
By sakshi_singh__

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"It was our 5 year anniversary" -sky "I know but I was really caught up with the work please understand love"... More

About story
chapter 1
Chapter 2 🔞
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7 🔞
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16 🔞
chapter 17
chapter 18 🔞
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25

chapter 12

370 12 6
By sakshi_singh__

Prapai's POV

The boat stopped at the dive site. I tried talking to sky again, but he either didn’t hear me or was actively ignoring me as we prepared to go into the water.

Frustration grew at my skin. The waters surrounding Phuket contained incredible marine life, but I was so focused on Sky I barely paid attention to my underwater surroundings.

It was hard to believe he was the same man who’d lost all color when I’d suggested diving during our honeymoon in Jamaica. Now, he lingered by the corals, marveled at a passing sea turtle, and swam alongside a school of yellow fish. The only time he freaked out was when an eel brushed his shin, but overall, he handled himself with such grace I couldn’t help but smile.

I hated that we’d grown apart, but I loved how much more at ease he was with something that had once terrified him. I was so fucking proud.
The entire excursion lasted four hours, including transport to and from the dive center. By the time we made it back to land, the group was equal parts exhausted.

We lapsed into silence as we entered the dive center.
What do think you about dinner? I tried asking him out. I can get us a table at the new restaurant near Beach. Including Mr win. The restaurant was booked out during high season, but I could easily pull a few strings.

Sky stared at the floor. I haven’t decided yet. I might eat in tonight too.

Right. I rubbed a hand over my face. Well, if you change your mind, let me know. You have my number, or you can…I mean, I’m right next door.
The familiar heat of humiliation crept beneath my skin.
I hadn’t stumbled over my words so badly.

I know. Sky’s voice softened a smidge. It wasn’t much, but I’d take anything I could get.
I have to go. I’ll, um, see you around.
I watched him walk away, deflated. I hadn’t expected him to jump back into my arms simply because we were on the same excursion, but I’d expected…fuck, I didn’t know. More. More talking, more progress.
Then again, perhaps I didn’t deserve more.


You have to eat. Sky came up behind me, his voice gentle. You can’t subsist on alcohol alone.

I’m not hungry. I stared out the window, where rain poured from the sky in a relentless river of grief. It was late afternoon. It’d rained nonstop since the morning, and it seemed fitting that william's funeral had taken place during the most miserable day of the year.

Two bites. Sky handed me a sandwich. That’s it. You’ve barely eaten since… Since I got the news that william had died of a stroke two weeks ago. If it weren’t for him, I’d have drowned at the bottom of a bottle by now.

Some people might have wondered why I was so torn up over the death of a former professor, but I could count the number of people I cared about who also cared about me on one hand. If he hadn’t leveraged his connections to help me the past few years, I wouldn’t be opening my own company next month.

One bite. Sky brushed his fingers through my hair. Last offer.
I had zero appetite, but I took a bite for him. I’d been so surly and irritable the past two weeks I was surprised he hadn’t left, but he’d stayed by my side through the mood swings, late nights, and restless mornings.

I didn’t know what I’d done in my past life to deserve him. I wish I did so I could repeat it on a loop and ensure we found our way to each other in every lifetime.

See? That wasn’t so bad, he teased, taking the empty wrapper from my hand and tossing it in the trash.
I glanced down, surprised to see I’d eaten the whole sandwich. You tricked me.

Don’t blame me. I said one bite. You’re the one who kept going.
Sky laughed. His expression gentled as he slid onto my lap and looped his arms around my neck. My hand settled on his hip, savoring his warmth.
We’ll get through this, he said. I promise.

I know. Grief ebbed and flowed. I wouldn’t drown forever, but william's death would always echo.
I actually have something for you. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a small silver object. He pressed it into my free hand, his eyes so tender it wrenched at my heart. A reminder. No matter how dark it gets, you can always find a light.

End of flashback

The sun had set, cloaking the town in shadows. Sky's room was dark and quiet; he'd gone out for dinner after all.

The click of my lighter was the only sound interrupting the stillness. I stared at the flame as it danced against the night and illuminated the words engraved in silver.

To Pai
Love always,


Sky's POV

NO MATTER HOW SOLID THE ROCK, WAVES WOULD eventually erode it through sheer persistence. It was a law of nature, unstoppable and inevitable.
I feared the same phenomenon was happening with me and phi pai.

Every run-in crashed against my defenses; every conversation, no matter how short, chipped at my willpower.
I was nowhere close to forgiving him, but I didn’t run in the opposite direction when I saw him either. I couldn’t decide whether that meant I was coming to terms with our divorce or if I was in danger of sliding back into his orbit.

Either way, I needed to regroup and figure out how to deal with his continued presence. Even if I left Phuket , he’d be there in Bangkok. We had mutual friends, and our chances of running into each other were high. I couldn’t brush him off forever. It was too stressful.

I’d spent the past two weeks picking up new hobbies I wasn’t necessarily good at but enjoyed—hello, drawing—and reaffirming the things I didn’t enjoy, like trying to keep up with twenty-year olds at the bar.
For once, I was living for myself, at my own pace, and I loved it.
Mm-hmm. Looks like someone else isn’t ready for you to give it up either. Phi win nodded at someone behind me.
I turned, my heart skipping a beat before I saw the brown hair and professionally whitened teeth.
Hey. Sky, right? Ignacio, my diving instructor from Thursday, walked over with a wide smile.  How’s it going?

Good. How are you? I replied.

Can’t complain. He cast a curious glance at phi win, who held out his hand.

Win. I’m Sky's brother.

We made the requisite small talk before phi win excused himself to use the restroom. He ignored my glare on his way past. He’s not bad looking, he whispered. Have fun.

Great. Now my own brother was trying to pimp me out to a semi-stranger.
So, how long are you staying in Phuket? Ignacio asked.

Probably for another week. I haven’t decided
He nodded and flicked a glance at my left hand. I expected him to back off when he saw my ring until I remembered I didn’t have a ring anymore.
My chest pinched again.

If you need anyone to show you the best hidden gems in town, I’m your guy. Ignacio leaned closer and dropped his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. I’ve been coming here since I was kid. I have it all mapped out.

Yeah? What kind of spots? I teased.
He was too young for me, but a little harmless flirting never hurt anyone. Besides, I needed the reminder that other men existed as romantic potentials besides phi pai. He wasn’t the end-all beall. Not by a long shot.

Ignacio’s smile widened. Well, there’s this secret beach…”We flirted for a while without mentioning phi win’s extended absence.
It was light, pressure-free, and exactly what I needed. We weren’t interested in starting a relationship or even hooking up, though I strongly suspected Ignacio wouldn’t say no to sex. We were simply having fun.

The music shifted from mellow pop to an upbeat samba song.
I shook my head when Ignacio held out his hand. I’m too tipsy to dance. I’ll look like an idiot.
Come on! Drunken dancing is the best kind of dancing. He gestured around the bar. Look at everyone here. Do you think they’ll judge you?

Oh, what the hell. If I had to make a fool of myself, I might as well do it on vacation.
I laughed when Ignacio dragged me onto the dance floor and spun me until I was dizzy. We weren’t exactly sambaing, but I didn’t care. I was enjoying myself too much.

Oof! I slammed into him on my last spin.
Careful. Ignacio steadied me, his laughter blending with the music.

No more drinks for you today.

I’m not—  My sentence abruptly cut off when I glimpsed a flash of distinctive black brown hair.

Phi pai.


This and last chapter were supposed to be one but it was getting too long so I divided into two.
Enjoy reading.
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