Drarry - My Savior

By writer_janvi

3.9K 171 44

What happens when you save your childhood enemy who was said to be dead a year back? What happens when you se... More

Writer's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 23

98 5 3
By writer_janvi

Writer's Pov.


The Burrow.

They walked towards the door and rang the bell. The door was opened by Arthur Weasely who wore a floral pattern shirt with formal jeans and a cloak on top.

"Welcome, Harry. We missed you so much," Arthur said in a cheerful tone and hugged him.

"Thank you, Arthur. Even I missed everyone a lot," Harry said with a polite smile and then looked at Draco who stood beside him.

"He is my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy," Harry introduced Draco. They were not committed but they were in a relationship so boyfriend was the only suitable word in this situation.

"Hello, Mr Weasely. It's so nice to meet you," Draco said in a polite tone and extended his right hand.

Arthur frowned for a second hearing 'boyfriend' however he changed it immediately to a smile and shook his hand with Draco's.

"So nice to see you, Mr Malfoy. Please come inside."

"Draco is fine, Mr Weasely."

"Then even Arthur is fine, Draco."

"I.. I am sorry for everything that happened in the past," Draco immediately apologized. He just felt like apologizing was the right thing to do.

"No need, Draco. It was all in the past and we all have moved on from it, so no need," Arthur said and Draco smiled in response.

Harry held Draco's left hand and they entered inside the Burrow. The house was still the same, chaotic with 100 different things happening around.

Harry scanned the room and found George, Bill, and Charlie sitting on the couch on the right side of the room.

He walked and even pulled Draco with him towards the couch. All the Three Weasely children looked at Harry and Draco and immediately stood up to welcome them.

Harry was pulled in a hug by George and shook hands with Bill and Charlie.

"Won't you introduce us to your guest, Harry?" Asked George with sarcasm in his tone. Draco noticed his tone and held Harry's hand tightly to which Harry caressed the back of his hand.

"Draco, meet George Weasely who has a joke shop in Diagon Alley, Charles Weasely who works with Dragons in Romania and Bill Weasely who works in Gringots."

Draco shook hands with all three of them with a small polite smile.

"Congratulations on becoming a father," He congratulated Bill after shaking hands with him. Bill smiled brightly and thanked him.

"And Weasely brothers meet Draco Malfoy, my boyfriend," George choked on his saliva while the other two brothers looked equally shocked by the introduction.

Charlie smiled, a little embarrassed by George's loud coughing. He hit George's back a few times and offered him some water. George recovered from his shock and gave a questioning look to Harry to which Harry just shrugged and George smirked.

"Sit down and make yourself comfortable," Bill said and Harry and Draco sat on the opposite couch, beside each other.

"I just want to apologize for my past deeds." Draco apologized in a soft tone.

"It's okay, don't worry, we are fine." Bill said with a smile and then asked, "Do you want to see a picture of my daughter?"

Draco got excited and nodded yes immediately even before Harry could reply. He was always very excited about baby stuff.

Bill smiled and took out a picture from his wallet. He passed it to Draco and Harry and they looked at the moving picture of a crawling baby, fondly.

"She just started walking and trust me she is now a little menace," Bill said.

"Don't you dare say anything to my granddaughter," They all heard the angry voice of Mrs. Weasely. She walked towards them and said to Bill. "She is nothing in comparison to you. You were the biggest menace amongst all your siblings."

Bill's face colored as he was embarrassed at the sudden attack.

"Oh dear, Harry, it's been so long. How are you, my child?" Mrs Weasely asked as soon as her eyes fell on Harry.

Harry stood up and Mrs Weasely took him in a bone-crushing hug.

"I am fine, Molly. How are you?"

"Fine as always. We all miss you, Harry. Please join us more often."

"You know my reasons, Molly."

"I will tear her apart if she opens her mouth tonight," Mrs Weasely said angrily. "No need Molly, I can deal with her, don't worry."

Draco understood that they were talking about Ginny. He hoped that Ginny wouldn't act coldly with his presence. Molly looked at Draco and he stood up and walked towards her. He bowed down and said. "Hello Mrs Weasely."

Molly smiled and took him in a tight hug, making him shock. He looked at Harry with wide eyes while Harry just smiled and shrugged his shoulder.

