One Piece (Male Reader Insert)

By YourMother72

526K 16.9K 8.5K

(Y/N) (L/N) has always been treated like a monster. It could be because he ate something called a Devil Fruit... More

I- Gravebone Island
II- The Man with a Devil
III- Straw Hats
IV- Dark Past
V- Trust
VI- Clones
VII- Alabasta
VIII- The Gathering Storm
IX- Journey Through the Desert
X- Rainbase
XI- Captured
XII- Escape the Casino
XIII- Alubarna
XIV- (Y/N) vs. Ms. Obon
XV- Strange How Hard It Rains Now
XVI- Farewells
XVII- The Falling Ship
XIX- Noland the Liar
XX- To the Sky Island
XXI- The Sky Ocean
XXII- Skypiea
XXIII - Upper Yard
XXIV- The Battle Begins
XXV- (Y/N) vs. Xeren
XXVI- Battlefield
XXVII- A Miserable Existence
XXVIII- Rubber Is a God's Worst Enemy
XXIX- Reach
XXX- Back to the Sea
XXXI- The Long Island
XXXII- Groggy Ring
XXXIII- And Lo, An Admiral Shall Come!
XXXIV- Water 7
XXXV- The Straw Hat Fall Out
XXXVI- Captain
XXXVII- Wanted
XXXVIII- Assassins of the Government
XXXIX- Aqua Laguna
XL- On the Sea Train
XLI- Enies Lobby
XLII- The Break-In
XLIV- (Y/N) vs. Tsutsumi
XLV- Thunder God's Fury
XLVI- Rescue Robin!!
XLVII- No Escape
XLVIII- A Crewmate's Sacrifice
XLIX- Family Matters
L- New Bounties
LI- The New Crewmate
LII- Apology
LIII- Living Skeleton
LIV- Thriller Bark
LV- Big Ass Ship
LVI- Shadow Shenanigans
LVII- Monster Mash
LVIII- (Y/N) & Robin vs. Draqula
LIX- Group Fight
LX- Is This Damn Fight Finally Over?
LXI- After All Is Said and Done
LXII- Flying Fish Riders
LXIII- Sabaody Archipelago
LXIV- The Most Satisfying Punch Ever
LXV- Legacy of the Pirate King
LXVI- Eradicated
LXVII- Imprisoned
LXVIII- Impel Down Great Escape
LXIX- Thank You
LXX- Marineford
LXXI- Summit War
LXXII- Into the Plaza
LXXIV- Escaping the War
LXXV- Aftermath
LXXVI- Let Us Meet Again Soon
LXXVII- Two Years Later...
LXXVIII- Under the Sea
LXXIX- Darling It's Better Down Where It's Wetter
LXXX- Fish-Man Island
LXXXI- Himbei
LXXXII- Down Go the Fodder Fish-Men
LXXXIII- (Y/N) vs. Kenji
LXXXV- New World
LXXXVI- Punk Hazard
LXXXVII- Hot and Cold
LXXXVIII- The Confusing Body-Swapping Event
LXXXIX- Pirate Alliance
XC- Mad Scientist
XCI- Raising Some Hell
XCII- Stay Off Drugs, Kids!
XCIII- Hangovers and Alliances

LXXXIV- Towards the Sun

2.1K 92 33
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name (First)
(L/N): Last Name
(H/C): Hair Color
(H/L): Hair Length
(S/C): Skin Color
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Everyone gawked as they watched the officers of the New Fish-Man Pirates be defeated one after the other.

Minister of the Right: <shocked> Those vicious, powerful officers dispatched with utter ease! Such power we have seen!

The Straw Hats all regrouped together as Wadatsumi's unconscious body hit the ground from falling through the air.

Jimbei: You folks live up to Luffy's standard.

Zoro: Couldn't have knocked him further away, Loser-Cook?

Sanji: Shuddup! Now I wish I'd dropped him right on your head!

(Y/N): Can you two stop fighting like an old married couple for five seconds?

Zoro/Sanji: Shut up!! 💢

Chopper: That was awesome, Sanji!

Usopp: Franky!! That laser beam was sweet!!

Franky: Hey, squish down a bit, Chopper. You're ruining the point of this giant robot!

Robin: So what did the robot do, anyway?

Brook: Would your wear a miniskirt for me, Nami?

Nami: Silence.

The people of Fish-Man Island didn't have time to celebrate the defeat of the New Fish-Man Pirates due to the fact was Noah was rapidly descending towards the island.

Everyone started shouting Luffy's name and telling him to destroy Noah to save the island.

However, Shirahoshi stopped Luffy by somehow calling various Sea Kings to stop Noah without destroying it, much to the utter bewilderment of pretty much everyone on the island.

