MLP x Alicorn Male Reader

By LarryLegend759

180K 3.8K 5.3K

An Alicorn was born which all of Equestria does not know about. He was raised without an actual family, so he... More

Prologue: Welcome to Ponyvile
Friendship is Magic, Part 1
Friendship is Magic Part 2
The Ticket Master
Applebuck Season
Griffon the Brush Off
Author's Note (14 December 2023)
Boast Busters
Bridle Gossip
Author's Note (16 December 2023)
Swarm of the Century
Winter Wrap Up
Call of the Cutie
Fall Weather Friends
Suited For Success
Meet the Sparkles
Sonic Rainboom
Stare Master
The Show Stoppers
A Dog and Pony Show
Green Isn't Your Color
Over a Barrel
A Bird in the Hoof
The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Owl's Well That Ends Well
Party of One
The Best Night Ever (Season 1 Finale)
Season 2: The Return of Harmony (Part 1)
Season 2: The Return of Harmony (Part 2)
(Y/N)'s Departure
Important Author's Note (28 February 2024)
Lesson Zero
Luna Eclipsed
Sisterhooves Social
I Made My Equestria Girls Story
The Cutie Pox
May the Best Pet Wins
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Sweet and Elite
Secret of My Excess
Short: Night Corps First Test
Hearth's Warming Eve
Family Appreciation Day
Baby Cakes
The Last Roundup
Author's note (14 May 2024)
The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
Read It and Weep
Hearts and Hooves Day
I Have Covid
Putting Your Hoof Down
It's About Time
Voting Time for (Y/N)'s Voice Actor [CLOSED]
Results of the Ideal Voice Actor for (Y/N)
(Y/N)'s Baby Adventure
Dragon Quest
Hurricane Fluttershy
Hospital Crush
Ponyville Confidential
MMMystery on the Friendship Express
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1 (Season 2 Finale)
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 (Season 2 Finale)
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 3 (Season 2 Finale)
The Expecting Mare: Season 2 Epilogue

Feeling Pinkie Keen

2.9K 59 49
By LarryLegend759

[Two day after Twilight and (Y/N) traveled to Canterlot]

[Twilight practices her magic with Spike]

Twilight: Eyes over here, Spike!
Spike: Uh, sorry.

Twilight: For this to work, it's crucial we keep our concentration totally on the-

Pinkie Pie: Ooh!

Spike: Nyuh! [The rock was about to turn into a hat but it reverted back and drops on Spike]

Twilight: Spike! This magic needs our full attention to make it happen. There's no other way!

Spike: I can't help it. Look!

[Pinkie was hiding behind a tree and started hiding underneath multiple places]

Twilight: Ugh, never mind her. She's just being Pinkie Pie.

Spike: Super-extra Pinkie Pie today.

Pinkie Pie: Hmm... Twitchy twitcha twitcha twitch.

Twilight: Pinkie Pie? What in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you up to?

Pinkie Pie: Oh! It's my tail! It's my tail! It's a-twitch a-twitchin'! And you know what that means!

Twilight: Actually, Pinkie, I haven't the slightest idea.

Pinkie Pie: The twitchin' means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's gonna start falling! You two better duck for cover.

Twilight: Oh, Pinkie, it's not gonna rain. Why, there's barely even a cloud in the-ugh!

[Author's note: I have so much question with this image]

[Frog croaks]

Pinkie Pie: He just said "nice catch" in Frog.

[Frog croaks]

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm so, so sorry. You okay, Twilight Sparkle? I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so over-populated, what with the frogs all hopping into each other and all, so I decided to fly as many as I can on over to Froggy Bottom Bogg.

Twilight: Of course you did.

Fluttershy: [Muffled] Bye-bye!

[Twilight was moving while Pinkie Pie had been hopping and something happened]

Pinkie Pie: Um... Twilight? You gotta little somethin' on your face there.

[Twilight has a frog still stuck to her face]

Twilight: Oh, really? Did your Pinkie Sense tell you that, too?

Pinkie Pie: Nah! I could just see it. La-la-la-la-la...

Twilight: C'mon, Spike, let's continue our practice session where there's a little less commotion.

Spike: Wow! That was amazing! Pinkie Pie predicted something would fall, and it did!

Twilight: Oh, come on. She said that something would fall, and a frog just happened to fall right around the same time. A coincidence, nothing else to it.

Pinkie Pie: My tail! My tail! Twitch-a-twitch! Twitch-a-twitch! Somethin' else is gonna fall!

Twilight: Oh, Pinkie, please. Nothing else is gonna fa- aaah!

Spike: Oh no, Twilight fell! Is it... safe to go help her?

Pinkie Pie: It's okay, my tail stopped twitching. La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la... [Pinkie moves away]

Spike: Ha ha! That was amazing!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, please.

[Applejack and (Y/N) appears]

Applejack: Uh, Twilight? Why are you hanging out in a ditch?

(Y/N): [Went down to help Twilight up] I don't think you are doing this for fun.

Spike: Because, Pinkie Pie predicted it!

