Ascend The Multiverse|多元宇宙を昇る...

By damnityoufool

10.5K 466 2.1K

"So I got isekai'd into a new universe again." The reality of the situation seems to sink in after mouthing t... More

Two| 二
Three| 三
Four| 四
Five| 五
Six| 六
Seven| 七
Eight| 八
Nine| 九
Ten| 十
Eleven| 十一
Twelve| 十二
Thirteen| 十三
500+ Reads Special
Fourteen| 十四
Fifteen| 十五
Seventeen| 十七
Seventeen point five|17.5
Nineteen| 十九
Q&A Time? Yes indeed. {CLOSED}
Twenty| 二十
Twenty One| 二十一
Twenty Two| 二十二
Twenty Four| 二十四
Twenty Five| 二十五
Twenty Six| 二十六
Twenty Seven| 二十七
Twenty Eight| 二十八
Twenty Nine| 二十九
ATM One Year Anniversary

Twenty Three|二十三

160 9 74
By damnityoufool

Where you celebrate your 10th year anniversary in Demon Slayer

A/N: Hello my lovelies. Its been a while. Now that Tanjiro has gotten some unexpected assistance, watch him speed run and get stronger. English is in Italics.


"I have returned."

Kokushibou had just arrived back at the house you shared with him. You wouldn't consider it a home but it was quite comfortable and warm especially during the cold nights in the hill. The sun was about to rise in a few hours and he was returning from training Tanjiro during the night as you all agreed.

Kokushibou was to train him at night for six hours while you were to train him at day time for six hours; leaving him with 12 hours to eat, bathe, train on his own and sleep. This would happen for five days in a week, the last one being an assessment from both human and demon. Tanjiro would have two days to himself to rest up before starting another week with the same routine.

It had been three weeks since you began the training and Tanjiro was doing quite well. As much as you admired him for being a kind soul, you were not being lenient when in training. Your main focus was speed, flexibility and reflexes while your companion's was strength and fighting techniques since this involved breathing styles.

As much as you wanted to teach him other fighting styles, you realised that it would only confuse the poor guy who had not even mastered water breathing and total concentration breathing. Not to mention you had no breathing style of your own, solely depending on your abilities and the fact you were from a different universe.

When you were training Tanjiro, Kokushibou would be left in the house to do his thing. Mostly meditating or sleeping to regain energy from the lack of eating human flesh. At night, you would rest while Kokushibou did his part or join in to watch them if you felt like it.

However, you had not showed up that night since you had gone to Germany to get information about the treaty after the war ended a few months ago. Since Germany was considered as the victor after France requested the armistice, they were to set the terms of the agreement.

The process was yet to be finalised but from what you knew so far, France and Britain was going to have it rough. You had no idea if Japan would be involved. If it was, you could only hope it would not affect the plot.

That personal investigation took you the whole night since you had to sneak into government buildings and avoid guards in order to eavesdrop on the discussions. By the time you teleported back to Japan and began to rest, Kokushibou showed up to your dismay.

"Welcome back." You responded from your room. You walked to the living room while tying your hair into a ponytail and found him there with his usual stoicism.

'Do I tell him that I haven't slept at all? Nah, I still have to make food for Tanjiro, Kokushibou and myself. Plus, I need Tanjiro to finish training as soon as possible so as to go to the Final Selection this year.' You thought to yourself. Unfortunately for you, the demon was a keen observer.

"I can tell have not slept."

"Of course you have." I let out a yawn while covering my mouth with the back of my hand. "I was checking on the treaty that is to be signed soon. No information about Japan thus far."

He hummed at the update, scanning your exhausted figure. He knew your sleeping schedule was already screwed over since the moment he came into the picture. Especially during the war when they fought at night. If you were forcing yourself not to rest in order to oversee the training of his brother's successor, then it must be very important.

"Are you will be able to stay train the boy?"

"We have slept in places where grenades could be heard throughout the night. I can handle this easily." You grinned, raising a thumbs up. He did not respond. Maybe it was the fact you were partners for over six years that made you see the trust beneath his expressionless face. The demon hummed then went to his room, most likely to relax a bit.

Going to the kitchen, you started to prepare some food. During the war, you normally bought and/or stole food from different countries to eat with Kokushibou. Now that you were in Japan and training the burgundy haired male, you made the effort to buy ingredients and prepare meals. The meal for the day was rice, miso soup and grilled fish.

