Ms. Hummingbird (Various Gens...

Oleh SweetPea-23

17.3K 806 427

"Trust me, Aether, my life isn't as great as my wanted posters make it look." ~*~ "You are Mr. Owl. I am Ms... Lebih Banyak

Prologue -1-
Barbatos Statue -2-
Red Crystal, Red Girl -3-
Mr. Owl -4-
The Knights of Favonius -5-
Troublesome Work -6-
Stolen Book -7-
Gliding Exam -8-
Leap of Faith -9-
Treasure Hunt -10-
Temple of the Wolf -12-
Temple of the Lion -13-
The Alchemist and the Sister -14-
Experiments: Trial 1 -15-
Results? -16-
Eyes -17-
Least Conspicuous -18-
Stealing a Stolen Lyre -19-
Crystal Hunting -20-

Wild Goose Chase -11-

620 36 23
Oleh SweetPea-23

"Travelers! You're back! Looks like you got the intel." Kaeya sang as he stood with his arms crossed outside of the headquarters' building, eye gleaming at the small picture Aether drew from his pocket.

Paimon pursed her lips before answering him. "Yes and no. It's a lot more complicated than that. 'Three six-armed giants reside in the city in the lake. Two guard the statue, one, the treasure.' What do you make of it?" She asked hastily.

An amused grin crossed the navy haired man's face. "Riddles? How quaint. Let me think..." He muttered before tapping his chin. "'City in the lake' is clearly Mondstadt... As for the Six-Armed Giants... Hm..."

Shrugging, Aether took a shot in the dark. "Crabs?' He suggested. "Giant crabs!" Paimon added on loudly. Kaeya smirked in a humorous manner. "Aside from asking just where we would find giant crabs... Crabs have eight legs, not six..."

Kissing your teeth, you looked around while staring at the picture. Your eyes caught onto the red roofs of the city. Hovering above them were giant cream colored windmills, six arms spinning gently with the flow of the breeze. Your eyes widened as you made a satisfied little sound realization. "Ah. Windmills!" You said happily, looking back to the group with a smile.

Kaeya snapped his fingers and grinned at you. "Hey! That's smart!" He cheered like a parent humoring it's child. "A windmill has six blades... It fits." The self-proclaimed pirate confessed. Paimon gasped, slapping her cheeks with her little hands. "Wow! That makes sense!"

You hummed and stared at two in particular. "Now we just gotta find out which windmill we need to go to. Out of the three big ones, two are close to the statue..."

"The other one is guarding..." Kaeya finished on for you. With widened eyes, Paimon stuck her hand out in the air and waved it around wildly. "Ooh! Ooh! This one Paimon knows! The treasure!" She exclaimed excitedly. Kaeya smirked. "Hehehe... Let's hope it's really that simple."

Paimon suddenly grabbed onto Aether's scarf and your mini-cloak, tugging in the direction of a windmill. "Come on, guys! Let's go take a look around that windmill!" The white haired girl demanded as you and Aether began to slowly stumble away as she was practically choking the both of you.

The Calvary Captain wiggled his fingers at you. "Toodles~!" He cooed.


"Geez, that was more stairs than I thought." Aether breathed out, hands on his knees as you leaned against the windmill's guardrail. You took a deep breath. "Tell me about," you grumbled in agreement.

Paimon, the pixie who had been floating the entire time, rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic! Paimon did it, too, and she doesn't feel tired." The girl boasted with her arms crossed. You and Aether sent her a side glare before standing up straight and looking over the side.

Aether pulled the photo out of his pocket and smiled as you leaned your arms against the railing. "It looks even better in person." He muttered in awe. You nodded in agreement.

As you watched the sun over Mondstadt shine, Aether shifted his gaze away. He leaned his chin against his palm and looked at your serene face. A soft expression, taking in the beauty of the city below. Meanwhile, Aether took in the beauty beside him, the gentle breeze fanning both of you in a comfortable manner. This was... nice.

