In the end it is all a game (...

By jaydendush

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In search of a powerful ally, she goes throughout the world at Elio's request to find a partner More

chapter 1: the search begin
chapter 2: Bound by Fate
chapter 3: the resolve part 1
chapter 4: the resolve part 2
chapter 5:y/n origin: part 1
chapter 6: y/n origin part 2
chapter 7: y/n origin final
chapter 8: awaken trailblazer
chapter 9:echos of uncertainty
Christmas short part 1
Christmas short final
valentine day!!
Chapter 11: Workshop Wonders
y/n and silver wolf shorts #1
chapter 12: return to underground
chapter 13: vagrant shenanigans
chapter 14:new yet old faces
chapter 15: a broken resolve

chapter 10:Frozen Destiny

747 19 0
By jaydendush

(y/n pov)

*Same day as chapter 9*

Under the crystalline skies of Belobog, Y/n and Silverwolf descended the hills of the mountain, their steps guided by a shared purpose. The task ahead loomed, and Y/n, ever the strategist, leaned in with a discreet whisper.

Y/n: Psst, Silverwolf, we're about to reach the bottom of the mountain. Could you make us invisible? I'll conceal our presence with the spirit, allowing us to slip past the border gate guard unnoticed.

Silverwolf: (Nodding affirmatively) Understood, Y/n. I'll activate the invisibility, and you take care of the spirit concealment. We need to ensure our passage goes completely unnoticed.

Silverwolf deftly pressed a sequence of buttons on her Aether Editing Tool, the soft hum of the device harmonizing with her focused actions. In response, an unseen force enveloped Y/n and Silverwolf, causing their physical forms to dematerialize into a cluster of cubic distortions. The once-visible figures became obscured, appearing as ethereal cubes suspended in the air, effectively rendering them invisible to the naked eye.

In response to Silverwolf successful initiation of invisibility, Y/n, with a subtle gesture, Holding two fingers aloft harnessing the essence of all five elements into one cohesive force, he recited an incantation that resonated with the unseen forces around them.

Y/n: Oh great five spirits, weave the threads of vengeance and retribution, let the path close behind us, shrouded in shadows, lurking in the embrace of darkness.𝔠𝔞𝔭𝔞 𝔡𝔢 𝔳𝔢𝔩𝔬

As Y/n lifted his hand,The ambient spirit energy responded eagerly, swirling around Y/n's outstretched hand. The convergence of elements created an ethereal shroud that further masked their existence. The air crackled with the subtle manifestation of magical forces, ensuring that even the keenest magical senses would struggle to discern their hidden presence.

Silverwolf couldn't help but grin in amusement at Y/n's familiar ritual. The soft glow of their invisible forms created a surreal yet captivating spectacle. As she looked up at the spirits swirling around them in response to Y/n's incantation, their graceful dance added an extra layer of enchantment to the already magical atmosphere.

Silverwolf: (grinning) No matter how many times you've done this, Y/n, it's always a dashing and graceful sight.

A smug grin adorned Y/n's face as Silverwolf complimented the ethereal display.

Y/n: (smirking) Well, of course. They are great spirits, after all. It would be weird if they didn't look majestic every time I utilized them. Great spirits have a reputation to uphold, even if it's not a widely known power.
Now shall we continue our task silverwolf.

Silverwolf : yeah we should proceed.

As Y/n and Silverwolf silently moved past the vigilant guards, their invisible presence ensured they went undetected. Beyond the border gate, an expansive field of snow unfolded, revealing petrified antimatter formations standing like silent sentinels in the distance. The main gate was heavily guarded, emphasizing the protective measures taken to safeguard the citizens of Belobog from potential harm.

Venturing a distance away from Belobog, Y/n and Silverwolf traversed the snowy field, their steps leaving no imprints in the cold, pristine snow. The crystalline skies above witnessed their purposeful journey as they sought their objective. The landscape, cloaked in the stillness of winter.

Navigating the vast snowy field, Silverwolf, feeling a twinge of boredom, turned to Y/n with an inquisitive tone.

Silverwolf: Hey, Y/n, how long are we going to reach our objective?

Y/n placed his hand over his eyes, mimicking a makeshift binoculars motion, as if scanning the distance for their intended destination.

Y/n: Elios did mention you might find this operation boring, but I didn't expect you to start complaining so soon, Silverwolf. Instead of whining, how about you help me look for our objective? It's a snow bummer, literally, shaped like a huge curve bum that's is a pile of snow that's around the floor on a snowfield?