(Y/N): Predicted it?

(Y/N): [Thinking] Is Pinkie doing her little antics again?

Twilight: Honestly, Spike, she did not. Two coincidences in a row like this may be unlikely, but it's still easier to believe than twitchy tails that predict the future.

Applejack: [Gasp] Twitchy tail? Pinkie Sense? Whoa! Nyu-uh! [Hides underneath a fruit stand]

Spike: Don't worry, it's safe. Prediction already came true.

Twilight: Oh, wait. Don't tell me you believe in this stuff, too?

Applejack: I know it doesn't make much sense, but those of us who have been in Ponyville a while have learned over time that, if Pinkie's a-twichin', you better listen.

Twilight: I can't believe this.

(Y/N): I believe it.

Twilight: [Shocked] What?? Why would you of all ponies believe this?

(Y/N): Well, I don't know about the other stuff but when Pinkie did her little antics with me, I had the best day here in Ponyville.

[Flashback to Ponyville a few days before Twilight appears]

[(Y/N) was at Sugarcube Corner]

(Y/N): Can I have one of your cupcakes?

Pinkie Pie: Of course, (N/N).

[Pinkie Pie gave (Y/N) a cupcake and started doing her Pinkie Senses]

Pinkie Pie: [Itchy back]

(Y/N): What was that?

Pinkie Pie: [Ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter]

Pinkie Pie: Oh... just my Pinkie Sense.

(Y/N): Pinkie Sense?

Pinkie Pie: This one means the sky will be graced with a beautiful rainbow. The first one means lucky day.

(Y/N): [Confused] Okay?

[(Y/N) walks away as he is heading to the town square to enjoy his cupcake]

??: Isn't this day beautiful?

(Y/N): I agree. [Eats his cupcake]

??: It is even more beautiful now since there is a rainbow.

(Y/N): Wait, what? [Looked at the sky as it shows a rainbow shining in front of me]

??: I am in such a good mood. Even though I don't have anypony to take care of my daughter while my wife and I are away for a quick business trip.

(Y/N): I'll take care of your daughter for you.

??: You will? Oh, thank you mister Alicorn. You are such a kind pony.

(Y/N): Just call me (Y/N).

??: I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Filthy Rich. Pleasure to meet you.

(Y/N): Pleasure to meet you.

Filthy Rich: Let me take you to my place so you can foal-sit my daughter.

[(Y/N) follows Filthy Rich to his place]

Filthy Rich: This is my place. All you need to do is take care of my daughter and make sure she behaves.

(Y/N): No problem.

Filthy Rich: Diamond Tiara... come down here!

[Diamond Tiara went downstairs]

Diamond Tiara: What is it, Dad?

Filthy Rich: Diamond Tiara... meet (Y/N). He will be foal-sitting you until I return.

Diamond Tiara: You must be (Y/N)

[Diamond Tiara circling around (Y/N) noticing he is an Alicorn which amazed her]

(Y/N): Nice to meet you, little one.

Diamond Tiara: Are you an Alicorn?

(Y/N): Yes.

Filthy Rich: I'll be heading out. See you later. [Closes the door and leaves]

Diamond Tiara: Are you a Prince or something?

(Y/N): I honestly don't know. I don't know who I truly am since I don't have any parents.

Diamond Tiara: [Felt upset for asking that] Sorry.

(Y/N): [Pat her head] Don't worry, little one. I have been dealing with it for so long, it doesn't matter to me much. I'm glad you worry about it, though. You must be a good filly.

[Author's note: If only he knew. But Diamond Tiara in this series will behave when (Y/N) appears, but when he is away, she will act disrespectful to "Blank Flanks" and to lower class ponies]

Diamond Tiara: I care for ponies that are of the standing as my family. I don't see how I should care for other ponies beneath me.

(Y/N): Status is important in life. That is true. I have my fair share of experience with some nobles and warriors in my past. But they are nothing if they don't have a follower that loves them. They will not be by their side, if you don't offer them respect.

Diamond Tiara: I guess you are right.

(Y/N): Forget the serious stuff. How about we play games instead?

Diamond Tiara: Okay.

[Both of them spent their time playing games and other activities until it was about to be close to bed time]

(Y/N): [Telling Diamond Tiara a bedtime story of his tale] ...And that is how I beat all of those punks that were terrorizing the ponies in Somnambula.

Diamond Tiara: [Yawn] You really did all of this?

(Y/N): I did, little one. That corrupt miner really work his ponies to the bone until I tricked him into exposing himself in front of everypony and ousted him myself. He would convinced his fellow ponies that this was because of hard times, but he has all of the bits to pay his workers and feed their families.

Diamond Tiara: You are a hero.

(Y/N): I guess I am.

Diamond Tiara: [Blush] I am glad you told me this story. I really do. [Falls asleep]

[Author's note: Remember this is one of those crush, kids have towards people older than them. It is not a real relationship]

(Y/N): Goodnight, little one. [Kiss on the forehead]

[(Y/N) was sitting in the living room waiting for Filthy Rich]

[Filthy Rich and his wife opens the door]

(Y/N): You're back.

