Shadow Ga Kill! (Akame ga kil...

By Matiplayerspl

71.8K 1.3K 584

Y/n L/n died and was reincarnated in the world of Akame ga kill! With the knowledge of the world and the powe... More

Episode 1: Begining of the shadow.
Episode 2: Kill the Darkness
Episode 3: Kill the Authority
Episode 4: Kill the Grudge
Episode 5: Kill the Imperial Arm Users
Episode 6: Kill the Dream.
Episode 7: Kill the Absolute Justice.
Episode 8: Kill the Three.
Episode 9: I am...
Episode 10: Kill the Battle Fanatic.
Episode 11: Kill the Temptation.
Episode 12: Kill the Mad Scientist.
Episode 14: Kill the Nuisances.
Episode 15: Kill the Giant Danger Beast.
Episode 16: Kill the Religious Organization
Opening part 2
Episode 17: Kill the Puppets.
Episode 18: Kill the Curse
Episode 19: Rescue mission.
Episode 20: Kill the Fate.
Episode 21: Kill the Carnage.
Episode 22: The begining of the end.
Episode 23: Highest part 1
Episode 24(final): Highest (part 2)
Side Chapter: Y/n's first atomic.

Episode 13: Kill the Newcomers.

1.7K 37 15
By Matiplayerspl

(3rd pov)

The scene starts in the sky as we see Night Raid with y/n, seven shades and new member on manta danger Beast flying somewhere.

Tatsumi: Whoa! Awesome! This feels great!

Girl: Hahaha. For an assassin, you're ridiculously innocent, Tatsumi. You're pretty entertaining, thought.

Y/n: I know right.

Tatsumi: Says the guy thanks to who we also have to change base because of explosion you caussed killing that guy.

Y/n: Hey.

Leone: Man, this is a lot more fun than I expected!

Akame: Good.

Meawhile Lubbock and Mine are not the funs of flying as they shiver in fear of highs.

Mine: This isn't good at all!

(A/n opening music here or opening chapter)

Episode 13: Kill the Newcomers.

Najenda: The Danger Beasts that inhabit these Marg Highlands are of a high level, and the area is mostly unexplored by humans. That's why it's perfect for concealment. As a place suitable for our new base, i'm having the Revolutionary Army scouts look for a place around the capital. Until then, I guess we'll be leveling up here.

Y/n: You know you could just go to our base and level up there.

Najenda: I know but shadow Garden have done so much already for us, and we don't want to demand more.

Y/n: Alright.

He says as then the manta starts flying away.

Mine: Huh? It left. You're okay with that?

Girl: I'm sure it's returning to its nest, back at headquarters. I guess you can't even figure that out, Mine. Hahahaha.

Mine: She pisses me off.

Najenda: Now, let me introduce the new members. First...

She says pointing where the girl was standing but she isn't there.

Najenda: Oh?

As camera shows her near y/n as she is brush his hair.

Girl: I still can't believe that cute boy is shadow...

Y/n: What are you doing, all of a sudden?

Chelsea: I'm Chelsea. As fellow assassins, let's all get along. Here, have a treat.

She says giving y/n lollipop.

Y/n: Sure.

He says as he takes it and tries it.

Y/n: Hm. Not bad.

Tatsumi: Ah! She managed to lure y/n by giving him lollipop!

Lubbock: He must have been hungry from fighting and the long trip.

Tatsumi: But Chelsea looks even less like assassin than Mine and the rest...

Najenda: Don't judge a book by it's cover. She's an amazing talent, who's done about the same number of successful jobs as Akame.

Tatsumi: Eh?

Najenda: And this is my new imperial Arms, which I got from the Revolutionary Army, Lightning Speed: Susanoo. He's an organism-based type that operates on auto, so the burden is low. Meaning even I could use him.

Tatsumi: N-Nice to meet you again...

He says as Susanoo sees Tatsumi's shirt coming out from bluse as he corrcts it.

Tatsumi: Wh-What?

Susanoo: All right!

Najenda: His personality is that quite a neat freak.
(A/n like a short guy some of us know)

Mine: Even though he's an imperial Arms... Come to think of it, he did fix my hair.

Leone: Well? More importantly, what's his power? He's just strong in physical brawls?

Najenda: Hm. Hehehe. Then let me show you. Don't be too suprised. Do it, Susanoo!

Susanoo: Understood.