As Silverwolf pouted, her frustration evident in the downturn of her lips and a furrowed brow, Y/n couldn't help but notice the change in her mood.

Y/n: (smirking) Come on, Silverwolf, don't be like that. You know I was just pulling your leg. We're partners, and this mission might be more thrilling than you think.

Silverwolf's expression shifted, and she responded with a mix of annoyance and understanding.

Silverwolf: Yeah, I would understand you even more if we're not in the middle of a literal snowy field.

Y/n: Yeah, it's true. I apologize that Belobog doesn't provide much to see in these circumstances.

Silverwolf's displeasure evolved to a terrible sense of shame as Y/n recognised the limited sights Belobog provided. Belobog, Y/n's hometown and planet, was frozen in time owing to Stellaron meddling. The feeling of helplessness was palpable.

Silverwolf, observing the somber mood that had settled upon Y/n, decided to offer words of encouragement.

Silverwolf: Even in the middle of this cold devastation, your homeland has a distinct beauty, Y/n. I'm confident that once we finish our objective, we'll be able to focus on restoring warmth to Belobog. Let's make the most of these chilly operations until then.

Y/n: Don't fret about your earlier comment; I've acknowledged it as our destiny. The invasion was caused by antimatter, and the tension and rushed decisions allowed Stellaron to manipulate the previous supreme leader. Regardless, that's in the past, and my focus now is on dealing with present Stellaron threats.

Silverwolf, overwhelmed with guilt, found herself unable to lighten the mood despite her sincere efforts.

Silverwolf: Y/n, I didn't intend to...

Y/n gently placed a finger on Silverwolf's lips, signaling her to remain silent. They had spotted their objective and needed to stay in position, waiting for the main target of their mission to reveal itself.

Y/n:Silverwolf, we're close to the objective. We just have to wait here until our target arrives, as foreseen by Elios.

Silverwolf nodded in acknowledgment as they heard their target approaching the objective. Y/n and Silverwolf observed keenly from a distance, maintaining their concealed position.

From a distance away, Y/n and Silverwolf spotted the 3 people from the Astral Express that had just arrived in Jarvilo-IV. They overheard a girl with blue hair expressing concern.

Girl: Hey, you guys seeing this pile of snow around the floor? Do you think someone might be caught underneath and is unconscious?

A guy with green clothes responded, his words echoing concern for the potential predicament.

Green-Guy: Even if someone is in that pile of snow, I can't fathom how cold they might be. The shivering noise coming from the pile is telling.

The girl, her voice carrying a sense of compassion, questioned the collective group's willingness to assist.

Girl: What do you think, Stelle? Should we help this person out?

Stelle, taking a moment to ponder, finally presented her decision.

Stelle: I think we should leave him here and continue focusing on our mission.

Guy-Green: I agree with Stelle. Who knows who might come out of this pile of snow? It could be an enemy, or in a worst-case scenario, a bandit attempting to rob us.

Girl: Oh come on, Dan heng, we can't just leave him here in the middle of a snowfield. That's just cruel. Don't you have sympathy? Sure, if there's a possibility of a chance that we are under attack, I have you two to have my back.

Dan heng: March , think about it rationally. Doesn't it seem suspicious that someone is in the middle of the snowfield right after we've arrived?

Stelle sighed, her decision reflecting a blend of empathy and caution. She acknowledged March 7's point about helping the person in need but emphasized the need for vigilance.

Stelle: Maybe March 7 is right. We could help out this poor person in need. However, if I sense any malicious intent or hostility, I will take action. I'll knock him out unconscious and place him back in this specific spot, burying him in snow once more. We have to be cautious, after all.

Dan heng sighed, expressing his reluctance but acquiescing to Stelle's decision

Dan heng: (sigh) Sure, but don't blame me if things go south or if he's just pretending

The trio approached the pile of snow cautiously, Dan Feng remaining skeptical, warning against potential deception.

March 7 took a cautious step closer to the shivering figure buried beneath the snow and urged them to come out, concerned for their well-being.

March 7: Hey, get out of there, or you'll freeze to death.

A pause lingered in the frigid air, broken only by March 7's second attempt to coax the mysterious figure.

March7:Holding your breath won't help...

Dan Heng stepped forward to assist March 7 in coaxing the person to get on its feet

Dan Heng: I got this, March. If someone's got their head stuck in the sand, or the snow in this case, they just need a helping hand.

