated as he stared without emotion into my own brown eyes.

"It's me" he replied back with some sarcasm.

I felt irked by that.

"Why did you come? Why were you there when I died? Why didn't you help me and my friend! How are you here? Are you dead too? Why are you outside the gate too!" I fired off question after question at him, the only thing that stopped me was his finger that he placed over my lips, silencing me immediately.

I stilled, feeling his deathly cold skin again my lips which made me shiver.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked in a joking manner and again that irritated me that he thought this was all a joke.

"This is not a joke! Who are you?" I snapped out while pulling my head away from his finger and pushing him back.

He didn't react to what my action caused, he only blew his cigarette some more before stomping it to the ground.

"You can call me Ivan" he replied grumpily. I glared at him.

"Ok Ivan" I spent his name out. "What are you doing here?" I interrogates.

He chuckled with a smirk. "Why I live here, darling" he tilted his head as they flashed a dark red for a split second, which startled me into a wide eyed look.

"W-what are you?" I asked next as his smirk grew, showing his teeth.

"That's for me to know and you to not darling"

I grew frustrated. "Stop calling me that!" I shouted. He quickly placed his hand over my mouth, his body pressing me into the tree.

Quickly I began to fight against him but his eyes turn a shade darker, telling me he was very much angry.

"Stop making so much noise love. You don't want to be caught out here" he whispers huskily in my ear, his breath fanning my face which made me shiver.

What is he doing to me?

He did a lot to me all of which I loved.

I stopped struggling again him and went limp, he let me go slowly.

"What do you mean get caught?" I asked softly, now calmed enough to ask.

He rolled his eyes.

"I take back my penny. Go back to the gates and do not come looking out here again, Aubrey"

It shocked me that he knew my name, so much so that my jaw dropped open.

He huffed a laugh, putting his finger under my chin to lift it up, I responded while batting his hand away.

His eyes flashed with amusement as he stepped away from me.

"Go back" he nodded to the gate.

I sigh, ready to retort but a hard look from him made me swallow it down.

"Fine" I replied and walked back to the gate, not being afraid to show my back to him for some reason.

"Don't miss me to much, darling" I heard him call out to my back but when I turned around to glare at him for calling that name again he was gone.

Where the hell sid he go?

I grew worried about where he went so I quickly made it back to the gate and crossed back.

Just like when I left but opposite a feeling of relief waves over me that I was now passed over the gate, almost like I was safe again.

I quickly walked away from the gate and began looking for Abby who I had momentarily forgotten about.

Im a terrible baby sitter but to be fair I was curious.

I muttered stupid things to myself before I spotted her by the Aspen picking some marigolds.

"Abby!" I shouted as she looked up at me with a grin.

"How was your walk?" She teased as I scoffed at her.

"I didn't walk anywhere-" I tried to come up with an excuse but I was almost certain she knew where I went.

"Ok Ari" she laughed as she picked a rose and handed it to me. A thorn pricked my finger but I only ignored the sting it left.

"Come on let's get you home ok?" I motioned for her back to the town and she nodded. "Ok! I have enough flowers for mama and daddy anyways!" She commented as we both made our way back to the village.

I glanced back behind the Aspen tree and to the gate, feeling a wave of longing through my chest.

That man, Ivan, as he called himself it a mystery.

That entire encounter was strange.

Why was he out there? Who was he?

I had so many questions but the only one that I was stuck on way, why did it feel like I knew him?

Just wanted to note that Aspen trees symbolizes the determination to overcome fear and doubts-just thought that was cool

Also I'm absolutely in love with my own book😂

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