"Please call me Molly and we meet each other with hugs, not bows," Molly said.

Draco nodded with a smile and said. "I am sorry.."

"Don't say a word, dear. Harry trusts you so even we trust you. He has forgiven you so even we have forgiven you. Don't apologize, please." Molly said.

Draco had tears in his eyes seeing so much love and acceptance for the first time in his life.

"Don't cry, dear," Molly said immediately as she saw tears in his eyes.

"It's just my stupid hormones," Draco said and wiped his eyes. He forgot that they had no clue about his pregnancy.

"Hormones?" Molly asked in a questioning tone while Draco and Harry both got a little anxious about what to answer her.

"This is a small gift from us," Harry said trying to divert the topic, and extended a few boxes of chocolate cookies to Molly.

"There was no need for this. Ahh, these are my favorite cookies. You are so considerate, Harry."

Harry smiled and Molly left from there towards the kitchen.

"Smart save," Draco whispered.

"Stop giving us away," Harry said to which Draco gave him a sheepish smile.

"Where are Ron and Hermione?" Harry asked George as they again settled themselves on the couch.

"They are late and Mom won't be happy with them. They are going to get a lecture from her. She hates latecomers." George said the last line to Draco who gave him a questioning look.

"So how did you guys fall for each other?" George asked with a smirk on his lips.

"It's just my charms," Draco replied with his Malfoy auro then smiled.

Harry raised his eyebrows seeing this side of Draco which was rare. Maybe this was because he was happy as he felt accepted here in between these redheads.

"That's true. He has wrapped me up in his tiny finger." Harry replied with humor.

"Of course, he has, after all that's what Malfoy knows to do. Trap famous people in their charms and transform them into their servants," They heard Ginny saying this as she walked towards them.

"Hi, Harry, long time no see," Ginny said in an overly sweet voice. Harry glared at her for her previous comments on Malfoys. He looked at Draco, who was looking at his lap with a fallen, sad face.

"They are better than emotionally insensitive people," Harry taunted back with a smile and stood up extending his hand. "Nice to see you too, Ginny."

"Stop this handshake formality, Harry. We can hug for old time's sake." Ginny said and hugged Harry. His lips went thin in anger and didn't hug her back. She broke the hug but not before placing a kiss on the area below his ear.

"Even after two years, you still have the same scent," Ginny said still in an overly sweet voice.

"Even you haven't changed a bit, Ginny. Still a sly person." Harry said making sure Draco heard them.

George, Bill, and Charlie were witnessing with a kind of shocked expression. They were used to Ginny taunting Harry as she had done that so many times, in their previous dinners. They tried to stop her and knock some sense in her however, it was of no use and later, Harry stopped them saying he would handle her. He, mostly, handled her calmly and never replied however Harry was behaving differently today. He was answering her back with taunts.

"Somethings never change," Ginny replied with a forced smile.

"Let me introduce you to my special guest. Meet Draco Malfoy, my boyfriend." Harry held Draco's hand to get him up to his feet. Draco stood beside Harry and looked at her. She didn't look happy at all but still had a fake smile on her lips.

"What a choice, Harry. From pretty me to ugly him. From good and wise Ginny Weasely to a death ea..."

She was cut in between as her mouth suddenly shut closed. She tried to open it but they were glued together. Draco widened his eyes as he realized that this happened by magic. He looked around and saw Harry glaring at her.

"Think before you speak. You are talking to my boyfriend, the person I love." Harry's tone sounded dangerous. He flicked his wrist and Ginny's lips opened up.

Her eyes were wide and she looked at her brothers. "You guys see what he did?" She asked her brothers trying to gain some support however they just shrugged their shoulders and gave her a questioning look as if they saw nothing. Ginny glared at them and left from there after stomping her foot.

"I am sorry for her behavior, Draco." Bill apologized.

"Just ignore her," Charlie said with a small nod.

"I think she was hit by a spell on her head, in the war," George commented. "I asked her to get a diagnosis done but she is very adamant. Maybe I have to tie her up and take her to St Mungo's. We have to find the loose screw of her brain." George said in such a series tone that it took a moment for Draco to realize that he was joking to lighten the mood. Draco smiled and even Harry had a smile now.