Minutes pass and the aroma of the food filled the entire house, a clear sign the food was ready to be consumed.

"Food's ready!" You called out loud to the demon. To your surprise, he was already sitting at the table cross-legged. "That was fast." Placing the food on the table with a chuckle, you join him. Sitting with your legs on one side, you give a word of thanks and begin to eat.

The atmosphere was quite peaceful. The breakfast was quite nice and you hoped he enjoyed it despite gaining no nutritional value in human food. That reminded you of something.

"Have you drank your blood for the day?"

He was silent before removing a blood bag from his kimono sleeve, placing it next to his bowl. "I will drink part of my breakfast."

Nodding, you went back to eating. He opened the blood bag and began sipping on it while eating the rice, which would disgust you but time made it seem normal. Yet, it was odd enough to make you stare him as he ate. That intrigue made him feel a bit flustered but he did not show it.

You went inside the kitchen to pack breakfast for Tanjiro once you finished eating. Since he usually woke up early to train, you doubted he would find time to prepare breakfast. Unless he waited for Urokodaki but you told him specifically not to let him know about having secret trainers yet.

Just as you were done packing the food, you turn on your heel and get a mild heart attack from Kokushibou, who was standing behind you silently for God knows how long. That was the downside of having a quiet companion; he moved silently which startled you many times. At least the stage of instinctively stabbing him had passed.

"What the...will you ever stop doing that?" You frowned, glad you didn't drop the packed meal.

He had the empty bowls in his hands to show he finished eating. His face was stoic but his eyes were glinting with mischief.

"My apologies...did i startle you?" The tone of his voice proved that he knew what he was doing. An irk mark formed at your cheek as you sidestepped him and walked towards the door. You were already dressed up in a loose kimono meaning you could leave.

"Very funny, six eyes. No head pats for a week." Your lips curled up when his eyes widened.

"Wait–" You closed the door quickly before he could protest. Since the sun had risen, he could not follow you outside.

Making sure it was secure and no rays of sunshine were leaking through the door and barred windows, you opened a portal and go through it. You landed on the boulder and sat on it, waiting for Tanjiro to show up.

In the meantime, you took a moment to observe the surroundings. Snow had already began to melt, signifying the end of winter before your favourite season would start. Spring always felt like a lively time to be alive. The flowers would bloom, the greenery would grow and animals could roam once again.

However this time you were saddened. By the end of March it would officially be ten years since you got sent to Demon Slayer with no proper explanation of why or who could have done it. That would mean ten years away from the Countryhumans universe. Granted, it wasn't exactly ten years chronologically since you time travelled a couple of times but it did not change much.

'Ten years...I'm sure the countries were a little concerned with my disappearance. Maybe some of them still are right now.' You hummed in deep thought.

(A/N: MC does not know that one month in Demon Slayer is one week in Countryhumans, meaning she has actually been gone for two and a half years.)

'I wonder how Britain and the rest are doing. He was the last person I talked to before I had that nap. Did he try to look for me? Did any country really try to search for me?' You scoff at the hopeful thought, feeling melancholic. 'Still, I really miss seeing them.'

Taking out your phone from the pants underneath the kimono, you open the gallery. There were plenty of locked albums but your eyes were sharply fixed on a specific one: 'Fun Times with CH'. Unlocking it, there were hundreds of pictures of your experiences with the countryhumans across history. Some were taken without their knowledge, others had them posing for the camera, a couple had you in the picture with them.

Brown eyes narrowed as they focused intently on the last picture taken before your sudden isekai a month after. It was a picture of you and some Latin American countries who had a Saturday night to party.

Venezuela had an arm lazily hung over your shoulder in the foreground. In the background on the top right, Argentina and Brazil were passing a football to each other. In the top left, Chile was wearing a cowboy outfit complete with a skirt doing the peace sign. Speaking of signs, Uruguay was at the centre far back with an exasperated frown while Peru and Paraguay were grinning and holding pointed signs with the words 'U r gay' haphazardly written and held above the poor country's head. Colombia and Trinidad had long passed out on the floor from the alcohol.

It was a fun party, until you suddenly got a headache and decided to leave while the party was getting hotter. Though you couldn't remember what caused it.

'I just hope that things will be at least stable by the time I return. That depends on Tanjiro killing Muzan and end the universe's plot.'

