Drarry - My Savior

By writer_janvi

3.9K 171 44

What happens when you save your childhood enemy who was said to be dead a year back? What happens when you se... More

Writer's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 24

68 5 3
By writer_janvi

Writer's Pov.


The Burrow.

Draco was analyzing Ginny's words. He was trying to convince himself that her words were lies. However, somewhere in his head, he believed her words. How could he not believe her? Even he knew Harry's savior complex nature. If Harry wanted to save someone then he could even die for that person. What if everything was an act to save him?

But Harry's actions and his words had always expressed his love for him. How could a person act for so many months? But how did Harry fall in love with him? When they met, Draco was just a broken, assaulted human who had nothing to give yet he fell in love with such a person. Why?

What if Harry's feelings were just sympathy that he was misinterpreting as love? What would he do if in the future Harry realized that his feelings were never love? What would he do if Harry threw him and their child out of his life? He had no one in his life except him. He wouldn't be able to take the pain of the heartbreak. It would finish him off.

Draco felt emotions erupting inside him and he felt out of breath. The pain, the sinking feeling inside him was increasing making it harder for him to breathe.

He was brought out of his trance by Harry who shook him hard. "Draco?" He heard Harry's worried tone. "What is happening to you?" Draco looked at him and realized they were still standing in the garden and he was breathing heavily.

"Come with me." Harry held Draco's hand and took him to a bench. He sat on it and pulled Draco on his lap. Harry knew that he felt better when he was in his arms.

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco and asked him to take some deep breaths. Draco obliged and took some deep breaths.

Draco hid his face in the crook of Harry's neck still breathing heavily. He was trying to bask in Harry's smell and warmth and was trying his best to calm down.

Harry was very angry with Ginny. She was the reason behind Draco's condition, her words triggered Draco. He was sad about the fact that Draco could be triggered so easily by anyone's words. This meant that Draco didn't trust him enough.

"Is this an act, Harry?" Draco asked in a low tone after a few minutes, his breathing was now back to normal.

"How can you trust Ginny's words so easily? Don't you trust me even a little? Don't you trust my love, Draco?" Harry asked him back rather than answering his question.

Draco broke the hug and looked into his eyes. "You do have a savior complex, Harry. You try to save everyone you can."

"That can be true and I won't deny the fact that I took you into my house to save you." Draco's expression turned painful. "But do I need to act in love with you to save you? Do you think I will play with your feelings just because I want to save you? Or I would kiss you if this was all an act?"

Draco's expression changed suddenly. Realization hit him at once as he heard Harry. Harry was right, there was no need for him to act in love with him only to save him. Harry was the kind of person who died to save the wizarding world, a person like him could never play with anyone's feelings just to save him. And if this was an act only to save his life then Harry would have stayed within his boundaries. He would have never crossed it by kissing him.

Draco looked at Harry with tears and immediately apologized. "I am sorry, Harry. I am very sorry."

Harry took him in a tight hug. "It's okay, no need to apologize. I am not angry with you, Draco. I am just disappointed with myself. I am not doing enough, I am not expressing my love enough that's why you are not able to trust me and my feelings." Harry said in a sad tone and he truly believed in what he said. He was lacking in showing emotions because of this Draco was not able to trust him and his love.

"No no no," Draco said immediately while nodding his head in denial. "That is not true. You are doing everything to make me feel loved and I am very happy with you. It's just my insecurities that are not letting me accept the fact that someone can love me. What is there in me to love about, Harry? How can anyone fall in love with me? I have nothing to offer, I bring nothing on the plate of our relationship. How can you love me, Harry?"

Harry cupped Draco's face and replied. "You are questioning because you don't love yourself. You don't know how amazing you are, Draco. Trust me, it's not too hard to fall in love with you. You have everything a person wants in their partner. Trust me."

"I am broken."

"Yes, I agree but we can mend you together," Harry replied with a smile.

"It can take years," Draco replied while looking at Harry's chest.

"We are just twenty. We have a lot of time and years, Draco." Harry pointed out. "The day you start loving yourself, you will stop questioning my feelings for you."