Filthy Rich: You must have had a handful with my daughter.

(Y/N): Not really. She was well-behaved when I was with her.

Diamond's Mother: I'm heading to bed.

Filthy Rich: Of course, dear.

[Diamond Tiara's mother went upstairs to bed]

(Y/N): How was your trip?

Filthy Rich: It was handle smoothly. Did she really behave well with you?

(Y/N): She behaved. She was actually a sweetheart. She was uptight and a little cold towards other ponies, but I hope what I said to her may help her.

Filthy Rich: I don't want her to misbehave but I also want her to succeed and never fail in life.

(Y/N): I see.

Filthy Rich: Before you go... [Giving a bag full of bits] Here you go.

(Y/N): [Counting] That is a lot of bits! Do you really want to give this to me?

Filthy Rich: Please. You made my day helping me with Diamond Tiara and hearing her behaved with you has truly made my day.

(Y/N): [Thinking] This is more than enough to pay the money I need for the house, Mayor Mare gave to me.

(Y/N): Alright. I'll take it.

Filthy Rich: You are too kind to accept this offer.

(Y/N): You really helped me more than you think.

Filthy Rich: I want to ask. Whenever I am one of those business trips where no one is around, can you foal-sit her again. I know the butler is there for her, but I want someone that can influence her.

(Y/N): Sure. Whenever I am not busy, I'll take the offer when it comes.

Filthy Rich: I can't thank you enough.

(Y/N): You are a friend. I'm glad to help you.

Filthy Rich: [Smile] Right... friend.

[Flashback end]

(Y/N): It was the luckiest day in my life and I have many good moments like seeing my mother and having you, Twi. But Pinkie helped me out when I thought I would be in trouble in not paying on time.

Twilight: I can't believe this

Pinkie Pie: My ears are flopping! My ears are flopping!
Spike: Nyuh! What does that mean?!
Pinkie Pie: I'll start a bath for you.

Twilight: Huh? [chuckles] A bath? This thing keeps on getting more ridiculous by the minute!


Twilight Sparkle: [Grumble]

(Y/N): Want me to bathe you, Twi?

[Everypony was shocked by (Y/N)'s question]

(Y/N): What?

Twilight: Yes... I mean, NO! [Blushing]

Applejack: [Laughing]

Pinkie Pie: [Laughing]

(Y/N): What!?

[Time skip]

[Twilight is bathing in Pinkie's bathroom with Pinkie Pie in the bathroom while (Y/N) is waiting near the bathroom]

Twilight: I can't believe this happened to me. It must have been a coincidence.

Pinkie Pie: I can't believe you don't believe me after this.

(Y/N): [Yelling from outside the bathroom] I can't believe you didn't tell me what I said was indecent!

Twilight: Don't enter the bathroom.

(Y/N): I know, I know! [Moved away from the door and was sitting by the stairs]

(Y/N): [Thinking] It's not like I knew what it meant. I just wanted to bathe her.

Pinkie Pie: Sooo, basically, it works like this: I get different, little, niggly feelings and they mean different things. Like when my back is itchy, it means it's my lucky day. And, when my knee gets pinchy, that means something scary's about to happen.

Twilight: Is your knee pinchy now?

Pinkie Pie: No, but my shoulder's achy. That means there's an alligator in the tub.

[Pinkie Pie takes a small alligator out of the tub]

Twilight Sparkle: [Scream] How come your knee didn't get pinchy?! That isn't just scary, it's downright dangerous!

Pinkie Pie: No, it's not, silly! This is my pet alligator, Gummy. He's got no teeth. See? Haha!

Twilight Sparkle: Okay, okay... I get it.

[(Y/N) opens the door]

(Y/N): I heard a scream. What happened?

Twilight: [Scream] (Y/N)! Get out!

(Y/N): [Closes the door and ran out of Sugarcube Corner] My bad!

Twilight: [Blushing]

[Twilight and Pinkie Pie leaves as they find (Y/N) waiting outside]

(Y/N): Are you mad, Twi?

Twilight: [Blush] Yes.

(Y/N): I was worried.

Twilight: You will await punishment for embarrassing me like that. [Smirk]

(Y/N): [Upset] Please, Twilight. I didn't want to look at your body. I was just wondering if you were hurt.

Twilight: [Tick mark] So... you don't like my body?

(Y/N): N-no... I do. I... I...

[While (Y/N) and Twilight were arguing, Pinkie had an itchy back]

Twilight: [Thinking] I just want to mess with him. I still don't want him to learn not to be so indecent. Maybe I should teach him social norms.

(Y/N): [Tears] I'm sorry.

Twilight: [Shocked]

(Y/N): I don't want you to think I am not good enough.

Twilight: It's okay. I forgive you. I just wanted you to know that what you did is bad. That's all. I'm sorry for messing with you.

(Y/N): [Hug]

Pinkie Pie: Awwww! That is so sweet. My Pinkie Sense made you have a lucky day.