Knight: <voice> I... I don't know how to describe what I'm seeing, b-but... The truth is right there, before our eyes!! Noah has stopped!! And it hasn't been smashed to pieces, either!! Fish-Man Island is saved!!!


After much celebrating and hugging and cheering, the Straw Hat Pirates relaxed next to the Sunny, tired from the fighting.

Robin had an exhausted Chopper lying on her lap.

Robin: Are you going to be all right, Chopper?

Chopper: <panting> Yeah... I'm fine. Using Monster Point paralyzed me so I can't walk for a few hours afterward. But I can fix you up. Anyone hurt?

Zoro: No one as bad as you.

(Y/N): Poor Chopper.

He patted the reindeer on the head. Robin smiled at him.

Franky got teary eyed as he watched the three.

Franky: <crying> It's like a beautiful family portrait right before my eyes!

Nami: Family?

Brook: Yo ho ho! Of course! (Y/N) is the father, Robin is the mother, and Chopper is the great nephew!

Usopp whacked him on the head.

Usopp: Where did that come from?!

Up above, Shirahoshi came swimming down towards the plaza. She was carrying someone and crying.

(Y/N): Oh, look. Luffy's back!

The cheers of the fish-man citizens were cut short when they heard Shirahoshi's plea.

Shirahoshi: <sobbing> Someone, help!! Luffy won't stop bleeding!! He went too far trying to help us!!

The mermaid laid Luffy on the ground, and his crew surrounded him. His left side was bleeding terribly, and it was clear he had lost a lot of blood.

Chopper: Oh, no! Robin, flip me over! There's a blood coagulant in my bag!

Robin turned Chopper over and started rummaging through his bag.

Usopp: This isn't exactly filling me with confidence for our future battles, doc!!

Robin: I'll move you.

She grabbed Chopper's cheeks and lifted him up, hovering him over Luffy. The reindeer held the syringe in his hand.

Chopper: Little left, little left.

Usopp: This is not how a doctor should work!!

Shirahoshi: <crying> Can his life be saved?!

Chopper: This'll stop the bleeding, but he's lost too much already. We need more blood! Does anyone here have blood type F?!

(Y/N): None of us are F aside from Luffy.

Franky: There must be someone in the square!

Chopper: <to the citizens> Can anyone help?!!

The fish-man citizens started to sweat nervously and looked down at their feet.

Chopper: Oh, wait! Isn't it a law here that you can't give humans blood?!!

Nami: What?! What kind of law is that?! That's awful!!

(Y/N): Damn it! Zoro, Sanji! Quick! If we mix our blood, maybe it'll turn into type F!

Usopp: What kind of science is that?!! 💢

Shirahoshi: <crying> M-My blood type is different, but it's still red! Will that work?!

Chopper: I appreciate the sentiment, but no!

Jimbei stepped forward, surprising all of the fish-men.

Jimbei: Use my blood!! It's F!! You can have as much as you need!!

Everyone: <shocked> Jimbei!!!

Chopper: But the law says...

Jimbei: Pirates don't follow the law.

Everyone started cheering as Chopper performed a blood transfusion between Jimbei and Luffy, saving the latter's life.

Luffy: <mumbling> Jimbei...

Shirahoshi: <smiling> Oh! He's coming to!

Usopp/Nami/Sanji/Brook: Luffy!!

Jimbei: So you're awake after all.

Luffy: Hey, Jimbei. You gotta join my crew!!


The Thousand Sunny was being pulled by Megalo through the sky of Fish-Man Island. Shirahoshi was next to them.

Shirahoshi: So, why did you leave the square as though you were escaping?

Zoro: Don't be stupid. We already had to fight in that square like some kind of circus show. The last thing we want is to stick around and be treated like heroes. The thought of it makes me sick.

Shirahoshi: Is there something wrong with being a hero?

Zoro: Let me lay it out for you. The hero is the guy who shares his grog with others! I wanna drink all the grog!!

Nami: <mad> Not that again! What is wrong with you guys?!

(Y/N): You sure didn't have that belief when you spiked my tea, you ass.

Zoro: That was different.

(Y/N): How?

Meanwhile, Luffy was angrily shaking Jimbei by the shoulders.

Luffy: Why are you refusing, Jimbei?!! Let's go adventuring together!!!

Usopp: Yeah! Join our crew, Boss!!

Chopper: It'd be great to have a former Warlord of the Sea on board! Also, you need absolute rest, Luffy.

Jimbei: I'm only saying that I cannot go right now! I am grateful and overjoyed for your invitation! I am sure that it would be a pleasure to voyage with you. But there is business yet to be done here! I have a position here, one that I have temporarily set aside. But once I've upheld my duty and all loose ends have been tied up, I promise you that I will return to you. If you still feel the same way about me then, will you ask me to join the Straw Hat crew once again?!

Luffy: You better come back!! Got that?!

Sanji: Come on. The man's got a duty to perform; don't pressure him.