Right on cue, Tanjiro appeared and was walking towards the boulder and you. His face was set with determination to begin a new day of training. Immediately, you shove the device deep in your pocket.

"Good morning, Tanjiro." You greeted with a wave.

He bowed respectfully while greeting back. After the niceties were exchanged, you got to work. Sliding off the boulder, you stood before the young man.

"Let's do some stretches first. Do 200 star jumps. Go."

Already used to this, Tanjiro began to jump. His hands would occasionally clap together when stretched over his head before falling down to match the closing of the legs at each complete jump. His long hair, tied in a ponytail, would bounce every time. If one could blur their eyes a bit, they would think it was Yoriichi.

'Only that Yoriichi is hotter. Sorry Tanjiro.' You thought with a hidden smirk, lacking shame in simping for a dead man and your companion's brother.

Meanwhile, Tanjiro was counting after every jump. He had gotten faster compared to the first week of training. It had been only three minutes and he was almost done.

"One hundred and ninety hundred and ninety hundred and ninety nine...two hundred!" He stopped, stretching his hands a bit. He didn't pant as much after the exercise, showing that his breathing was getting better.

"Jog on the spot." At the immediate command, he began jogging. You couldn't help but let out a small yawn before adjusting your light blue kimono to be a little loose. The pants worn underneath was perfect for efficiency and flexibility.

"Alright, now repeat after me." You placed your hands on your waist and bent backwards, looking up at the cloudy morning sky. He copied your movements, bones popping at the tension which was good.

You maintained that position before bending forwards, now looking down at the space between your feet. Tanjiro promptly followed with a grunt.

The warmup went on for another 45 minutes before you called for a break. Leaning on the boulder, you looked at Tanjiro who looked a bit concerned by your exhausted posture.

"Is everything alright, [Fake F/N]?"

"Me? Nah, I'm fine. Just a bit exhausted. I haven't slept for a while."

He didn't look too convinced but let the topic drop. He moved to the side of the boulder which had your sword stuck inside. Gripping its handle hesitantly, he tried to pull it out. It did not budge, which disappointed him. You understood that it would take a while for the progress to bear fruits hence was unbothered.

"How is it stuck so deeply?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I didn't even throw it that hard."

Tanjiro simply looked at you in awe. '[Fake Name] is stronger than she looks.'

"Thank you. I get that a lot."

The burgundy haired male slightly jumped at your response. 'Was I speaking out loud?'

"Yes you are." A humorous grin formed on your lips.

Flustered, he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

"W-we should go back to training." Moving fast, he began to run into the forest to begin his daily running laps. Chuckling, you follow him.


More days passed. It was officially spring and Tanjiro had made significant improvement. Of course he would; the young man was being trained by the second most powerful demon in existence and his foreign human companion.

Because of this, he could now do Total Concentration Breathing with ease but not for a long period of time. Still, when it came to pulling off her sword from the boulder, he was unsuccessful.

The brown skinned woman was...strange to say the least. Unlike the Uppermoon, she was a more reasonable trainer. While she made him train to the max, how she treated him after made her more favourable compared to her demon companion. She was more lively and focused a lot on his health. The female somehow knew that he was skipping meals in order to train and she was visibly upset.

Every day, she would bring him a lot of homemade food for breakfast and lunch and would know if he tried to skip supper. After lunch, she would leave to do her own affairs while he trained on his own and awaited the Uppermoon to appear for his night training.

He found it quite fascinating that she was fluent in Japanese and could cook pretty well. In his isolated home village, he had never heard of people with darker skin. It was innocent intrigue, which did not offend the [H/C] female but she had to teach him some things.

Tanjiro was eating the food she had brought, savouring every bite. Though he was a bit on edge when he eyed the wooden box right opposite him. She was eating without care next to mentioned box, not bothered by the aura oozing from the demon within it. No matter how long he would be near the Uppermoon, nothing could shake away the imposing air that hang around him.

"So [Fake Name], I've never really known much about you. How long have been away from your country? Your Japanese is really good for a foreigner." He complimented. Had his eye been looking up from his food, he could have seen the slight twitch in her eye.

She knew the boy meant no harm, but she felt a bit disgruntled to be reminded the many times people told her 'Your Japanese is good' when she had spoken it years before she got her abilities. It was the kanjis that she had to keep on reminding herself. Was it the fact that she was a foreigner that people could not believe she could learn a language?

