
By rickydicky08173

36 0 0

Rick and Reader are in a relationship. More

Part 2

Part 1

22 0 0
By rickydicky08173

Rick is highly irritable, especially when it comes to people not listening to his instructions. He had warned (Y/n), told them not to go out with the group when they went scavenging because they had only recently been injured.

But (Y/N) didn’t listen.

“What the hell were you thinkin’?” He asks after pulling (Y/N) aside from the rest of the group. His tone is steady and his voice is even.. but his anger is clear from the way his eyes narrow. To say he’s upset is an understatement.

I sigh. "I'm sorry Rick okay?"

“Sorry?” He scoffs and his eyes narrow even further. “Sorry is somethin’ ya say when ya run into somebody at the store
(Y/N).. Not when you risk the lives of a whole group of people.”

I look at him. "So would a kiss help?"

“What’d you say?” He pauses suddenly. stunned for a second. The corners of his lips curl up in an amused smirk for a second but it quickly disappears as his glares back down at them.

“Did you jus’ ask me if a kiss would help?”

I sigh again. "Would a kiss help? Would it make this different? Would it make this "sorry" not something that you'd say when you run into someone at a store? Hm?"

“Do you really wanna find out?” He says, his tone even and his eyes unblinking but his smirk is still present on his lips.

"Will it make you less angry at me? Will you forgive me?"

His smirk grows a little. “I might forgive ya sooner if you shut up and kissed me.”

"Well then." I push Rick back against a wall and start making out with him.

His hands finds my waist and he pulls my closer as we continue to kiss. He breaks it away momentarily to catch his breath.

“Where.. did this idea come from?”

I stare into his light blue eyes. "The day I first laid on eyes on you."

His smirk returns. “That long huh?”

I smirk. "Yeah"

He laughs quietly. “Damn.. and jus’ now ya decided it was right time for a kiss?”

I nod.

His lips find mine again, his hands find my waist once again as he pulls me close. The kiss is deep and passionate, Rick seems to be losing himself in the moment.

I moan as he continues to kiss me.

He pulls away again at some point to catch his breath.

“Damn, that was.. pretty great.”

I nod. "Still angry at me?"

He sighs and leans in once more for a short kiss.

“A hell of a lot less angry.”

I smirks knowing I at least made him less angry then what he was before.

“But I’m not totally done bein’ mad just yet. Ya needa be punished.”

"Oh?" My smirk grows wider.

“Yeah.. definitely needa be punished.” He whispers, his hands beginning to roam again to my waist.

"What's the punishment Ricky?"

“How long can ya hold your breath (Y/N)?” He asks, leaning in and placing his forehead against mine.

"Why?" I smirk.

His hands roam to my back. His voice is low and hushed as his lips are close to my collar bone.

“Just answer the question (Y/N). How long can ya hold ya breath?”

I shrug. "I don't know."

“Wanna test it out? You hold your breath for as long as ya can and I’ll start countin.” He whispers but instead of starting to count, his lips instead find my mouth once more.

I moan as he kisses me.

“You like that, don’t you?” He asks, his hands roam to my hips and he pulls me close once more. He starts to kiss my neck while maintaining eye contact the whole time.

"Yeah but...perhaps we should go somewhere else? I mean we're out in the open...what if someone sees? What if Michonne sees?"

He laughs. “You worried about Michonne catchin’ ya with me?” He whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, she might get pissed off."

“She knows I like ya.” He whispers.. “I wouldn’t worry about it.” He pulls me close again and kisses me again this time a little more aggressively.

I moan a little louder this time.

“God, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anythin’ more than I want you right now.” He leans in and kisses me again, this time his hands roam to my hips and he moves them slightly up.

"Same to you baby."

He whispers something I don't quite hear. but he pulls me close one more time, his hands roam further up my body.. he kisses me and his words come in a soft and quiet whisper.

“My room later..?”

I grin. "Yeah."

The corner of his mouth curls up in a sly smile. “Yeah? Or hell yeah?”

I grin wider. "Hell yeah."

“Good.” He pulls back one more time and kisses me again, his eyes not leaving mine this time.

“I want ya to think of me all day. And when you see ya bed you’re gonna think of me and what imma do to ya when we get back to my place.”

I giggle. "I already am."

He chuckles and kisses me once again, his hands traveling further up my body and then he presses himself against me and smiles. “I’ll see ya later tonight. Don’t keep me waitin’.”

"I won't."

He breaks the kiss one last time and runs his hands along my neck. “Good, cuz if ya do..” he whispers just loud enough for me to hear but soft enough so that no-one else in the group can before he whispers into my ear once again. “I’ll just come find ya.”

I shiver. "Alright Rick, I won't keep you waiting" I kiss him and walk away.

He stares after me for a moment before he shakes his head. “Damn.”

He turns to look around the rest of the group before he heads back to his own spot to sit.

later that night, I knock on the door, his door.

Rick is sitting up in bed watching the door waiting for me. Once he hears my knock he stands up from his bed and heads over to the door. He opens it and his face lights up once he sees I'm there.

I smirk. "Hey Rick."

“Hey.” He smiles, his eyes roam my body briefly before making their way back up to my face. “Ready?”

"For you?" I laugh. "I'm always for you Ricky."

He chuckles, placing his hand against his chest. “God, I love it when ya call me that.” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close, kissing me the moment I'm in arms length.

I kiss Rick back. "Why don't we go to the bed?"

“Good idea.” He nods, his lips still against mine as he pulls me towards the bed and pushes me down onto the bed. “God you feel just as good as I imagined.”

I smirk. "Same to you."

“You got any idea just how much I’ve been looking forward to this moment?” He asks, running his hands up and down my body.