Robin: He must really like us.

(Y/N): It'll be great to have you, Jimbei.

Brook: Yo ho ho!

Franky: Luffy really wants this guy. We'll be waitin', Jimbei!

Jimbei: You have my thanks...

Zoro: So, what now? Right into the New World?

Shirahoshi: Wh-What?! You're leaving already?! But...But we want to thank you properly!!

Sanji: Good idea! Let's stay over at the Mermaid Café for a week!

Usopp: You just want to see mermaids! Well, I agree!

A fish-man knight came riding up to the ship on a Sea King. He held a transponder snail.

Knight: Wait, Straw Hats! I've caught up to their ship, Majesty!

Neptune: <voice> Good. Luffy! We must settle matters with a proper feast!

Luffy: A feast?!! Great! I'll call Hachi and Camie!


A large group of hooded figures walked up to Delilah and Judas. They were led by an man in with a scar that spread across half of his face. He had short gray hair and a bushy gray beard.

Judas: Ah, Herod. I am glad to see that you arrived here without much trouble.

Herod: The dangers of the sea is no match for us. Although, we encountered no such obstacle as the one you warned us about.

Delilah: The New Fish-Man Pirates have been dealt with. All that's left is for our ship to go through the customs inspection.

Herod: That shouldn't be a problem. Nothing on the ship is suspicious in any way.

Judas looked at the large group of followers that stood behind Herod. Their faces could not be seen.

Judas: This is quite the large group you have. Wonderful. Zurra will be delighted.

Herod: This is the last group that needs to be transported to the New World. We'll no longer have to deal with getting through Fish-Man Island.

Delilah: A good thing, too. I have a feeling things are about to make a change here that would've been bad for us.

Judas: It makes no difference. We shall be leaving as soon as our ship is cleared.

Herod: I'm glad to hear that. I've missed seeing the weather.

Delilah: You out of everyone should be wary of the New World's climate, Herod.

Herod: Of course. But I know I'm going to enjoy navigating our way through it. It has always been fascinating.

Delilah and Judas both smirked along with him.


After partying for a few hours at Ryugu Palace, Luffy and his crew sat around, talking. (Although Zoro was fast asleep and Robin was off talking to Neptune).

Luffy: What?!! Akainu and Aokiji had a fight?!!

Jimbei: As I feared... Rayleigh was cruel to withhold this from you.

(Y/N): You really never heard about it? It was everywhere.

Luffy: Nope.

Chopper: I knew about it... I did!

Jimbei: Following the war two years ago, Fleet Admiral Sengoku stepped down from his position. And to take over as Fleet Admiral, he endorsed Aokiji, who also enjoyed widespread support from his own subordinates. But dignitaries within the government strongly pushed for Akainu. Aokiji is not one to show motivation of any sort, but came out in furious opposition to Akainu being instated as Fleet Admiral. There was a...confrontation.

(Y/N): They had a one-on-one duel on an island, and they agreed that whoever won would get the right to command the Marines.

Jimbei: The battle raged on for ten whole days, the talk of the entire world. They were evenly matched, meeting each other blow for blow, until finally Akainu emerged victorious! And thus Sakazuki is the new Fleet Admiral of the Marines!

Luffy: Akainu...

He angrily gripped his chest where his scar was. (Y/N) grit his teeth.

Luffy: So is Aokiji dead?

Jimbei: They both suffered grievous injuries in the fight. At the sight of his longtime comrade entirely at his mercy, even Akainu could not bring himself to finish the job. As for Aokiji, unable to bear working for Akainu, he left the Marines. Who can say where he is now, and how he feels? It was certainly a very costly battle for the government, to lose such an important figure.

(Y/N): The two vacant spots of the position of Admiral were quickly filled though. Those two should be considered in the same league as the original three.

Jimbei: Indeed. Listen carefully, Luffy. Keep in mind these two chief changes in the New World that have taken place during the last two years. Under Fleet Admiral Sakazuki's leadership, Marine HQ has grown far more powerful and determined than ever before. And the Blackbeard Pirates have made fearful strides of their own.

Nami: Blackbeard... The person ones we met in Mocktown!

Chopper: The guys who wrecked my homeland!

Jimbei: As a veteran of Whitebeard's crew, Teach knew their territory like the back of his hand, and after Pops' passing, he quickly spread out and conquered that entire stretch of sea using the Tremor-Tremor powers that he stole from Whitebeard's body! Now, the rest of the world labels him one of the Four Emperors alongside Red-Haired Shanks, Kaido, and Big Mom! The despicable swine!

Nami: Big Mom's the one who has this island as her territory, right?

Usopp: Yeah. Scary.

Jimbei: According to rumor, they're now putting their weight into hunting those with powers. Somehow, they possess the means to kill power-users and loot them of their abilities! Blackbeard and his crew are ever in search of more powerful Devil Fruit powers! Be wary...