Y/n: I this is the fun part.

He thinks as Susanoo starts cutting down trees as he then builds the house, and then he starts cleaning clothes and after that he is cooking.

Bulat: Well, I mean this is amazing but... But what the hell?

Tatsumi: It looks like he's merely doing household chores.

Najenda: Precisely! Susanoo was originally created to be an imperial Arms bodyguard. Of course, he has attack power, but he's also trained to do housework while he protects you. Cleaning, laundry, everything! He's able to prepare over a hundred dishes.

Mine: That has nothing to do with fighting!

Najenda: But he's extremely convenient! Well, of course he has a secret fighting technique. Right?

Susanoo: Yes.

Tatsumi: Then these two are our new members... They seem very reliable!

Y/n: Chelsea, her death gave me ptsd that big i didn't finish watching for a five months until i decided to try it again. I need to save her, i don't want to have that ptsd back.

Chelsea: Hey, you flat-chested shrimp! Tiny chest! Tiny chest!

Mine: Shaaaaaaaaa.

Lubbock: Even thought he's good looking and can cook, he is an imperial Arms, right? Yeah, I'm definitely not gonna lose to that.

Tatsumi: Thought I'm worried about our teamwork...

He thinks as camera switches to palace as we can see Esdeath in room as Run and Bols comes in.

Run: We finished searching for the doctor's residence. However, there were no solid evidence to explain the fact that he's missing.

Bols: But all his important experimental materials and equipment were left in the lab.

Esdeath: So, he didn't flee. Then he was killed, after all.

Wave: His super soliders were all gone, as well. It's believed they all perished in battle.

Esdeath: All right. So that means Seryu lost another patron.

As then camera switches to garden as Seryu is cleaning the cannon while esdeath is behind her.

Esdeath: After losing Stylish, how are you doing mentally?

Seryu: I'm fine! Materials were left in his lab. I won't be able to do additions or modifications, but I can keep up my maintenance.

Esdeath: I see.

She says as Seryu has flashback as Stylish places a something to drink next to her.

Stylish: Seryu, how is your Judgment of the Ten Kings and other weaponry doing?

Seryu: Oh! They're working perfectly, Doctor.

Stylish: You were able to withstand the experiments. Now, use those powers to achieve your goals. Even if you get hurt, I'm here for you.

Seryu: Right!

She says as camera switches back to present as Seryu starts crying.

Seryu: My parents... My teacher... And now my patron! All the people precious to me are getting killed by villains.

Esdeath: Seryu...

Seryu: Captian, i'm angry! I want to eradicate them all!

Just then Esdeath comes from behind as she hugs her.

Esdeath: If you're with me, I shall grant that wish. Without fail. And i also could tell that you have something for y/n. Don't worry i won't mind.

Seryu: Captain... Thank you very much. I will use my strength, my life... For you, justice and y/n.

Esdeath: Good.

She says as camera switches to Wave and kurome as they are walking towards garden.

As then camera switches back to Night Raid.

Najenda: It appears the capital is also steadily strengthening their forces...

Bulat: At this rate, we lack power. We must become stronger.

Najenda: The day of revolution is near. We'll have to use this time to train. Most likely, our team will not be ready immedietly. Think of this as our last chance to get any new members. Complete the missions together, survive, and let us welcome the day of revolution.

She says as camera switches to capitol as y/n is walking with epsilon next to him.

Epsilon: So how did you like my perfomence, my lord.

Y/n: It was really good. And your figure is as lovely as ever today, Epsilon.

Epsilon: Y-You're too kind! Humble Epsilon is nowhere near...

Y/n: Besides you gave me idea.

He says looking at piano as camera switches to nightime as we can see Seryu patroling the streets as then.

Seryu: What the...

She says looking around seeing nothing as she tries to track the music as coro signals her about servers.

Seryu: Good job Coro.

She says going down as she come across the room as in the middle of it she sees him.

Seryu: Shadow.

She says listening to the music as he then stops playing as he looks at her.

Y/n: So you have come.

Seryu: What are you doing here?

Y/n: I'm here to show you truth about someone you knew.

He says walking towards wall as he places his hand on it.

Y/n: Follow me.

He says as the wall is creating a path shocking Seryu as she walks behind him.

Seryu: Who are you tell me about.

Y/n: The one calling himself stylish.

He says as seryu eyes widen as she still follows him.