Twilight: [Let's go of the hug and groan] I still don't believe all this... "special power" stuff. It's just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.

Pinkie Pie: What's not to believe? You do magic, what's the difference?

Twilight: Huge! For one thing, [Clears throat] magic is something you study and practice. It only happens when you decide to do it, and it's meant to make something specific that you choose to happen, happen. With you, uh, it makes no sense at all!

Pinkie Pie: That's so not true, Twilight! Sometimes it's a bunch of random things happening to my body at random times that supposedly predict the future. I call 'em "combos".

Twilight: Combos?

(Y/N): You mean the one that made rainbows?

Pinkie Pie: Yes, (N/N)! It starts with ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow, Twilight!

Twilight: Yeah, sure.

Pinkie Pie: Uh-oh, I feel a combo coming on. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch!

[Spike opens the door aggressively as he carries many books and leaves]

(Y/N): Twilight! Are you okay!?

Twilight: [To (Y/N)] Ughhh... I'm fine. [To Pinkie Pie] Pinkie... you said that combo meant "beautiful rainbow".

Pinkie Pie: Oh no-no-no-no-no. You're thinking of an ear flop, then knee twitch, then eye flutter. This was an ear flop, then eye flutter, then knee twitch. That usually means "look out for opening doors". You okay?

(Y/N): Twilight... let's forget about this and just enjoy our time together instead.

Twilight: [Ignoring (Y/N)] I don't believe this.

Pinkie Pie: You don't believe because you don't understand.

Twilight: Hmm...

Twilight: Okay. Now when you get another twitch, we'll have all kinds of scientific information.

Pinkie Pie: Okie-dokie-lokie!

[Steam stack whistling periodically]

Twilight: Any twitches yet?

Pinkie Pie: Nopey-dopey!

Twilight: Now? Anything?

Pinkie Pie: Wait! Hold on! Uhh, no.

(Y/N): Twi, I don't think your science works for Pinkie.

Twilight: Are you kidding me?! After a whole day of nonstop twitching, now that I've got you all hooked up, you're not getting a single one?

Pinkie Pie: I don't control it, they just come and go.

Twilight: That makes no sense!

(Y/N): Twi... Pinkie is not supposed to make sense. She is... Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Sometimes you just have to believe in things, even when you can't figure 'em out.

Twilight: I will not believe in anything I cannot explain.

(Y/N): Twi, let's forget about it.

Twilight: (Y/N), I am not going to just forget it! I don't want you to get in the way of finding out the truth.

(Y/N): Twi...

Pinkie Pie: Wait, hold on, I'm feeling something...

Twilight: Oh my gosh, what? What is it?!

[Pinkie Pie's stomach growls]

Pinkie Pie: It's my tummy! That usually means I'm hungry! Let's eat!

(Y/N): [Laughing] You know I can get something to eat too.

Pinkie Pie: I can make some cakes and macarons for us to eat.

(Y/N): Sure. Once you're finished with whatever this is.

Twilight: Urgh... You know what? [Snap] Just forget it! I don't need to know if this is real or not. I don't need to understand it! I don't even care!

Pinkie Pie: Okie-dokie-lokie. [Gasp] Uh-oh. [Ear flop, then eye flutter, then knee twitch]

(Y/N): Twilight! Look for that--

[Door slams at Twilight and it was Spike again]

Spike: Pinkie? Have you seen Twilight?

Pinkie Pie: Uh-huh. [Leaves]

Spike: Twilight? What are ya doing back there?

(Y/N): [Sigh] You slammed her.

Twilight: Rrrrgh... Did you three plan this?

Spike: Plan what?

Twilight: Urgh! This is ridiculous. This can't be happening. This makes no sense. I have to figure this out.

(Y/N): [Mad] Twi... I feel insulted you think I would plan this.

Twilight: I'm sorry. I'm just losing it with Pinkie and her little twitches.

(Y/N): Twilight...

Twilight: [Thinking] Everytime I hear him say Twilight instead of Twi, it is usually serious.

(Y/N): Just appreciate the fact that her Pinkie Sense exist. Just because you can't explain it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There were dozens of things I learned that I thought didn't exist. If you excuse me... I'm going to eat some sweets with Pinkie. [Leaves]

Spike: Uh... Twilight. Aren't you going to follow him?

Twilight: Leave him be. He rather be with Pinkie and her twitches than me. [Pout]

Spike: [Sigh]

[Meanwhile at Sugarcube Corner]

(Y/N): [Eating Macarons] By the stars, this is delicious, Pinkie!

Pinkie Pie: I love making sweets to make anyone happy.

(Y/N): I don't think anyone can compete with yours, Pinkie. I told Twi that when we were in Canterlot.

Pinkie Pie: What was it like?

(Y/N): Quite intriguing. There was a donut shop over there and the donuts, Joe made, was delicious.

Pinkie Pie: I would love to try his donuts to see for myself.

(Y/N): You might, once we go to the Gala. But your sweets are better.