"You're staring." A calm voice said quietly. Aether blinked, realizing two shining (E/C) eyes were staring into his. "O-Oh! Ah... I didn't realize I was. Sorry." He muttered in embarrassment, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. You positioned your head to rest on your hand before moving so your palm would cover your embarrassed growing smile. "You're pretty, too." You murmured back softly. "A-Ah!"

"Hey lovebirds, over here!" Paimon called causing the both of you to look over. The little pixie was floating around a normal wood chest over the side of the windmill, quickly beckoning you two over. "Ooh, lemme see what's inside!" She awed our before popping the top open.

A map with a note on the back. "'She doesn't love him at all. The passion rushing through the clear spring is just a front. When she's cold and alone, her true heart is revealed.' There's another map, too." Paimon stated as she read the words off the old paper with a bright red x-marks-the-spot.

The white haired girl suddenly deflated. "More riddles? Paimon's dizzy already. Oh, no! Paimon used up all her brain juice!" She cried in despair while clenching her hair. You deadpanned at her. "We only went through one clue." You muttered. Aether scoffed and crossed his arms. "You never had any to begin with..." He said bluntly.

The female didn't falter. "Paimon'll let you have all the fun. Or, you could get Kaeya to help." She suggested. You took the note from Aether's hold and hummed. You pursed your lips, barely able to read over the map. So you focused on the riddle. It reminded you of something your father used tell you. Something about an Archon.

"Ah! We need to talk to Kaeya!" You shouted in a sudden gust of realization. "Huh? What'd yo-!" Aether didn't get to finish as you summoned your wind glider and jumped off the side of the windmill. "Wha-!" Paimon cried in shock as Aether stumbled in midair before getting his own pair out.

Kaeya's eyes widened, stepping back in surprise when you landed right in front of him. "Oh. Hello there. Nice if you to drop in." The male cooed out, grin widening as he saw your excited smile. You pushed the note over to the Calvary Captain. "We got the next clue! Remind you of someone?" You asked with shining eyes.

The man allowed himself a second longer to stare at them before reading the note. "'She doesn't love him at all. The passion rushing through the clear spring is just a front. When she's cold and alone, her true heart is revealed.'" He read slowly.

Paimon tilted her head. "Any idea what that means?" Kaeya lowered the note before raising an eyebrow at the three of you. "Is this some page stripped from a love novel that you just happened to find?" He smirked at you. "You know, there's no need for settle hints. I don't mind you trying to romance me straight out." The man said slyly, leaning towards you and slightly tilting his head to the side.

Aether cleared his throat rather loudly. He sounded like a old man desperately trying to get air. So much so you had to look back at him with a raised eyebrow. The blonde gave Kaeya a hard look. "Back to the clue please."

Chuckling, Kaeya leaned back up and gave him a innocent smile. Suddenly, Paimon's face lit up in realization. "Oh, wait, so it's not a clue." She huffed and crossed her arms. "No wonder someone as clever as Paimon wasn't able to get it."

"Hahaha... I'm just joking." Kaeya laughed, waving a hand in dismissal. Paimon's cheeks blew out angrily. "Hmph... Take this more seriously, Kaeya!" She demanded.

He grinned. "Haha, this riddle is hard to figure out. Clear spring... Is it referring to Springvale? 'Passion rushing through the clear spring...' So when does passion rush through a clear spring?" He questioned.

The blonde hummed in thought. "Maybe when there are people bathing in the spring water?" He suggested. Kaeya tsked. "Such inappropriate behavior... I feel like it has been creeping into Mondstadt for quite a while now. Unless... that's something you two get up to?" He said, staring at you and Aether with a menacing look.

"H-HOW DARE YOU!" Aether shrieked loudly with a face redder than a Pyro vision. "I-I think he was teasing, Aether." You reassured softly while sweat dropping. He looked at you with wide eyes. "S-STILL!"

"Oh, my apologies," Kaeya said while batting his eyelashes. "I shouldn't judge what one does in their own time." You glared at him, eye twitching as you still tried to calm Aether down. "What's wrong with you? What kind of people do you think we are?" You growled.