"Are you angry with me?" Draco asked after a minute of silence.

"No, I am not." Harry smiled and pecked his lips but Draco didn't let him go as he converted the small peck into a proper kiss. They kissed each other for a few minutes before breaking it as they heard Ron's voice from a distance.

"Get a room."

Draco blushed and hid his face in Harry's neck. "Oh shut up as if I have never witnessed the horror of you and Hermione kissing," Harry said while rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, but it's always a small innocent kiss, not a full-fledged intense kissing session that too with Draco on your lap."

"He was not able to breathe so I was just comforting him," Harry said and suddenly Ron's expression changed from smirk to worried. He walked towards them and immediately asked. "What happened? Is he okay? Is the baby okay? Do we need to go to St Mungos?"

Draco broke the hug and looked at Ron with a smile on his face. "I am fine, Ron."

"What happened?"

"Ginny's words triggered him," Harry said.

"Oh, that girl is getting out of hand. Do not trust her, Draco. She has lost it ever since Harry broke up with her. She couldn't handle the fact that Harry dumped her and started her pathetic taunting games. Maybe she still hopes that she can get Harry but that will never happen. Harry has moved on months ago and he will never go back to her." Ron said angrily.

"Harry has knocked some sense in my head already," Draco said and held Harry's hand in his.

"That's good. Now come inside, dinner is waiting for both of you." Ron said with a smile and walked back to the Burrow.

"Do you want to go? It is okay if you deny it. We can go back home and order some food." Harry said to Draco.

"We are going inside and eating with your family. I want to show your ex that we are a strong couple and she cannot break us apart." Draco said anger audible in his tone.

"That's like my love," Harry said and pecked his lips one last time before they stood up and walked hand in hand towards the Burrow. They entered and saw everyone were already sitting on the dining chairs, waiting for them.

"Were you both snogging in the garden?" Asked George with a teasing look on his face.

"They were snogging," Ron said with an eye roll.

Their face turned pink and Draco hid himself behind Harry.

"Stop teasing them." Said Molly angrily giving a small smack to George. "Settle down," Molly said to them with a smile.

There were only two chairs empty, one beside Ron and another beside Ginny. Harry gave Ron a look as he wanted Draco beside him.

"Ginny, why don't you sit beside me and let them sit together?" Ron asked looking at Ginny who rolled her eyes and said. "No, I am not moving."

"No problem, let me sit beside Ginny," George said and stood up from the chair and sat beside Ginny while giving Harry a wink. Harry smiled and they settled down.

"I never knew Malfoy is such a baby that he needs his boyfriend beside him to serve and feed him," Ginny said mockingly as Harry was serving Draco food.

No one said a word but Harry smiled.

"Everyone gets what they have earned, right love?" Harry asked Draco and placed a kiss on his cheek. Draco smiled and nodded his head yes.

"At least I behaved like a girlfriend and not a child," Ginny replied and rolled his eyes.

"Ginny stop right now or else leave." Mr Weasely said in a very low tone yet it was filled with threat. Even Molly was glaring at her. She huffed in anger and started eating food.

George started talking to break the heated environment and it worked. Within a few minutes, everyone was smiling except Ginny.

Harry's full attention was on Draco's food. He was first tasting the dishes and then plated them out for Draco. He was mostly plating the dish that Draco would enjoy the most. Draco loved the food. It tasted amazing and he ate more than he usually eats yet it was less than others.

"That's it, Harry," Draco whispered in his ears as he was full. Harry nodded in yes and he started properly eating his dinner.

After a few minutes, Molly noticed that Draco was not eating so she asked worriedly. "Draco, dear why are you not eating? Do you want something else? Shall I cook something specific for you?".

"No Molly. I loved the food but I am full." Draco answered politely.

"You ate so less," Molly said as she loved feeding 2 to 3 servings of food to everyone.

"Seriously Molly, I am full." Draco again said.

"Leave it, Mom, he is Malfoy, he won't like to eat our boring food," Ginny said.

