We Don't Talk About Bruno: Wh...

Par JustAnotherTimeLord

2.6K 122 0

Y/n Madrigal has lived with her family ever since her mother left her on their doorstep when she was six mont... Plus

A Sky Full of Stars
Antonio's Voice
Waiting On A Merical
Within the Walls
Clear Skies
Chasing the Past
The Rats Lair
Dos Oruguitas
Hermana y Hermano

The Family Madrigal

281 12 0
Par JustAnotherTimeLord

Mirabel rose from bed, yawned, and quickly got dressed. Grabbing her dress from her desk as Casita pushed her shoes toward her. Mirabel smiled and removed a stray string from her skirt. Took a breath and left the comfort of her room.

She slid down the stairs, "Morning Abelo!" She waved to a portrait of her late Abelo Pedro. Maribel walked into the dining room where
(Y/N) was setting the table. Mirabel walked forward and grabbed a few plates.

"You're up early," (Y/N) said, her eyes gazing into Mirabel's brown ones.

"Well it's Antonio's big day, we have a lot to do!" Mirabel responded as she placed the last few plates in their respective spots. (Y/N) smiled, the two girls were best friends. (Y/N) was a month older than Mirabel, and they had been interpretable from a young age.

In Mirabel's opinion (Y/N) sort of played peacemaker for the younger Madrigals, Abuela and Pepa had never seemed to really like her, (though Pepa was better at hiding it) and Mirabel wasn't sure why but she knew that the subject of (Y/N)'s parents had always been a sore subject.

"Hey! When's the gift gonna happen!" The girls turned at the unexpected voice. Three village kids had gathered outside the window.

"Our cousin's ceremony is tonight," (Y/N) responded.

"What's his gift?"

"We're gonna find out!" Mirabel said, a smile playing on her lips.

"What's your gift?"

(Y/N) and Mirabel looked at eachother, sharing a moment of understanding as they came to a silent agreement with each other,

"Who's asking?" (Y/N) asked, helping Mirabel avoid the subject.

"Us!" The three kids responded.

"Well "us" we can't just talk about ourselves," Mirabel said, pointedly avoiding the question once more.

"Where only part of the amazing Madrigals," (Y/N) said, saving Mirabel from having to make up an excuse.

"Who are the amazing Madrigals?" The kids were persistent, Mirabel wasn't gonna get out of talking to them.

           "You're not gonna leave us alone are you?" Mirabel asked, "Casita help us out! Drawers!" The drawers on the cabinets banged together as they opened and closed. "Floors!" The floors moved, "Doors!" The doors circling in the centre of the casita glowed.

             (Y/N) and Mirabel exited the house and were surrounded by the eager kids. "This is our home. We've got every generation," (Y/N) motioned to the house. "It's so full of music! Like..." She paused.

"A rhythm of its own design!" Mirabel jumped in, "This is our family, a perfect constellation!"
"So many stars and everybody gets to shine!"
(Y/N) smiled as the kids pressed closer in order to hear what they had to say more clearly.

"But let's be clear, Abuela runs this show," Mirabel explained. "She led us here so many years ago."

"And every year our family blessings grow! There's just a lot you've simply got to know!" (Y/N) and Mirabel moved towards the town.

"All the people are fantastical and magical and we're part of the Family Madrigal!" The doors of the casita opened and the rest of the family excited and started heading into town.

"Oh my gosh, it's them!" One kid said.

"What are the gifts? I can't remember all the gifts!" Another exclaimed.

"But I don't know who is who." The kids crowded closer pleading with the girls to tell them more.

"Alright, alright, relax," (Y/N) said, motioning for the kids to give them space.

"It is physically impossible to relax. Tell us everything, what are your powers?"

"Just tell us what everyone can do!" They turned to see a boy with a cup of coffee in his hand, his body shaking slightly with excitement.
"And that's why coffee's for grown-ups," (Y/N) carefully took the cup before it spilled.

"My tía Pepa!" Mirabel said as Pepa walked past. "Her mood affects the weather. When she's unhappy, well, the temperature gets weird."

"My papa Bruno-"

(Y/N) started to say but was cut off by a course of, "We don't talk about Bruno." From the nearby villagers including her aunt.

"They say he saw the future, then one day he disappeared." Mirabel jumped in, glancing at (Y/N) as she looked to the ground.

"Oh! And that's my mom Julieta." Mirabel changed the subject, "Here's her deal. The truth is, she can heal you with a meal, Her recipes are real remedies for real! If you're impressed, imagine how I feel." Julieta grabbed Mirabel and kissed her face, "Mom!" Mirabel complained.