Pinkie Pie: [Blush] Thanks, (N/N).

(Y/N): [Sigh]

Pinkie Pie: What's wrong?

(Y/N): I'm thinking Twi is becoming obsessed with the whole Pinkie Sense of yours. I don't know what to do. It might almost kill her.

Pinkie Pie: [Pats his shoulders] Don't worry, (N/N). I'm sure she will get through. I know it. It may be not be now, but she will see through it.

(Y/N): [Smile] I hope so.

Pinkie Pie: Anyway, I'm going out to have some fun outside. Want to come with me?

(Y/N): Sure, why not.

[Meanwhile back to Twilight's impersonating Steve Irwin]

[Twilight sees Pinkie hopping while (Y/N) was flying with her]

Twilight: [Jealous] Stupid (Y/N).

Spike: Twilight?

Twilight: Ah!

Spike: Whoa-oh-uh!

Twilight: Honestly, Spike, don't you know better than to sneak up on ponies?

Spike: Oh, sorry, but, um, well, isn't that what you're doing?

Twilight: [Gasp] No! I'm doing scientific research. I'm observing Pinkie Pie, scientific name: Pinkius Pieicus, in its natural habitat.

Spike: Pinkius-whoicus? Hh!

Twilight: There's something fishy going on with the whole twitchy prediction thing, and I'm getting to the bottom of it. So, shh. Come on, Pinkius Pieicus is on the move.

Spike: Okay... though (Y/N) is with her too.

Twilight: Forget about him, my research is more important.

Spike: [Thinking] If (Y/N) heard that, he would not be happy at all.

[Time skip]

Pinkie Pie: [Humming]

(Y/N): [Chuckling]

Twilight: Hm... Itchy nose...

Pinkie Pie: [Gasp over what will happen and hide]

(Y/N): What are you hiding from?

Pinkie Pie: [Whispered to (Y/N)] Just hide with me!

[(Y/N) hides with Pinkie Pie]

Twilight: [Thinking] What are they doing? Why are you holding Pinkie like that? Wait? Itchy nose?

Twilight: Aha! That makes no sense. See? She's hiding like something's about to fall from the sky, but a twitchy tail means something's gonna fall from the sky, not an itchy nose.

[Swarm of bees buzzing]

Twilight: This proves...

Spike: [Gasp]

Twilight: ...perhaps conclusively, that-

Spike: Gah! [Runs away from the swarm of bees]

Twilight: Spike! Where are you going? I'm trying to teach you the value of scientific-

[Swarm buzzing]

Twilight: Ow! Ouch! Ow! [Whimper]

(Y/N): [Thinking] Was that Twi? [Looks at the bush moving] Are you still not going to admit to this!? I'm starting to wonder if Twi is more stubborn than AJ. I'll let her follow us.


Spike: What are they doing now?

Twilight Sparkle: Smelling a flower.

Spike: Holy guacamole! I wonder what that means?

Twilight: Probably that the flower smells good. Wait. I'm getting something. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch.

Spike: Hold on... You told me that's the combo that says "watch out for opening doors"! [Runs and hide nearby]

Twilight: Oh-ho. You really, really believe this stuff, don't you? Here, let me show you there's nothing to be afraid of. [Leans on the door] You see? I promise you there's nothing to fear from that- [Cellar door opens causing Twilight to fall] Wo-o-ah! Ow! Ugh! Ow! Ow!

Applejack: Twilight! You came to visit my new apple cellar, how nice. Twi? You okay? Uh, Twi?

(Y/N): [Thinking] I'm starting to feel bad for Twi. Maybe I should help her. But I don't want Pinkie to think Twi is spying on her.

Pinkie Pie: [Thinking] Actually I knew she was following me the whole time. You don't have to worry about me.

(Y/N): [Thinking] Oh, okay. Maybe I shou- Wait? Are we doing the telepathy again?

Pinkie Pie: [Thinking] I guess so. Seems like someone wants to make a joke out of this.

(Y/N): [Sigh]


Spike: Here, let me help you.

Twilight: Okay, take this down: twitchy tail.

[Pinkie is having a twitchy tail as (Y/N) was looking at it wondering where something will fall]

(Y/N): [Thinking] If it hits Twi, please let it be something smaller than a frog. I really don't want her to be hurt anymore.

Spike: Twitchy tail? [Gasp] Twitchy tail!

Twilight: Hush, Spike! We can't let Pinkie or (Y/N) know we're here, remember?

Spike: Something's gonna fall, something's gonna fall! Run for your lives. Ah-ha-ha!

Twilight Sparkle: Ugh. Spike, honestly. You're overreact-

[Twilight gets hits by multiple heavy objects]

(Y/N): I'll play with you later, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: Hope you heal her, (N/N)!

(Y/N): I will!

(Y/N): [Thinking] Wait... how did she know I have a healing spell?

(Y/N): [Ran to Twilight] Twi!! Are you okay!?

Twilight: [Grunting in pain]

(Y/N): [Crying] It's okay. Don't move. I'll fix you up.

