chapter 14

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Sky's POV


"Why would you agree to go on a date with your ex-husband? Are you high? Do I need to fly down there to slap you hard?"

"It's not as bad as it sounds. I told him one date and that it doesn't mean we're dating, which means we can see other people."

"Are you actually seeing other people?"

"Not yet," I admitted. "But I will once I'm back in Bangkok."

"You're dating someone you divorced two months ago," ple said gently.

"We're just worried you're...
Backsliding," Rain supplied.

"A rich, hot guy flying all the way to Phuket to win you back? I don't blame you for caving, but it doesn't solve your core issues. Right?"

"No, and I'm not caving." My response contained the ring of a half-truth.
"I know Prapai. He won't give up until he gets what he wants. This way, I can go on a date with him and call it a day."

I made it sound far easier than it was, but P'pai had too much pride to stand by and beg for attention while I dated other men. 

"Maybe." Rain didn't look convinced. "I hope you know what you're doing. We don't want you to get hurt again."

"I won't. I promise."

A knock interrupted our call. I'd ordered in for breakfast.

I promised my friends I'd update them on the P'pai situation and hung up. I opened the front door, expecting to see the delivery of my pizza.

Instead, broad shoulders and lean muscles filled the doorway. My eyes traveled over white cotton and the strong, tanned expanse of his throat to meet a pair of dark black eyes.

"Did you eat yet?" P'pai asked before I could ask what the hell he was doing at  the front of my room at nine in the morning.

"My food's on the way."

"Let me guess. Pizza from Mimi?"

I crossed my arms. "Maybe." I wasn't that predictable. Was I?

"Cancel it," he said with so much self-assurance I almost pulled up the delivery app right then and there. "We're going somewhere better."


A hint of mischief creased his cheeks, and my heart fluttered with reluctant anticipation. "You'll see."

A private car met us on the villa and took us to the city's most luxurious resort.

"Much better than Mimi's, isn't it?" he said as two servers arranged a feast on the table.
We sat on the balcony of the presidential suite overlooking the beach.
Sunbathers dotted the white sand like ants, and the wind carried the faint sound of waves and laughter toward us.

"You're unbelievable." I shook my head even as my stomach grumbled at the smell of fresh scrambled eggs and straight-out-of-the oven pastries.

"This is too much. A simple brunch in Phuket would've sufficed."

"Not for our first date." A light breeze swept past, ruffling P'pai's hair. He'd acquired a tan since he'd arrived in Phuket, and he looked relaxed and casual in a white T-shirt and shorts.

"You deserve the best," he said simply.
Temptation battled with self-preservation. I should keep my guard up, but it was hard when I was surrounded by the things I loved.
Food. Sea. Sun. P'pai.

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