The Doctor and The Captain...

By Azkickdipstick

5.5K 681 45

The Captain travels with his lifelong best friend, The Doctor. The First Book follows the ninth Doctor. More

Author's Notes
S1 EP1: Rose Part 1
S1 EP1: Rose Part 3
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 1
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 2
S1 EP2: The End of the World Part 3
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 1
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 2
S1 EP3: The Unquiet Dead Part 3
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 1
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 2
S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 3
S1 EP5: World War Three Part 1
S1 EP5: World War Three Part 2
S1 EP 5: World War Three Part 3
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 1
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 2
S1 EP6: Dalek Part 3
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 1
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 2
S1 EP7: The Long Game Part 3
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 1
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 2
S1 EP8: Father's Day Part 3
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 1
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 2
S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 3.
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 1
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 2
S1 EP10: The Doctor Dances Part 3
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 1
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 2
S1 EP11: Boom Town Part 3
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 1
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 2
S1 EP12: Bad Wolf Part 3
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 1
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 2
S1 EP13: The Parting of the Ways Part 3
The End?

S1 EP1: Rose Part 2

274 26 2
By Azkickdipstick

Rose confused makes her way to her boyfriends flat. "Hey, hey! Here's my woman. kit off." he says.

"Oh, shut up."


"Yeah, only if you wash the mug. And I don't mean rinse, I mean wash. Can I use your computer?"

"Yeah, any excuse to get in the bedroom." he responds. "Don't read my emails!"

Rose logs on to the computer and searches about the 'Doctor' and the 'Captain' and even 'Doctor living plastic' in hopes of finding more information about the two men. Until she types in 'Doctor Blue Box' and when the results load she notices a web page called 'Doctor Who?'. She clicks on the website and is automatically met with a photograph of the Doctor and the Captain. With the caption, 'Do you know these men? Contact Clive'.


Rose convinces Mickey to drive her to Clive's address but can't convince him to enter the house with her. "You're not coming in? He's safe, he's got a wife and kids."

"Yeah, who told you that? He did! That's exactly what an internet lunatic murderer would say." he exclaims. Rose exits the yellow car without another word. Mickey just leans back in his seat watching his girlfriend cross the street and knock on this strangers house.

Rose knocks and a boy opens the door. "Um, hello, I've come to see Clive. We've been emailing." Rose says as the boy looks at her.

"Dad! It's one of your nutters." the boy leaves after shouting for his father.

"Sorry, hello! You must be Rose. I'm Clive. Obviously." he shakes her hand.

"I'd better tell you now - my boyfriend's in the car, in case you kill me!" she nervously giggles as she motions to the yellow car on the other side of the street.

"No, good point! No murders." he waves to Mickey.

"Who is it?" a woman's voice can be heard from inside the house.

"Oh, it's something to do with the Doctor, she's been reading the website." he tells the woman. "Please come through, I'm in the shed." Rose steps in and they both walk through the house leaving the front door open.

"She? She's read a website about the Doctor, she's a she?" the woman said walking down the stairs and closing the door when she gets to the bottom.

Rose is now in a shed with Clive. "A-A lot of this stuff is quite sensitive, I couldn't just send it to you. People might intercept. If you know what I mean. If you dig deep enough and keep a lively mind, this Doctor and Captain keep cropping up all over the place." he says digging through all the files he has on this topic. "Political diaries, conspiracy theories, even ghost stories. No first names, no last names, just the Doctor and Captain. Always the Doctor and the Captain." he says placing down the selected files. "The title seems to be passed from father to son, it appears to be an inheritance. That's your Doctor and Captain there, isn't it?" he asks pointing towards a photograph.

"Yeah." Rose confirms looking at the photo that was shown on the website she had visited.

"I tracked it down to the Washington Public Archive, just last year. Erh- the online photo's enhanced, but if we look at the original..." he scrambles to get the copy of the photograph. He's holding a photo of the Doctor and the Captain and then shows one eventually revealing the event in which the two men were in attendance.

"November 22nd 1963, the assassination of President Kennedy. See." Rose looks at the photo.

"Must be their fathers." Rose says inspecting the image further.

"Going further back..." Clive says placing the photo on the table and searching of another photograph. "April 1912, this is a photograph of the Daniels family of Southampton, and friends..." he says showing Rose a black and white photo clearly showing the Doctor and Captain. "This was taken the day before they were due to sale to the new world. On the Titanic. But for some unknown reason, they cancelled the trip, and survived." he says dropping the image "And here we are..." walking over to a wall taking off a photo "1883, another Doctor and Captain. Look, the same lineage, their identical... This one washed up on the Sumatran coast, the night Krakatoa exploded. The Doctor and Captain is a legend, woven throughout history. When disaster comes, their there. They bring the storm in their wake, and has one constant companion."