[(Y/N) uses his healing magic spell on her which requires a lot of magic. He used up a lot of his magic, which nearly exhausted him]

(Y/N): Twi...

Twilight: [Opens her eyes] (Y/N)?

(Y/N): [Hugs her] Oh, thank goodness! I'm glad you are okay. I was able to heal most of your injuries. I haven't used this spell in a long time, but I can practice it with you, since you might be-

Twilight: Where's Pinkie?

(Y/N): Twi... you shouldn't move. You were hurt.

Twilight: I don't care. I must find the answer to Pinkie's twitches and combos.

(Y/N): Twi! Stop talking about Pinkie and focus on your own well-being. Rest up and give up on this wild goose chase.

Twilight: Give up? Give up! [Angry] You think I am going to give up on this chance to study Pinkie and her little twitches. I am going to figure this out whether you like it or not.

(Y/N): Is this research more important than your well-being? Is it more important than me?

[Twilight felt conflicted about choosing research or (Y/N). However, she was more used to researching and studying than being with (Y/N). It seems like Twilight still holds her old tendencies towards studying and researching than focusing on her new boyfriend]

Twilight: I hope you forgive me later. [Runs to find Pinkie Pie]

[(Y/N) was alone to watch Twilight running away as he felt heartbroken over her choosing researching over him]

(Y/N): [Tears] [Angry] [Canterlot Voice] STUBBORN ARROGANT PONY!

[(Y/N) was at Sweet Apple Acre as he was walking hoping to calm his nerves before he returns home]

Apple Bloom: Hey bro.

(Y/N): [Dejected] Hey, Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom: What's wrong?

(Y/N): [Silent]

Apple Bloom: Why don't you come in? We have Apple Pie in the oven. You can have some if Granny says yes. Will that cheer you up?

(Y/N): I guess.

[Author's note: The OC has a thing with eating sweets to cheer him up. I guess he and Rarity have one thing in common. When they are upset, they eat sweets]

Apple Bloom: Come on. Let's head inside and we can talk about it. [Drags (Y/N) inside the barn]

[They both enter the kitchen where they see Granny Smith finish baking many Apple Pie for the family]

Granny Smith: Well, looking here. If it ain't the Alicorn that helps us out often. What are you here for?

Apple Bloom: Big bro seems upset. I was hoping we can have one of your pies to help cheer him up.

Granny Smith: He is family, dearie. Of course he can have one of my pies. I hope whatever it is, he is down in the dumps for, he feels better after eating my pie.

(Y/N): Thanks, Granny Smith.

Granny Smith: Anytime, sonny. [Leaving]

(Y/N): [Mutter] I am older than her

Apple Bloom: You should call her your granddaughter since you are older than her.

(Y/N): Yeah, I sho- I'm not old!

Apple Bloom: [Laugh]

(Y/N): [Pout]

Apple Bloom: Looks like you are kind of back to your normal self.

(Y/N): [Realization] I guess. [Chuckling]

[(Y/N) uses his magic to take a slice of the pie and eats it]

(Y/N): Yum! This is the best Pie I have ever eaten.

Granny Smith: [Yelling from the distance] You're welcome, sonny!

(Y/N) & Apple Bloom: [Laughing]

Apple Bloom: Now that you ate a slice of the pie, will you tell me what's wrong?

(Y/N): [Sigh] I don't know.

Apple Bloom: Big bro, you are important to me as you are family to me. We may not be by blood, but you are truly family to me. Your concerns are my concern. Besides, you are an honorary Crusader and our advisor.

(Y/N): [Chuckling] When did you sound mature?

Apple Bloom: When you treat me like an adult and not like a baby like my sister.

[Both were chuckling]

(Y/N): Okay, I'll tell you. I was angry with what Twi did.

[Granny Smith sneaking an ear from the distance]

Apple Bloom: With what?

(Y/N): I saw Twi get hurt from one of Pinkie's twitchy tail, so I tried to heal her as I was concerned she may have seriously gotten hurt. I used my magic to heal her. But I am exhausted, as it exhaust me more if the injuries or illness is serious, as it needs me to exert more magic.

Apple Bloom: I don't see anything wrong with that. You were doing the right thing.

(Y/N): I haven't finished. Once she woke up, I was glad she was okay. However she didn't even thank me as she was more focus on her research over Pinkie's twitches over her own well-being and towards me. I am worried she will get hurt. I can't help her when she gets hurt all the time. My healing magic is taxing to my body as it exhaust me. If it was a simple cut, it wouldn't bother me, but she was a mess. [Crying]

Apple Bloom: You really care for Twilight.

(Y/N): [Tears] What's worse... I asked her if her research is more important than me and her well-being. She said "I hope you forgive me later" and left. I was angry about it and wanted to walk around Ponyville to cool my nerves.

Apple Bloom: [Sad] That was really mean of her.

Granny Smith: She is those obsessive ones.

(Y/N): Granny Smith?

Granny Smith: Apologies for listening in, but I have something to say to this.