The Calvary Captain shrugged. "Haha. The thing is, if the "rushing passion" isn't coming from the clear spring, then it's coming from the people bathing." You sighed and shook your head. "Then maybe it's when the water level of the clear spring changes?" You suggested tiredly, cheeks dusted pink from the whole bathing concept.

Snapping his fingers, Kaeya grinned. "Not a bad idea! Like when... there's a waterfall, for example... It appears the solution to this enigma related to the waterfall behind Springvale. Only the clear spring that blesses Mondstadt can reveal the passion described here. And the "heart" of the waterfall must refer to the cliff on the left side of the waterfall. I noticed it once when I was out on patrol in the area."

Whiling pulling out the travel guide you had received from Jean earlier, you looked towards the blue haired man and smirked. "So you do actually do your job. Color me shocked." You drew out teasingly. Kaeya huffed a laugh, amusement of his own flashing through his eyes.

Comparing the travel guide to the map, you nodded in confirmation. "It matches perfectly. Springvale's our place." You confirmed before putting the guide back.

"Excellent," Kaeya cheered while clasping his hands together, "Now, the ending." You brighten up at that. "I know! It has to have something to do with Cryo! My dad used to tell me stories of their Archon on how cold hearted she is." You face faltered into a scowl. "Tch... Anyways, it'll probably have something to do with a Cryo vision."

A smirk crossed over the tan male's face. "How incredibly clever! Beauty and brains... Anyways! You should probably take someone who can manipulate Cryo with you." He suggested sweetly.

Aether pursed his lips, still heat. "Thanks for the help, Kaeya." He grumbled out begrudgingly. Kaeya just waved a hand. "It's nothing. If a Knight of Favonius couldn't even answer a riddle, how could we be trusted to solve criminal mysteries?" He teased.

Paimon pumped her fist up. "Let's go take a look in Springvale. We'll leave you to your criminal mysteries!" She exclaimed happily. Kaeya sweat dropped. "Erm..." Paimon's eyes widened in realization. "No, wait... Leave you to SOLVING your criminal mysteries!"

Just as Paimon began floating away, you grabbed the back of her clothes to drag her back. "Now hold on. We still need a Cryo user before we can do anything." You reminded before looking back at Kaeya. He blinked. "Huh? Oh... Me?"

You lips widened into a large grin at his surprised manner. "Yes, you! C'mon!" You called before you and Paimon began your way out of the city. Kaeya blinked again before obediently following you like a puppy. Aether crossed his arms and huffed, begrudgingly following behind you as well.


With a final grunt and swing of his sword, all the Cryo monuments were lit up with a beautiful light blue glow. Paimon wiped her forehead tiredly. "This time, the mysteries have all been solved, it sure took a lot of work. But in all fairness, this treasure map really is terrible... It looks like it was drawn by a pirate..." She said as she took the map out of the chest.

Kaeya crossed his arms and huffed. "My grandfather would be very offended by that." He said while a little side eye. Paimon rubbed her hands together eagerly. "So now... first..." Aether put his hands on his hips. "Let's go to the treasure location directly!" He exclaimed.

"You read my mind! Paimon's so happy!" She cheered, "Let's go for it! Don't want anyone else to get there before we do! Like... like the Treasure Hoarders Kaeya told us about." Her eyes suddenly narrowed as she rubbed her hands together in a scheming manner, "Anyways, Paimon just wants to borrow the sword to..."

You raised an eyebrow at her causing the pixie to quickly fix herself. "No, you heard nothing! Paimon ah— Paimon just wants to see it! Definitely not to become super, mega, powerful and do nothing but play... Hehe... Alright, Paimon'll save the chit-chat for later. Arcadian treasure hunt, here we go!"

Chuckling, Kaeya smiled at Paimon's attitude. "Well, if you've got what you need, I'll head back to headquarters." You looked at him in slight surprise. "Wait, you're not coming?" You asked innocently. Kaeya shook his head. "I'm afraid not. I've been away from headquarters long enough as it is. I must head back."

