Ghostly Justice

By X-GIRL128

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Danny Fenton didn't get his powers from a lab accident, he was born with them. Once the Ghost Investigation W... More

Chapter 1: Accidental Rescue Pt. 1
Chapter 2: Accidental Rescue Pt. 2
Chapter 3: Non- Villainous Vlad!?
Chapter 4: Enter Zatanna
Chapter 5: TF for Too Fine
Chapter 6: Young Justice Interrogation
Chapter 7: Pandora's Goddaughter
Chapter 8: New Students
Chapter 9: You're a what?
Chapter 10: Mind Control Over Matter
Chapter 11: Circus Gothica
Chapter 12: Who Needs A Babysitter When You're Half-Dead
Chapter 13: Party Animals
Chapter 14: Dash and Harley
Chapter 15: Beach Party Crashers
Chapter 16: King Tucker vs King Tut Pt.1
Chapter 17: King Tucker Vs. King Tut Pt.2
Chapter 18: King Tucker Vs. King Tut Pt.3
Chapter 19: King Tucker Vs King Tut Pt.4
Chapter 20: Distracting Danny
Chapter 21: Hot Heads
Chapter 22: A Worried Mother Can Make Bad Decisions
Chapter 24: What's Wrong with Me!?
Chapter 25: I'm a Clone but not Your Clone
Chapter 26: Detective Dani and the Case of the Missing Teens Pt. 1
Chapter 27: Detective Dani and the Case of the Missing Teens Pt. 2
Chapter 28: Detective Dani and the Case of the Missing Teens Pt. 3
Chapter 29: Dan or Danny?
Chapter 30: A Kryptonian in the Ghost Zone
Chapter 31: Youngblood's 'Friend' Klarion

Chapter 23: Wally was Wrong

289 12 0
By X-GIRL128

Super Boy quickly covered his ears. He was used to screams from a close distance from school pep rallies but that was only because he expected people to be screaming in his ears. It took a moment but his ears slowly adjusted to the painful screams the girl was making. He tried picking her up but his hands were burned on contact. How was he not able to touch her!? He was half- Kryptonian, they were extremely resilient! None of that mattered right now, a possible meta or alien needed help.

Ignoring the pain and the fact his shirt was being burned away, Superboy picked up the girl. He tried his best to comfort her, but it had little effect. "What are we supposed to do? The bioship's down and f it were Ms. M and Aqualad will be to close to the heat."

"Perhaps I could be of some help." Everyone turned to the voice, it was the vulture! How had they forgotten about him? "We need to get her to the Ghost Zone. Her God Mother will know what to do."

Robin narrowed his eyes. That sounded familiar for some reason. Was it in a GIW file? Or did he hear the name somewhere else. Too many things to focus on to try and think about it so the boy wonder gave himself a mental reminder to look up the name later.

Kid Flash knew there was a high possibility his teammates would hit him for saying anything, but he just had to ask. He'd done what Danny had said and looked up the Fenton's. They were indeed scientists, on the verge of being mad scientists, but scientists never the less. The couple had created and modified thousands of gadgets from scratch, sometimes using household objects. There used to be a website but it was too outdated to function. Luckily there were You Tube videos they made of some of their inventions. None of the videos ever showed a ghost but the very last one uploaded was of the Fenton's explaining their 'latest' project, the Fenton Ghost Portal. "How would we even get there? I don't think our ship will be up and running anytime soon and you definitely can't carry all of us."

The ghost bird eyed Kid Flash, his face blank. "Who said anything about you going to the Ghost Zone?"

"You're crazy if you think we'd abandon someone in need!"

"Mortals aren't allowed into the Ghost Zone it's too dangerous."

Aqualad stepped forward, there was no time to be arguing when someone's life was on the line. "We don't have time to stay here arguing. The girl has passed out, she needs help as quickly as possible."

The vulture sighed, the child was right. "Alright, if you can get your ship fixed enough I can tow it behind me while you-" He pointed a wing at Superboy, "-will ride on my back and carry Alethea. You seem to be the only other one that can withstand her heat. Now everyone hurry up before the girl burns out!"

The Young Justice team wasted no time in doing what the weird vulture said. It took a few minutes but they managed to get the bioship running to where the vulture could pull it behind him. They were finally in the air, being dragged by thick rope. "Did he ever say where we're going?"

"No but I might have an idea of where we're going." Kid Flash stood up to address his teammates better. "We're most likely going to Amity Park, Illinois."

"What makes you so sure about that Kid Mouth?"

"Because I did what Danny told me to do and I looked up the Fenton's. They built a interdimensional portal inside their basement that goes to the exact place the green bird is trying to go."

Robin let out a whistle. "Wow KF that was actually pretty smart of you to think of. What else did you find out about them?"

"They created several inventions that could either help or hurt these 'beings'. It all depended on what their use is." The speedster could wrap his head around creatures and other people from different dimensions, but he couldn't accept those same people had once been alive. "I have a couple of their videos saved. Should we watch them while we wait?"

Robin pulled off his holo-watch. "We can use my holo-watch so it'll be easier for everyone to see." Kid Flash sent Robin one of the videos and everyone quieted down as it started up.

The video started off with a young looking Jack and Maddie Fenton messing with the camera. Finally deciding it was where it needed to be, they stepped back. "Hello to all the future scientist! My name is Madeline Fenton and this is-"

"I'm Jack Fenton and my wife and I specialize in ghostology!"

Maddie sighed and gave a soft smile to the camera, most likely used to his interruptions. "We're scientists that study a rare energy source called ectoplasm. It's mainly found in ghosts. I'll let you explain about ghosts, sweetie. You're better at explaining them than me."

Jack immediately started going on a rant about ghosts, barely pausing to breath with how fast he was talking. Within fifteen minutes the young scientist had explained several things about ghosts. Ranging from their basic abilities that all ghosts possessed to their obsessions and how it was different for each ghost. Jack held up a small green blob in a jar. "This here is a level one ghost. They're called blob ghosts. They don't have enough ectoplasm to become anything more than a slight nuisance. They are fun to play with though." He took the blob ghost out of the jar and it crawled around his arm and then launched itself at something off camera. "Hey leave my fudge alone!"

The last minute of the video was of Jack and the blob ghost fighting over a huge piece of fudge. At some point Maddie joined the fight and the basement they were in became a mess of broken beakers and random metal everywhere. The video ended with the blob ghost flying into Jack and Maddie chasing her husband with a butterfly net with glowing strings. "Bad blob ghost! Get out of my husband!"

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