"Ten years." The response earned quite a positive reaction from him. Tanjiro had never really asked much about her and where she came from before.

"Wow, really?! Are there people like you back in your home country?"

"Yep. Millions of us even" She said with a proud undertone in her voice.

"How far is your country? As far as Hokkaido, right?" He tilted his head, mentioning the farthest Japan province in the north. The female shook her head, prompting him to try again with the southern most province. "Okinawa then?" She shook her head again and he pouted.

"Eh? How far is your home [Fake Name]?" He stopped when her eyes became a bit sad and nostalgic.

"My home is far from here...across the lands and over the seas." She moved a hand across the air, looking at the warm afternoon sky. Peering between her index and middle fingers, she could see the sun which seemed like a small ball from afar.

"And I can dare say we're worlds apart." The words left her lips, melancholy setting in her facial features.

Kokushibou was listening to the conversation the entire time, noting the shift in her tone. To him, his companion was reminiscing about her time in the future she came from. While he was aware that she got sent to the past beyond her control, the demon couldn't help but wish she would stay a while longer. Maybe that was why he rarely asked about the future; it would remind him that she was not of his time and talks about it would probably hasten the chances of her returning.

He could not bear to imagine being alone again.

As for Tanjiro, his food was forgotten as he gazed upon her sun kissed skin which glowed even brighter. Her dark brown eyes withholding secrets left to behold focused on the delicious food on the ground, which she prepared with her rough, experienced hands. Hands that he imagined holding his own...

Tanjiro's thoughts went mush, heat gathering under his collar. Was he developing a crush on his trainer and friend? No, that could not be. Sure she was nice, caring, cooked good food, was the first woman outside his family that he formed a casual bond with; she also looked beau--No!

Meanwhile, the Kenyan was thinking to herself. 'I hope those bitches back in Countryhumans haven't forgotten about me. If they dare to, I'll haunt them in their sleep.'

"Oh, one more thing [Fake Name]." Tanjiro asked, placing the empty box of food aside. She hummed for him to continue. "How old are you?"

To his surprise, she started counting with her fingers. Even the small demon in the box was curious to know her real age since the female appeared younger that she actually was.

'If I can remember correctly, I have time travelled this number of times and stayed this amount of months in total.' She began to draw on the ground, deep in thought. 'I have not stayed a full year without time travelling since that's impossible. Plus I think I joined this universe when i was 27...' Her calculations finally came to an approximate.

"Thirty two." Both men were shocked for completely different reasons. "Or is it thirty three...I don't know." The nonchalance in her shrug did not help her case.

'She was twenty two when we met years years ago and she was already that powerful?' The Uppermoon One felt a brief surge of envy before letting it simmer down. It would not make sense to be jealous when she accepted him as a companion with the promise of making him stronger. Hell, she agreed on helping him break the Kibutsuji curse that would allow him to be free and stronger without limits.

Tanjiro on the other hand was quite disheartened. She was over ten years older than him. But she didn't look to be in her thirties. Though it was still odd. Would she think it was odd? Foreigners obviously did things different overseas.

'Why am I even thinking too much about this? She is my trainer and having such feelings might be inappropriate. Stop it Tanjiro.'

His attention got grabbed when she stood, having packed up the empty boxes of food. Dusting off her kimono, she picked up the box and placed in on her back. That was a sign she was done for the day and he had the next couple of hours free before the Uppermoon showed up for the night training.

"Alright Tanjiro. I will see you tomorrow, alright?"

"Of course." He scrambled to his feet and bowed in respect. "Have a good afternoon."

With a wave, she walked away into the forest. Once the imposing air around the box faded away, the black-and-green checkered haori wearer let out a sigh. Turning on his heel, he picked up his katana and walked to the waterfall. He had to train his lung capacity before the slightly dreaded training with the less friendly trainer.

Back with [Name] and Kokushibou, they arrived at their house and she did not settle like he expected. She was carrying her sling bag which only happened on special occasions.

"Are you going Europe concerning the...war treaty?"

"No. I'm going somewhere else within Japan."

"I would like to...accompany you."

"No!" Her sudden outburst puzzled him but he did not show it on his face. "I's a private affair. I hope you understand."

He nodded and went to his room, his hand hidden beside him tightened into a fist. The human turned to open a portal and walked through, appearing in a forested area. The trees and bushes had overgrown but the mood was somewhat peaceful. Walking around, you picked up some flowers and twigs to tie them together into four different bunches.