With a flourish, Dan Heng magnificently summoned his spear into his hand. He extended the tip of the gleaming weapon, carefully using it to nudge the person buried in the snow.

The man in the snow grunted in discomfort.

Man in Snow: Yeow!

As the man got onto his two feet after the gentle nudge from the spear, he voiced his displeasure.

Man: My fine fellow, was that really necessary? Is crawling around in the snow a crime these days? I mean, c'mon, surely it doesn't warrant a spearing?

Y/n, observing from a distance, couldn't hold back a chuckle upon recognizing the person who had just emerged from the snow pile.

Silverwolf, standing beside Y/n, noticed his amused expression and couldn't resist her curiosity. She nudged Y/n gently, a quizzical look on her face.

Silverwolf: (whispering) Y/n, why the laughter? Did I miss something funny to laugh at?

Y/n:huh... Oh no... It's not humorous at all, Silverwolf. I was just thinking back on the past. Sampo, the man who has just emerged from the snow mound, once saved me in an unusual way. I felt it was the end for me since I was bleeding from a gunshot wound on one of my hands. That's why recollections of tense periods in frigid fields and tunnels surfaced.who would know that I would cross by him again

Silverwolf: Ah, I understand now. It must have been a cherished memory from the past, right?

Y/n: Absolutely. Speaking of which, if you're thinking about approaching them, no need to fret about being spotted. The great spirit has concealed our presence entirely - footsteps, voices, everything. We're essentially in our little realm of unheard conversations.

Silverwolf nodded, appreciating the advantage of their concealed presence. With a confident grin, Y/n took the lead, guiding them closer to the trio without the worry of detection.

As they both moved closer to eavesdrop on the ongoing conversation between Sampo and the Astral Express members.

Sampo, responding to the comment about spear nudging onto his backside, turned to face the Astral Express members unamused by his antics, collectively decided to give him the silent treatment.

Sampo: But then again, how can I blame you? I mean, I caught you off guard. It had to happen; you could even say I deserved it, huh? Besides, I've made a gallant group of new friends as a result, hehe... Is Captain Gepard around? H-He's an old buddy of mine...

Y/n: Gepard... Did he really mention Gepard, as in Serval's little brother? I never anticipated him becoming a captain, taking my place in the future.

Silverwolf: Who's Gepard

Y/n, intrigued by Sampo's mention of Gepard, felt a mix of surprise and curiosity. Memories of the past flashed through his mind, recalling the bond he once shared with Serval and the unexpected turns life had taken.

Y/n: Gepard is Serval's little brother a good friend that I had, The fact that he's become a captain is... unexpected. We'll need to find out more about this development.

Silverwolf nodded, her eyes reflecting the shared curiosity. As they continued eavesdropping.

March 7: Who?

Sampo: Hold on, you're not Silvermane Guards? Why didn't you mention that earlier? It seems we're actually on the same side! Nice to meet you,I'm Sampo Koski.

Stelle extended her hand towards Sampo with a friendly smile.

Stelle: Greetings, Sampo! I'm Stelle, and these are my companions, March 7 and Dan Heng

Sampo: Excellent, I'll remember the name. I never thought I'd run into friends from the same line of work out here in this frozen wasteland. sigh Business is bad these days, but fear not, Sampo Koski isn't interested in hoarding. There's more than enough treasure to go around, so let's get rich together! Hahahaha,Say, why don't we join forces? I have reliable intel the main strength of the Silvermane Guards is being deployed to the front line. This is a golden opportunity...

Stelle: Hold on, what kind of business are you exactly proposing here?

Sampo: Alright, alright, I get it. Trust is hard to come by in our line of work. My bad for getting carried away. But hey, fate brought us together, so feel free to ask me anything. I'll spill the details, but let's keep it quick. We wouldn't want to linger too long - you never know when a Silvermane Guard might be lurking nearby.

Stelle inquired, puzzled by Sampo's peculiar hiding spot.

Stelle: Why were you hiding in the snow?

Sampo: Me? You guys scared me to death... I was just looking for relics to sell, and then suddenly, you came stomping over. I thought the Silvermane Guards were paying me a visit. Seriously, though, try treading a little lighter next time, hmm? If you run into the Guards, they won't hide in a snowdrift, and you'll be in a cell before you know it.

Stelle inquired further, trying to understand the local landscape.

Stelle: Is there a settlement nearby?