"The amount of food you have on your plate right now is the amount of food I used to get in a day," Draco stated the fact with a smile. "My appetite is quite small now."

Almost all the people present there looked at Ginny's plate and she just had a few bites of food left on her plate. Harry held Draco's hand and squeezed it. Draco just looked at him and gave him a smile indicating that he was okay.

"We are sorry for what happened to you, Draco." Mr Weasely said.

"It's okay," Draco replied with a small but genuine smile.

The rest of the dinner went well. Ginny didn't open her mouth so everyone enjoyed it in peace.

After Dinner, everyone settled in the living room including Molly and Arthur. Younger ones threw a few tantrums as they wanted to play games without Molly and Arthur but they didn't budge and stayed in the living room saying that this was their dinner party and they would stay and enjoy with them.

All the children settled on the floor in the circle planning to play a game.

"You can sit on the couch, Draco," Harry said to Draco in a whisper.

"No, I want to stay here beside you," Draco said and Harry nodded. Harry knew how much Draco craved proximity. The need to stay with each other and the need to be in physical contact was too much in Draco.

So Harry conjured a duvet and wrapped it around themselves.

"You both are couple goals." Said Hermione in an awed tone. Ron immediately used his wand to conjure a duvet for them to which Hermione rolled her eyes.

The arrangements were made, they were going to play muggle game truth or dare. George brought a bottle and kept it in the center of the circle.

"I am not playing," Draco said and excluded himself as he didn't want to be part of the game.

"Don't be such a spoiled sport, Draco. It's just a game." Ginny said with extra sweetness in her tone.

"But it's okay if he doesn't want to play," Hermione said immediately as she understood that this game could make Draco uncomfortable.

Everyone nodded their head in agreement and Draco was excluded from the game.

"Mom and Dad, you both have decided to be here so understand that we all are adults and so this game can turn a little on an adult tangent." Said Bill to which Molly and Arthur nodded but stayed there.

George spinned the bottle and the mouth of the bottle stopped on Charlie. He chose truth.

"Are you seeing someone?" George asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, I am," Charlie said while trying his best not to make eye contact with his mother as she might like to meet her and he didn't want that right now but nothing else was said.

They spun the bottle again and it stopped on Hermione. She chose to dare.

"Kiss someone except Ron." Said Charlie. Hermione nodded her head in disbelief but then stood up walked towards Harry and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"That's cheating he is like a brother to you," George said.

"Everyone present over here is like a brother or sister to me," Hermione said.

"Except Draco," Ginny said and Draco's arms tightened around Harry. He won't be comfortable with anything like this.

"But he is not part of the game," Harry said immediately.

The bottle was spun again and it stopped at Harry. He picked the truth to which everyone started convincing him to take a dare, he sighed and finally agreed and took the dare.

"Kiss someone on their lips," Ginny said. Harry leaned down and pecked Draco's lips.

"Harry, he is not part of the game," Ginny said with a smile. "You need to kiss someone else or else Draco has to be a part of the game.

Harry was very irritated by Ginny now. She was continually trying to poke Harry and Draco. Even others were irritated by Ginny but they were silent only to maintain some peace.

Harry looked at Draco who was frowning. Draco wouldn't be able to see Harry kissing anyone except him. Still, he looked around and realized that Ginny was doing this because she wanted Harry to kiss her. He could never let that happen.

"Fine, I will play," Draco said.

"No need we are leaving." Harry declared and was going to stand up when Draco stopped him.

"No, please don't. You are enjoying and it's just a game." Draco said with a small smile. "I am playing."

The bottle was spun again and everyone started playing.

An hour later.

"This will be the last spin." Said George and everyone agreed. The bottle hadn't stopped at Draco at all and he was thankful for that.

George spun and Ginny took out her wand slowly without getting anyone's attention. She said a nonverbal spell and the bottle stopped at Draco and Ginny smirked.

"Truth or dare?" Ginny asked excitedly.

"Maybe dare?" Draco said in a low tone.