"Sit down, Love," Harry said to Draco and they both sat down.

"'Love' oh how romantic," George said. "You know Draco, after Harry and Ginny's break up, I thought to give it a try with him. I tried to woo him but he never reacted to my approach. I was so heartbroken."

Draco widened his eyes at this and looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow. "He is joking," Harry said immediately.

"No, I am not, I tried to grab you for myself but you never caught my signals."

"Which signals? Oh, those toffees that caused loose motions? Or those boxes that bite? Or wait must have been those shoes that ran away when I tried to wear them?" Harry replied after rolling his eyes.

"All of those. Weren't my signals clear?" George asked with fake hurt eyes.

Harry grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "Shut up."

Harry grabbed Draco's hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. Draco was smiling, he loved watching the bond that Harry shared with these redheads. It was beautiful and felt like he was their sibling.

"He is whipped," Charlie commented looking at Draco, who was looking at Harry with fond eyes.

"Totally." Bill agreed.

"Where are Fluer and Victoire?" Harry asked Bill.

"They are in France with Fluer's parents," Bill replied.

"And Percy?" Asked Harry.

"He has gone on a date," George said. "For a change." He added to which Harry laughed.

He slipped into an easy conversation with the brothers while Draco was mostly listening to their conversation and added a few words here and there. His eyes were mainly focused on Harry. He was happy to see Harry enjoying his time with redheads. Harry was radiating happiness and he was pleased by this. It was a good decision to be here at this dinner.

Within half an hour, Ron and Hermione walked towards them with sad faces as they got to hear a lecture from Mrs Weasely.

"It's all because of you." Hermione blamed Ron angrily.

"What did I do?" Ron asked innocently to which she glared at him.

"I was ready in my dress, waiting for him, and guess what I saw? He was eating! Can you imagine, Harry? Who eats before going to dinner?" Hermione asked Harry.

"That's Ron for you," Harry said with a look of disbelief.

"I could have died out of hunger, Hermione." Said, Ron.

"Yeah right." Hermione huffed and rolled her eyes. She sat on the couch beside George and Ron sat beside Draco.

"Hi," Ron said to Draco and he wished him back. "Hi."

"How is everything going with Harry?" He asked.

"Things are going good," Draco replied. "Hermione looks very angry. You have to do something."

"Yeah, I have to do something but first I need to let her calm down. She is too pissed and dangerous right now." Ron said with a sigh.


Harry felt himself to be the happiest man alive, right now. He was enjoying himself with his family while the man he loved was in his arms. He was talking, laughing, teasing with the redheads. He missed this, he missed them. He was happy to be here in between the people he considered his family. He was welcomed here, his Draco was welcomed here and what else do he need?

He had a never-ending smile on his lips as he was listening to George and Ron's bickering on whether Charlie was planning to marry a dragon or not while Charlie was sitting on the couch with a foul face.

He looked at Draco, whose head was resting on his chest, arms wrapped around him, and was laughing. He pressed a kiss on Draco's head and Draco looked at him.

"Enjoying yourself?" Harry asked in a whisper.

"A lot. They are amazing. I have never witnessed such a wholesome family." Draco whispered back with a smile.

"Yes, they are amazing." Harry agreed to him. "It's time for your potion."

Draco pouted hearing him. "Harry, just give me a break for tonight. Please?"

"No, not possible. Come with me."

They stood up and walked to the kitchen for water.

Mrs. Weasely was cooking.

"Do you want any help, Molly?" Harry asked as he poured some water into a glass and gave it to Draco.

"No everything is almost prepared. Thank you for asking. Are you both comfortable?" Molly asked politely.

"Yes, we are. Draco is enjoying a lot." Harry said and took out a vial of potion from his jeans pocket and gave it to Draco.

"Not this one," Draco whined as he looked at the vial of yellow potion. This tasted the worst out of all.

"Just drink it all," Harry said immediately before Draco threw a tantrum.

Draco pouted and drank the potion followed by water but it didn't help. It tasted disgusting and his stomach gave a churn. His hand made its way to his mouth as he felt like puking.

"Are you okay?" Molly asked immediately as she saw Draco's expression.

"Do you want to vomit?" Harry asked and he caressed his back softly trying to ease it a little.