Sampo: Settlement? What a fancy way to put it. There's only one place left where the living hang on-our beloved Belobog! The farther you wander, the riskier it gets. The City of Preservation, the Towering Citadel, the last stand against the Eternal Freeze... It might sound grandiose, but those names hold true. The only place people can survive is behind those sturdy walls.

Stelle: I have no idea who these Silvermane Guards even are....

Sampo: You... You really don't know? The Silvermane Guards are Belobog's soldiers, enforcers, and the type you'd rather avoid. They're not known for their flexibility, and they have a knack for showing up when you least expect it.

As Sampo glanced at both Dan Heng and March, they shared a clueless look. March shrugged in confusion, indicating they were equally in the dark about the notorious Silvermane Guards.

Sampo: Seems like you guys really are new to the business. (sigh )To be young and naive again... How about this? As a seasoned professional, which I'm sure you don't mind me saying, I'll give you some free guidance. In this line of work, there are certain tricks of the trade you need to learn moving in the shadows, finding valuable items, setting the right prices, and, most importantly, avoiding encounters with the Guards. It's an art, and you better get familiar with it.

March 7: No need, why don't you just take us to the city? We don't really know the way.

Sampo: The city? Already? I haven't even started trading yet. Showing you the way is easy enough, missy, but it would cost-

Before Sampo could complete his sentence, Danheng shot him an intense glare, a silent warning that resonated louder than words.

As Danheng's intimidating glare lingered, Sampo felt a sudden unease creeping over him.

Sampo: ...B-But it would be my pleasure! "Kindness" is Sampo Koski's middle name. Follow me, friends, and keep quiet. We don't want to be spotted by the Guards.

As they trod through the pristine snowfields, Sampo, with a roguish glint in his eyes, began unraveling the intricate tapestry of his trade.

Sampo:...Rule number seven: Never leave a footprint. I have my own special technique called "invisible snow-walking. Helps me throw off pursuers in no...time...

Just as Sampo finished divulging this tidbit, their progress was abruptly halted by the appearance of three Silvermane Guards on patrol just outside the gates of Belobog. The guards, vigilant and imposing, confronted the group, casting an unexpected obstacle in the way of Sampo and the Astral Express as they aimed for the city.

Danheng, glancing at the approaching Silvermane Guards with a mix of confusion and concern, sought clarification.

Danheng: ...Who are they?

Sampo, his enthusiasm waning, stammered in response to the sudden confrontation.

Sampo: Uh, you remember the Silvermane Guards I mentioned? That's them... Help me, old friends! I don't wanna be caught!

The Silvermane Guards, recognizing Sampo as a suspect, wasted no time issuing a command.

Silverman Guard: It's the suspect and his accomplices! Arrest them!

Sampo, seizing the opportunity, exclaimed

Sampo:It's now or never! Over to you, dear friends!

as he hastily fled the scene.

March 7, caught off guard, started to protest.

March 7: hey where do you think yo-

Before March could finish her sentence, a Silvermane Guard swung an axe dangerously close to her face. Danheng, reacting swiftly, magnificently summoned his spear, deflecting the impact just in time.

Danheng: Let him be, March. Right now, we have a problem right in front of us!

Stelle appeared beside the guard, wielding a bat that she magnificently summoned. With a swift and precise motion, she knocked the guard out, providing swift assistance to Danheng and March 7.

the other Silvermane Guard, fueled by frustration, drew his gun, his eyes glaring at the group of the astral express.

Silvermane Guard 2: Why, you darn kids.

With a swift motion, he pulled the trigger, unleashing a bullet aimed at the group. Danheng, ever vigilant, twirled his spear expertly, intercepting the projectile mid-air. The metallic clash echoed in the frosty air as the bullet harmlessly veered off course.

Seizing the opportunity, March 7 summoned her bow, imbued with the power of ice. The bowstring hummed with elemental energy as she swiftly nocked an arrow and released it with a precise aim. The arrow raced through the cold air, finding its mark in the Silvermane Guard's leg.

A sudden frost enveloped the guard's limb, freezing it in place. He grimaced in pain, struggling against the icy constraints.

The guard, smirking defiantly, attempted to downplay the icy restraint on his leg.

Silvermane Guard 2: Heh, and what's frosting my legs going to do?

Unbeknownst to him, Stelle swiftly closed the distance. With a quick, calculated swing, her magnified bat collided with the guard's head. The resounding impact echoed through the snowy expanse as the guard staggered, momentarily disoriented

The guard, disoriented from Stelle's decisive blow, dropped his gun in surprise. Before he could recover, Danheng swiftly positioned himself behind Stelle. With a swift swipe, he expertly targeted the guard's legs, causing him to tumble to the snow-covered ground. As the guard struggled to rise, Danheng applied precise force to his neck, rendering him unconscious.

