Endings Are the Best Part

By acaawesomenerd

6.1K 185 81

I suck at summaries. Just read the book and find out what happens. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN PITCH PERFECT OR... More

Just Friends
Aca Initiation night
Pushing Him Away
The Movie
Riff Off
Secrets Revealed
Author's Note

Going Home

857 35 15
By acaawesomenerd


That's what she felt about everything. That's what she felt about him.

Maybe she did feel one thing, but it certainly wasn't a pleasant feeling. She felt stupid. Completely and utterly stupid. She let him get close to her. She actually let him in and for what? To get hurt again by the one she thought she loved?

Fuck him.

He got what he wanted. She won't bother him again. She won't even think about him again. Starting now.

"Hey Bec, doctors said we could go when ready." Chloe said as she walked into the hospital room. "Great. Let's go." Beca finished tying her shoe and headed for the door. "Just like that?"

"Just like that." Beca confirmed. "I hare hospitals." Chloe nodded and quickly followed. The girls walked in silence but Beca could tell Chloe wanted to say something. "What?" she asked the ginger. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb with me, red. Spill."

"I'm just curious."

"About?" Chloe looked at the ground as she spoke, "Jesse." Beca stopped and groaned loudly. "I told you already, Chloe."

"I know but-"

"No! Not buts! He means nothing to me. Zip, zilch, nada, other words that mean nothing. He's not part of my life anymore, nor was he ever. Can you please just drop it?" Chloe cowered slightly at Beca's outburst.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I won't bring it up again." Chloe said quietly. "Thank you." Beca said and continued to walk to the exit.

Though she says she doesn't care, Chloe knows Beca better than anyone. She knows there's still love for Jesse in that alt heart but she's afraid to get hurt again. She hates being vulnerable but that's exactly what she was for Jesse. She's turned into a real bitch again and Chloe has to do something to get her to open up again.

Beca was humming to the music as Chloe silently drove. Beca looked out the window curiously as she watched as Chloe passed the Bellas house. "Chlo, where are we going?"

"Treble house." She plainly states. Beca's heart dropped and her face turned pale. "Why? What happened to dropping it?" she asked. Chloe glanced at her, "I lied."

"Fuck." Beca unbuckled and turned to open the door but Chloe already locked them. "This is kidnap. You can't do this!"

"Beca, you need to talk to Jesse."

"I told you, he's nothing to me."

"Knock off the bullshit, Beca. I know you're lying or you wouldn't be all defensive about it." Beca glared at her friend quietly. "Glare all you want but it doesn't change the facts. Your walls are back up but I know you. you can't forget just like that."

"Yes I can because I have." Beca growled through clenched teeth. "Keep telling yourself that but you're not leaving until you talk to him."

"You can't make me." Chloe smirked as she parked the car. Beca felt herself being dragged from the car and turned to see Amy. "Amy, so help me God-"

"Oh calm down you hobbit. Just talk to him. 5 minutes is all we're asking and we'll leave you alone about it." Beca glared at her friends. "Just 5 minutes?" she asked and they nodded. "And you'll leave me alone?" they nodded again. "Fine." Beca stomped to the door and knocked. She fumed as she waited for the answer.

The door opened and Beca ignored the butterflies in her stomach at the sight of him. "Beca?"

"Yeah it's me." She said coldly.

"Beca, about the other day I-" Jesse started to apologize again but Beca cut him off. "It's fine. I don't care." She said. Jesse stayed quiet for a minute.

She didn't care.

That tore him into a millon pieces. She didn't care about him. He loved her more then anything and she didn't even care.

"Oh.. Okay well I guess I'll see you later then..." He said.

"Goodbye, Jesse." Beca said before walking away. He watched Chloe drive away with her before walking back inside and closing the door.

He went upstairs and put a movie into his laptop, trying to forget about Beca. As he watched the movie he saw and heard little things that reminded him of Beca. He turned the movie off and laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling.

*Chloe's POV*

Nothing happened. She's still icy cold. It's like he's not even trying to get her back. What the hell is wrong with these two?!

Somebody has to take action before they go separate ways and are forever miserable. It's obviously not going to be one of them. I guess it's up to me.

I drop Beca off at the Bella house before returning to the Trebles. Maybe I can talk some sense into Jesse, get him to work harder. I knock on the door and wait for the response.

"Chloe?" Benji answered the door with a confused expression. "Where's Jesse?" I quickly ask. Benji looked into the house and yelled for him, within seconds he was the door. "Chloe?"

"We need to talk." I say and step into the house. "Um, okay. What about?"

"Beca." he looked at me with this heartbreaking expression. "Uh, let's go to my room." I nod and follow him upstairs. We walk into his room and he closes the door behind us. "Have a seat."

"I'm fine, thank you." he nods and sits in his bed. "So what about her?" I tried to stay calm but it all just poured out. "What the hell is wrong with you?"


"Can't you see what you've done? Her walls are back up and it's all your fault, Jesse!"

"I know and I'm so sorry-"

"Sorry? What the hell could possibly possess you to do this? And after everything you went through the first time?"

"I know, Chloe. I feel awful."

"You should!" he drops his head into his hands and I calm down, knowing how much this is killing him. "You have to help her, Jesse. You have to break them down again."


"I don't know, but you did it the first time. Surely you can do it again." he looks up at me like a lightbulb suddenly lit up.

"I know what I have to do."

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Something big. I'm gonna need your help." He replied as he pulled his laptop out.

"I'll do anything to get Beca back. What do you need?"

"Get her to go on one date with me. Tell her I won't ask her to go on anymore. Just one." He said as he looked something up on his laptop.

"Done." I replied. "I'll see you later, Jesse." I said before walking out of his room and then out to my car.

A/N What's up weirdos?

So sorry I haven't updated in so long I have had really bad writer's block but I have been promising a chapter so amazinglittleweirdo helped me write this. Without her I wouldn't have got this chapter up so y'all can thank her.

So did I hit you right in the feels? Don't worry I won't keep them apart forever. You hope...

What do you think Jesse has planned? Something romantic? Something nerdy? Something that has to do with acapella? I guess you will just have to wait and see... Until then comment what you think he is going to do!

Please comment, vote and add to your reading list! I love you awesome nerds.

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