Beginning his way back to the city, Kaeya glanced over his shoulder to look at you. "Until the winds allow our paths to cross again!" He called. "Uh... Bye then!" You replied back with a little wave.

"...Huh," Paimon began with her hands on her hips, "What a weird guy."


Upon seeing the supposed Arcadian Ruins, you were immediately suspicious. For holding such a powerful treasure, you would think it's have some type a seal on it. But no, there was none. Still, this was the spot the map said it would be. Paimon didn't seem too concerned though.

"This must be the Arcadian Ruins." She breathed out in awe, "Is it just me, or does it look... plain?" Ah, so she did notice something. "Too be fair, sometimes the plainest disguises are the best... Did you know that the Great Potoo bird has a feather pattern similar to tree bark of mottled gray, tan, and brown? They're nocturnal but sleep in plain sight because they look just like a tree branch. In fact, they're known as Ghost Birds. They're cute, but in an almost creepy way because their mouth opens up super big and they have giant black eyes." You ranted on excitedly.

Aether smiled at you fondly while Paimon just deadpanned. "So what you're trying to say is the perfect disguise is always in plain sight?" She asked blankly. You quickly cleared your throat with an embarrassed flush. "Ah. Yes. T-That's what I meant."

Paimon blew out some air with a little grin. "Kaeya's grandpa sure is impressive." She admitted.

Suddenly, there was a light pitter-patter - light footsteps sneaking around it sounded like. You all turned towards the cave. "Did you hear that?" Aether asked. "Oh! Mice." Paimon exclaimed. Aether only sent her an unimpressed look. "You didn't even try, did you?" He questioned.

The pixie waved a hand in dismissal. "It's no time to get suspicious. We're close! Hurry! The treasure is waiting for us!" She yelled before diving into the cave. You looked back at the blonde and shrugged. "Might just be some Abyss Mage wandering about." You suggested before going in. Aether sighed but ultimately followed.


"Ugh... Is this the end?" Paimon groaned as you and Aether took a second to catch your breath from the constant fighting of the blue hued domain. The little pixie than began floating around the wide room, eyes going to every corner in hopes of seeing something out of the ordinary.

"Where are you, my treasure!?" She called. "Huh. Weird. Is there something else we have to do?" You questioned. Paimon pouted angrily. "Let's look around." She grumbled in annoyance at not finding her treasure in plain view.

Suddenly the same sound of footsteps echoed through the room, this time louder. "Hahaha... I'll save you the trouble. How about you let me take over?" A rough voice teased out cruelly.

Everyone turned around to see a man with a mask covering the lower part of his face. You're face immediately turned into a seething look.

Aether blinked in surprise. "The Treasure Hoarders?" He asked. You gritted your jaw. "Worse. Izzard the Treasure Hoarder." You hissed out in absolute hatred. The man just laughed. "Sharp eye, but too slow." He cooed.

You crossed your arms with a glare. "Let me guess. You followed us just to make some quick mora via the black market." You interrogated darkly. "Well, I did have dealings with them. But them and their stupid principles... Losers who can't make a fortune."

With an eye twitch, you continue to sneer at him. "Well then, I guess you aren't making a fortune anytime soon." Izzard sent you a tight smile. "Hmph. Now that introductions are out of the way, I thank you both on behalf of the Treasure Hoarders."

Paimon slapped her forehead. "Ugh..." She groaned. "We've been keeping a low profile, how did word get out?" Aether glanced at her. "Low... profile...?" He drew out slowly and bluntly. The pixie's cheeks lit up in embarrassment. "Hmph! Paimon won't let you have the treasure without a fight!" She yelled at the man.

"You would be wise to not underestimate us," Izzard shot back, "My gang is just outside waiting for my order. However, they're not as... sociable as me." You scoffed. "That's a good thing, you disgusting lizard."

The man opened his mouth to fight with you only to be cut off by a suave voice no one expected. "I'm sorry to rain on your parade... But your gang won't be participating in your current plan." Kaeya drew out, a posse of knights following close behind him.