Danheng: It seems your friend here needed a moment to chill out.

The guard, left shivering in the aftermath of the icy assault, suddenly found himself confronted by an unexpected figure. A shadowy silhouette emerged from the snowy landscape, its features concealed by the dim light of the crystalline skies. The guard's eyes widened with surprise as the mysterious newcomer approached with an air of authority.

???: Soldier, report. Why are you attacking this civilian?

Relieved to see a figure of authority, the guard quickly straightened himself and gestured towards the group of astral express.

Guard3: Captain Gepard, you're right on time. These people were with a vigilante suspect.

Gepard's expression tightened at the mention of Sampo's name. The captain's piercing gaze intensified as he processed the information.

Gepard: They were seen with Sampo? Where is he now?

Guard3: About that, sir. It seems he had already scrammed off and used these people as a diversion.

March 7, frustrated by the assumption, tried to clarify their situation.

March 7: Hey, could you please stop blabbering on assumptions? We're not together with Sampo. In fact, we just met...

Gepard, however, seemed uninterested in their explanations, dismissing their words.

Gepard: Good work, soldier. I will take the accomplices from here.

Danheng, sensing the futility of trying to convince them, expressed his uneasiness.

Danheng: Forget about it, March. It's no use trying to convince them. In their eyes, we're only seen as accomplices of Sampo.beisde Something points out to me that he's bad news, March.

March nodded in agreement, preparing her charging arrow strike. She stretched her arrow and pointed it directly at Gepard as he walked slowly towards the Astral Express.

March 7 expertly unleashed her bow, and with a swift motion, the single arrow transformed into a barrage of crystalline projectiles.

Gepard, with a composed demeanor, extended his hand towards the Astral Express crew. Simultaneously, as the barrage of arrows hurtled toward him, he manifested a protective force field from his hand. The arrows rebounded off the shimmering barrier, leaving Gepard unscathed. A display of his formidable skills, signaling that facing the captain of the Silvermane Guards would not be an easy feat for the Astral Express.

Gepard halted and lowered his shield, a clear indication for the Astral Express to face him

Gepard: I, Gepard Landau, captain of the Silvermane Guards, order you to relinquish your futile resistance.

March 7: Grr, that Sampo cheated us all. Wait till I get my hands on him...

Soldier 3: Suspect! Relinquish your resistance!

March 7: Uh, I'm a criminal, huh? Forget Sampo, wait until I get my hands on YOU!

Gepard dashed from his position, shield in hand, closing the distance with Stelle. Stelle, undeterred, raised her magnified bat in defense as the clash of metal and bat echoed through the snowy expanse.

Danheng swiftly swung the bottom of his spear, aiming unyieldingly for Gepard's head. However, Gepard, in a display of swift reflexes, anticipated the attack and executed a timely duck, narrowly avoiding the potentially incapacitating strike aimed at his head.

Simultaneously, Stelle, ever vigilant, noticed the incoming spear and reacted with a nimble backward duck, narrowly evading the potentially incapacitating strike.

Gepard, utilizing the momentum from his evasive maneuver, deftly spun around, his keen eyes locking onto Danheng. Swiftly, he launched a powerful kick aimed at Danheng's stomach, catching him off guard. The forceful impact sent Danheng staggering backward through the snow, temporarily disrupting his stance.

March 7: Danheng!

March voice pierced through the sounds of battle, a mixture of concern and urgency. The kick from Gepard had caught them off guard

March 7, fueled by determination, continued her relentless assault. Drawing another arrow, she took aim at Gepard, her icy projectile streaking through the cold air. Gepard, ever vigilant, swiftly raised his shield, deflecting the arrow with calculated precision.

Gepard: How many times are you going to learn it's futile?

Stelle seized the opportunity, closing in with a well-timed swing of her magnified bat. Gepard, with swift reflexes, caught the bat in his hand, his grip firm and unyielding. Stelle, surprised by the captain's agility, found herself locked in a tense struggle, attempting to free her weapon from his grasp.

Gepard: I'm taking you three in either you like it or not. You can't resist.

The air grew heavy with tension as Gepard stood firm, ready to enforce the authority of the Silvermane Guards.