(Y/N): [Stares at Granny Smith]

Granny Smith: You are a wonderful pony that was worried for your Mare, despite her not knowing how great she has it. If this study she is doing is going to get her to realize how empty her genius brain is. Don't worry, sonny. She will come around. She will realize her mistake and say her sorry.

(Y/N): [Smiling as he is wiping his tears] Thanks Granny Smith.

Granny Smith: I am always there for family.

Apple Bloom: Don't you ever forget it, big bro. You are always welcome here as you brought joy to Ponyville and to our lives.

(Y/N): That sounds like something you would say to Pinkie.

Apple Bloom: [Giggling] True. She gives joy to our lives when we are down. You bring joy by helping ponies when they are in need.

(Y/N): [Hugs Granny Smith and Apple Bloom] I was right to treat you like an adult. Kids sometimes have things to say that makes an Alicorn like myself happy.

Granny Smith: She may be growing up, but she is still my granddaughter.

(Y/N): Indeed. It doesn't mean she doesn't need guidance. Everypony needs guidance from someone, not just themselves.

Granny Smith: I need to be heading to my chair. I need a nap for all of the work I did.

(Y/N): Please do. You must have done a lot. You deserve it.

[Granny left to nap on her rocking chair]

Apple Bloom: What are you going to do now?

(Y/N): I'm going home. I feel better now.

Apple Bloom: That's nice. You can take the rest of the pie. Make sure you feel extra better. [Smiling]

(Y/N): Well, since you insist... [He takes the rest of the pie and ate it in one sitting] That was good.

Apple Bloom: [Shocked] Jeepers! You ate it all in four seconds!!

(Y/N): [Puts the tray on the kitchen sink] I have a soft spot for sweets but the Pie was too good, I couldn't resist.

Apple Bloom: [Chuckles]

(Y/N): I'll be heading out now. See you later, Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom: Don't be a stranger.

[(Y/N) leaves and returns homes to lie down on his bed as he needed to sleep it off, to recover his energy]

(Y/N): [Sigh] Wonder what Twi is doing?

[One Hour Later]

Applejack: [Sarcastic] That was a fine day

Fluttershy: It was quite scary.

Twilight: Let's go back home.

[After an hour, they all return home and Twilight was about to sit, then it hit her]

Twilight: [Gasp] (Y/N)! Oh no... oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no...

Spike: What?

Twilight: I messed up. I really messed up.

Spike: On what?

Twilight: I messed up with (Y/N). I just realized what I said and did to him before I caught up with Pinkie before she had her "doozy".

Spike: Ooooh...

Twilight: I was such a jerk to him. [Sad] I can't believe I put my research over him.

Spike: Twilight... you almost always did that. You used to do that when you were in Canterlot. Now that you have friends here in Ponyville, you were slowly losing that obsessive habit and tried spending time with friends.

Twilight: Yes... now I just reverted back to my old self. [Puts her face on the couch] Why did I had to do that!?

Spike: You can go and apologize to him.

Twilight: I don't think he will apologize to me. I don't even know why he picked me when he could have easily have gotten Pinkie, Rarity, even Fluttershy.

Spike: You were in love with him, Twilight. And he loved you back. If you truly love him, then you should apologize to him. And he will accept it.

Twilight: [Hopeful] You're right, Spike. I should go apologize to him.

[Twilight left her home and went to her neighbor's home, (Y/N)]

Twilight: [Knocking] (Y/N)... are you there? A-are you there?

Twilight: [Thinking] Now that I think about it, he told me he healed me with a healing spell. I never heard of it before. He's really amazing pony and I just pushed him away for some stupid study that he knew would go nowhere. He was right the whole time and Pinkie was right.

Twilight: [Crying] (Y/N)! I'm sorry. I should have never have put my studies over you. I risked my own safety and well-being over something that was going nowhere. Please... open the door and let me in, so I can see your face.

[(Y/N) was shocked but there was a slight issue with what she said]

(Y/N): Uhh... Twi?

Twilight: [Thought (Y/N) was at the door] Is that you (Y/N)? Open the door... I want to say it to your face.

(Y/N): Twi... I'm over here.

[Twilight looks behind her and sees (Y/N) with lots of sweets and hayburgers that he was carrying with his magic]

Twilight: [Blushing] Then... you must have-

(Y/N): The whole thing.

Twilight: Listen, (Y/N)... I'm sorry for everything I have said and done. I should go and-

(Y/N): [Kisses her] I forgive you.

Twilight: [Blushing] I'm glad you did. I don't know what I would do if you haven't forgiven me. I thought you were going to ignore me when I was knocking

(Y/N): [Laughing] Not really. I wanted to go to your home and talk to you about it, but I needed to rest and replenish my energy. Which is why I bought so many sweets and food.

Twilight: [Stares at the large quantity of food he brought]

(Y/N): [Opens the door and magically put all of the foods and sweets on the table] If you must know, the magic energy to heal you up exhausted me. That healing spell I did truly wasted my energy since you were seriously injured and could be hurt.