"If you'd like to ask why, you can go see them... in Mondstadt Prison. Or perhaps you'd prefer to join them permanently?" He asked in a condescending manner. Izzard's eyes widened. "The Knights...?" He said in disbelief.

Paimon pointed to the eye patched man in surprise. "Hey, it's Kaeya!" She exclaimed, "Kaeya, he wants to steal your treasure! Get him!" The little pixie ordered only for the tanned man to stay in place.

Growling, Izzard tightened his jaw. "Ugh... almost had it!" He cried. "Oh, you mean the treasure?" Kaeya asked, "Sorry, but there wasn't any treasure to begin with. You came all the way... for nothing. Just give it up." The handsome man said with a taught and smirk.

Paimon backed up in shock. "What? No... treasure?" She whispered in disbelief. She turned to you and Aether, "Did Kaeya just say, there isn't any treasure?" Her eyes rimmed with tears.

Izzard's jaw clenched again before he forced out a laugh. "Hah. You got me good. Didn't think the Knights would resort to such tactics." He sneered out. Kaeya scoffed. "A thief has no right to criticize the methods of the Knights of Fav— Wait, what are you..."

With a sudden sprint, Izzard booked it to the door. "You're not gonna get me!" He called. You took a step forwards to stop him, but as the door opened, Izzard tumbled back. "Okay... Oh god... Wh—What is this? I didn't mean it!" He cried as he stumbled away.

A large heap of metal lay beyond the door with long arms and a large upper body. Suddenly, the sound of engines grinding echoed throughout the room, red light shining through the helmet of the robot. "A ruin guard." You whispered.

Kaeya only laughed. "Haha... What a troublemaker." He exclaimed. Izzard looked back at him with wide eyes. "You! Knight! You're not gonna watch me die, are ya?" He pleaded. Kaeya tapped his chin in thought. "Hmm, what an interesting suggestion." He mused.

The treasure hoarder than turned to you with a face of desperation. "B-Birdie! Y/N... you wouldn't—" You only glared at him. "Don't look at me. Your best bet is with the knights." You said coldly.

With a loud groan, Izzard threw his hands up in defeat. "Fine! I'll confess and go quietly! Please, just help me!" Kaeya just sighed and summoned his sword. "Alright then. Guess I will have to do some overtime work after all." He complained sadly.


When the ruin guard was defeated, slumped dumbly on the ground, Izzard went back to his temper tantrum. Archons, was he annoying.

"How embarrassing... Having my life saved by a knight..." The treasure hoarder grumbled. Kaeya pursed his lips. "Don't forget what you promised... or that thing will be the least of your worries." Izzard scowled at him. "Hey... Is this how the Knights of Favonius treat the people they catch?" He exclaimed.

Kaeya grinned innocently. "I'm just joking. Alright... Take him back." The Calvary Captain ordered. The two knights saluted, hauling Izzard up to his feet. "Sir! Yes sir!" One then turned to stare at your group. "Captain, should we take these three in as well?" He asked.

You, Aether, and Paimon's jaw dropped at his audacity. "What!?" The pixie cried. Kaeya simply laughed. "Haha, of course not. They are the ones who made this arrest possible. Without them spreading our fabricated intel, we wouldn't have been able to catch the Treasure Hoarders." The blue haired man said.

Aether blinked, staring at the ground. "So the intel is fake. There is no treasure." He looked back up at Kaeya. "You lied to us?" Paimon then began sniffling before bursting out in a full blown cry. "You're a bad man for lying to me... Shame on the Knights!" She yelled before throwing herself into your arms to be comforted.

Instead, all she got was small bits of chuckles before going into laughter. "Haha! What a sly fox!" You exclaimed, "You're worse than a Cuckoo. They lay their eggs in other bird's nests so they care for their young. You made us do the work for you, huh?" You laughed out in disbelief.