Stelle: Why are you so certain we're with Sampo? We just encountered him hiding in a snow pile, asked him for directions to Belobog, and that's it. We're not his accomplices.

Gepard, pausing for a moment, observed the sincerity in Stelle's words. He studied the expressions on their faces, searching for any signs of deceit.

Gepard: You expect me to believe you stumbled upon Sampo by chance, and he wasn't leading you as a diversion?

Gepard studied Stelle's eyes, and her sincerity seemed genuine. With a firm decision, he demanifested his shield and released the grip on the bat.

Gepard: well by the look of it I think there might be a misunderstanding

Danheng slowly recovered from the forceful kick he received earlier.

Danheng: Tell me about it. If you hadn't held back on the kick, I would have been knocked out.

Gepard: Well, you seem to be a peculiar bunch, stumbling into trouble or not. My apologies for the confusion. We're on high alert, given recent events. I need to confirm your identities.

March: Truth be told, we're not actually from this planet. So how are you going to identify us?

Gepard's expression shifted from suspicion to a mix of confusion and disbelief.

Gepard: What do you mean you're not from this planet?

Stelle: Show him the photos, March.

Gepard: Photos?

March: Ah! Stelle, you're a genius! Great idea. You've probably never seen what your planet looks like, right? I took this one. Behold, Jarilo-VI...

March walked toward Gepard and passed the photo to him, revealing an image of Jarilo-VI.

Soldier 4: You mean to say that this... white ball... That's here? That's our home? How can that...

As Gepard took a moment to process and thought intensely about what was going on.

Gepard: Long ago, there were tales of peculiar visitors from beyond the sky, but after the Eternal Freeze, blizzards made it impossible for such arrivals... Belobog ceased to witness them.

Soilder 4:But these people are-

Gepard: This decision is beyond us. If what they say is true, then only the supreme guardian may decide their fate. Our job is to present them before her. Nothing more. Outsiders, follow me. Belobog lies beyond this blizzard.

(Time skip to when they reach to belobog)

As Gepard led them through the snowy-laden field, they reached the imposing front gate of Belobog.

As they walked through the entrance gate of Belobog, Gepard extended a greeting

Gepard: Welcome to Belobog, the City of Preservation

Upon entering the city, March 7 couldn't help but notice a change in temperature.

March 7: Hey, it feels like it got a bit warmer!

Gepard: ...That's because you're in Belobog, the last bastion of humanity.

March 7: Last bastion?

Gepard: from what I heard last six years ago during the pre conference after reveling of the betrayer of an ex captain in the corps

Gepard: According to what I heard six years ago during the pre-conference after revealing the betrayer, an ex-captain in the corps, seven hundred years ago, monsters from beyond the sky set the world ablaze. The land turned to scorched earth, with raging infernos and billowing towers of smoke stretching beyond the horizon. In the midst of the conflict, the Eternal Freeze descended without warning. Sweeping winds brought blizzards that buried the invading Legion. Belobog was all that remained.The steadfast Architects built this city. Under the protection of Qlipoth the Preservation, Belobog remains forever warm in the face of unrelenting cold.

In their concealed realm, Y/n and Silverwolf remained hidden from the watchful eyes of those around them, listening intently to Gepard's revelations about the history of Belobog. As the echoes of the captain's words lingered, Silverwolf shot Y/n a mischievous look

Silverwolf: (smirking) Looks like Gepard has dug up your past incident, Y/n. I wonder just how much of the truth they are aware.

Y/n, with a nonchalant tone, responded to Silverwolf's remark about Gepard mentioning his past incident.

Y/n: Well, not that much, I presume. But it's quite fascinating how my absence for the last six years made me somewhat of a vigilante legend in Belobog. All it took was a peek into an archive file to unravel the truth about stellaron.

Silverwolf: Do you regret it?

Y/n: Regret? No, Silverwolf. Unraveling the truth and exposing Stellaron's plans was necessary. It's a path I chose to safeguard Belobog citizen even if it meant being seen as a vigilante. Till date I don't regret doing the right decision.

Silverwolf: (nodding) True, sometimes the path we choose comes with unforeseen consequences. But it seems like you've embraced your role, popular or not.

As Y/n and Silverwolf continued their surveillance, the air around them concealed their presence, allowing them to observe without being noticed.

March 7 exchanged a puzzled glance with Danheng as Gepard delved into a historical account.

March 7: ...He's sure saying some weird stuff.

Danheng: A marked change in tone. It sounds like he's quoting from a historical record.

March 7: Uh-huh, so why is he telling us all this?