Chopper: Oh, crap! I'm screwed!!

Usopp: Uh, nobody wants the Human-Human Fruit...

Chopper: Why not?!!

Jimbei: And I think I hardly need to remind you of your own score to settle with Blackbeard, Luffy. I beseech you, do not...

His eyes popped out of his head when he saw Luffy gobbling down a bunch of food and ignoring him.

Jimbei: Luffy!! Are you listening to any of this?!! And you call yourself a captain!! Keep yourself informed, you clod!!

Sanji: Don't worry, Jimbei, we're listening.

(Y/N): Good luck getting Luffy to listen to anything that doesn't involve food.

Chopper: Huh? You mean a captain isn't the guy who always ignores things?

Jimbei: The captain is the one responsible for the lives of his crew, Luffy!!

Luffy: Hey, did you try these Fish-Man Island sweets?! They're great! Even better than the meat. Chill out, Jimbei! I like taking my chances when it counts!

Jimbei: Oh, you poor souls.

Sanji/(Y/N)/Chopper/Nami/Usopp: Yeah, we know.

Camie and Pappag came swimming over to them.

Luffy: Hey, Camie! Where's Wimpyhoshi?

Camie: She's a little dizzy. She's not used to alcohol. I saw her back to her room.

Luffy, Sanji, (Y/N), and a just now awakened Zoro all perked up.

Luffy: Hey, Zoro. Sanji. (Y/N). Are there any wild beasts in the castle?

Sanji: Good point... There's definitely something.

(Y/N) saw Robin walking over to the group. Hearts replaced his eyes as he jumped to his feet.

(Y/N): Robin!!

Zoro: Hey! What about the trouble we sensed?

(Y/N): You three are more than enough to handle it. Besides, I promised Robin a romantic time here on the island!

Everyone sweat dropped when they saw (Y/N) and Robin hugging and kissing.

Luffy: What are they doing?

Zoro: This is why I'll never fall in love.

Nami: Sure, Zoro.


Robin and (Y/N) sat alone at a table, eating. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji had saved Shirahoshi from Caribou, who it turns out was the thing that they had all sensed.

He hauled ass out of the palace, but the three hurried after him, intent on finally capturing him.

Robin: This island really is beautiful. Even this dining hall is gorgeous.

(Y/N): If only our time here wasn't spent on fighting a bunch of weak pirates.

Robin: <giggles> I'd say it was a nice warmup before we go into the New World.

(Y/N): Yeah, you're right. Who knows what we'll run into there? The territories of the Four Emperors are all there, as well as the Marines...

He frowned when he remembered something. Robin looked concerned.

Robin: What is it?

(Y/N): Jimbei talked about the threats of Blackbeard and Akainu, but there's also another... Zurra and the Nephilim.

Robin: That's right. You said you ran into some of them when we first arrived here.

(Y/N): Yeah... I haven't seen or sensed a trace of them at all. I think they might have left... Who knows what Zurra's planning, but the organization has gotten bigger.

Robin: I did hear rumors about them when I was with the Revolutionary Army. However, their main concern was the World Government.

(Y/N): That's the thing. Zurra's biggest advantage is that the Nephilim look too much smaller and less threatening compared to the Four Emperors and the Marines... But I know the danger they pose more than anyone else.

Robin: And apparently their territory is in the New World as well. Perhaps we'll run into them.

(Y/N): I hope we do. We need to stop them. I dread all of the damage they could do.

Robin: Knowledge of the occult has increased in the public's collective consciousness, especially with the addition of the Son of Satan to Blackbeard's crew, but people still don't take it too seriously.

(Y/N): It's because as far as we all know, Cyrene, Marcellus, and I are the only devil hosts left.

Robin: Let's hope it stays that way. It's already a miracle that you and Cyrene aren't evil like Marcellus.

(Y/N): I think Zurra's done with trying to seal devils into people, but that's not the only powers he possesses, especially now that he has his ring back...

Robin: Aimi gave it to him?

(Y/N): I don't know what to feel... I haven't thought about her in so long...

She put her hand on his and gave him a soft smile.

Robin: Don't worry. We'll defeat Zurra. We both know Luffy will jump into action if you request it.

(Y/N): <chuckles> Yeah. The only problem is we don't know where they are.

Robin: I'm sure this won't be the last time we see them. Especially if they're planning something big.

(Y/N): It's scary to think about. Since getting back on the Sunny, I've found that old book on devils that Chopper got back on Water 7, and despite myself, I've looked at it.

Robin: Did you find anything?

(Y/N): There is more than one way to achieve demonic powers for yourself.


In a dark hallway, a hooded figure walked, whistling to themself.

They reached a rather large doorway and pulled it open, revealing a pentagram on the ground.

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