"You have to drink Firewhisky." Said Ginny and everyone agreed.

"No, he can't drink." Harry denied.

"Why?" Ginny asked.

"Healers have denied him to drink," Harry said immediately.

"Any specific reason?" Ginny asked with a frown.

She wanted to drug Draco.

"It's a health issue," Harry said.

"Fine then pick the truth," Ginny asked as now she was very much intrigued to know his health issue.

"Truth." Draco agreed.

"Tell me about your health issue that Harry is talking about," Ginny asked immediately.

"Ginny, health information is personal. Don't play dirty." Ron said trying to save them.

"Yes, I agree with Ron and Ginny why are you behind them?" Molly asked firmly.

"No, I am not behind them, Mum. I was just intrigued to know about his health."

"As if we cannot see what you are doing," George commented with an eye roll.

"But we are playing a game and everything is fair in a game. I gave him a very simple dare of drinking but he denied so I asked a question. As simple as that. If he doesn't want to answer that's his wish. If he wanted to act like this then why did he join the game in the first place?" Ginny asked angrily.

"Just shut up, Ginny," Harry was losing his shit now.

"Don't fight, Harry," Draco said while keeping his hand on his chest. Harry looked at Draco and said. "She is crossing her line."

"It doesn't matter," Draco replied calmly and then looked at Ginny. "Ginny, I can't drink because I am..."

Draco was stopped in between by Harry who kept his hand on his mouth and turned his face towards him. He looked at Draco's face with wide eyes and a questioning look. Draco just gave him a calm look back.

"This is not something that we can hide," Draco whispered so only Harry could hear him.

Draco looked back at Ginny with the same calm expression and said with a smile. "I can't drink because I am pregnant."

There was silence in the room for several minutes as every eye in the room was on Draco, who felt a little conscious and looked at Harry. Harry had a big smile on his face as Draco was dealing with the situation so calmly.

Draco was able to deal with this situation only because he knew that Harry was with him and would be with him at any cost. After their conversation in the garden, he was just feeling very calm and relieved.

"What nonsense," Ginny said angrily. She was not expecting something like this at all.

"This is our truth. Draco is pregnant. We are expecting our first child." Harry said with a smile. "This is the reason why he can't drink and this was the reason why I was serving him as he is a little nauseous to certain food items."

"And I didn't want to puke while eating," Draco said with a small shrug.

"Male pregnancy," Bill whispered but everyone heard it due to the silence.

"It is rare but not unheard of and Draco is doing amazing," Harry said proudly.

"Wow," George said with wide eyes still digesting the news.

Draco slowly unwraped the duvet from around him and flattened his shirt against his body and his small baby bump was now totally visible.

"That's a baby bump," Molly said immediately with an awe expression on her face.

"It is." Harry agreed.

"This looks almost more than four months old bump. So it can't be your child, Harry." Ginny said in a little loud tone and there was a look of disbelief on her face.

"It is a Four-month-old bump," Draco said. "And Harry is the father not by blood but by his heart."

Again silence spread in the room at the new information. Draco's hold on Harry's hand tightened as he said. "I got pregnant by one of my rapists."

Harry was so proud of how Draco was handling the situation, how he was talking about his without any fear in his voice. He was accepting his past and acceptance was the first step in moving on.

"Harry loves me so much that he accepted me and even my child. We both are very lucky to have him in our life." Draco said with so much emotion in his eyes that Harry watered a little and a smile was constantly wrapped on his face.

"But who is the real father?" Ginny asked still firmly.

"Why does it matter?" Asked Molly who was looking at Draco and Harry with a smile.

"It does matter," Ginny said.

"I don't know. It..it was da..dark." Draco tried his best not to stutter but still, the memories were too painful.

"Wow, holding a child but don't know who is the father. You are just a slut."

As soon as Ginny said this, she shouted in sharp pain and was pushed down on the floor with a thud.

"That's enough," Harry shouted and everyone present in the room was able to feel his magic swirling around the room in anger. He was not holding his wand but everyone knew that the attack was by Harry.