Keaya blinked, heart fluttering at the sight and sound of you. What an odd... yet endearing reaction. Unfortunately it was interrupted by Paimon smacking her tiny fists onto your chest. "That's not nice! Why are you laughing?! Start agreeing that Kaeya's a jerk!" She shouted.

You laughed a bit more before settling yourself down. "Oh, I completely agree," you said before looking up at the blue haired man, "but that's why I like him."

The captain's face flushed red, not expecting such words. He was quick to fix himself, clearing his throat and shaking away the red on his cheeks. "A-Ahem... Alright, alright... Stop it already. Though the treasure doesn't exist, you did want it for yourself, didn't you? Otherwise, you would have informed me of your intentions, no?" He questioned, looking at Paimon who was still within your arms.

The girl blinked, not knowing how to act when she was caught. "That... well... ah... Hmph!" She pouted before flying out of your hold and beginning to storm to the exit. "Let's go, Aether, Y/N. Paimon's done talking to him!"

"Ha. Just a sec," Kaeya said, "You did help me out, so you do deserve a reward." He then summoned a sword with bright metal. "This is the "Triumphant Harbinger of Dawn That Points Towards Victory." As its name suggests, it symbolizes light and victory." What a name. "If you don't mind, I would like to present you with this Harbinger of Dawn as a reward."

Paimon blinked. "Harbinger of Dawn?" She said again. Kaeya nodded. "That's right. It suits a well-cultured and disciplined person such as yourself, wouldn't you say, Paimon?" He drew out while presenting it to her.

The pixie pursed her lips. "Well... If the reward is this Harbinger of Dawn..." She mumbled to herself in thought. Kaeya went on, placing a hand over his heart in fake sincerity. "You'd forgive me, right?" He asked, "I'm honored to have such an understanding friend."

The girl was quiet for a few moments before sighing. "Yes... yes..." Kaeya grinned. "You have my apologies for the deception. I will not use the same method twice." He promised, probably with his fingers crossed somewhere.

Aether cringed as he leaned over to you. "...Paimon has been completely charmed." He observed in a whisper. You shrugged. "It's part of his charm." Aether blinked, looking at you while you looked at Kaeya.

You stepped forwards. "So, Kaeya, it was you who left all those clues?" You questioned bluntly. The man turned to you and grinned. "Indeed. I hope you enjoyed my little treasure hunt. But either way, the day's not over." He advised.

The blonde raised his eyebrow before realization flooded into him. "Oh, you mean Jean's plan? Right. Where do we start?" He asked eagerly. Kaeya smiled at him. "Glad to see such enthusiasm. Aether, Paimon, you two will be joining Amber in the first temple near Starfell Valley."

"Wait a minute," Paimon perked up, "Paimon can't help but feel you're forgetting someone." The girl reminded with a glare. Kaeya shook his head. "Of course not! How could I possibly forget Y/N? In fact, she has the special task of joining me in the second temple." He informed with a small, pleased smile.

"WHAT?!" Paimon and Aether shouted in unison as your mouth became agape in surprise. "Huh? Why's that?" You asked. Aether was quick to speak up. "Y-You can't do that! We're a team!" He cried.

Kaeya sadly shook his head. "I'm afraid there's no choice. The day's still young, but it isn't that early. We wouldn't have time to do all three separately. You'll help Amber while Y/N helps me. Then you'll both go to Lisa to finish the day off. Sounds simple, doesn't it?"

You pursed your lips in thought before placing a reassuring hand on Aether's arm. "He's got a point. It's not like I'll be gone forever." You reasoned. Aether sighed. "Well, I guess that does make sense. But... why don't you go with Amber instead and I'll go—"

"So it's settled? Great." Kaeya cheered as he slung an arm around your shoulder and lead you away. He looked at Aether from over his shoulder with a smirk. "And don't worry, Traveler. I'll make sure she's safe and sound." He cooed.

Aether only stood there with his jaw on the floor. Paimon whistled as she watched the two of you go. "Huh. Paimon'll have to add girlfriend stealer to Kaeya's list of names." She said with sureness.

I love Kaeya. Can you tell?♥️

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