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She was careful He was careless she was uptight him, the opposite she was serious he was playful like fire an... More



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         When they finally arrived in Houston it was around eight in the morning. Jey had woken up Leanne and the rest of the guys letting them know they reached.

No one really held conversation as they were all tired and Jimmy was stretching out a stiff neck he'd gotten when sleeping in the car.

Leanne left them as they sorted out their rooms, getting one of her own. When she got to her room she took off her shoes, striped down to her bra and underwear and threw herself on the bed.

The sleep she had gotten in the car was minimal and uncomfortable making the bed she was on feel like a thousand marshmallows.

She sat up remembering to message Jesse and Stacy to let them know she was in Houston and that she had gotten a ride there not specifying who she rode with.

Being on delivered she leaned over the night stand to plug it in to charge when she got another message.


Got to your room ok?

Leanne smiles finding it adorable that Jey always checked up on her. She knew he was tired having been up the whole 15 hours and he still made time to see if she was OK.

Yeah I'm ok. Are you guys good on ur end? 8:37AM

Yep, tired but it's ite

Get some sleep Jey

Yes ma'am

Good I'll see you ltr tonite

You will?👀

Yes Jey we still work tgt

I'm gonna go now

You ok?

Yeah just tired
and like you said I needa
get some rest

Hmm alr bye Jey
Sleep well

You too

        Jey sighs throwing his phone on the nightstand. He didn't mean to get dry in text but part of him wished she had said she wanted to see him and it wasn't all about work.

He knew the type of girl she was yes, but that didn't stop him from hoping. Rolling over the bed he forced the feeling out his chest and quickly fell asleep.

         Leanne woke up to her phone ringing, disoriented and now annoyed she rolled over stretching her hand to her phone on the nightstand.

Not looking at the caller ID she answers it, "speak." In a rough tone she barks, her eyes dropping asleep once more.

"I guess you didn't check who called you then." Hunters voice rang in her ear.

Immediately she snaps up, all the sleep draining he body, "Hunter, I am so sorry, I didn't-"

As she rambles hunter laughs over the line, "it's alright Leanne I just called to tell you to meet me downstairs in 15 minutes, by the coffee house."

Curious, her eye brows furrows in wonder, "Can I ask what for?"

"Just to go over some stuff for your schedule as champ and other stuff." He answers.

"Alright, I'll be there in a bit." Leanne replies.

"Take your time." With that the fall was ended and Leanne shot off her bed.

With a quick shower and light touch of makeup, she threw on a pair of jeans and white top with some converse shoes.

It wasn't something she'd wear to go to a meeting often but it was short notice so it'll have to do.

By the time she got downstairs Hunter had already ordered coffee and was sitting by one of the tables.

"Hey Hunter, sorry again for how I answered, I was asleep but I should've checked." She apologies to her boss who only gives her a warm smile.

"Its alright, I heard you had a long night." Hunter inquires.

"It was a fifteen hour drive so yeah." she answers.

Hunter slid a coffee cup towards her, letting her know it was hers. "Flat tire in the middle the stretch to Houston." He raises an eyebrow.

"How did you?-" She mutters not knowing how he found out.

"A couple of superstars were talking about it, and the tracker on your car has been there for hours still." Hunter responds.

"Oh, well ok- wait your track our cars?" Leanne questions relizing what he had said.

"We gotta make sure you guys get the next city right?" Was his explanation for it.

"So tell me, how'd it all go down?" Hunter asks her.

"Well, I got the flat, turns out there was no spare tire, even if it did I have no idea how to put on a tire, but I called Jey and he helped me." She replies taking a sip out her coffee.

"Jey has your number?" Hunter raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, its for ideas we get along the way about this storyline you have us in, thanks for that by the way." She says sarcastically.

"Your welcome, the fans love it, ratings are up when you two share the screen." Hunter answers.

"Speaking of Jey, is everything OK with you, this whole thing?" He follows up asking. 

"Yeah, I guess, why?" Leanne was confused as to why he'd even ask something like that.

"I know Jey can be a little unhinged sometimes, and since your told him off in catering and is now working with him I figured I should ask if you wanna kill him by now." Hunter explains jokingly.

Letting out a light laugh, Leanne shook her head, "I don't I need to kill him. I could handle Jey, trust me. And as for what happened, I was just pissed he interrupted everything now, its fine." She assures him.

Nodding at her words Hunter looks at her still skeptical, "if you say so Leanne."

"Why are you so suspicious? You're the one who decided to put us in a storyline you know." Leanne questions.

"I know but I feel like it's something deeper than just a storyline for you guys." He answers.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Leanne raises an eyebrow.

"Leanne I've known you, your entire career, mentored you brought you up per my request I know how you are. And all of a sudden, reserved, antisocial, ok with her small group is bestfriends with Jey Uso." He says.

"And what are you suggesting?" She asks him seriously.

"I think you like him in more than a working relationship kind if way," Hunter says.

"What- like him? What are you talking about? I don't like him, especially not like that." Leanne says taken aback by the fact that Hunter of all people would come to her talking about this.

"Really, then explain this." Sliding his phone over, Leanne looks at him confused as to what he was talking about.

Looking down at the screen her eyes widened in surprise and horror. On the screen a was picture of Leanne and Jey inside In and Out.

"There's more. Swipe." Hunter tells her.

The first picture was of the too of them now sitting in the booth.

The second of them eating.

The third of them talking and laughing.

And forth of Leanne over the table, with their faces inched apart of eachother.

"Care to explain that." Hunter remarks.

"It is not what it looks like, trust me." She shook her head slowly. "I don't even know how, or when-"

"It doesn't matter when, now the whole world thinks you two are dating." Hunter tells her.

"Well can't we just ignore it, like, some wrestlers career, ignore it?" She asks basically pleading.

"You two are already in a storyline and this has gone viral." He replies, the info also letting her know that ignoring it wasn't even in the works.

"So what now?" She sighs.

"We're gonna work our way up, you two are gonna be partners for the feud but becuase of this, you're gonna basically be together for everything." He tells her.

"What do you mean everything?" She asks.

"Press tours, interviews, traveling, to keep up with kayfabe and make this seem as part of the story, we're gonna need you too be act like a couple." Hunter tells her.

"Woah- what! A couple?!" She looks at him in disbelief.

"You don't have to kiss on TV or anything but when we pair you guys up onscreen, you just have to go around together." He answers.

"Are you sure we can't just ignore it?" She groans.

"You two are the hottest things on raw right now. The fans love you and with this they're expecting so much more from you two." Hunter says making Leanne sigh and drop her head on the table.

"Like i said, you won't have to kiss him but just act close together, can you do that?"

Sighing heavily, the champion was conflicted, she didn't want to be apart of any relationship but this made her have to be in one.

"Fine, but we're keeping the dynamic we already have on TV and I'm not being some love sick puppy, ok." She demands.

"Done. Now I just gotta let Uso know and we'll be good." Hunter says.

"Is that why you asked if I could handle Jey?" She asks.

With a smile on his face he nods holding back a laugh.

Snorting she took another sip of her coffee. "Thanks for putting me in this wormhole Hunter." She jokes bitterly.

"Don't rip on me, who knows maybe it's a blessing in disguise." He replies, the smile on his face making Leanne confused, it was like he was suggesting something but she never questioned it.

As they parted ways, Leanne went over the whole meeting in her head ending at the last bit. Dwelling in Hunter's words.

She heard what he said and knew what he meant. Maybe the story would lead to something bigger for Leanne.

Or maybe Hunter was referring to something else.

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