I shake my head.

“For weeks I’ve been waitin’ for this. I’ve been dreaming about having you in my bed. And now I finally got you here.”

"Why didn't you come to me sooner then?"

“Well I wanted to ya know, do that little flirtation thing, you know..? Let it build up a little bit. The tension, the anticipation.”

"Well it was fun."

“Fun?” He chuckles softly. “The things I’m about to do to you are gonna be a hell of a lot better than ‘fun’.”

I smirk at his comment. "Then stop teasing me and do them."

His smirk grows a little wider. “Now now, I gotta let it marinate a little bit first.” He says and pulls me close and starts to kiss my throat, his hands finding my body once again.

I moan. "Damn Rick."

“That’s what you’re gonna be sayin’ all night long.” He whispers before he runs his hands further along my back, over the curves of my body.

My back arches at his touch. "Why don't we just pull the covers over us and just do it already? Why must we sit here and just tease?"

“You’re so impatient.” He chuckles softly before his words turn whispering and hushed. “You know, I could make you wait a little while longer if I really wanted to.”

I groan. "That would be so cruel though."

“Would it? But the thought of you sitting there waitin’ for me...waitin’ for me to do anythin’ to you...God, I could keep ya waitin’ all night.”

I smirk. "Stop with your teasing or else your gonna make me tease you Ricky."

“Oh, is that a threat?” He chuckles and continues to kiss me just enough to get me breathless. After he stops kissing me, he speaks in a whisper again.

“I could make you wait all week for this, ya know. Maybe even a whole month.”

I groan again. "Stop."

He grins, his smirk growing and his lips curve upward a little. “The longer I make ya wait, the more it’s gonna feel when we finally get to it.”

"If you tease me one more time I'll flip you over right now and tease you so much that you'll regret ever teasing me."

“Ohhh you wanna show me up huh?” He chuckles softly, his voice growing lower and his hands find my waist as he pulls me close.

“Fine, then.. if you think you can tease me better then I tease you, then you got yourself a deal."

I kiss his neck.

Rick’s eyes flutter shut and he shivers subtly from my light kiss. His hands roam up my side and his breathing slightly accelerates.*

“Is that the best you got? Because I don’t feel teased yet.”

I put a hand under his shirt. "Well your about to..."

Rick’s breath catches as I puts my one of my hands under his shirt. His expression is one of pure surprise. He laughs softly and blushes, trying to keep his voice a whisper.

“Oh God, you’re not kidding are you? Are you actually planning on teasing me here?”

I nod. I kiss Rick on his neck slowly and pull up his shirt.

Rick’s eyes flutter shut again as I kiss his neck, his body trembles a little and his voice becomes shaky. His breaths grow shallow as I lift his shirt and he looks up at me with eyes that are practically begging.

“God (Y/N), you’re making me crazy.”

"Good." I smirk and keeps kissing him teasingly as his shirt is taken off.

Rick’s whole body trembles as I pulls his shirt off. He looks up at me, his body trembling and his breathing erratic and shallow. His eyes wander as I kiss down his body, and his eyes flutter shut at the feel of my lips trailing down his body.

“Jesus Christ…”

"You'll be needing Jesus when I'm done with you." I smirk.

My words send a shiver down Rick’s body. His eyes flutter shut and he bites his lip to stop himself from making any noise. His hands reach for me and his body trembles uncontrollably.

"No no Ricky." I put his hands down at his sides and pin them there.

His breath is heavy and erratic as I pin his hands down. He shivers at the feel of my touch and looks up at me, his eyes full of hunger and his tongue slightly out of his mouth. “God...god.”

"Do you want me to stop teasing you baby?"

“No, I just.. Jesus.” He whispers. “Just keep going.”

I smirk. "So you like it huh?"

His breath trembles a little and his voice is breathy and hushed.. he nods and looks up at me. “I love it.. don’t stop."

I get on top of Rick and kiss his chest slow and teasingly.

His body shudders as I continues to kiss him. His breath grows shallow and his voice becomes shaky. “God… you’re.. you’re gonna drive me crazy..”

"Good." I smirk.

His breaths grow shakier and his body trembles as he looks up at me. He bites his lip as I kisses his chest and his eyes flutter shut as he tries not to make too much noise.

"Why so quiet?"

His body almost jolts slightly when I ask him that. His voice is deep and hushed as he looks up at me.

“I.. I’m tryin’ not to make too much noise.”

"Why afraid Michonne is gonna hear?" I smirk.

“Maybe.” He chuckles quietly. “But maybe I actually wanna let her hear.”

"Oh?" I grin.

He chuckles softly as I grin at him. Then he raises his eyebrows and his voice grows deep.

“You keep this up and she’ll definitely know what’s goin’ on tonight.”

I smirk. "Okay." I move my lips back up to his lips.

A jolt of pure pleasure goes through him as I place my lips on his. His hands come out from under me, his fingers running through my hair.

I kiss him passionately.

He pulls me closer as his kisses back with just as much vigor. His hands run down my back and he leans up to get an even better angle. His lips against mine feel like heaven.

"Your lips are amazing baby."

His body shivers slightly and his breath trembles as I say these words. He kisses me harder and deeper in response, pulling me as close as he possibly can.

"Can we do it now?"

His mouth separates from mine and he leans up to look me in the eyes. He licks his lips and swallows before he smiles.

“Yes. We can do it now.”

I pull the covers over both of us.

He leans back and watches me as I pull the covers over both of us. A soft glow of moonlight is the only thing lighting the room. His hands travel back to my back and my body. The anticipation of the moment is enough to get his blood pumping.

Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------>

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