A few minutes pass and you arrived next to a familiar opening in the forest with the stream which had gotten larger to become a small river. Thankfully, the four mounds of dirt had remained untouched. Weeds and small plants had grown over them to give them the illusion of soft beds made from nature.

What a paradox it is that the mounds were the final resting place of an entire family.

Kneeling in front of them, she placed the bunch of flowers while mentioning their names. "Hajime Tanaka. Sayako Tanaka. Fuyuko Tanaka. Masami Tanaka." Sitting on her legs, [Name] watched the graves silently.

Since it had officially reached ten years since her appearance in Demon Slayer, she felt the need of visiting the family that took her in the first couple of months. She felt remorseful for the terrible fate the family suffered, the father and daughter becoming demons with the latter killing her mothers. There was no guilt for killing the demons, but the fact Hajime and Masami never met each other until death was too cruel.

"May you all rest easy." She uttered a prayer and sat there in the forest, listening to the calm splashing of water as it flowed through the trees. A soft breeze blows through her long locks of hair which she let loose for once from the hairband's restraints.

When she opened her eyes, she came face to face with a pair of pale eyes.

Gasping, she pushed herself back and dug a hand inside her sling bag to pull out a shotgun. Looking up with weapon in hand, she saw no one. Her skin had goosebumps as she felt that same familiar aura from the night she woke up in the different universe and the time she met and fought Kokushibou.

'What the...who the hell was that?! I couldn't tell the colour of the eyes.' The dark-skinned woman had a guarded expression, instinctively backing up against the four graves so it looked like she was protecting them.

"Show yourself!" Her demand went unanswered, a breeze passing through her hair but it was not as calming as before. The shotgun gripped in her hands was held tighter to her chest as she waited. And waited. And waited. Ten whole minutes pass with no sign of the mysterious pair of eyes.

Eventually, [Name] relaxed and returned the weapon in her portable pocket dimension within her slingbag.

The female warily left after bidding the deceased goodbye with the promise of returning again. Behind the female, a ghostly aura watched with an ecstatic yet disbelieving smile.

'Dιԃ ʂԋҽ ʝυʂƚ ʂҽҽ ɱҽ?'



ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Demon Slayer/(鬼滅の刃)Kimetsu no Yaiba

ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ: Countryhumans

ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ ɪɴғᴏ: A popular anime and manga series which follows the story of Kamado Tanjirou and his friends in a world where man-eating demons exist. His main goal is to turn his sister back into a human and kill the demon progenitor, Kibutsuji Muzan

ʏᴇᴀʀ: 1919

ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛs: The Polish-Soviet War continues, Poles have the advantage(Mar 7); Plans for the end-war treaty are underway and overseen by the German Imperial government(Mar 15); Bavaria proclaims itself a Soviet republic(Apr 6)...more

ᴘʟᴏᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ: Kamado Tanjiro shows quick improvement from being trained. Kamado Nezuko is showing signs of waking up. Kibutsuji Muzan is waiting for Kokushibou to be found or for him to return to the Infinity Castle. Demon Slayers must receive the anti-flu drug if they are to keep doing their job.

ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Japan




Taishō Secrets

※Tanjiro has developed a slight puppy crush on [Name]
※Tanjiro has not properly mourned his family's death but hides behind a kind smile
※Kokushibou felt a bit hurt from being shut down harshly but respects [Name]'s privacy
※The dead countryhumans also feel nostalgic of their universe
※The person following [Name] is happy that she caught a glimpse of them
※Urokodaki is suspicious of Tanjiro's sudden shift in schedule
※The ghosts of Sayako and Fuyuko in the afterlife were pleased by [Name]'s visit, happy they were not forgotten
※Kokushibou was moody the entire time he got the 'no headpat' punishment
※[Name]'s struggle with counting her age will be shown and explained later
※Kokushibou is still unaware of Nezuko's existence as a demon


Ohoho~ Is that a crush I see? Since Tanjiro has been isolated from the outside world, it would make sense to find the first woman he's interacted with attractive. It's just an innocent crush. Nothing more, I promise.

...for now at least.

​​Fuyuko and Sayako are in heaven. Masami and Hajime were demons so they are currently in their special afterlife, hell. The Tanaka family will never be truly united again.

Thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed as much as I did writing.

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