(Y/N) giggled and jumped back in, "I know it sounds a bit fantastical and magical but we're part of the Family Madrigal."

"Two guys fell in love with Family Madrigal," Mirabel said, motioning for her Pa and uncle to come over.

"And now they're part of the Family Madrigal! So, Tío Félix married Pepa And Agustín married Julieta That 's how Abuela became an Abuela Madrigal." (Y/N) said smiling.

Just then Abuela came over and looked down at the kids, "We swear to always Help those around us And earn the miracle That somehow found us. The town keeps growing. The world keeps turning. But work and dedication will keep the miracle burning And each new generation must keep the miracle burning."
Abuela smiled and walked away, the kids seemed a little confused but quickly asked more questions.

"Wait, who's a sister, and who's a cousin?"

"There are so many people."

"How do you keep them all straight?" Mirabel took a breath and smiled knowing this might take a while.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay!" She said, "So many kids in our house, I think it's time for a grandkid round-up!"

"Cousin Dolores can hear a pin drop!" (Y/N) said motioning to Dolores, Dolores glanced over and waved. "Camilo shapeshifts!" Camilo walked by and changed his form to an older lady.

"But Antonio gets his gift today!" Mirabel said,  "My older sisters are Isabela and Luisa. One strong, one graceful perfect in every way."
Mirabel was a little jealous of her older sisters; they seemed to have everything they wanted and everyone liked them.

"Isabela Grows a flower and the town goes wild," (Y/N) said.

"She's a perfect golden child." Mirabel let a slice of envy into her voice as she gazed at Isabela's perfect form as she walked through the streets.

"And Luisa's super strong, the beauty and the brawn do no wrong!" (Y/N) laughed as Luisa picked up the large block they were standing on as though it was nothing. Once they were set down Mirabel turned to (Y/N).

"(Y/N) has the best gift in my opinion," Mirabel said, making (Y/N) blush.

"I don't."

"Show us! Show us!" The girls were showered with pleas for (Y/N) to show the kids her gift.

"Ok." She said and opened her hands holding them in front of the kids, a ball of light illuminated their eager faces as (Y/N) made it switch between the colours of the spectrum. The light swirled and looked like a mini star, the light made (Y/N)s navy blue dress sparkle as it reflected off the small gem like pieces of glass sewn into the hem of the fabric.

"Ooh! You can control the light!?"

"Yep." (Y/N) blushed and Mirabel felt a twinge of envy like she did with her sisters but she quickly pushed it into the deepest darkest corner of her mind. She knew (Y/N) had her own problems that she had to deal with. But Mirabel just couldn't help feeling ordinary standing next to her extraordinary best friend.

"But what's your gift?" A child asked, and all the kids turned to Mirabel.

"Umm..." Her mind raced as she tried to find an excuse not to continue the conversation.

"Well, we gotta go... live the life  of a Madrigal," (Y/N) tried to help distract the kids, "But now you all know the Family Madrigal!"
The kids didn't give up; they followed the girls as they backed away toward the Casita. Mirabel had never meant this to get autobiographical.

"I've said too much and thank you but I really gotta go!" Mirabel exclaimed, the kids kept following, crying out for her to show them her gift. "My family's amazing! And I'm in my family, so... Well..."

They were at the casita now, "Mirabel! (Y/N)!" They all turned at the voice, it was Abuela, "what are you doing?" She stood in the open doorway staring at the crowd of kids around the two girls.

"They were just asking about the family." (Y/N) tried to say but was cut off by one of the kids.

"Mirabel was about to tell us about her super awesome gift!"

"Well, um..." Mirabel tried to think of a way out of this situation. But just then Doloras stuck her head out the window and said,

"Mirabel didn't get one." Then shrugged and walked away.

"You didn't get a gift?" The kids turned to her looking confused. She was about to respond when Osvaldo or as most people called him, the donkey delivery guy called,

"Mirabel!" He was walking closer carrying a large basket filled with toys, food, and a few other things. "A special delivery! I call it not special, special! 'Cus well, you have no gift."

He looked like he wanted her to thank him so she did, (Y/N) frowned but said nothing. 
Osvaldo walked away and the kids turned back to the girls.

"If I were you I would be really sad." One girl told Mirabel.

"Well, my little friend I am not! Because of gift or gift, I'm just as special as the rest of my family."

Just then Isabella made flowers bloom on her window, Pepa made a rainbow over her room, and Luisa picked up a wagon. (Y/N) sighed and looked away from the casita looking to make sure Mirabel was ok. Mirabel just sighed and forced a fake smile.

"Maybe your gift is in denial." The same girl said, (Y/N) laughed but it sounded forced. The girls headed inside leavening the kids to sort out the information they had been left with.

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