Between two Worlds

By BobRyan874

203 37 100

First contact didn't happen as the science-fiction books and movies predicted. There was not a single species... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 23

4 1 0
By BobRyan874

I was looking up at the night sky, just to take a break from the world. It'd been too long since I focused only on God. Those aliens did have a way of taking my focus off Him.

The stars seemed brighter than they should be. And strangely, too many. It was like they were all too close. But that couldn't be right. It had to be my imagination.

They weren't twinkling. I wasn't an astronomer, but even I knew stars twinkled. Why weren't they twinkling.

In the distance, they started to fall to Earth in a fiery display.

They weren't stars. They were ships. Earth was being invaded.

Thunder filled my ears, while the ships above fell towards me. My heart pounded and screamed. But couldn't hear my voice over the fury.

I woke with a sweat and pounding heart, just before they hit. It was a nightmare that wouldn't leave.

Was that a vision of what was going to happen? Did I invite those events that were coming? What did I do?

I was way over my head. I never should've agreed to do anything beyond construction. Anything else, God related, was best left to others.

My prayers for God to release me from His chosen path were happening, before I hit the ground. I wasn't strong enough to bear witness to what I believed was coming if I made a mistake.

The adversary assaulted me, in my sleep, to make it easier. Had I not been in the habit of praying upon waking, it might've worked. No one ever accused the adversary of lacking cleverness.

Praying for God to release me, didn't come with a response I was hoping. There was no surety quitting was the right thing. Quite the opposite.

I got a sense God chose me and wouldn't let me off quite so easily. He knew me better than I did. Who was I to question Him.

The fear slowly washed away, and new certainty came in. I wasn't the only advisor. Whatever happened wouldn't come as a result of my word, alone. Secretary Woodall had other people he listened to, more than me.

The weight of my role wasn't as great as I feared. All I could do was tell him what God prompted me to say, when he called. It was nothing more than that.

I ended my prayer, and heard my secure phone ring.

I yawned and practically stumbled to it. By the time I reached it, my yawn was finished.

"Hello, Secretary Woodall."

There was a bit of a delay, which was unusual, given our short history of calls. But knew he was there, and it wasn't an accidental dial. At least, I didn't think so.

"We've been going over everything they sent that has anything to do with Jorinthia, Mr. Ryan. There's not much there. What is, shows different actions that happened. Are you sure about that planet being the key?"

Without something new from God telling me different, I knew it was the truth.

"It is, Mr. Secretary."

"I'll have them keep searching. For now, I won't bring it up to either of the ambassadors."

The call was ended, with no sense a delay would result in anything negative happening to Earth. My mentioning of Jorinthia put everything in motion, which was what God wanted, so far. If He wants me to say more, He'll prompt me.

I just realized where the nightmare came from. Thank God it wasn't a sign from Him. All it did was strengthen my resolve. The adversary wasn't going to win. Not with God watching over me.

I always knew God watched out for me, but that was the first time I felt more closely watched. It was humbling to know God was guiding me.

Not just me, but Earth and the aliens. God brought the three species together, for a reason. I didn't need to understand why, any more than the importance of that mysterious planet, Jorinthia. It was enough to know it was important to them.

A weight I didn't know I had started to lift from my shoulders. Was that weight from myself, the adversary of God, or some combination? Not that it mattered, since God took it away, regardless of the origin.

I prayed, many times over the years, to know the source, without answer. Just because God hasn't answered, doesn't mean I won't figure it out. I have been leaning towards myself, since that ancient enemy needs something to grip.

With the weight gone, I knew where the nightmare originated. And thanked God for strengthening me against the attack.

A question came, not from doubt or fear, but from wonder. Was I the only one to be given that message about Jorinthia? Or were others on Earth, and space given the same.

It made no difference to me. Whatever the plan, I could handle it. God wouldn't put me in that position, without me being capable.

I allowed myself to fall deep in prayer. So deep, I didn't realize my friends, including Ari, joined in. I must have been in such a deep state that I answered the door to invite them in with no memory of it happening. And just the vaguest sense I walked them out.

The only reason I knew it was real was I could hear them praying.

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