Gepard: You wanted to know.

March 7 chuckled, trying to dismiss the gravity of Gepard's historical revelations.

As Gepard escorted the Astral Express, he maintained his conversation.

Gepard: We witnessed peculiar creatures outside the city, likely emerging from a rift in corroded space, a Fragmentum. How do you... Oh, right. Out in the blizzard, numerous threats persist, including the monsters you encountered. The Silvermane Guards are tirelessly combating the enemy, but the outlook is grim. After your meeting with the Supreme Guardian, I'd appreciate discussing this further. Unfortunately, we're lacking crucial intel. *Sigh*

As Gepard concludes the conversation, they arrive at the main department building of the Supreme Guardian headquater

Gepard: We're here, This is Qlipoth Fort, the heart of Belobog and headquarters of the Architects.

Stelle:The Architects?

Gepard: The Architects, saviors of humanity, faced doubt and criticism as they constructed defenses before the Eternal Freeze. History proved their decision right. This fortress, named after Qlipoth, Aeon of Preservation, was built under their guidance. Humanity, directed by the Architects, endured external attacks and the Eternal Freeze. Today, we resist Fragmentum's corrosion. The fortress also serves as the supreme guardian's residence.

March 7:The supreme guardian?

Gepard:The supreme guardian, elected and appointed by the Architects, leads Belobog. They've protected the city for generations. The current guardian is Madam Cocolia Rand. She makes all major strategic decisions.

March 7: (shocked) Whoa... she sounds like a big deal.

Gepard:I will now bring you to see Madam Cocolia. Please have your words at the ready. Her time is precious, so she prefers concise communication.

March 7:Uhh... We're gonna see her right now? Can I at least find a place to freshen up first?

Stelle: let me tag along

Dangheng: Let's not waste time. No one will notice, and besides, we might have time to stroll around after meeting the supreme guardian

Gepard: I've dispatched a messenger to send word, Madam Cocolia will be aware of your arrival. Come with me.

The trio entered the grand fortress, guided by Gepard through winding corridors adorned with intricate designs. The atmosphere within echoed with a sense of authority and purpose. As they approached Madam Cocolia's office.

Gepard swung the door open, revealing a room with two figures engaged in a conversation. Madam Cocolia,was deep in discussion with her daughter, Bronya.

Bronya: ...But that's a meaningless sacrifice, how can you-

Gepard and the crew approached the table as Cocolia interrupted, clearing her throat.

Cocolia: Ahem... You may leave, Bronya. Visitors have arrived.

Bronya grunted in irritation, reluctantly acknowledging her mother's directive.

Bronya: yes,mother

Bronya turned around with an audible stomp of her feet, shooting a quick glance at the unexpected visitors.

As Bronya stormed out of the room, her hurried footsteps echoed. Y/n watched her pass, noting the frustration in her expression.

Y/n: Hmm, so that's Cocolia's daughter. Quite interesting.

Silver Wolf: How so?

Y/n: Well, I've never seen Cocolia's daughter before, and after reading the script of Elois, I don't have to worry about who Cocolia bred with, to give birth to Bronya. It's part of the script . And besides, she does bear a resemblance to you, don't you think? If she ever does a makeover on her hair and appearance.

Silver Wolf: Huh, I suppose there's a certain familiarity.

Y/n: But hey, if she ever decides to try to disguise as you, I don't think it will be difficult to spot the difference, considering she's taller than you, after all.

*Y/n laughs uncontrollably, while Silver Wolf feels irritated and stomps his feet.*

Y/n:ouch what was that for

Silver Wolf: (grumbling) Just don't push your luck too far, Y/n. We have a mission to focus on.iditot

Y/n: I absolutely have no idea what you're so angry about, but a task is a task.

Mumbling softly to herself, Silver Wolf added,

Silverwolf:(mumbles) At least have a sensitive thought about a maiden's heart, idiot.

Y/n continued to concentrate on the unfolding Astral Express conversation.

Gepard announced his arrival, presenting the Astral Express to Madam Guardian Cocolia.

Gepard: Madam Guardian, I have brought three outsiders to see you.

Cocolia: The messenger informed me. Well done, Gepard. You may leave.

As Gepard exited the room, leaving the visitors in the presence of Madam Guardian Cocolia.

Cocolia: Welcome, visitors from beyond the Eternal Freeze. Or perhaps I should say: from beyond the sky... no? I am Cocolia Rand, Belobog's supreme guardian. I would be grateful if you could tell me why you have come.