"I have been silent throughout the dinner because I respect your family. I treat them as my own family but enough is enough. Now I won't tolerate a word against my lover and my child. Trust me I will not think before attacking."

"Calm down, Harry. I don't want any fight." Draco said as he didn't want Harry to fight with his family for him. He didn't want any dispute because of him.

Draco held Harry's hand tightly in his and Harry visually calmed down.

"Ginny, go to your bedroom," Molly said, her voice high and filled with anger.

"You are asking me to leave and not them? Harry attacked me and you are not going to say anything to him?" Ginny said in a voice filled with disbelief.

"Ginny, your mother asked you to leave so leave right now," Arthur said.

"I am so happy to see my parents against me. This is all because of you." Ginny said pointing towards Draco and the left towards her bedroom.

Draco looked at Harry and said. "I am sorry, Harry. I swear I never wanted a fight. It's my mistake, I shouldn't have joined you here."

"Sh. You are not the reason behind any fight. She would have fought with me anyway with or without your presence." Harry replied while caressing the back of his hand. "Molly, Arthur, I am sorry I shouldn't have attacked her. I just lost control over my magic."

"It's okay, Harry. What other reaction are you going to expect if someone curses your partner? It's alright." Molly replied.

"Can we go home? Draco asked as he was emotionally tired.

"Not before we celebrate." Mr Weasely said with a smile on his lips.

Draco, who thought that Weaselys would now hate him for creating a rift, was shocked at Mr Weasely's statement.

"Celebrate for what?" Harry asked still holding Draco close to him.

"We are going to get our second grandchild. This calls for an ice cream celebration." Molly said enthusiastically.

Draco looked at her with a shocked face. Did they just call his baby their grandchild?

Molly walked towards Draco and kneeled. "Do not blame yourself for Ginny's bad behavior. She is not able to accept the fact that Harry has moved on with you. She is my daughter but that doesn't mean that Harry is not my son. I have always considered him as my son and his happiness is our happiness."

"You have not only given Harry the honor of being the father of your child but only honored us to be grandparents. I know you haven't chosen us as grandparents but we come free with Harry. You get free grandparents with a father in this deal." Mr Weasely said and Molly smiled widely. She held Draco's hand and took him in a hug. "Welcome to our family, Draco."

Draco was smiling with tears in his eyes. "I never felt so welcomed before. Thank you so much for accepting me and my child as part of your beautiful family."

"This calls for celebration," George said loudly and he and Molly walked to the kitchen. Other Weaselys started to congratulate Draco and Harry with a handshake to Draco and a tight hug to Harry.

After a few minutes, Draco was again wrapped tightly in a duvet and Harry's arms.

Molly and George came back bringing bowls of ice cream.

Draco was now excited to have some ice cream. Butterscotch was his favorite however he was open to all the flavors as his craving for sweets was too strong at that point. Recently he has developed a deep craving for chocolate as well.

"Chocolate, my favorite," Draco said while smacking his lips.

"He has been craving chocolate a lot for the last few days. He wants everything with chocolate in it." Harry said with an eye roll. "A few days back, I caught him having chocolate and pickle. That was a horrible sight for my eyes. I thought that my eyesight was completely damaged and I was hallucinating things but it was real. And he was eating as if that's the best thing in this world." Harry said and everyone was smiling at Draco's weird craving.

"Shut up. It was the best thing in the world. You should have given it a try." Draco said immediately while still eating his ice cream like a child.

"Weird food cravings are real, Harry. I liked eating hot and cold things together. I liked hot soup with ice cream." Molly said making an eww face thinking how could she crave something like that.

"Yukk." Ron made a face as well.

"I craved that during your pregnancy so don't make such faces," Molly said firmly and Ron shut his mouth immediately.

Harry again felt like the happiest person alive on this earth. He was enjoying himself with his family who accepted Draco and their child wholeheartedly. His lover was also very happy and in his arms right now. What else does he need?

'A few extra pairs of arms.' Harry thought an hour later

To be continued...


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