Draco took some deep breaths and nodded his head in denial.

"Molly, do you have some ginger biscuit or tea?" Harry asked immediately as Ginger tea helped Draco a lot with his nausea.

Molly nodded and took out a biscuit from a box before giving it to Draco. Draco took a small bite and the change of taste as well as the ginger smell gave him some relief.

Draco caressed his chest and then his stomach feeling relief. "I am okay." He said as he looked at Harry's and Molly's worried looks.

"What is that potion about?" Molly asked.

"I am on a lot of medication to improve my health and weight," Draco said with a small smile. Molly nodded and smiled at him.

The Human trafficking case was published as soon as the raid was completed successfully so the whole wizarding world knew the names of the victims who were rescued by the Aurors.

Weasely were aware that Draco was one of the victims and he had gone through assaults. So Molly didn't ask any further questions.

"Harry, I need some fresh air," Draco said again holding his stomach that churned due to the aroma of different food items kept in the kitchen.

"Come with me." Harry wrapped his right arm around his waist and they stepped out of the Burrow. Draco took a deep breath and sighed as he felt much better. The fragrance of flowers was quite refreshing for him.

"Now okay?"

"Much better." Harry smiled and placed a kiss on his left cheek. "Let's walk," Harry suggested and Draco nodded.

They started to walk around in the garden in silence.

"This is the first time when I saw a happy family," Draco spoke after a few minutes of silence and Harry smiled. "Growing up I always thought that I had everything because I was rich but now I know what was missing in my life. It was love, love from your parents, love from your family. They are not rich but they are happy and that's what people need. Happiness."

"True. Growing up, even I never got love from my muggle family. They hated me because I had magic, and called me a freak. But then I met Ron and his family and that's when I realized the importance of family and their love. I want to have something like this, Draco. A big and happy family." Draco stopped as he heard Harry's last line. "You want 7 to 8 kid?" Draco asked with wide horrified eyes.

Harry saw his expression and decided to tease him a little. "Yes, maybe around eight."

Draco's eyes widened more in horror. "That means... no way," Draco murmured. "I am not getting pregnant for that many times, Harry. Not possible, definitely not possible. If you want so many kids, you better get pregnant yourself."

Harry laughed at his horrified expression and said. "Don't worry. We already have two so only six more to go."

Draco hit Harry hard on his shoulder and said. "Stop teasing." Harry only laughed more at him.

"Come here, Love," Harry said and took him in a tight hug. Draco let out a sigh of contentment as he snuggled in his neck. There was something in Harry's warmth or scent that called every bit of his existence. He felt insanely at peace in his arms. If he could then he would live his entire life in this person's arms.

"Never knew you liked soft and submissive boys." They broke the hug upon hearing Ginny's voice. She was standing in front of them with anger visible on her face.

"I thought you liked bold and powerful partner, especially after me." Ginny continued and folded her arms.

"My choices are none of your business, Ginny," Harry said while giving her a cold look.

"No it's not my business but I just feel sad for you as your ex-girlfriend. You have lowered your standards from powerful hot me to pathetic him. It's insulting that you broke up with me to fall for him." Ginny said and laughed at her last line.

Harry opened his mouth to speak however he was cut down by Ginny who said. "It's not your mistake, this is just in your behavior. This is because of your savior complex and sympathy. First, you died to save the whole wizarding world and now acting to be with him just to save him. This is how you grew up so I am not blaming you at all. Continue with your act and save him for as long as you can then come to me once your savior complex dies. I will wait for you."

"Oh shut up..." Harry was again cut by Ginny who said while looking at Draco. "I feel sad for you, Draco. After your past, after all the assaults that you have gone through, you deserve true love and happiness however you are only getting fake love that he is showing just to save you, out of his sympathetic nature. I feel sad for you." Ginny said and walked back to the Burrow.

Harry was glaring at the door from which Ginny left. He was furious with Ginny for everything that she said. How dare she? He knew that she just wanted to plant a false narrative in Draco's head but he wouldn't let her succeed.

Harry looked at Draco and saw him looking at the Burrow with a frown on his face.

"Draco?" Harry called him softly and Draco got out of his trance. He looked at Harry with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

To be continued...


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