Twilight: I didn't know you have a healing spell. And I'm sorry for making you put up with my antics for you to heal me.

(Y/N): It's fine. I was worried about you and I would do it again.

Twilight: Where did you learn that spell from? I don't remember any spell books mentioning healing spell.

(Y/N): I just made it up. I just came up with it not too long ago. I was trying to develop the spell that can help me analyze your injuries and at the same time heal your body. It is extremely taxing if the pony I am using it, was seriously hurt. I had been practicing it for years, it was successful. Though too tiring for me, which was why I don't use it often. But when I saw you, I was desperate to heal you.

Twilight: [Shrieking] That's amazing. You actually made a spell and was actually successful. You have to teach me that spell!

(Y/N): Sure... anytime but today. I need to eat and then return back to sleep.

Twilight: Can I stay with you for tonight? I want to make it up to you for what I did today.

(Y/N): Okay.

Twilight: Great.

(Y/N): [Eating 20 hayburgers without stopping and took multiple donuts, cookies, and carrots in about 7 minutes]

Twilight: You were really hungry!?

(Y/N): You have no idea. [Laughing]

Twilight: You want to go to bed.

(Y/N): Yeah. By the way, what happened to you after you left me.

Twilight: It's a long story. I'll tell you in the morning, as I will bring Pinkie along, while I say my friendship lesson.

(Y/N): Oh... okay.

[Both enters his bedroom and he lies down on his bed, then Twilight lies down on the bed]

(Y/N): Twi... what are you doing?

Twilight: I want to sleep with you.

(Y/N): [Blushing] But Twi... we aren't married. We shouldn't. It's indecent.

Twilight: We are only sleeping. I want to make you go to sleep. [Put (Y/N) head on her chest and pat his head]

(Y/N): [Sleepy] I don't know, Twi... it feels... so... good.

[(Y/N) has fallen asleep and Twilight cuddles with (Y/N) for the entire night]

[Time skip to morning]

(Y/N): [Wakes up] T-tw-twi??

Twilight: Morning, handsome.

Twilight: [Thinking] Did I say it right? I hope I said it right. I don't want him to think I am indecent.

(Y/N): [Blushing] Morning, Twi. I have to say you were warm and soft when I f-fell asleep.

(Y/N): [Thinking] It was indecent, but I guess she was trying to make it up to me. I didn't want to condone it, but I couldn't resist. She was so soft and warm.

Twilight: [Blushing] T-thank you. I should head home. I'll come pick you up so we can hang out with Pinkie.

(Y/N): Sure.

Twilight: Hey, (Y/N). I wanted to ask. What are your thoughts on Pinkie?

(Y/N): My first friend here in Ponyville and I would never replace her with anypony. Why?

Twilight: Nothing. Just wanted to know if you had any thoughts on her.

(Y/N): Twi... you are a bad liar. If you want to know if I have any feelings for her. No. She is a good friend and nothing more. I have feelings for you. And I will remain loyal to you.

Twilight: [Kisses him] Thank you.


Twilight: Oh, good, Spike, you're here. Take a letter.

Spike: With pleasure, Twilight.

Twilight: Dear Princess Celestia, I'm happy to report that- Spike, what have I been saying about focus?

Spike: I know, but I... Well...

Twilight: What's wrong, Spike? Never thought you'd see me with an umbrella hat on?

Spike: Not really, no.

Twilight: Pinkie's tail's a-twitchin'. What else can I do?

(Y/N): [Wearing an umbrella hat] Unless you want a falling Princess coming to our humble abode.

[Laughter from Pinkie, (Y/N), and Twilight]

Twilight: I am happy to report that I now realize there are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but that doesn't necessarily make them any less true. It just means you have to choose to believe in them, and sometimes it takes a friend to show you the way.

Pinkie Pie: Honk!

Spike: Honk.

Twilight: Always your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

Pinkie Pie: There it goes again.

Twilight: I wonder what's gonna drop outta the sky this time?

Pinkie Pie: You never know.

(Y/N): Maybe it's a falling princess?

[(Y/N) earned the laughter of both Pinkie Pie and Twilight]

Spike: [Inhales]

[Princess Celestia crashes near Spike]

Spike: Twitchy tail? Holy guacamole!

(Y/N): By the looks of it, was I right?

Spike: Yes!!

Twilight: What? Princess Celestia came here falling down!

Spike: Yes.

(Y/N): I said "falling princess" never said it was Auntie.

Pinkie Pie: I have my Pinkie Sense, maybe you have a future sense?

(Y/N): I was joking when I said it. I don't think I have any future sense or whatever.

Twilight: And even if it is true, I would believe you even if it is hard to see it as true.

(Y/N): [Kisses Twilight] Let's just have fun, everypony.

[Everypony cheering]

[Author's note: It only took two days to write this from today and yesterday. The rest of the other days since I wrote Meet the Sparkles, I was watching One Piece. I was watching it to the point where Luffy was fighting Big Mom in Onigashima while Kaido is dealing with the Akazaya Nine. Cheer for all of you and hope you enjoy this one]

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