"Who's that?" she asks.



Mickey is chilling in his car when he notices a bin moving closer to him ever so slightly.


"If the Doctor and Captain are back, and if you've seen them, Rose, then one thing's for certain. We're all in danger." he tells her seriously.


Mickey hangs outside of the car window and the bin stops moving, until he gets back in and it starts moving towards him again. He decides to get out to investigate. As soon as he opens the door and steps out the bin stops moving. Walking towards the bin Mickey checks behind it to see if there is someone messing with him, but there is nothing and no-one there. He walks round to the front of the bin and opens it "Come on then." he shouts expecting to see someone inside the bin.


"If they've singled you out, if the Doctor and Captain are making house calls... then god help you." Clive walks putting the files back in the cabinet.


Mickey seeing no-one in the bin closes the lid. As he tries to walk away the plastic sticks to his hands. The bin roars towards the struggling man. The bin pulls him in. *BURP*


"But who are they? Who d'you think they are?" Rose asks.

"I think their the same men. I think their immortal. I think their aliens from another world." he confesses.

Rose leaves the house and she tells Mickey "All right, he's a nutter. Off his head. Complete online conspiracy freak, you win!" she enters the car not noticing anything wrong with her seemingly plastic boyfriend. "So, what are we going to do tonight? I fancy a pizza."

"Pizza! Puh-puh-puh. Pizza!" he replies.

"Or Chinese."

"Pizzaaaaa!" he says turning the car on and driving away.


Rose and Mickey are on a date in a restaurant. "D'you think I should try the hospital? Suki said they had jobs going in the canteen. Is that it then, dishing out chips? I could do A-levels. I dunno. It's all Jimmy Stones's fault. I only left cos of him and look where he ended up." Rose says checking her nails and still not noticing her boyfriend acting strangely. "What do you think?" Rose asks her boyfriend.

"So where did you meet this Doctor and Captain?"

"Oh, sorry, was I talking about me for a second?"

"Cos I reckon it started back at the shop, am I right? Did they have something to do with that?" 


"Come on." Mickey smirks.

"Sort of."

"What were they doing there?"

"I'm not going on about it Mickey, really I'm not. Cos I know it sounds daft, but I don't think they're safe. They're dangerous." she admits.

"You can trust me, sweetheart. Babe, darling, sugar..." he says, with his voice acting up. "You can tell me anything. Tell me about the Doctor and the Captain and what they're planning. And I can help you, Rose. That's all I want, sweetheart, darling, babe, sugar sweetheart."

"What are you doing that for?" she asks.

"Your champagne." a supposed waiter says.

"We didn't order any champagne. Where's the Doctor and Captain?" he asks leaning in closer to Rose.

"Madam, your champagne" the man says now on the other side of the table.

"It's not ours. Mickey, what is it, what's wrong?" Rose asks he boyfriend.

"I need to find out how much they know, so where are they?" he asks her.

"Doesn't anybody want this champagne?" the man asks again who's now standing behind Rose.

"Look, we didn't order..." Mickey starts and looks up to see the Doctor with a bottle of champagne in his hand. "Ah, gotcha." Mickey said making Rose look behind her to see the Doctor shake the bottle.

"Don't mind me. I'm just toasting the happy couple. On the house!" he said letting the cork pop and hit plastic Mickey in the head, which he absorbs and spits it back out.

"Anyway!" he stands up and his hand changes as he slams it down on the table. As the Doctor places plastic Mickey in a headlock eventually removing the head from it's body "Don't think that's gonna stop me."

The Captain tasked with getting everyone out of the building, races over to the fire alarm and hits it. Both him and Rose start yelling for the people to get out of the building. "Everyone, Out, now!" the Captain and Rose shout together. With that Rose, the Captain and the Doctor still holding on to plastic Mickey's head runs towards the back of the restaurant.

"Get out, get out, get out!" Rose shouts towards the chef's in the kitchen as the three of them are being followed by the headless body.

Through the back they run through a back door, which the Doctor and Captain using their sonic screwdrivers lock as Rose runs towards a gate hoping for an exit. "Open the gate! Use that tube thing! Come on." 

"Sonic screwdriver." the Captain responds as he and the Doctor walk towards the blue police box.

"Use it!"

"Nah, tell you what, lets go in here." the Doctor calmly suggests as he unlocks the door and the two men step inside.

"You can't hid in a wooden box!" Rose exclaims. She turns around looking towards the metal door which has been badly damaged due to the plastic body trying to break it down. She once again runs towards the locked gate "He's gonna get us!" she shouts trying to break the lock. "Doctor! Captain!" she shouts running back towards the blue box. As she enters the box she immediately shuts the door and as she turns around she stops and runs back outside. With the plastic body still beating the door, she runs quickly around the box.

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