Stelle: (curious) So you don't doubt our identity?

Cocolia: Do you wish me to doubt it? Or perhaps you're not confident in that identity yourself? Haha... No, I do not doubt it. I can see that you are not from this world.The Architects remember the history well, else we should forget it. I know that in the distant past, before the Eternal Freeze descended or the Legion invaded, this world was once prosperous beyond measure... Aeon connected our planet to other worlds, and we discovered the endless possibilities of the boundless universe. We also came to know of Qlipoth, the Amber Lord. Under their attentive gaze, we built the city walls. So, do not be surprised. For seven hundred years, the Architects have received no further communication from the stars... but I knew of your existence. Tell me why you have come.

Stelle: We're here to help.

Danheng: We came here for something known as a Stellaron.

Cocolia: A Stellaron?

Danheng: Objects that fell from the blue on separate worlds. Their appearance spelled disaster. Many of the planets we've visited have suffered their effects. You mentioned invasion by the Antimatter Legion. Soon after their arrival, this planet suffered the Eternal Freeze. At the same time, the phenomenon known as Fragmentum space corrosion began to occur. Correct?


Stelle: The Stellarons were cast by the Aeon of Destruction.

March 7: Which is why the Antimatter Legion and Stellarons often show up together! Worlds seeded with Stellarons give birth to Fragmentums. As for the Eternal Freeze... it must have been a product of the Stellaron unique to the environment of your world. You can see us as... kindhearted interstellar public servants, lending a helping hand to any world affected by a Stellaron!

Cocolia took a moment, her gaze shifting between the members of the Astral Express. The weight of their words and the implications of their mission hung in the air.

Cocolia: Your analysis of our current circumstances is clear. We have indeed suffered the disasters you speak of, some of which prove vexatious to us even today. But why should you care? Even if this Stellaron you speak of did bring about disaster, I fail to see its connection to you. I don't believe that anyone would go to such lengths to help a world unrelated to them... unless they had something to gain.

Danheng: You're right. Our reason for coming here is not purely selfless. If we don't seal the Stellaron, we cannot leave this planet.

Stelle: Please, let us locate the Stellaron. We have to find it to ensure the safety of our mission and the well-being of this world.

March 7: If we can get rid of it, your world will be safer too!

Cocolia: You... know how to seal the "Stellaron"?

Danheng: We have the relevant means.

Cocolia: Very well, I believe you. If our present situation is truly the result of this so-called Stellaron, then your arrival is the hope that Belobog has waited seven hundred years for. I am willing to assist you in any way possible to help you locate the Stellaron. It's getting late, and you must be tired. I will arrange for you to stay in our most comfortable hotel. Rest there, and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, at noon, I will dispatch someone to escort you here, and we can discuss this urgent matter in greater detail.

Stelle extended her gratitude to the supreme guardian.

Stelle: Thank you, Supreme Guardian.

Cocolia: It should be me thanking you, visitors from beyond the sky. I too need some time. I will go over our records for anything that may be connected to Stellarons... Please excuse me for not escorting you further.

Danheng and March 7 turned around to exit the room, while Stelle hesitated, glanced back at Cocolia, and then followed March 7 and Dengheng.

As the Astral Express disappeared from the room, Cocolia got up from her chair. Suddenly, a whisper of Stellaron echoed in her mind.

Cocolia: ...Of course, I understand. I won't let Y/n's words get through my head that easily.Do not Fred I have a Way to handle them.

A smug expression played across Cocolia's face as she confidently reassured herself, plotting her own course of action.

As Y/n and Silver Wolf observed from their hidden state, the anticipation of unfolding events lingered in the air.

Silver Wolf: Y/n, shall we continue tailing the Astral Express, or do you want to tackle the next task tomorrow?

Y/n: Oh, no worries. I'm still going strong and determined to chase after them. It's just that I never expected Cocolia's tactics to stoop so low to get rid of people standing in the way of her dream plan.

Silver wolf: Hey, I understand you have a lot on your mind right now, but you need to concentrate. We have a goal to complete, and we cannot allow distractions to get in our way. We will get through whatever comes our way together.

Y/n: You're right, Silver Wolf. Thanks for keeping me focused. Let's stay on course.

As Y/n and Silver Wolf moved swiftly toward the exit. Just before stepping outside, Y/n whispered with determination.

Y/n: Please don't struggle too hard when you've already lost the battle, Cocolia.

Chapter 10 end

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