Y/n: Besides did you found truth about Ogre?

Seryu(looking down): Yes, and i can't believe he was doing bad things. I thought him as a example but i was blind.

Y/n: Like i told you, you're a good person but you're easy to manipulate because of your morals.

He says as he stops.

Y/n: We've arrived.

He says places hand on the wall again as he then punches it destroying it as the smoke clears it reveals a secret labolatory as they walk inside Seryu starts feeling bad the more she looks.

Y/n: This is the truth about him.

He says as Seryu looks more she sees notes about new type of Danger Beasts created by him as she then goes further she sees cages as some of them are empty and in most of them are rotten corpses as she starts feeling really bad because of the images she sees she pukes.

Seryu: Why, why him too.

Y/n: I know it's hard. But not everyone is like that. The group you are with are good people that are like you. They don't know the truth, or they just want to protect someone close to them.

He says as he walks away but he then sees a paper as he reads it his eyes widen as he looks at Seryu.

Y/n: Damn you Stylish. You just had to make it harder.

He says as camera shows the paper is holding is about Seryu upgrades as it shows the bomb in her head but also it's other use.

Y/n: Seryu, you might want to see it.

He says giving her paper as Seryu starts crying.

Seryu: No way.

Y/n: Stylish when he placed that bomb he also placed manipulating device their so you can be under empire influance.

Seryu: Is there a way to get it off.

Y/n: Yes, but it's not good to do it in capital or now because Jeagers would need you. I've already slowed the influance now but i can't erase it yet.

Seryu: I understand...

She says looking towards him but shadow already dissapeared.

Seryu: Thank you Shadow. Let's go back Coro.

She says as camera switches back to Night Raid temporar base as its night time and we can see as y/n is entering the bath.

Y/n: Ahhh after today's mission i really needed that. I really stink from the servers. Now that i think about it now it's time when Chelsea is taking bath too and is telling Tatsumi about concealing his presence.

He says enjoying the bath but he doesn't know that there is someone from distance watching him as it shows both Chelsea and Tatsumi there.

Chelsea: Watch and learn Tatsumi I'll show you how to conceal your presence.

Tatsumi: You just want to peak at him don't you.

Chelsea: Shut up. Just watch.

She says as she uses her Imperial Arms and changes her appearance into Tatsumi as she walks closer to y/n.

Y/n: Hmm. Oh it's just Chelsea. Talk about concerning presence, since i know its her. Heh that gave me idea. Bulat, Sheele after what she said about you two I'll avange you that way.

He thinks as Chelsea comes closer to him as he then stands up Chelsea becomes shocked as he was about to leave he picks up his towel from head.

Y/n: When a holy sword is removed from its sheath... Its sparkling blade is set free. And it sets off on a quest for the Garden of Chaos.

He says leaving as Chelsea turns back to normal and has a giant nosebleed.

(A/n imagine this is chelsea)

As camera then switches to Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: Bulat, sheele i think he gave her a lesson for what she said about you two.

He thinks as camera switches to capital main street as we can see Esdeath and Run walking through the crowd.

Run: Captain?

Esdeath: Hm?

Run: Is something the matter?

Esdeath: When there are a lot of people, I always want to search for y/n.

Run: Captain... We managed to find many people in the army who resemble him. If you wish, we could arrange for you to meet them.

Esdeath: There's no need for that, Run. There is only one y/n in the world. I shall accept no substitute.

Run: My apologies. This isn't good... A very sadistic woman, working with the minister. I knew she had power, althrough I though she was trash. I guess keeping an eye on her for a bit is one idea.

Esdeath: What is this feeling in my chest? Am I going to be reunited with Y/n soon? Or... Does our final battle with them approach? Or is it something else completely?

She thinks as camera switches to mines as we can see workers there as then a footstep is heard as one of the workers sees a Danger Beast.

Worker: It's a Danger Beast I've never seen before!

Worker 2: Run!

He yells as the beast grabs one of the workers and eats his head. As behind workers their way is blocked by the rest as they eat the rest of workers as it then shows a caped individual behind them smiling.

Caped man: Well... It appears I've acquired some rather amusing toys.

He thinks as he crashes lock with his hand.

Caped man: It's been forever since i was in capital. I will enjoy it to the fullest.

He says as camera switches black.

Y/n: Next time: Kill the Nuisances.

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